Sisterhood HCP Week 4



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Part of the P90X program I'm doing includes taking before pictures, 1 month pics, 2 month pics, and then your 90 day pics. I've been too much of a chicken to do it, because I really am afraid of what I look like in a photo right now. I guess if everyone else is brave enough to do it, then I can get motivated and start that camera rolling... I can put it on a disk and hide it from everyone who knows me in town, right? Maybe I should come up with an alias and say that I live in another state. That way I can deny it's me if I am ever recognized by some freak chance:bigsmile:
    I have day 1 pictures and 1 month pictures up. I was brave enough to post them here cause I thought it might keep in motivated. I am even showing all my skin which I never do. Funny story along with my pictures. I had intended no one to see them. I was uploading all my pics to shutterfly so my family could order them. I accidentilly uploaded the ones of me, I was so embarresed when my Grandma called and was like what are these for? You can do it! You should so that you can compare the results. It is so rewarding. Have you ever seen shows or magazines where they say this picture is me 30lbs less than my heaviest weight. Well I am sure they had no recent pictures and that is a shame that they cant see the full results of there weight loss in pictures.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    By the way everyone, I hit the big 20 today!!!!!!!!!! However AF came about 5 days early today and I am hoping that doesn't mess me up. I will be so sad to go back up even if I know I will go down after.
  • You can do it however you feel comfortable. I don't want to make anyone feel out of place. It's one of things that we have to do for the P90X and I took my 30 days pics at the end of Jan. When my wife and I were looking at them it was a really good feeling when she told me how proud of me she was for sticking with my new lifestyle change. Now it wasn't a HUGE change....but you can see a big difference in my shoulders and my love handles. Seeing those kind of changes help keep me going and remind me of why I'm trying to do what I am doing. I might get brave and post my P90X Pics....I don't really know if I want to do that to you guys might not need you eyes anymore if you look at them! LOL!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Just bumping us back to the 1st page.
  • I havent * cough* been here for awhile.

    i lost 1.5 pounds.

    :) hehe?
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Pepamint I love your new photo! As for posting recent pictures, I'm for it I guess - the profile pic of me & my man and a coworker was taken Jan 17 but really, those self portraits can make you look thinner - I think my face looks thinner than normal. I have another one from the same night of just me and my guy and that's more like what my face looks like right now. As for a full body one... that's probably a smart idea, just a hard step to take. I should though. Get one of those bikinis in my drawer out and take a "before" (I'm only 3 lbs in right now, so it's not too late I don't think) and then in June/July when hopefully I'm at my real target weight I'll take an "after" and be proud to show off both photos to see how far I've come!

    Anyway, I will if you will! :wink:
  • Well, my pic is recent (Jan) and unfortunately, it's almost full body!! :noway: LOL!! So, c'mon...I already did it...ya'all can too!! :tongue:

    irreligiouspiety07-Congrats on the weight loss :drinker:

    To the rest of the TEAM....WAY TO GO!! :flowerforyou:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    The pics that I have posted include one of me and my mom. That is actually a pretty good one, because it is me at my absolute heaviest... But I plan on taking some tonight (after my husband is in bed, away from me, not paying attention, locking the door, ha-ha) before I work out. I think it would be good to get a couple of me wearing a pair of gym shorts and a close-fitting top. I'm not brave enough to show the girls in a sports bra just yet... :noway:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    thanks everyone for the support about the picture :blushing: as for taking a full body shot dont know if im up for that just cause im so embarassed (although i got more compliments today so maybe lol :bigsmile: ) i am so noticing differences already and with all the salt and my "friend" on its weigh my face/body isnt as bad as usual but we shall see maybe it will be better on the scale....i must say i think ive figured out my angels cause i dont have a double chin in this photo and my cheeks look smaller (also why i dont smile and dont have a full body photo up but i have them so maybe when i am thinner :love: i will post before and after photos) hey mister thats great ur noticing differences u gonna be brave to and post a photo of your face lol? :laugh: missresa i completly understand the girls part when i watch the biggest loser i cant help thinking how brave those women are

    anyway does everyone have off tomorrow i do and have made a commitement with my mother (who hasnt been feeling well but im gonna nag her to come back onto this group) to take a walk tomorrow for possibly an hour like sun (a bonus day since usually im at my internship thurs) also gonna finally try the 30 day shred.... what is everyone else gonna do?
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    thanks everyone for the support about the picture :blushing: as for taking a full body shot dont know if im up for that just cause im so embarassed (although i got more compliments today so maybe lol :bigsmile: ) i am so noticing differences already and with all the salt and my "friend" on its weigh my face/body isnt as bad as usual but we shall see maybe it will be better on the scale....i must say i think ive figured out my angels cause i dont have a double chin in this photo and my cheeks look smaller (also why i dont smile and dont have a full body photo up but i have them so maybe when i am thinner :love: i will post before and after photos) hey mister thats great ur noticing differences u gonna be brave to and post a photo of your face lol? :laugh: missresa i completly understand the girls part when i watch the biggest loser i cant help thinking how brave those women are

    anyway does everyone have off tomorrow i do and have made a commitement with my mother (who hasnt been feeling well but im gonna nag her to come back onto this group) to take a walk tomorrow for possibly an hour like sun (a bonus day since usually im at my internship thurs) also gonna finally try the 30 day shred.... what is everyone else gonna do?
    Well it is today for me now. I am going to try this new circuit class they are holding at the gym. I really have wanted to try it but it is at a weird time. So we will see. I am best if I go to the gym at like 8:15 right after I take my oldest to school. That way no excuses. Also ladies I must tell you that I had no problem putting my girls in a sports bra but looking at how fat my stomach was and I looked like a 9 months pregnant woman when I had my baby 8 months ago. That was the part that I had trouble with. I will tell you though I took a full body shot in sports bra and panies. I did like so I could see every part. If you look on my profile just in one month you can tell a difference. Especially in the side view. I am not brave enough to put it as me profile pic but you all are more than welcome to view them. I trust you all and we are all going through the same thing. Crazy thing is I trust you all more than I would want to show the picture to my husband. I know strange right? Anyway have a great day! I am sure I will be back cause I am a loser and have no life.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Bumping back to page 1
  • Well my 30 day shred didn't come in the mail:sad: I guess Netflix doesn't have enough copies to go around. :cry: So I have to wait another week. Which is really frustrating because I'd like to change things up a bit, I'm getting stuck in a rut. Anyway, I'll figure something out. So I put some more pics on my profile. They aren't the most recent, but they are more accurate I think as to when I started (11 pounds ago) since I didn't take a pic then. They are right after the munchkin was born (still in the NICU) but like I said weight was the same. I don't really want to change my profile pic though, she's too cute:bigsmile: Hope everyone has a great day!!:bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    pumkin i got my 30 day shred from amazon for 9 dollars you may want to try that and then you have it for gonna try it for the first time today (my non excercise day i know crazy) after my walk with my mother.

    not so crazy that ur more comfortable showing us the pic then ur husband i think its cause we are all in this together and i find all of u such a great support u know what im going through and push me and i hope i am doing the same for everyone. also

    I only knew about this cause i caught the commercial but there is a new type of cheerios that is sooooo good and good for you.

    Banana Nut Cheerios

    its tastes like banana bread and omg i just had a bowl for the first time for breakfast and its like heaven in a bowl:bigsmile: No overwhelming banana taste it literally tastes like im eating banana bread :love: i was eating multi grain cheerios and apple cinnamin cheerios but this by far is my newest favorite (even more then my first love honey nut cheerios) and the best part here are the nurtitonal facts for a serving 3/4 cup:

    Calories - 100
    Total Fat - 1
    CHolesterol - 0
    Sodium - 160 mg
    Potassium - 70 mg
    Carbohydrates - 23
    Protein - 1

    this is all less than (i believe) the other flavored cheerios and tastes so good i urge u to try it and let me know what you think :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, Sisters, I need some help... I was wondering if any of you could suggest a really good brand of sports bra? I don't want to have a una-boob, so if there are any that you have tried in the past that are pretty good for support without making you feel like you're some kind of a mutant when you wear them, I'd really appreciate it. I saw some on V.S. that looked promising, but I guess the models on there don't really need help, right?
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay, Sisters, I need some help... I was wondering if any of you could suggest a really good brand of sports bra? I don't want to have a una-boob, so if there are any that you have tried in the past that are pretty good for support without making you feel like you're some kind of a mutant when you wear them, I'd really appreciate it. I saw some on V.S. that looked promising, but I guess the models on there don't really need help, right?
    Well I personally hate sports bras. They make me all sweety and no matter what kind I have a una-boob. I currently am wearing a racer back bra by Curvation. That is what I wear to work out in. I like that is snaps in the fron and is underwire. Before this one I had a very similar one from Lane Bryant.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK I feel like we are slowly dieing off or at least not posting any more. I know the regulars are on here posting but everytime I come to see if anything new has been said we are on the second page. Common guys! So my day is done and I am off to bed. I will catch up in the morning.
  • Hello all ! Is it ok if I join in?

    Im pretty new to MFP (about 1 wk) and am looking for some support to push me along :embarassed:
  • Hello all ! Is it ok if I join in?

    Im pretty new to MFP (about 1 wk) and am looking for some support to push me along :embarassed:

    Well, I won't speak for our fearless leader...but I'd say that you are welcome!! :wink:

    Hope all is having a great week so far...making good choices, exercising, drinking water...all of those wonderful life changing things that will all help us NOT need SPORTS BRAS!!! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • OK I feel like we are slowly dieing off or at least not posting any more. I know the regulars are on here posting but everytime I come to see if anything new has been said we are on the second page. Common guys! So my day is done and I am off to bed. I will catch up in the morning.

    Sorry...just been very preoccupied with things here at work. :ohwell: My husband and I own our own business and have been experiencing some "Growing Pains" my mind has been focused here. I have, however, enjoyed still jumping on here and reading what everyone else is doing. So...please, those of you "regulars"...don't stop posting...posting ANYTHING that may help the rest of us. I'm not doing all that I should be doing due to distractions, but I am determined to stick wtih this group so that when those distractions are no longer as big as they are right now...I'll be right back to it!! :smile:

    Here's a Weight Loss Tip I found may already know this, but if's helpful!!

    Lose weight slowly with small changes....
    Try to remember that "losing 15 pounds in two weeks" is nothing to celebrate. It is important to realize that the more quickly weight is lost, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Since muscle tissue is critical in keeping our metabolism elevated, losing it actually leads to a decrease in the amount of calories we can each day without gaining weight. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly. Strive for a weight loss of no more than 1-2 pounds per week. One pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. By making small changes like eliminating 250 calories a day from food and expending 250 calories a day from exercise, you can lose one pound (of mostly fat) per week.

    Have a productive week!!
  • Sorry for the multiple posts here...but I found some helpful info for all of us "snackers" out there...

    Make Your Own 100 Calorie Snack Packs:

    With snack-size plastic bags or small plastic containers, you can easily make your own 100-calorie snacks, and control the nutritional quality. From applesauce to peanuts to grapes or chocolate chips, here are some examples of how much makes roughly 100 calories:

    1-1/2 cups grapes
    ¼ cup raisins
    1 cup unsweetened applesauce 8 saltines
    4 cups raw broccoli
    8 pecan halves
    25 baby carrots
    3 oz sliced turkey
    2 rounded TB peanuts
    2 TB chocolate chips
    20 pickle slices
    lettuce with 1 TB Italian dressing
    ½ pita pocket (about 1 oz)
    2 TB almonds.

    As you can see, some items are calorie-dense, and 100 calories isn't very much food. Vegetables are the biggest portion sizes. This list could go on and on. You can approximate 100 calorie portions of other favorite foods by referring to one of the many web-based food composition databases, such as that provided by the USDA.

    No Extra Packaging Needed
    Many foods come pre-packaged in portions that are roughly 100 calories. Fresh fruit comes closest to the ideal. Examples include a large (6 oz) apple or 1 medium (4 oz) banana or a large navel orange. Many yogurts are packaged in small sizes close to 100 calories. Other examples of prepackaged 100-calorie snacks include a 3 oz can of water-pack tuna or one package of string cheese. Some granola and energy bars are roughly 100 calories, but check the labels to be sure.
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