Should I be annoyed?



  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I remember vaguely that this happened with my mom and dad.

    If dad didn't eat it, mom would stick that same sandwich in his lunch the next day, and the next and the next.

    Dad wised up that if he wasn't going to eat the sandwich he should just toss it and not bring it home!!!

    Eventually, my dad started making his own lunches and the problem was solved.
  • erinrose07
    I'd put it in the fridge and keep giving him the same sandwich every day till he eats it or it goes bad, lol. Some guys just don't eat much at don't sweat it and literally just refrigerate it for tomorrow and save urself the time
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'd stop making his lunch. I know you're already annoyed and looking for validation from us, but I think a) he didn't ask you to make his lunch, you just thought it would be nice to do it for him, b) you're pissed because his not eating the sandwich signifies to you that he does not appreciate what you're doing, and c) people get sick of the same things every single day.

    Your husband is a grown man. Throwing lunch together in the morning is not stressful or time consuming. And he doesn't even have to empty his own lunch bag afterward. Must be nice. If you want less stress, take on less responsibility for things.


    my husband is lucky that i even cook for him sometimes, haha!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    mine works 12hr shifts and I can wake up 5am to cook him dinner for work and he'll leave it! Som men are so picky! But he wont bother to make his own so if I dont make it then he goes hungry lol
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    switch it up and make wraps :) or throw some bbq pork, meatballs, stuff like that in a thermos and wrap the roll seperate :)
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I've had the same problem with my hubby for awhile. He's a mechanic and would often get talked into going out to lunch with the other guys in the shop and just ignore the lunch I packed or "eat both" (meaning, toss it I'm sure). Eventually all this caught up to him and he gained about 20lbs. We're on MFP together now. He did admit that he got tired of sandwiches so now I make a bit extra the night before and take left overs or I do a filling soup with a half sandwich or a salad packed with chicken, lettuce, veggies. Hope this helps!
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    He says just what everyone said.....I am tired of eating sandwiches! Because he works outside sandwiches really are his only choice! So when there is a subshop etc..close by him and the guys usally eat out!

    We have talked about it and I tell him how I feel and he tells me how much he does appreciate it then I start to feeling silly thinking really it is only sandwich why I am so irked, there much bigger problems in the world than an uneaten sandwich.

    You all are right!! Thanks for the helpful insight!

    Would he use a thermos? That opens up a lot of possibilities for you both.

    Yes in the winter time we have more choices. Like your husband acts of service is his love languages also. In the summer time he says it is too hot and I understand that as well. I ask him every Sunday what kind of lunch meat do you want, etc...
    I get I duno or sometimes he will say we do talk about it and try new things. Really it is such a small matter for a man that works so hard to give me anything and everything I want! I know I will never have to worry about our bills or if something should happen so making his sandwich is the least I can do! So glad some women understand!!!! Thanks
  • ❤B☩❤
    I always make my hubby's lunch. I always pack 2 healthy sandwiches, and always put a cold pack in his lunchbox. There are times that he doesn't take the time to eat. AND there are also times that he would stop into an account and they owner will offer him a couple of slices of pizza. AND there are also times when a Whoopie Pie suits his 'needs' better than turkey and cheese!! LOL

    If the sandwiches are still cold when he gets home, he takes them the next day. I'm lucky that he is so easy! This is why I also get up every morning and make him a good, healthy breakfast (plus he works like a madman to provide for us!). So I know he is appreciative. BUT I would get upset if he threw the sandwich away and made me think he ate it.

    I would ask him why he didn't get around to eating the sandwich. It could be the opening to "How was your day?".
  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    My husband used to go out to eat and bring his lunch home. I suggested that he pass it on to someone else...some guys would appreciate it. After a heated argument one evening over my lousy cooking I very carefully snipped a sandwich size pice of his tighty whities and placed them on some nice rye bread with just the right amount of mayo and mustard. That was the day he shared.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I think it's sweet that you make his lunch, and if he appreciates it, then you should keep doing it. Just discuss with him why he's not eating what you fix - whether it's that he went out with the guys, or it didn't look appetizing that day, or whatever.

    Also, it depends on why you're - not upset, exactly, but less than happy about it - is it because you feel he's rejecting your effort, or is it because you feel he's wasting food (there was a time that would have bothered me more than anything else, as we couldn't really afford to waste food). Perhaps all you need is a short discussion to avoid any hurt feelings.

    My hubby works nights, 12-hour shifts, and often gets called in on days off, too. I would love to make him his lunch from a 'I love you, and want to be a sweet wife' perspective, but.....I HATE making lunches. LOATHE it. It's worse than scrubbing toilets, for me, and I'm not even joking.

    So, he makes his own lunches. Doubles up, really, because he usually eats twice in a shift. Since I have to cook for me and the kids (and he often misses dinner with us anyway), I try to make enough for plenty of leftovers, which he really appreciates taking. Stir-fry, rice and beans, leftover pizza or casseroles take really well, and he will often supplement that with a sandwich, or a can of soup, or a frozen meal.

    And even still - he will often bring home some or all of what he's packed for himself! Sometimes food gets brought in for everyone, sometimes he just doesn't fee like eating what he packed, or occasionally his shift was so busy he simply didn't have time to eat. Now, if I had spent my time doing a chore I hate, to make him lunch, just because I love him - and he didn't eat it? I'd be pretty miffed too. But because he makes it himself (and doesn't particularly mind), it really doesn't bother me at all what he eats or doesn't.

    Family peace....ahhh, it's a wonderful thing. :-)
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    My husband used to go out to eat and bring his lunch home. I suggested that he pass it on to someone else...some guys would appreciate it. After a heated argument one evening over my lousy cooking I very carefully snipped a sandwich size pice of his tighty whities and placed them on some nice rye bread with just the right amount of mayo and mustard. That was the day he shared.

    OMG, you're too funny! I don't really fight with my husband like that, but what a way to 'win' an argument!
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you! Yeah I am lucky that he is honest about it and sometimes he will even make a joke of it to try and lighten my annoyance!

    I usually do save it for the next day also if I get it out of the box right away.

    When your man comes home from working out in either 100 or 40 degree weather and with pure exhaustion on his face, unpacking his cooler is the least I can do!

    Thanks you all for your post it has really given me great insight!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Its just a sandwich....
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    My husband used to go out to eat and bring his lunch home. I suggested that he pass it on to someone else...some guys would appreciate it. After a heated argument one evening over my lousy cooking I very carefully snipped a sandwich size pice of his tighty whities and placed them on some nice rye bread with just the right amount of mayo and mustard. That was the day he shared.

    LOL OMG Classic! Too funny!
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    Its just a sandwich....

    You are right! And I do live a rather easy life thanks to him!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm torn on this one. I never made my ex-husband lunch but I didn't like him. He didn't deserve it. I think it would be nice to be with someone that you liked enough to care if they ate. So be glad you like your hubby enough and don't worry about an uneaten sandwich. And this is really about liking him, of course you love him........part of me still loves my ex..........liking is a whole different story.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    He says just what everyone said.....I am tired of eating sandwiches! Because he works outside sandwiches really are his only choice! So when there is a subshop etc..close by him and the guys usally eat out!

    Umm... wait. He's tired of eating sandwiches so he goes out with the guys to the **subshop** nearby and gets a sandwich?? LOL
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You may find MHO offensive, but here it is:
    If your husband is over 12, its time he took responsibility for his own lunch.
    I stopped making lunches for my kids when they got old enough to do it themselves. It's time for him to grow up and make his own lunch.

    Whoa! SImmer down there.

    There's nothing wrong with her making lunch for him. It's not as if he threw the sandwich at her and told her off, he just failed to eat it. It's not an insult.

    If you want to know why he did/did not do something, just ask him.

    And yes I do think this is a molehill. Quit looking for mountains.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    If I were married, I'm not about to make a grown man his lunch for work. If you have to make him his lunch might as well dress him too.

    whoa there over-reaction!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    If I were married, I'm not about to make a grown man his lunch for work. If you have to make him his lunch might as well dress him too.
    LOL Wow! Glad that's not the line my husband and I work with each other, it sounds miserable.

    My husband and I try to do things to make the other happy all the time. I do all kinds of things to try to make his days better, and vice versa, according to each's time, talent and interest. If you do marry, I would recommend trying it that way, instead. :)