Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    I have a good friend who is only 33 and was just diagnosed with lymphoma Tuesday. She is about stage 4-5 but they say it is very curable. She will have to do radiation treatments to shrink it but they will not remove it. She went into her family doctor thinking she was having problems with her gall bladder only to find out it was something worse than she could imagine.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    My grandmother has pancreatic cancer. She's had it as long as I can remember. She's had numerous surgeries and doesn't have much of her pancreas left. How she is still alive is a miracle. All I can say is God is good. (not trying to offend anyone with my religion so I hope you don't take it that way.)

    Also, my mother in law is a breast cancer survivor of 13 years.
  • kittyann76
    kittyann76 Posts: 4 Member
    My dad has cancer right now, he found out he had it back in August 2011...He is still fighting to get rid of this horrible disease...He has a typew pf cancer where it can spread anywhere...He was doing a low dose of chemo for about 2 months, they did an MRI on him again and the cancer is still there but it hasnt spread anywhere, which is a good thing...Now he is on a higher dose of chemo and will find out probably in 2 weeks if the cancer is getting smaller or if its doing anything at all...Its been a long road already and i hope it gets better soon..My grandma(his mom) was diagnosed with cancer(not sure what cancer) she didnt want to have chemo or anything to beat this disease, she had the lord in her life and made it know that she had faith in the lord on how her life was going to turn out...she lived for another 6 yrs without complications or chemo or anything.,.I believe this was a miracle and that she had plans that she needed to do before she left this world.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    I had a cousin on my husbands side of the family- she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she went into remission for a year and then she passed a year later. The doctors discovered the cancer after she delivered her baby- she got really sick after and that is when they found it and it had already spread to her lungs. She deliverd in 2001 and did chemo and lost all her hair and lost lots of weight. In 2003 was her year of remission and she passed in 2004.

    I have a friend who was diagnosed with a progressive breast cancer and she had one of her breast removed and did months of chemo and is just finishing up with her radiation. I don't know what her outcome will be- she is a young mother with 3 small children.

    I had another friend growing up who had breast cancer and she had her breast removed and the doctor scheduled her for chemo and she said "are you confident that you got all cancer" He said, "I am 99% sure that when we removed your breast we got all the cancer" She did not do chemo and is still alive today.

    I don't know if chemo is a good or bad thing. All my friends who have had chemo are gone and the ones that changed there eating habits and lifestyle are here today.

    I hope I am never faced with that decision. May God bless you all who have lost a loved one to cancer.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    And I'm not sure how I could forget this at all:

    I know a boy who is about 11 yrs old fighting leukemia. We walked in the Light the Night walk for him last month.

    My cousin's younger sister has had leukemia and then brain cancer and is a fighter. She just turned 8 not that long ago and has been sick her whole life.

    My cousins wife also has brain cancer.
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    My dad is a colon cancer survivor -- four years now and still going strong!
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    My sister-in-law lost her battle with Pancreatic Cancer in 2006.

    My sister had an egg-sized brain tumor removed in Feb of 2009. She was given no more than 2 years. After radiation and chemo, the part of the tumor that they couldn't remove shrank away to nothing. She is still with us today, fighting and praying that it won't recur.

    My other sister was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer earlier this year. It was caught very early and treated with chemo, followed by surgery. Her most recent biopsies came back cancer free!

    If something doesn't seem right to you, don't delay! Ovarian cancer survival rates are extremely low. Because my sister went to the doctor immediately, she beat the odds!
  • WOW thats great for your mom. Our family have the genetic tendency for this horrible disease especially lung & endometrial cancer.

    I had a cousin who died of bone cancer at age 15. He was born with a frail body although he was active in sports. He only discovered the cancer when he accidentally tripped his foot.

    My maternal grandfather & my uncle both died of lung cancer. They were avid smokers & drinkers when they were still alive.

    My nanny for more than 20 years also lost the battle with endometrial cancer.
  • I have known many people who have fought and won and fought and lost their battles with cancer in my personal life .In my professional life I work for THE BEST children's cancer hospital in the world! St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I see children with cancer everyday, it is both sad and inspiring,
  • My uncle passed away from metastatic lung cancer in 2005. They think they caught it about a month after it had spread to his brain. Once they found it, they started doing radiation for his brain tumors and chemo for the lungs, but when he was on his break from chemo apparently the aggressive cancer cells spread to his aorta, his liver and I believe his kidneys. He was diagnosed in May of 2005 and died 4 months later. It's crazy how fast the cancers spread in the later stages :/
  • My great grandmother died from breast cancer. My aunt also is a breast cancer surviver. My cousin and other aunt died from cancer but I'm not sure what kind it was.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    My niece was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma after being told "it is just growing pains" for weeks. After six months of hospitals, needles, pain and heart ache she lost her battle at age 13. No child should have to suffer like that. :(. That was in 1990. My sister (her mother) was killed a car accident in March of this year. They are now together in a better place.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    My aunt and grandparents on my father's side had cancer. They all passed away. My grandfather on my mother's side is a cancer survivor. That's great about your mom!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Not currently. I know some have overcome and some that didn't.

    In 2002 I lost both of my parents, only 6 months apart.

    The overcomers got treatment early.

    I hate it and raise funds for it....

    I did the Walk to Work in September

  • My niece was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma after being told "it is just growing pains" for weeks. After six months of hospitals, needles, pain and heart ache she lost her battle at age 13. No child should have to suffer like that. :(.

    I understand how you feel. I witnessed how my young cousin had suffered from this disease before he passed away at age 15. Note that my cousin was very active in sports even with the disease. I guess that's how life is & there are just some things that we don't have control.
  • rubyosburn
    rubyosburn Posts: 119 Member
    I have had cancer and been free of it for 4 years. My Grandmother, and her sister also had cancer and both have passed on.
  • GoodbyeGut
    GoodbyeGut Posts: 40 Member
    WOW! My first thought was "who doesn't know someone..."

    Too many suffer, or worse, from the various forms.

    IMO, the casue is in our water or food supply, or perhaps the packaging.

    What are we going to do about it? That would be a cause worth "occupying" something for.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    My mom was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in April of this year. She was receiving a combination chemo which included the platinum based componant which while killing the cancer also began shutting down all of her primary systems. She is now on a different combination We will not know if it is working for another few weeks. Her numbers are going down again but I want to see the CT scan which will be ordered soon. Watching her suffering has been awful and we are enjoying seeing her feeling better. I even took her shopping for some clothes that actually fit. She said she always wanted to be thin but this wasn't what she had in mind! Obviously her sense of humor is intact. I have been running my office, commuting to her office 2 hours away and working for her, then staying with her and my dad for a few days and taking care of their personal stuff. People ask me how I am doing it but the fact is I consider myself pretty blessed to have this time with her.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    WOW! My first thought was "who doesn't know someone..."

    Too many suffer, or worse, from the various forms.

    IMO, the casue is in our water or food supply, or perhaps the packaging.

    What are we going to do about it? That would be a cause worth "occupying" something for.

    Seriously! :D
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I lost my grandmother, 2 great aunts, 2 great uncles to smoking-related lung cancers.

    My grandmother passed on March 31 of this year. She was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer on December 30, 2010. The cancer took her life 3 months later. It was the most heartwrenching thing I've ever seen. She wasted away right before us. She had over 20 tumors in her body when she died in every organ system. She was an incredible woman, and she taught me so many wonderful things in life.

    I miss her every day.
