Older Men vs Younger Men?



  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    my husband is in his mid 30's and I am 23. I like older men or men my own age if they know when to have fun and also know when to work (I can't stand 20-something yr olds who live with mama still)

    my husband has fun and I honestly act older than him so maybe I didn't go old enough lol, but I think my cut off would be 40 because men get older and sex drive gets lower lol, gotta make sure they have a good body still
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    my partner is 4 years older than me... but that's not what i look for in a man. that's just how it worked out.

    as long as he's a decent man....

    actually after years of sifting through idiots, all i was after was an honest man (with a job) who wasn't an idiot, and was on the same page as me.... (doesn't seem too much to ask does it?)

    took years and years of sifting to find one. Why are there so many idiots out there? players, cheaters, committment phobes, no-hopers, bludgers, liars, people with unsavoury habits, people with drug / alcohol / gambling / addiction problems etc.

    i'd hate to get back into the dating game again, seriously, it's bloody hard work to find someone that's on the same page as you with big picture goals.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    For me, a man I'm crazy about, and one that is equally as crazy about me. It doesn't matter whether he is younger, older or my age. A man that will allow me to cry when I need to and laugh with me, stimulate me intellectually, one that will agree to disagree, enjoy adventures and spontaneity, one that stands up for what he believes in...

    A man that will love me unconditionally.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Age is just a number! :smile:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    The closer to retirement the better. Let's have a Metamucil shake and see where things go.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Two things, because two of my favorite friends posted here...

    Age IS just a number. Attitude is everything. If you, and I mean that in a generic sense and not any person specifically, need the quality of stability to compliment you as a person, you may be interesting in someone older, but actually just need a certain level of maturity.
    If you are reasonably mature and need vitality in your life that a younger person often brings, yes, you will look for someone younger.

    I would submit, like my friend @Ummlovelovesyou said, that age is a number. I generally go for younger women, because they are more vital, energetic, and in better shape, so they can keep up with me.

    But they need to be taking care of themselves. Like my friend @sunkisses said, closer to retirement is better for many reasons that I agree with.

    I could retire in 10 years! My kids are grown. You know how much great fun I could be having in 10 years? I'm working hard on my savings! Getting my bills over with! I'm going to have some serious fun! I do *kitten* that 30 year old guys don't or won't do. My health is better than my 95 yo grandfather's was when he was my age. I'm ready to ROCK retirement and I need a chick who can keep up, but is ready to rock it out too. And I'm not talking golf, I'm talking climbing mountains in Argentina and Nepal.

    That's why women my age who are active and energetic go for young guys, because they still have a fire that burns inside. Girls who are younger often go for the older guys because that's all that the young guys often have, a fire that burns inside. Which doesn't pay the bills, or take care of the kids, or get them out of the apartment. That's not everyone's situation, but sometimes its true.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I married when I was 25 and my wife 42. She thought I was in my 30's and I thought she was in her 30's...we were both wrong but it has worked out wonderful! 26 years later and still going strong.

    I'm sorry but did no one else notice this statement? How on earth could you marry someone if you didn't even know how old they were?
  • Misdy
    Misdy Posts: 81 Member
    My BF is 17 years older. I didn't specifically go out looking for an older man, it just happened :happy: He's older but definitely hasn't grown up yet! :laugh:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    wow seeing a lot of big differences here. I personally can't be with a man even close to my dad's age and he's only 22 years older than me. LOL
    My husband is 11 days olders than me. I wouldn't mind a difference up to 5 years older in general but you never know who you might meet right (well not me, I'm married already, but in general). Sometimes I wish he was a few years older but I can't change his age :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My husband is 6 years younger than I am..... 12 years ago, he pursued me....... heheehhe, Im 37, he is about to turn 31...
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    my husband is 13 years older than i am. i love it! I see my friends with guys their age and the dynamics are so different and I am so glad.

    I wouldnt have it any other way. I love that we are in different phases. We compliment each other with his wisdom and my youth. I remind him how to have fun and reminds me that i need to be a grown up sometimes.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Trust me,older men are what you want. :bigsmile:
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Depends on the guy, I think. I'm sure there are older guys who are as immature a man 10 years younger. In my experience, though, I dated a guy that was a few years younger than me. He was fun but he was also jealous, insecure and extremely immature. I admit, I can be immature and impulsive at times but this guy had me beat my a long shot. But.... I still think it depends on the individual guy.
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i've mostly done the my -own -age -or -slightly -younger thing and frankly....i want to go with older bc i think it would work out wayyyy better
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    My first thought was to respond with a preference toward older men. This might sould silly, but when I really think about it, age does not matter to me as much as to whether or not a man has served in the Military or not, no matter what branch. I've dated men who have served and those who have not. A man who has honorably served his Country has a level of maturity, knows the value of teamwork, hard work, and so many other things that I would not date someone who hasn't. Doesn't matter the age.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Trust me,older men are what you want. :bigsmile:

    Yes. :smile:

    I'm 32.

    Just sayin'.
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    Trust me,older men are what you want. :bigsmile:

    Yes. :smile:

    I'm 32.

    Just sayin'.

    Haha you guyssssss
  • eyoungone05
    Tho I do agree with most of my MFP women on here, I still have to rep for us YOUNGSTERS on here and everywhere. I grew up with three older brothers 6, 5 yrs older than me. I do like to believe that I'm more mature than my age and got a good head on my shoulders. I'm established and yeah just like -Kb455- it does depend on the person. @ MissSharkatta-"here as younger men, and men my own age just want sex 24/7, and cant hold any form of conversation." ...............ummm yeah we want sex all the time we are in our prime sexually. The old we get the less testosterone we produce so, it wud be against my own self to not take advantage of this precious and valuable time of my life.....hahahahahaha lol just saying
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Anyone concerned about the physical/sexual aspects of being with a much much older man? It's one thing when you're 30 and he's 50. What about when you're 45 and he's 65?
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Anyone concerned about the physical/sexual aspects of being with a much much older man? It's one thing when you're 30 and he's 50. What about when you're 45 and he's 65?

    Let's see in ten years I'll be 65 and wife will be 42 I will report back and let you know how things are going? Right now all is well...