Anyone with travelling spouse?



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm the traveling spouse - working in the mining industry as well as it happens. We have a five year old daughter and it is definitely hard on my husband when I am gone. Especially if I travel more than once in a three month period - I will have traveled four times in a five month span by January so he is definitely feeling the stress. We have to have either a family member or someone come in because my husband goes to work at 3am, so they have to take our daughter to school...having that extra person in the house is both a help and a hinderance.

    Some of the things we do to help lessen the load is to make sure that we cook a bunch of easy to make dinners that can either be microwaved or put in the oven while they are doing their nightly bath and showers, etc. So at the very least the meals issue is taken care of as easily and as quickly as possible.