I don't understand! 1200 calories a day and gaining weight!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I eat tons of fruit and bread,i think my ticker speaks for itself

    Same here. Bagels pretty much daily for breakfast. Pasta, bread, and/or rice most days. I haven't been eating fruit as much as I did in the summer when everything was in season and better priced, but when I did, it didn't hurt me.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Holy smokes! It's really not that hard.. just log your damn food, get some excersize, and be mindful of the deficit. We ain't building rocket ships here..
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    It took you a year to lose 29 lbs! I am not saying it's impossible to lose weight after eating a daily banana but results will be impeded. Ok, I see gang up on the new guy....nice!

    No, it didn't. That was a good try, though.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Its sugar free vimto I have - basically I guess syrup which you add water to.... x

    BEWARE anything that says sugar-free! as the chemical reaction insulin surge it causes in your body is worse than the actual natual sugars would be!!!!

    BEWARE of anything this guy posts.

    Why the hate? It IS working for me! I eat tons and drink beer and have gone from 299 to 286 in a month without EVER being hungry! I was given the book 4 hour Body by my trainer at 24hr fitness and it works~! I agree with most advice given in addition to my own. Is this the type of community I can expect on MFP? if so I'll just crawl under my rock and keep my program in check. Sorry to have tried to help another struggling person.
    ps- there's nothing in fruit you can't get elsewhere without the sugars! and avacado is a great sub for bananas if you need potassium. I challenge you to disagree.

    I eat bananas and other carbs and sugars every day. I've surpassed my original goals already. Why substitute bananas? They're delicious and nutritious. Better yet - why avoid bananas but drink beer??

    Congrats on 13 lbs lost in a month. That is excellent. If your plan is working for you, then by all means stick to it. But the tried and true method of eating a balanced diet and exercising also works wonders, and is very sustainable for the rest of one's life.

    I think the main issue other posters had with your advice is that you're throwing out advice like "avoid white carbs and bananas" which have absolutely no merit when it comes to weight loss. Sure you can avoid those carbs and lose weight, but it is absolutely not a necessary thing to do.

    I passed my latest blood tests with flying colors by the way.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    bump... I just need something to read at work.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Holy smokes! It's really not that hard.. just log your damn food, get some excersize, and be mindful of the deficit. We ain't building rocket ships here..

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    A bunch of broscience for sure. Bananas are NOT the worst food to eat when on a diet. But beer i okay? lol xD

    I eat bananas, bread, and other fruit regularly. Try and tell me I am not seeing results.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'll just say it once: If what you were doing were working, then you wouldn't be asking for help. Buck up. Log your food according to what MFP set for you.
    People who "have it down" don't need advice on weight loss. You don't appear to have it down yet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^ Exactly!!
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    bump... I just need something to read at work.

    It is definitely getting interesting. Enjoy the read. :laugh:
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    I eat pancakes and check my ticker/profile... 20kg in 3 months! :bigsmile:
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    You guys are all so awesome!!!!!

    Your feedback is brilliant,

    I know my calorie consumption is 1200 each day without logging because Ive been calorie counting for so long I know what each food is worth - if you look back a few months you will see I was logging regularly.

    I really do hate water - but I will try to drink more.

    It seems definitely that getting out of starvation mode is a good idea! Which muppet did I hear it from then that 1200 calories is the best way to lose weight???

    Thanks x

    Instead of cordial try drinking water with a bit of lemon juice (or pieces of lemon) in it. It will help you gradually get used to water. Or if you really have to you could find a fake sugar based cordial. These though have been shown to actually increase your hunger though sometime after drinking them, plus artificial sugars have been linked to cancer. So i'd only use them if you need some kind of transition to eventually drinking straight water.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    really hard to tell what is going on with you.....only logged one day of food for the past handful of days (and therefore we can't see any exercise either).

    could be a multitude of reasons. maybe overestimating exercise cals? maybe underestimating the amount(s) of food you take in? may be the actual types of foods (although not likely)....maybe not eating enough to sustain?
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Stop eating fruit, carbs, sugar, fructose, fat, fiber, white foods, starches, green foods, artificial flavors, artificial coloring, artificial sweeteners, GMOs, brown foods, vegetables, red foods, protein, and labeled "fat free" or "all natural" and you'll be fine. Oh, and eggs. NEVER EAT EGGS!!!!
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    A bunch of broscience for sure.

    This^^ LOL!

    Why the hell not? I eat them all the time. They are a great source of protien.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    *looks at ticker*

    I eat at least one banana every single day....leave bananas alone!!

    Gosh there are so many RULES being thrown around in here - NEVER do this, DON'T eat that...good grief.

    OP: Live your life, eat healthy foods and shake your booty, you'll get there. If you don't like plain water then add things like cucumber and strawberries to it - yummo!!
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Ok... maybe I will up my calories to 1500 - just scared!

    I will also try and reduce my carb intake - but I just find all other food boring!

    My diary has been offline for the last few weeks, but I am definitely not underestimating my intake... if anything I am bigging it up!

    Thanks x
    well what happened to me is I have been stuck at the same weight for 10 months and I upped my calorie intake from 1200(working out 5 days a week) to 1600 (and work out about 3-4 times a week) and my weight finally dropped !!! I was scared to up my calories to but I'm back to losing weight slowly.. but surely lol
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I normally have two slices of wholewheat toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and then some meat with roast veg for tea or an omelette. I may have a couple of bananas too. I do normally get my 5 a day, and occasionally go for processed foods but usually not.

    Water - i cant stand it but am drinking 2 litres of cordial a day.


    stop stop stop stop the fruits and breads, eat nothing white (except cauliflower is ok)! Bananas are the worst thing you can eat if you are trying to lose weight. Fructose is sugar and bananas carry it heavy! eat more veggies and sub fat free wheat tortillas when you NEED bread. otherwise put your sandwich on a plate without bread. Never drink fruit juice. sleep 6-7 hours per day or less....drink water IMMEDIATELY after waking and eat a high protein breakfast within 30 minutes.

    then finally, take one day off (per week) and cheat like it's your job! eat whatever and however much you want all day!!

    Follow this for 2 weeks and thank me.

    No particular food is the problem (sheesh with the banana bashing! you need potassium!), a caloric surplus is the problem.

    There are plenty of us that enjoy lots of fruit, whole grain breads and pastas (and even some non-whole grain *gasp*), and never buy fat-free anything, and pay no attention to meal timing nor frequency - and we are successfully losing weight.

    Don't banish foods you love, just eat them in quanitites that fit into your caloric goal!

    I do recommend a few weeks of very strict logging and measuring of everything with a slightly higher calorie goal. Give that a few weeks and re-assess. Your body needs some time to adjust to the new plan - but be sure to measure and log everything!

  • Cathleenr
    I normally have two slices of wholewheat toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and then some meat with roast veg for tea or an omelette. I may have a couple of bananas too. I do normally get my 5 a day, and occasionally go for processed foods but usually not.

    Water - i cant stand it but am drinking 2 litres of cordial a day.


    stop stop stop stop the fruits and breads, eat nothing white (except cauliflower is ok)! Bananas are the worst thing you can eat if you are trying to lose weight. Fructose is sugar and bananas carry it heavy! eat more veggies and sub fat free wheat tortillas when you NEED bread. otherwise put your sandwich on a plate without bread. Never drink fruit juice. sleep 6-7 hours per day or less....drink water IMMEDIATELY after waking and eat a high protein breakfast within 30 minutes.

    then finally, take one day off (per week) and cheat like it's your job! eat whatever and however much you want all day!!

    Follow this for 2 weeks and thank me.


    ok anyway. even though you may have been counting calories for years, packaging and ingredients DO change and you need to read labels and enter your food. dunno the type of exercise you are doing, but if you don't have a strength program in place, start with that. and assess your cardio [program...is it steady-state exercise that you have been doing or are you increasing the intensity/distance/incline every 2 weeks or so?
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    A bunch of broscience for sure.

    This^^ LOL!

    Why the hell not? I eat them all the time. They are a great source of protien.

    Because they're egg shaped and everyone on the internet knows that egg shaped foods make egg shaped people. Duh.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Exercise, make healthy food choices, and eat something "bad" once in a while if you feel like it-just don't do it all the time. I've lost 14lbs and I also eat a banana every day (sometimes two because there's banana in my smoothie and then I might even go crazy and have a banana on it's own or in something else!). I eat starches, tons of fruit, etc. I try to eat balanced and I get exercise. Log your intake and then try adjusting it up or down for some time to see what is working for you.