Fast Food Bashing



  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't get the bashing either. Plus how can people sue McDonald's did they force the burgers down their throat?

    I've personally never liked fast food very much but that's because a lot of it is burgers which I can't stand the only thing I do crave is McDonald's strawberry milk shakes. I didn't get fat from fast food though I got fat from eating pies and fish n chips.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I eat fast food on occasion and still lose weight. However, McDonald's is nasty to me and a last resort. I think Burger King, Wendy's, and Chick-Fil-A taste much better.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I love McDonalds cheeseburgers. And french fries. And Taco Bell. And junk food in general. And junk food doesn't taste gross just because I've made a lifestyle change. :P It still tastes good. I only have it in moderation though.

    I can respect people's choices and personal preferences for food, but seriously the way some people freak out over junk food on here it's like they think it's made of worms.

    I agree. I still love junk food, but I eat less of it and more of the healthy stuff.
  • saartje1982
    saartje1982 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same thing with cookies. I worked in a cookie factory when I was a teenager and now I dislike cookies.
  • therealkatarr
    What's up with the legions of people on these sites that so despise Fast Food like McDonalds? Did you all just figure out that it was bad for you? I knew that when I was at my heaviest. I just didn't care. I also like how they have to try and convince themselves and everyone else that it doesn't taste good. Really? Is that how they became a successful business, with bad tasting food? Sounds like people are in denial to me.

    I love the Mc Donalds cheese burger, always have, always will. I know it's bad for me, that's why I don't have them as often as I used to, and I make sure I don't eat a bunch at one sitting. Moderation. But it always cracks me up that the weight loss warriors on here who so decry a cheese burger with 300 calories in it are silent on things like alcohol. If only cheeseburgers gave us a buzz!

    Love this...and it's so true. I love a big juicy Angus Mushroom and Swiss, but I also know how much I have to save throughout a day to enjoy one. That's one of the things I love about this site,, I've learned that I can have what I want, but I have to budget my calories and make decisions based on information, and you know what?? Sometimes I actually opt for the healthier option as a better use of my calories. How 'bout that...diets never worked for me because of that fear of deprivation of something that I liked or wanted. Now....I'm a better food manager.

    Both of these are so true. Moderation is key, and being aware of what you're consuming makes it way easier to ensure that you are practicing that moderation.

    ...Although it's hard to be moderated with people mentioning/describing all sorts of delicious things that I know are terrible for me. :P
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i just had fish and chips for lunch...
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'd be happy if more fast food places used beef tallow (AKA LARD) to fry their fries. Do you know how delicious that is in comparison to crap vegetable oil?

    IMO, veg (Frankenstein) oils are alternate fuels for my automobile. They're not good fuel for my body, but I end up eating them because that's what we've come to know as the standard. Meh.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    totally agree with you - especially people who want to sue places like McDonalds for making them fat...well I guess they should sue the educational system for not teaching them how to read or understand basic concepts...

    I have been on a whole food cleanse for the past month...this week is my first week "not on program" but I have decided to carry it through knowing I need to make good choices and knowing what is coming up head...that being said I will be attending an event this Saturday where lunch is Chik-fil-A - so it has been easy to pass up other things this week (we had a big BBQ at work...I brough in my nice homemade soup and ate that) - knowing I am having me a Chik-fil-A sandwich this weekend....

    Moderation is key...and changing your way of thinking as coworkers have been ribbing me asking me if I am off my diet...I had to exaplin to them it was never a is a lifestyle change...a change about deciding what to eat and when to eat it...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    IMO calling what they serve at McD 'cheeseburgers' is a stretch of the imagination. Health aspects aside, most fast food just tastes bad. Really bad. And McD tastes worse than most. It barely even tastes like food. I just don't see why anyone would want to waste calories on that crap. I know why people waste calories on alcohol.

    Ever thought that YOUR taste isn't the same as other peoples, or do you assume that we all taste things the same as you?

    Why yes I have. That's why i started my post with IMO (in my opinion).

    McDonald's doesn't taste bad. It tastes very nice. Tastes a lot better than most other "healthy" foods. Why would anyone want to eat awful tasting stuff like peanut butter, avocados, tofu, etc? And as for alcohol, christ, that's the worst of the lot! Total waste of money and calories.

    See how tastes differ? Try opening your mind to what others may feel, rather than trying to force your own close minded views on others.

    And THAT is IYO (in your opinion). Get it?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Options had me at cheeseburgers and alcohol.....

    Mmmm, THAT I can agree with. But the cheeseburger needs to be a really good one. Homemade or from a restaurant, preferably a steakhouse. IMO, eating a "cheeseburger" from BK or McD is like drinking watered down beer or wine coolers instead of the real thing.

    If I'm using calories on a burger it is going to be more than .5 cm thick for d*m sure!
  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    The reason the fast food industry in general should be bashed is in how they have changed the industrialization of food. The demands they have put on the industry have created unsafe and unhealthy choices not just in the fast food world but in our supermarkets as well. Fast food doesn't just make you fat, it doesn't nourish you as well as the alternatives.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'd be happy if more fast food places used beef tallow (AKA LARD) to fry their fries. Do you know how delicious that is in comparison to crap vegetable oil?

    IMO, veg (Frankenstein) oils are alternate fuels for my automobile. They're not good fuel for my body, but I end up eating them because that's what we've come to know as the standard. Meh.

  • KavemanKarg
    Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

    McDonald's doesn't make anyone fat, people ordering a huge high carb meal of burger with bun and sauce, french fries and a bucket of coke make them fat.

    Sadly, I eat at Mc"D's weekly with the kids, we allow that. But I toss the bun, go with the ceasar salad, and drink water.

    The option to eat in a way that does not fatten you up and spike your insulin exists at McD's. As the company pointed out, they make as much on the salad as they do the fries, they do not necessarily want you to order fries.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I learned to hate fast food and to literally be disgusted by it by going on to their websites and reading the nutritional info.. now I get the coupons in the mail and I see 5 burgers for 5 dollars and I gag..truth.


    imo, after eating clean for a while and then downing some highly processed and sodium laden food in a wrapper, it makes me physically feel yucky..
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    I worked as a manager in McDonalds for two years. And I put on 30lbs. I felt disgusting. I was tired, getting sick constantly and stressed out to the max. Yeah, 95% of the world are jerks and for whatever reason they all feel their fries need to be hot enough to scorch the inside of their stomach and their sandwich needs to be customized with ingredients we don't even carry in the store. You've never quite lived until you've had a drunk hispanic man throw a breakfast bagel at your head because he and his friend were too drunk to realize they'd simply opened each others sandwiches.

    I quit, in a blaze of tears and pepto-bismal pink dress shirt one night when my regional manager said he didn't care if my grandmother had just died, the new store opening was far more important. I have since found a job that pays me $3 more per hour with non of the management responsibility... and my crowing achievement is that a year later I am again 30lbs lighter... in half the time it took me to put it on. I can't stand to eat at McDonalds anymore, partially because of the emotional stress of working there... but mostly because I know how they prepare the food, how the food affects my body....

    and it's simiply not worth it!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Believe it or not, some of us really don;t like the golden m specifically. I think I mentioned nbefore though, that this isn't the only fast food known to the world. I for one can murder for a doner kebab as they are served in the turkish and albanian shops in Germany - nothing better after a long night out. Actually just thinking about it, I guess next time I am over I urgently need to fix a craving. Subways is fast food too, so are chicken dippers and grilled chicken and stuff ohr and pizza...

    I am always, really always hungry an hour after eating Mcdonalds, so there is no point in me eating it - it feels like scoffing empty calories.
    I just cannot warm up to Mc Donalds. However, I like the cheeseburger from Burger king, like once a year (and that's really just down to the fact that in general, i do not fancy that stuff very much)

    But as many here said, there is nothing wrong with it, if you fancy stuff and eat it in moderation I actually have to say those supersized versions if food, that I have come to known since living in the uk and that I know from US friends is what I cannot get my head around... that's just totally disgusting.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I could eat McChickens all day, every day

    Oh my god, this.
    They taste so good.