How did you get proposed to? <3



  • ellisalockwood
    We went to the riverwalk in San Antonio, one of my favorite places, and he took me and a couple friends to the Irish piano bar (Dirty Nelly's) and had the guy play groovy kind of love and he got down on one knee. short and sweet. And we got talked about all night, it was great. I knew it was coming, but my husband is the romantic type and I'm not really, we were going to Florida the following week and him being ex navy loves the ocean, so I figured that's when it was going to happen, so he surprised me a week early and leaned more towards my taste.
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    We had taken our first international trip together to Peru and we were in Machu Picchu. His late mother had traveled there by herself a number of tears before and my husband wanted pictures of him standing in the same place and in the same pose, so we had trekked all over the area with her pictures as a guide, trying to find the right spots. After hours of this, in high altitude, we were both exhausted and laid down on one of the terraces overlooking the area. I was laying on his lap and he held my hand, squeezed it, slipped the ring on, and popped the question. I was so surprised and burst into tears of joy. It made for some really awesome engagement pictures!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    It hasn't happened!
  • spottedlee
    oop,, wrong forum
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Actually at the time I lived in Canada and my husband drove 1200 miles from the USA to where I was in the middle of winter on Valentine's weekend and asked me to marry him on Valentines day which was 3 days away, he almost slipped on black ice when he did it :love: :heart: but off we went, and we are coming up on 7yrs in 2012 with many more to come I am sure :flowerforyou:
  • xhellokittycatx
    He made me a mixed cd of my favorite songs and then added a track of him talking. It was a poem he wrote for me and at the end he asked me to marry him. Too bad our marriage didn't last.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Once in my front yard.
    Once at Thanksgiving dinner.
    Neither resulted in a marriage, thankfully.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Was kind of a surprise
    He took me out to dinner and then we went for a walk along the beach and he walked me upto the pier and proposed then :D
  • BenderFitness
    How did your significant other propose to you? Were you surprised or did you see it coming? Lets hear your stories! I keep trying to guess how my boyfriend will be doing it, haha. <3

    I am obsessed with elephants. My honey took me to the zoo on New Year's Eve. We walked through all the exhibits, and he took me back to the elephant exhibit at the end because he knows how much I love them. While I was watching the baby elephants play I heard him call my name. I turned around and he was holding the ring. He got down on his knee and proposed. People came out and cheered when they saw we had just gotten engaged.

    Then the zoo keeper came up to the window with an elephant, knocked on it and pointed us to the door. He let us in to play with the elephants! The baby slobbered all over my new ring with his cute nose, and I was in heaven, lol. And he brought a camera so I got tons of pictures!

    It was amazing.

    No matter how your boyfriend does it, it's going to be the best day ever (until your wedding). Enjoy the build up! It will be worth it!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Me and hubby always ate chinese food. I'm talking like once a week (sometimes every other week). So I was in the shower and he had gone out to get our chinese food. I came downstairs and ate dinner with him at the kitchen table. After dinner I got up and went to go dry my hair. Hubby said, " You didn't open your fortune cookie." I always opened them, read the fortune and he would eat it. (They taste funny to me haha). So, I said, "Oh yeah!", came back, opened it, read the fortune that asked, "Will you marry me?" He hand wrote it on there and glued the fortune cookie back together. HOW CUTE!? So I kept say shut up shut up! LOL and then said YES! After hugging and kissing, he said, "Well, now you have to get the ring." I said, "I thought that was your job!!!!!!!!" He replied with, "Look in the Fortune Cookie...." :embarassed: Stupid Me! HAHA leave it to me to ruin the moment...
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    My BF was in Basic training. I got a letter with a heart drawn on it and a hangmen puzzle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _? I personally thought it was super fantastic.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    When my fiancé finally decided it was time to give me his late grandmother's ring he got way too excited and called me on the phone and proposed. When he got home I made him get down on his knee and do it "properly."