High Fructose Corn Syrup = Poison



  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Eat as close to raw as possible and then HFCS won't be so much of an issue.

    Just my opinion (i tend to be alarmist and paranoid) and I'm not diabetic or pre-diabetic, but at 49 I hate the thought of over-taxing my pancreas. I also tend to be alarmist when it comes to 2nd hand smoke etc.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I go back and forth on the HFCS debate. But I did a search for peer reviewed articles and found this one about mercury contamination in HFCS. That's enough to make me stay away from it.

    Not so sweet: missing mercury and high fructose corn syrup: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
    Wallinga, D.; Sorensen, J.; Mottl, P.; Yablon B.
    Alternative Medicine Review (1089-5159)
    Jun 1, 2009. Vol.14,Iss.2;p.110

    OR the PDF here: http://iowa.sierraclub.org/Mercury/HgandFructose.pdf
    Dang, does that mean sushi is out too?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Yes we get fat due to consuming more calories. In addition to portion size what effect do you think this cheap syrup sugar has on your taste buds and consumption levels?

    Try going for months without sugar and HFCS. Substitute Stevia and then go back and try to have that regular coke or the raspberry lemonade at the restaurant. It is OVERLY sweet. Too much. Right now for me 1 tsp is enough to sweeten my morning oatmeal for example. I don't need double the amount of sugar on my oatmeal to feel it's sweater. When you consume more sugar what else do you think goes up?....uhhh...calories, yes.

    It may not be poison but people look at yourselves. How do you feel different foods affect you? How do you feel after 2 hrs of eating a specific food? Are you hungrier? Satisfied? Cravings? Studies are cool and all but most importantly I think as an individual you can test how a specific food affects you. All of this together influences how easy or harder it is for you to consume less calories (think of feeling like you are battling your hunger to stay within the calorie limits vs a smoother easier ride down weight loss lane). Just saying! Sugar & HFCS is not a nutrient dense food regardless and it will not satisfy you...it only satisfies your taste buds and increases your caloric intake. And in regards to portion sizes from back in the day to today, also remember that today we are doing less exercise than we once were. We were much more active in the past.
  • SIGP229
    I go back and forth on the HFCS debate. But I did a search for peer reviewed articles and found this one about mercury contamination in HFCS. That's enough to make me stay away from it.

    Not so sweet: missing mercury and high fructose corn syrup: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
    Wallinga, D.; Sorensen, J.; Mottl, P.; Yablon B.
    Alternative Medicine Review (1089-5159)
    Jun 1, 2009. Vol.14,Iss.2;p.110

    OR the PDF here: http://iowa.sierraclub.org/Mercury/HgandFructose.pdf

    From the primary source regarding mercury content, consuming 50g of HCFS (the US average) can lead to a maximum of 28 μg of mercury consumed.

    To put this in perspective, a single can of tuna contains around 87μg, over THREE TIMES as much.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    We are still fully responsible for taking care of our own bodies and being responsible consumers. We can't blame increased portion sizes or decreased activity levels or HFCS or sugar or soft drinks or anything else. Just because a restaurant serves you more pasta than they would have 20 years ago doesn't mean you have to eat the whole plate until you're so full it hurts. Our bodies will tell us what and how much we need to eat.. we just need to learn to listen to them.
  • bruthacuervo
    bruthacuervo Posts: 52 Member
    Responsibility?? WAIT.. i thought i could eat a metric ton of carrots in one sitting and be perfectly healthy!!!! What are these lies people are spreading!!! THATS why im fat. And Orange. SOMEONE SHOULD TELL ME THESE THINGS!!!!
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    Fact is FOOD is one reason so many people are obese.

    There. Fixed it.

    Edit: Stupid html code doesn't work on comments. :grumble:
  • wyndwoman
    wyndwoman Posts: 14 Member