To All My Ladies That Use Birth Control



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    mine was only 3 a month but now i have to pay to 5 % to get mirena cause i have high blood pressure and 5% is still like 150 bucks i wonder if this damn thing is made of gold lmao
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    It already is here in the UK, oh yeah!

    Free at point of care ;)

    Well, yeah, there are still taxes, but I'll take it! It cost the freaking earth when I lived in Canada!

    mine is free...and before I got health care, I paid $7/month...and I live in Canada

    Ah, it might be a case of different strokes for different provinces. Also, it was a few years ago. I had provincial health care but paid a lot for the pill and later the patch. :(