Older Men vs Younger Men?



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I always went for the guys 3-8 years older than me. My current guy is 7 years younger than me. I resisted his efforts to date me for months before I finally agreed to dinner. We have been together for 6 years and have owned a house together for 5. His family have no idea how old I am... his uncle suspects that I am older, but is too afraid to ask outright.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i used to want a guy to be at least 5 years older than me (preferably around 15-20 years), but recently I have completely changed. Now I don't even care if the guy is younger than me.

    i dont think age plays much role in maturity for adult males -- it simply depends on the individual. :)
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    An older couple in their 60's decided to get a divorce.
    After a few months they met and decided to catch up a bit.
    The woman was bragging that she had found a 20 year old lover.
    The man also bragged he found a 20 year old girlfriend.

    The woman said "Maybe so, but I've still got it better than you. Remember..20 goes into 60 more times than 60 goes into 20"
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    ^^That is just gross, btw. I'm going to throw up now.

    My Husband is 20 years older than me. My paternal grandmother was 30 years younger than her Husband, and maternal grandmother was 17 years younger...my MIL was 25 years younger...it's very natural to me however there are some members of my family who are adamant about their children only marrying an age range closer to their own and all I have to say is that age is just a number, not a measuring stick of how mature or successful they will be.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I've usually dated men my own age. I once dated a guy 7 years younger (I was 35, he was 28), but he was pretty mature.

    Now that I'm 49, I hate to say it, but I find that guys my age have all let themselves go to seed. I've gotten in shape, and most men my age are fat and look like crap. I now that's not a very charitable thing to say, but I've found it to be true. I'm finding myself increasingly attracted to younger men. Yikes! Sounds creepy even to me! :ohwell:

    You are correct most older guys R NOT in shape.........Shape up guys.........

    Some of us are.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I've been married twice...one 16 years older and one my age...both times for love. Next time I am going with old, rich and half dead!
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    My partner is 35 and im 25
    , i love it. He's sexy , works out and is a trady so he definitely floats my boat
    lol . There's just something about a mature man that's extreamly sexy
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    My husband is 17 years older than me, for us it works
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    Its not so much age as it is maturity lvl. Age is a number, and when it comes down to it most of the time doesnt matter. Unless you are going for someone under age, then thats just gross. I would give anyone a chance, within reason, as long as they are mature and able to carry on intelligent convo, and a sense of humor helps. Mostly cause I'm a smart a@@ haha.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I dated someone for 3 years...we were both 18 and we broke up in July of this year (at age 21)...At first I didnt have a preference on age and we just happened to go to school together and became boyfriend and girlfriend...

    Now....that I am single.....I have been having this thing for older guys...like alot.... about 23 years old and up...even in the 30s....36 and older is pushing it...so I say anywhere between 23 to 35. :)

    And must I add: Mature men is the way to go...
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    Okay i have a serious thing for older guys....salt pepper hair drives me crazy!!! Awwwww

    Im 21 and guys between 30/45 are good for me there mature and no what they want

    well some of them do..

    As long as they dont think there still.21 and trying to play games lets be mature
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    It obviously has to more to do with the guy but typically older for me too.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I used to always go for the older guys, first husband 4 years older, next 9 years older, next 12 years older and it became glaringly obvious he was turning into a grumpy old grandpa.
    I am 40 and just broke up with a 41 yo, and have just started seeing a 33 year old, who no.. its not going to work, he's just not there yet. The 41 year old, I am still hung up on. Who knows... its all down to animal attraction lol
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I used to go for older guys but the majority just weren't mature enough to do basic things like hold a steady job and if they did, they didn't want to go anywhere or do anything.

    8 years ago I started seeing my husband who is nearly 2 years younger than me. I haven't looked back since. :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I think that it really depends not on the age, but the chemistry between the two. I know older guys who still have a lot of growing up to do (that probably will never happen) and then there are younger guys who have their act together :)
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Or men one's own age?
    Ladies, what do you think?
    My partner is 17 years older than me and my ex husband is 5 years younger. I guess I'm not so into men my own age. :bigsmile:
    If I had to, though, I'll stick with the older guys.

    I prefer older woman....
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Dh is just 2 years younger than me, which everyone in Japan said was the perfect gap. When we married I was decades ahead in experience in life, but recently he thinks I'm getting younger while he gets older :laugh:
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I prefer older men myself. Salt and pepper hair, hair on the chest....totally dig it. I've dated all different ages and dated someone ten years older a few months back and found more common ground. Although age doesn't always equal maturity, I prefer older. The younger ones or the ones my age aren't on the same level as I am maturity wise, especially because I have kids.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm thinking us older women are looking for younger (active and fun)......the younger girls seem to be looking for the older (mature). Most of the men my age are broke because they are paying a ton to their ex-wives........but the young ones might want kids.........there are pros and cons to both..............there is no perfect age in my opinion. It's all in the person.
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    I've always been into older men too. I prefer at least a 10 year difference, but it's not mandatory. Guys my age are too immature, don't know what they want, want to party/drink all the time. 30+ is my kinda guy :)

    ^^^This!!! :)