Sisterhood HCP Week 4



  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hello all ! Is it ok if I join in?

    Im pretty new to MFP (about 1 wk) and am looking for some support to push me along :embarassed:

    Well, I won't speak for our fearless leader...but I'd say that you are welcome!! :wink:

    Hope all is having a great week so far...making good choices, exercising, drinking water...all of those wonderful life changing things that will all help us NOT need SPORTS BRAS!!! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    Trust me, even when I was in high school and skinny, I still needed a sports bra... I play a lot of volleyball, and having the girls move around when you're jumping in the air to hit doesn't feel so good landing...:sad:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hey sistas and mister first hope welcome you will love this site and this support group these ladies and man :bigsmile: are wonderful and have been just amazing at least for me lol....thanks for the snack idea by the way its sooooo windy here in ny like 60 mile winds and trees falling and my mother and i went for a bonus walk (mine) and our normal 15 minute mark took us 30 minutes cause there was so much wind pushing us backwards i felt things hurt that dont usually hurt that bad :devil: but we ended up doing a 47 minute walk....
    the sports bra i totally understand the dilema i am looking for one as well :blushing:

    also i am dreaming about the cheerios and tom breakfast is that weird????

    gonna go do my first 30 day shred workout (how does one count that under the excercise log???) wish me luck
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Pepamint, there were TREES falling, and you still went for a walk?!!! Talk about dedication!!! Be careful, and don't over-do it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    MissResa -- I haven't found a good sports bra in a long time, I always wore 2 anyway. The girls are too big and defiant for just one:laugh: :laugh:
    Pepamint -- good for you, let me know how the Shred goes.

    All are welcome, of course you can join!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    MissResa -- I haven't found a good sports bra in a long time, I always wore 2 anyway. The girls are too big and defiant for just one:laugh: :laugh:
    Pepamint -- good for you, let me know how the Shred goes.

    All are welcome, of course you can join!!!

    I usually double up anyway... I wear a regular bra and then a sports bra on top... Girls are locked and loaded:happy: :tongue: !!! It's the only way that I feel comfortable...
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pepamint, there were TREES falling, and you still went for a walk?!!! Talk about dedication!!! Be careful, and don't over-do it!!!:flowerforyou:

    ok see i saw the wind or rather heard it :noway: and was thinking "no i said i was gonna walk" so i put on a hat (cause even in a ponytail my hair was flying) and my mother and i just walked and the branches on the ground were nuts huge and the wind was crazy :noway: i mean the way back like i said ive never felt such resistance before :huh: which is why we took the 30 minute root even though it took longer today). i have to say it wasnt until i got home that i heard about the trees falling and the deaths which scared the crap out of me :cry: i love that you guys think of me and my walks when u watch the news (i assume thats how u knew about the trees) but i wanted to do a bonus day my mother called me the excercise nazi today cause i was telling her we needed to go but there are worse things she could have called me so ill take it. i wont over do it i only do a 30 minutes to an hour cardio on my work out days and usually 30 -45 min on bonus days if i want to other wise i dont work out on those days and dont feel guilty. but i am gonna do the 30 day shred i just need a little time today cause a friend i havent spoken to in a while is online and we are talking plans cause he came back to america for a visit :bigsmile: but i will do the shred and pumpkin you will be the first to know how it is :flowerforyou:

    oy i really do need luck love jillian but she scares me lol
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I'm still around - been sick the last couple of days but I'm back at work (and so I got to weigh in). Proud to say I've lost another 2 lbs to make it 5 in total in a month. Yay! Sweetie asked me if it was cuz I was sick the last two days and I thought about it, but I was careful to get my calories in, so I don't think so. I hope not anyway - hope it's permanent!

    Pepamint, you are inspiring to have gone out for a walk in treacherous winds like that! I wonder how you calculate the calories burned with all that resistance! And as for the 30 day shred, good for you for starting it - I've heard so many people talk about it, i'm tempted to order one myself!

    Congrats to all on their progress this week! Can't believe the weekend is almost here! It's weird being sick for a couple of days and realizing the world keeps going without you! :tongue:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ouch :sick: ok i got through about half of it and ouch ouch ouch never in my one month have i felt such pain did i say ouch yet?

    the push ups killed me the first time but doing it again after lifting 5 pound weight up over my head while doing squats ouch ouch ouch. my thighs burn my arms armpits i mean ouch. its possible that one should not do this the same day as doing cardio and/or more likely i am a lot more out of shape then i thought. 2 minutes straight of jumping jacks doesnt sound too bad right WRONG its exhausting. so i realized something 1. she intends you to do this and this alone thats why its got everything in there but since i am already taking my walks in my next attempt at the dvd (and yes there will be another attempt just not today) i will not do the cardio parts just the streangth training which is what i ment to do but got a little to excited about the dvd (so dumb and unlike me :noway: ) anyway 2. my suggestion if you want to feel the burn deffinetly do the whole thing (or even half like me lol ouch) but if you are already doing cardio maybe dont do the cardio part of the dvd it makes u tired and then you (me) arent up for the streangth part which is the part i really need since like i said im already walking. did i mention htat was just level one i tried. maybe i need to work my way up to doing al of level one but for now im just gonna do the streangth part since i think i have the cardio taken care of. :bigsmile: ouch.

    missmez congrats on the 2 pounds and the 5 pounds total thats amazing :flowerforyou: its so good your proud of yourself i am proud of u. if i can inspire just one person then that makes me feel amazing since i feel we are in this together :blushing: i give credit to my mother too who one day will come back to this thread shes just been a bit crazy but has been working out and eating and doing well. I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO ADD WIND RESISTENCE TO EXCERCISE LOG LOL i put it as 30 min 3.5 uphill but it was a lot more than that (caps not yelling just emphasizing :bigsmile: )

    dont be scared of the 30 day shred from what i said it still is amazing i just think i need to do it with out the cardio i believe it is intended as someones full workout and to be done alone with out any other excercise although who knows maybe one day i can do it all.
  • tidwelljw
    I have my first weigh in at work tomorrow. I know I'm going to be down it's just a matter of if I am going to meet MY goals I set for myself. But I got something I'm excited about. My best friend and old college roommate has decided that he wants to start doing the P90X workout. We all went to the movies last night and it was the first time I had seen him in about 2 weeks. so we kind of had a bunch of the old guys go out for a night. He asked me what have I been doing because I looked a lot different than the last time we hung out. I told that I staying steady on the P90X and not eating junk food( might I add this conversation was going on in the line to buy THEM snacks and cokes at the movies, I did not partake in the POISON!) I told by just drinking water and not eating junk and staying steady the weight was just falling off. He came up to the house tonight and I told him to just go ahead and bring some workout clothes. I think he brought them just to get me to shut up about it. But after 10 mins into the workout he was like a little kid ! He loved it! I broke my routine so that we could do a DVD and workout the areas I knew he wants to get in shape, and it worked! He said he wants to start working out with me when he gets a chance.The moral to this stories kiddies is that A good healthy lifestyle can be infectious to those around watch who you spread this awful addiction to!:drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    This is the kind of addiction that is okay!!! I'm so glad that you have a workout partner for your P90X... I would love to do this program with my husband, but being in the military, he would make me feel like a complete and total weenie!!! I think that maybe after the first 90 days, I'll ask him to start with me on my second round. Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow!!! I know you'll do great!!!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I am at 199 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That mean I am officailly below 200. Now I just have to stay bellow 200. I just had to share with everyone. Now I just have to keep at it and tone a little more. I was 198 before I got prego and I still don't fit as well into those clothes. I can put them on but they are not as flattering. Also I have asked this before but how did you all pick your goal weight? I was talking with my doctor yesterday at me apt. I was telling him that I picked 170 as a goal weight. That still puts me as overweight if you loo at BMI. He said that my ideal body weight would be like 135. Ha there is no way I will ever be 135 nor do I want to be. I don't think I have weighed that amount since I was in 3rd grade, jk. I really don't ever remember being that low, I am very broad shouldered and wide hipped and I even feel like I have a very large rib cage. I think I would look anorexic if I was that skinny. 150 is the high end of my ideal body weight. I even think that is a little low. I am playing it all by ear for now. If I get to 170 then I will keep up all my healthy habits and if more comes off that is a bonus in my eyes.
  • tidwelljw
    I picked my weight because that is what i weighed before I went completely out of control. I used to workout all the time and I always stayed around 185-195. I may eventually try and get down to 185. But right now I just want to get to 200lbs and then 5down from that. The five is just a little extra kick.
  • tidwelljw
    Wll I have got some AWESOME news! I had my first weigh in here at work. Last friday i weighed 242, and this morning.........235.6!!!!!almost seven lbs in a week! My goal was five and I've got to say I am pretty happy with my self. I was so excited to start back to working out last week and I went pretty hard. I sure am glad it picked back up where I left off! I hope everyone else has a good friday!!

  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    I picked my goal weight cuz that's what I was (approximately, cuz I never really stepped on a scale) around the time I met my hubby. I know I weighed a little less in high school, but I'm not looking for a fountain of youth, just for some of my favorite clothes to fit again.
    Thompsons-- in my very unprofessional opinion, go with what makes you feel happy. Just because it's been a while since you've seen those numbers on the scale, doesn't mean they are bad, or will make you look bad. I've always been "curvey" ie, boobs and hips, but I'm only 5'2". So I know that once I shed some of those pounds, it's going to be surprising to me at how my body will change. Even at my smallest I still had curves, so when you talk about being broad shouldered etc, you might just have to "wait and see" how your body reacts. We all have our own body structure and so I think you are wise to be careful not to just go for a number, but to do what is right for your body. Just try not to pigeon hole yourself, maybe once you get to 170, you realize you could go more and still be healthy looking, maybe not. You'll know, because only you know YOU.:wink: Hope that made some sense? If not, sorry.:ohwell:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Way to go everyone so far!!:bigsmile:
  • dsangel
    Okay, Sisters, I need some help... I was wondering if any of you could suggest a really good brand of sports bra? I don't want to have a una-boob, so if there are any that you have tried in the past that are pretty good for support without making you feel like you're some kind of a mutant when you wear them, I'd really appreciate it. I saw some on V.S. that looked promising, but I guess the models on there don't really need help, right?

    Ok, I haven't posted this week. SOOOOOOOO sorry but I'm still here!! My hubby is off on Tuesdays (for now) so it's hard for me to remember to weigh, get on the computer, etc. etc.

    Anywho, I GAINED back the 3lbs that I lost.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :mad: :mad: :mad: BUT I did try and put on a pair of size 14 jeans, got them mostly on but won't button so I'm getting there!! Can't remember who said it (thompsons?) But I am also about 203 and soooo want to be under the 200 mark!! I'm still determined to be in a 12 before April for my brothers wedding. I have several photo shoots coming up so maybe staying busy will help me lose weight! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE AND THEIR SUCCESS'S!! WHOO HOO-WAY TO GO!

    I wear Fruit of Loom, it has this little seam in the middle so it doesn't make a uni boob and it has little inserts that can be taken out so theres no nipple show. Sorry Sister Mister. :blushing: Got it at Walmart for less the $10, love it love it love it! Acually I have 2 so love them!
  • dsangel
    I picked my goal weight of 150 because it's in between where I was before I got pregnant the first time, 125, and where I was in between pregnancies 1 and 2, 150. I lost the first 2 babies so by the time I got preggo with my oldest I was 170. It was ok but I'd really like to be 150 again. Like you Thompsons, I'll never be at the "weight I should be" of 130ish. It just doesn't work after having babies!!

    By the way, WAY TO GO THOMPSONS AND SISTER MISTER!! You guys are my inspiration!! I have almost given up, the scale isn't going down!! But if y'all can do it, surely I can too!
  • megheinlein
    I'm pretty much where you are! Trying to get under 200 because I was about 195
    before I got pregnant . . . but I had gained gradually for a year and a half before
    I got pregnant. I had been at 170 (I'm 5'3") and everyone thought I was WAY
    skinny enough because I worked out all the time. I can't imagine being 135
    like the doc recommends!! If I got back to 170 I'd be thrilled and I felt very healthy
    and happy at that weight. So that's where I'm aiming. I just stared three weeks ago
    and have only lost 4 lbs. But I'm stepping up the exercising and trying not to get

    This board kinda helps!!
    Thanks everyone!
    Congrats on the lbs lost btw - woo hoo!
  • megheinlein
    Oh and FYI - I lost 4lbs . . . before I found this site :0
    So my ticker still reads 0 until I weigh in again.
    Wish me luck - I weigh every monday!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    conrats everyone on a wonderful week and if u didnt fdo so well try to think that its in the past and this week will be better

    Wll I have got some AWESOME news! I had my first weigh in here at work. Last friday i weighed 242, and this morning.........235.6!!!!!almost seven lbs in a week! My goal was five and I've got to say I am pretty happy with my self. I was so excited to start back to working out last week and I went pretty hard. I sure am glad it picked back up where I left off! I hope everyone else has a good friday!!


    tid you lost in one week what it took me a month to lose guess its true guys lose more weight faster then girls :devil:

    no seriously that is amazing (howd u do it lol???)

    going for my walk with my mother then gonna do 30 day shred with her but i think im gonna try it the way i mentioned before cause i am in such pain right now i am so sore :cry: but commited to my walk