Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    My aunt just started chemo for breast cancer. She has a pretty good prognosis though, as they caught it pretty early.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I must say watching my mom die really messed me up for a while. I am getting help now, it's still difficult to talk about.

    I'm sure that was difficult. I'm glad you're getting help, and I hope one day you'll be able to talk about her without it hurting so much.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Mother was treated for skin cancer, surgery only.

    Father is just finishing up last chemo after operation for colon cancer.

    Having close family with cancer has made me a bit paranoid, or at least more aware... anyone else?

    Each of my sisters has cancer, and my father died young of colon cancer. I'm definitely more aware. It makes me appreciate my health every day!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    My grandmother died from uterine cancer.
    One aunt died from breast cancer.
    One uncle died from bladder cancer.
    An aunt & two uncles died from lung cancer.
    One uncle is currently battling non hodgkins lymphoma.
    I've already had a LEEP done for cervical carcinoma in situ and had several "scary" looking moles removed.

    You can understand that when we go to the doctor FOR ANYTHING, we are waiting for them to tell us we're next.
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer), just after our youngest turned 1............weeks before our twins turned 3. She's now a 3 year survivor:)
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I just lost my beautiful sister-in-law to cancer on Tuesday. Such a horrible disease.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer), just after our youngest turned 1............weeks before our twins turned 3. She's now a 3 year survivor:)

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My dad is a colon cancer survivor -- four years now and still going strong!

    Glad to hear he's a survivor! I lost my dad to colon cancer when he was only 51.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    My brother lied about having Cancer which basically tore our family apart. To those with loved ones with cancer, or with cancer yourself..I salute you.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My husband. We are high school sweet hearts. 18 mths after we graduated high school he found he had leukemia. CML he was given 2 years to live and he's now a survivor of 11 years. He found out during a physical for work. They require one department that has apx 10 of their 350 employees sue to a paint they use. Changed our lives forever! He takes medication for the rest of his life but worth every penny it costs!
  • Ashley5704
    Ashley5704 Posts: 50 Member
    I am a RN and I actually work on a women's cancer floor so I meet women on a daily basis who are fighting for their lives from cancer. :(
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    My Nan had Pancreatic cancer but had an operation and some radio/chemo. That seems to have gone but it's now spread to her lungs...we're waiting to hear the results of her last lot of chemo/radio then we'll know which way she's headed. Really hope it's good Dad passed away last Christmas and this is my Mum's Mum...I really don't want my Mum to lose someone that close to her again so soon :-(((
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I didn't know my husband when this happened, but when he was sixteen he was diagnosed with ALS-a type of Leukemia. He's been in remission for years, I met him about 8 years after his diagnosis, but believe me, we still deal with the lasting effects every day. He experiences long-term side effects of the chemo and radiation, from physical pain to emotional and memory issues. Not to mention whenever he gets an ache or pain that nagging little voice is in the back of his head "what if it's back?".

    My best wishes to those in recovery and to those who have lost a loved one...
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I am a RN and I actually work on a women's cancer floor so I meet women on a daily basis who are fighting for their lives from cancer. :(

    My wife is an RN and I'm an MRI tech. I think it actually made it even harder for us when she was diagnosed than if we had no medical background a all. I'm not saying it is ever easy for anyone but it just seemed like we knew enough to scare us even more. Plus, as my wife will confess, nurses are the worst patients! She's doing great now though:)
  • Ashley5704
    Ashley5704 Posts: 50 Member
    My wife is an RN and I'm an MRI tech. I think it actually made it even harder for us when she was diagnosed than if we had no medical background a all. I'm not saying it is ever easy for anyone but it just seemed like we knew enough to scare us even more. Plus, as my wife will confess, nurses are the worst patients! She's doing great now though:)

    Nurses are definitely the worst patients! lol. SO glad she is doing great now!!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I salute you. When my ex was recieving chemo and radiation the nurses were angels. Also when I was in ICU they were awesome. God bless, we couldnt survive without you.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I was in tears reading through all of your stories. Cancer is WAY too common. I pray that we find a cure one day soon.

    My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in August. It was stage 0 & it's all gone now, so we are very lucky.

    My Aunt died of breast cancer years ago, leaving behind 2 young kids. Her mother died of cancer last year.

    My husband's grandpa had prostate cancer. He passed a few years later to something unrelated.

    My best friend's Dad is on his death bed right now from lung cancer.

    My step-grandpa died from lung cancer that spread everywhere.

    Both of my step-father's parents have cancer, one colon & the other ovarian.

    There are many, many others. If you think something isn't right, get it CHECKED! Even if you hate going to the doctor, we all do. But it could save your life! Catching it early makes all the difference.
  • WillieEverlearn
    WillieEverlearn Posts: 87 Member
    Obviously, many people have loved ones who have died as a result of cancer. But I also want to point out that probably all of us know people who have had cancer and are doing great--some years and years out from treatment. People beat this disease and go on to lead long, healthy lives; I'm sure people recently diagnosed, or with a loved one recently diagnosed, are reading this thread, and it's so important to know you can get through this!

    I was diagnosed and treated for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma four years ago, and I'm doing great today. I plan to stick around a good, long time. :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Many people in my family have lost the battle...aunts, uncles, grandmothers, cousins, father and the most recent my brother 1 year ago today. :cry: Most of them were too stubborn to go to the doctor for minor irritations...scratchy throat, indigestion, morning cough, and "a bit of an itchy rash" on the hip. Many others have survived because they did go to the doctor. If something doesn't feel right, go to the doctor and keep going until you get an explanation and treatment.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    My grandma on my dad's side died from breast cancer.

    My mom was diagnosed with it in 2007, went thru chemo for a year, had a lymph node removed, recovered, only to have another suspicious tumor show up in 2010. She had a mastectomy so she is now cancer free! :smile: :heart:

    I will most likely have cancer, not to be a pessimist, but cancer from 2 generations on both sides? Hmmm....