annoying things your roommates do...



  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    i had a roommate in college that was in an abusive relationship that her parents tried to end so she tried to end her relationship with her parents. problem was.. her and her bf were always on the phone and for some reason as soon as it hit like midnight / 1 am (when I was trying to sleep) the fights would start! i wouldn't have even minded if they were on the phone talking about nothing or whatever but really she was f***ing loud and they would fight to the point that the whole floor knew it was going on. and then Thursday and Friday nights when I would be trying to get ready to go out he would come by to get it in (and he always had the nerve to judge me about my relationship with my at the time loving bf). on top of that her mother that she was trying to "disown" would come looking for me to help her get a hold of my roommate. i was stuck in all of her insane relationships.. what a mess of a life. eventually i told her that even I couldn't help her if she wanted to keep going with this toxic relationship and to go get help or get lost because it was affecting my life as much as it was affecting hers.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I have 5 roommates who expect me to cook food for them 3x a day, do their laundry, wake them up when they sleep through their alarms, get up with them when they're sick in the middle of the night, clean up their messes, drive them to school when they miss the bus, drive them places, watch them do this or that, sing them to sleep, listen to them playing the SAME SONGS OVER AND OVER AND OVER again on the piano, guitar, drums, etc. etc. etc.

  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Omg how did u do that weight thing under your comment with your picture thingy on it ?
  • annabananana
    my roommate comes in about once every day for like 5 minutes(which is nice) ....but when she does, she brushes her weaves and hair gos EVERYWHERE. i have to vaccuum everyday. ugh. lol
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    not tech a roommate but my brothers fiancee lives with us....she is a pathological liar (little things that dont matter like where she's been, what happened in her childhood) and she will come into the living room when im sitting there sit down and stare at me....not say a word just STARE at me, i say what?, she goes what?, YOU WERE STARING AT ME?!, her : no i wasnt, i was just staring into space. plus she will make food all the time and not eat ANY of it just so its around to tempt me she is that f *cked up