Sisterhood HCP Week 4



  • I haven't forgotten our group. WORK SUCKS!!! I haven't checked personal stuff in days. I have been tracking food and lost 1.4 pounds at this week's weigh-in on Thursday though. Haven't worked out all week as I am still recooperating from a massive head cold. Hopefully my life will get back to normal next week and I'll be more social. Work has to slow down...I ate 2.5 donuts this morning after being perfect for a week...I don't want to undo all my hard work just because I am overwhelmed and stressed. Congrats to all that lost this week and everyone that is sticking with the group...we'll eventually get to our gols right?!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Wll I have got some AWESOME news! I had my first weigh in here at work. Last friday i weighed 242, and this morning.........235.6!!!!!almost seven lbs in a week! My goal was five and I've got to say I am pretty happy with my self. I was so excited to start back to working out last week and I went pretty hard. I sure am glad it picked back up where I left off! I hope everyone else has a good friday!!

    Congrats! So how did your weightloss compare to others? How long is your competion going on at work? You are on the right track that is for sure.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I picked my goal weight of 150 because it's in between where I was before I got pregnant the first time, 125, and where I was in between pregnancies 1 and 2, 150. I lost the first 2 babies so by the time I got preggo with my oldest I was 170. It was ok but I'd really like to be 150 again. Like you Thompsons, I'll never be at the "weight I should be" of 130ish. It just doesn't work after having babies!!

    By the way, WAY TO GO THOMPSONS AND SISTER MISTER!! You guys are my inspiration!! I have almost given up, the scale isn't going down!! But if y'all can do it, surely I can too!
    Glad to see you back. I almost send you a PM today cause you hadn't been around. Glad to hear how everyone picked there goal weights. I just think that for some people especially after children that the number on the scale is not the most important. I would also love to be in a size 12. My 14's are much more comfortable but I still have 1 pair of 16's that are good. I want my 14's to be lose, but I guess I have t remember that I was stuffing myself into them and should have been wearing a 16 or 18.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Oh and FYI - I lost 4lbs . . . before I found this site :0
    So my ticker still reads 0 until I weigh in again.
    Wish me luck - I weigh every monday!!
    I can't remember how I did it but there is a way to change your starting weight to your actual starting weight that way it shows the 4lbs. I had to do that cause I started 2 weeks before I found this site.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I picked my goal weight cuz that's what I was (approximately, cuz I never really stepped on a scale) around the time I met my hubby. I know I weighed a little less in high school, but I'm not looking for a fountain of youth, just for some of my favorite clothes to fit again.
    Thompsons-- in my very unprofessional opinion, go with what makes you feel happy. Just because it's been a while since you've seen those numbers on the scale, doesn't mean they are bad, or will make you look bad. I've always been "curvey" ie, boobs and hips, but I'm only 5'2". So I know that once I shed some of those pounds, it's going to be surprising to me at how my body will change. Even at my smallest I still had curves, so when you talk about being broad shouldered etc, you might just have to "wait and see" how your body reacts. We all have our own body structure and so I think you are wise to be careful not to just go for a number, but to do what is right for your body. Just try not to pigeon hole yourself, maybe once you get to 170, you realize you could go more and still be healthy looking, maybe not. You'll know, because only you know YOU.:wink: Hope that made some sense? If not, sorry.:ohwell:
    Yes totally made sense. I am 5'6'' so that is another part of it but I am totally playing it all by ear. Once I get to 170 then I will see what happens. I was just curious how everyone was choosing to see if I was way off. Thanks!
  • Well I think the biggest reason i lost so much back was because I had completly quit working out for about a week and a half. When I started back I went as hard as I could on my workouts. You have to keep in mind that the program I am doing is a solid hour of either cardio or stength trainning. It's very similiar to circuit trainning for an hour. You only get about 6-10 seconds to rest betweeen sets and it is VERY HARD WORK! That's the only thing I can say, that and being very strict on ym diet and drinking bothing but water. Wehn i first started P90X I lost 8 lbs in the very first week alone and then it kind of slowed down from there. Sometime you need a couple of days off to let your body rebuild. When I went back to working out I was actually able to do more reps and heavier weights simply because I had a rest period. the same thing happen with me when I use to lift weights frequently. You're body just adapts to the current strain it is under adn simply won't change. If you having a hard time it might benefit you to take 2 or 3 days off but be VERY strict with what you eat. It might actually be what your body needs more than another strenous workout. That is just how it works for me, every is different.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thompsons: I am trying to get to about 155-160. I'm 5'9" tall, and am broad shouldered, too. I get a lot of muscle mass because of the weight training I've always done in the past... I used to be quite the athelete back in highschool-I threw shotput and discus, ran track, and played about 12-16 hours of volleyball a week. I know that my ideal body weight is supposed to be much lighter than 155 range, but if I get any lighter than that I look downright anorexic- You really have to go by what is right for your body.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Tidwell: I had to take a couple of days off because I injured my right shoulder- I am jumping back on to the weight training with P90X today. I am glad to hear that a rest did you some good... I am planning on taking it easy with the weights, but getting more focused on my cardio. Hope your contest is going well!!!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    First, BIG congrats to Thomsons and Tid for their weight loss! Hope you never see the 200's again girl and Mista - 7 lbs in a week is amazing... since you're doing it right I know it will be permanent!

    Pepamint, if you're sore, you should try to rest your muscles a bit. I know you're on a high and I totally love that you are go go go when it comes to your workouts, but what do you think Jillian would say? I say, go for your walks and do what you can, but don't go hardcore. You don't want to injure your muscles so you can't work out for a long time! Besides, when your muscles are sore is when they're rebuilding - they're working right now exactly like they're supposed to! Don't mess with nature! :flowerforyou: Just be careful - I care about you!

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great Friday - I'm all alone this weekend the boys are out ice fishing(Valentines Day and all :sad: :brokenheart: ) but my sweetie hid a card inside my laptop - what a nice surprise... I feel a bit better! :smooched: :heart: :love:

    Oh, and how I picked my goal weight. The history of the Mez. (real name Jen) ...

    Was always 125-130 in my teens and twenties (pic of me on my profile in bikini was taken around 28 yrs old - I'm now 36). Was in a very very harsh relationship with my ex-fiance who had 3 different mental illnesses. Won't get into all the gory details but let's just say living with him was hazardous to my mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. In one year I "somehow" (later had an aha moment about why exactly that happened) gained 50 lbs shooting up to 180 something (I stopped looking at the scale after I hit that number). After I was able to break free of that relationship and recover, I naturally and effortlessly lost about half of that weight. This was in 2002/03; I was 30/31. I plateaued at 165ish for the next 3-4 years no matter what I tried to do (mind you, I was still suffering - dealing with the death of my dad and other changes in my life). Finally, last year around this time something clicked (could it be reconnecting with the love of my life after 15 years? - Sappy love story another time perhaps) and I dropped down to 151 with barely any effort at all. I felt great! Then, in June last year I moved here to Winnipeg from my beautiful home in Kelowna BC to be with my one true love and everything was tickedy boo! However, turning into an instant "wife and mom" had a side effect that I should have seen coming. I started cooking FANTASTIC meals (I never cooked for just me when I was single) and eating just like they did! It's a common tale I know. Anyway, here I was stepping on the scale just after Christmas when I decided to really do something about this weight gain before it got out of hand, and low and behold, I am back up to 165! SOOOOOO! (*big breath*) I chose as my first goal, 152. It's one pound heavier than what I weighed when I got here last summer. Not sure why I chose that extra pound. Maybe I wanted to be a little easier on myself! My long term goal however, is going to be 140. I know I will never (and probably should never) be 125-130 again. I think your body changes as you get older and 130 just wouldn't look right on me anymore I don't think. I will be happy just to see the scale say 14-something really. I'll be thrilled to see 151 again! Hell, I'm thrilled to see 160 this week! And (knock on wood) it's not as hard as I always thought it was going to be. What the heck was my problem all this time anyway? Oh ya, I didn't have MFP!

    Thanks for listening to my ramble. Or reading my ramble I suppose. Now you know a little more about me. :wink: Happy :heart: Day!
  • Thompsons: I am trying to get to about 155-160. I'm 5'9" tall, and am broad shouldered, too. I get a lot of muscle mass because of the weight training I've always done in the past... I used to be quite the athelete back in highschool-I threw shotput and discus, ran track, and played about 12-16 hours of volleyball a week. I know that my ideal body weight is supposed to be much lighter than 155 range, but if I get any lighter than that I look downright anorexic- You really have to go by what is right for your body.

    I am also 5'9 and cannot believe that I once weighed 125!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    That's what I mean... If I weighed 125, people would probably follow me around, expecting me to faint at any moment. I actually was told by close friends that "I looked great once I hit 155, but I was planning on stopping there, right?" I think it really depends on how much muscle you carry on your frame, and just how you're built in general. I could bench press as much as the guys I worked out with, but I couldn't get as small as some of my girl friends. But they could run circles around me long distance, and could hardly lift half as much weight as me. Everone is built differently, and I really don't pay attention to weight-beyond what I know is healthy for me!!!:happy:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Thank you all for telling me how you picked your Magic Number! I also loved hearing all of your stories. It is Valentines Day and I hope I don't go out of control. Since I am in a Military community me and a bunch of friends (all our husbands are deployed) are going to dinner and having cake at my house. Only problem is that we couldn't get reservations till 5:30 meaning we wont eat till at least 6 and get back to my house till like 7:30. Well I never eat after 7 so I might have to skip on the cake but AF decided to come and chocolate cake sounds so yummy. I just don't want to go back to 200, but am a little worried with the visit of AF and dinner that might happen. So I hope everyone has a great Valentines day!
    Missmez- Sorry you have to spend heart day alone. You should go treat yourself to something and order in and watch a sappy movie!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Thompsons (sorry I realized I forgot the p last time - I'll never misspell your name again!):laugh: , Thanks for the concern about me being alone this Vday. I feel for you too, especially since your hubby is out doing a lot more than just ice fishing! At least yours doesn't have a choice!

    I love that you have a group to gather with who are going through the same time as you. You can all have a laugh and for a moment or two, let this Vday be something happy. Go ahead and have the cake! Just a little bit. You know your limits and what your ultimate goal is. You'll know when to stop. I have faith in you.

    As for me this fine Feb 14, I have slept in (got up at 10am) and made my coffee & a big egg and toast breakfast which I brought back to bed with me and ate on HIS SIDE! Toast crumbs and all! :laugh: :laugh: :devil: Really, though if I can be honest here - it felt like sweet revenge at the time, but reality is that it's Saturday and I will be washing the sheets today so he'll never experience the itchy reprocussions of his ice fishing trip on heart day! I plan on cleaning up this house. Funny how when I'm sick for days and don't want to do anything, nothing gets done. argh. That's life living with men I suppose. The 11 yr old is the worst. Our living room looks like his bedroom most of the time. I guess cuz his room is so small he doesn't want to play with anything there, so he drags it all out to the living room. This mom thing is so new to me... I have to learn to relax and let go and "don't sweat the small stuff" I guess!

    So ya, I'll be cleaning my house and then go for a walk to the bank and the store. If it's nice enough I might go further down the road and check out this consignment store I've heard of. I went to another store (same owner) on the other side of town and was pleased to learn there was one right in my neighborhood! I thought about getting take out, but it's expensive (not that I don't deserve it) and usually full of sodium and I've been feeling bloated enough lately. I think I'll go to Safeway and see what I can find there that's inspiring to make. Something that the boys hate and would never allow me to cook in this house.... like curry. mmmmmm maybe.

    Sometime this weekend my coworker is bringing by that eliptical that she is giving me. I am so excited about that. That's another of my to-do's make a space for it downstairs!

    I'll check in later. Hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Thompsons -- If you still want to be involved with the group and have cake, maybe find a healthier version? (I know your not in the states but...) I know that some of the betty crocker delight thingys (you put them in the microwave and some of them are only 100 cals?) might work. I know pudding isn't anywhere close to chocolate cake, but they do have some great flavors that are very low cal. Good luck.
    MissResa & dsangel -- dang you chickas are tall (jealous:grumble: ) I loved Volleyball in high school and was never freakin tall enough, so I had to learn to set, small hands and all. The coach always said that if she could put my arm and competitiveness on someone taller, she'd be in heaven. Gee thanks coach, that makes me feel better.:grumble:

    Hope everyone has a great :heart: -day. Maybe if I'm lucky I can drag my hubby away from his cows and sneak off the mountain before it snows again.:bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Valentines Day!!!!! I'll post something more later... Am running late....:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Whew!!! Okay... I now have more than 2 minutes and can write to you all... I hope that everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day... Whether your hubby is home or not, whether you're single or taken... I hope that you all have fun. Mine has to work today, but he wrote a cute letter to me and our girls-on a paper towel in the kitchen. He couldn't find a piece of paper so he improvised...

    Last night, I did 90 minutes of Yoga... If anyone thinks that yoga looks easy, trust me, it's not!!! I thought my legs were going to collapse after the first 30 minutes!!! My shoulder is still bothering me, and going from plank to chatarunga(sp?) was killing me, so I had to make sure to be very careful when I was switching. Everyone take care!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pepamint, if you're sore, you should try to rest your muscles a bit. I know you're on a high and I totally love that you are go go go when it comes to your workouts, but what do you think Jillian would say? I say, go for your walks and do what you can, but don't go hardcore. You don't want to injure your muscles so you can't work out for a long time! Besides, when your muscles are sore is when they're rebuilding - they're working right now exactly like they're supposed to! Don't mess with nature! :flowerforyou: Just be careful - I care about you!

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great Friday - I'm all alone this weekend the boys are out ice fishing(Valentines Day and all :sad: :brokenheart: ) but my sweetie hid a card inside my laptop - what a nice surprise... I feel a bit better! :smooched: :heart: :love:

    Oh, and how I picked my goal weight. The history of the Mez. (real name Jen) ...

    Was always 125-130 in my teens and twenties (pic of me on my profile in bikini was taken around 28 yrs old - I'm now 36). Was in a very very harsh relationship with my ex-fiance who had 3 different mental illnesses. Won't get into all the gory details but let's just say living with him was hazardous to my mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. In one year I "somehow" (later had an aha moment about why exactly that happened) gained 50 lbs shooting up to 180 something (I stopped looking at the scale after I hit that number). After I was able to break free of that relationship and recover, I naturally and effortlessly lost about half of that weight. This was in 2002/03; I was 30/31. I plateaued at 165ish for the next 3-4 years no matter what I tried to do (mind you, I was still suffering - dealing with the death of my dad and other changes in my life). Finally, last year around this time something clicked (could it be reconnecting with the love of my life after 15 years? - Sappy love story another time perhaps) and I dropped down to 151 with barely any effort at all. I felt great! Then, in June last year I moved here to Winnipeg from my beautiful home in Kelowna BC to be with my one true love and everything was tickedy boo! However, turning into an instant "wife and mom" had a side effect that I should have seen coming. I started cooking FANTASTIC meals (I never cooked for just me when I was single) and eating just like they did! It's a common tale I know. Anyway, here I was stepping on the scale just after Christmas when I decided to really do something about this weight gain before it got out of hand, and low and behold, I am back up to 165! SOOOOOO! (*big breath*) I chose as my first goal, 152. It's one pound heavier than what I weighed when I got here last summer. Not sure why I chose that extra pound. Maybe I wanted to be a little easier on myself! My long term goal however, is going to be 140. I know I will never (and probably should never) be 125-130 again. I think your body changes as you get older and 130 just wouldn't look right on me anymore I don't think. I will be happy just to see the scale say 14-something really. I'll be thrilled to see 151 again! Hell, I'm thrilled to see 160 this week! And (knock on wood) it's not as hard as I always thought it was going to be. What the heck was my problem all this time anyway? Oh ya, I didn't have MFP!

    Thanks for listening to my ramble. Or reading my ramble I suppose. Now you know a little more about me. :wink: Happy :heart: Day!

    first of all thank you for being so brave and sharing your story :flowerforyou: should we all share our firsts names are we ready for that yet :laugh: ???
    you are so sweet for caring...yes i am very gung ho this time (so unlike me i swear) jillian would probably be impressed :bigsmile: truthfully though i was afraid to take a day off so i did go for my walk yesterday ...and today sorry :blushing: but it actually helped, i think it loosened up the muscles. we went a different root and i think it helped. so i am not gonna do the 30 day shred until maybe tom but at least i am sticking to the walking. what i am then gonna do is my cardio walking and for the 30 day shred only do the streangth training part cause i dont think the dvd is ment to be done with other cardio (it can but i dont think im ready yet) also my mother pointed out a huge mistake i made i was using 5 pound weights for the squat arm lift move :blushing: i think jillian uses 3 pounds when i attempt the just streangth training part im gonna try those two changes. also another confession i fear that if i take a break from excercise i will fall back into my habbit of no longer doing it or skip more days until i fall back off the wagon that has been my pattern in the past and my biggest fear especially since i have been so consistent with my excercising 5 days a week....

    positive note a trench coat i got at a thrift store years ago that i adore and havent been able to fit into for more than a year i can not only get my arms into and it over my shoulders but i was able to button one button (my chest which is usually the hardest damn it :laugh: ) i was so excited but it is still a bit tight but i dont care i am so happy....then my mother says ok the true test and lets me try on her 60's coat which i covet and was able to get into in my thinner fit couldnt close it yet but i mean if 7 pounds makes that much a difference i can not wait till i reach my goal.

    missresa i totally understand i tried yoga video years ago and hello i didnt realize its a workout like that lol but i read that it can make you taller (at 5'1 that would be heaven) but also more flexible and toner so i would love to at some point maybe try it again i was just talking to my mother about trying it today...

    oh im so sorry this is long but one more thing great dessert idea for cake lovers i believe its 157 calories ill check my food log but i got it down from 250:

    1 chocolate pudding - 60 calories
    1 teaspoon of peanut butter (i use chunky u can use smooth)
    1-2 squares (so half of the whole one) honey graham cracker (path marks are lower carbs and calories)

    put the peanut butter in the pudding and mix then crumble the graham cracker in (over paper towel or plate) usually i do one first and mix it. it almost tastes like pie....i know its not perfect but i love this as a treat...

    anyone try the banana nut cheerioes yet they are my new fav breakfast.

    thanks for listening to my ramble lol :laugh:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hope everyone had a great Valentines day and a good weekend so far. I had a nice valentines day. I did go to dinner and got cordon bleu which was to die for. It came with FF so I gave most to my daughter. I know it was not super healthy but I am in Germany, nothing is super healthy. I saved most of my calories for my dinner. After dinner everyone came to my house. I did have one piece of the cake I made. It was only 290 calories so not to bad. I ate mostly strawberry's, yum. Anyway I did go over my calories by a little bit but nothing excesive. I could have eaten differently but I felt like even once I get thin I will eat these things. I just have to eat them in moderation and be aware or everything I am putting in my mouth. I did exceresice yesterday before. I wish I had excercised after. I was 2 lbs heavier today but I am not going to let that upset me. It could be what I ate but I am also on AF right now so you all know how that is. I just have to keep with it and that is all. Anyway sorry for the long post about me but I needed to share with someone. Thank you all for your tips. Also even though I was 2 lbs heavier today. Today is my official weigh in and I was down 2 lbs from last week so I am totally happy with that. I can't wait for Tuesday's weigh in! Have a great day!
  • abullock
    abullock Posts: 36 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I haven't posted in a while - I kind of melted down. I have suffered with post-partum depression with all of my kids and thought that maybe I had escaped it with my son (who is now 5mths). However, it became very clear a couple of weeks ago that I have not. Rather than doing what I know I can do to help myself feel better (working out, spending more time outside, taking extra vitamins, etc.), I really just collapsed and sunk into it. I wallowed in it. It was a very yucky week. The last few days I have done better, so here I am.

    Someone asked how we picked our goal weight and I realize that I may need to reevaluate mine. I am 5’5 and after my 3rd daughter was born I worked out very hard and got down to 125 – I was in the best shape of my adult (post kids) life. I didn’t stay at 125 for long, as I found that 130 was a lot easier for me to maintain. But then I had daughter #4 and my son in September. I set my goal weight back at 125 because I wanted to be in the best shape that I can be in before my brother-in-law’s wedding in April. I am realizing that it may not be realistic since I still have to lose 19 lbs and there are only in 8 weeks to go!! This realization definitely didn’t help with my depression. But I have decided that I would rather work as hard as I can, and lose what I can in the next 8 weeks. Whatever I lose, I will look better than I will if I just give-up!!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I could have eaten differently but I felt like even once I get thin I will eat these things. I just have to eat them in moderation and be aware or everything I am putting in my mouth.

    Thompsons you are so right. I was thinking the same thing when you first were talking about whether or not you should have cake. This isn't a DIET you are on, this is a LIFESTYLE! And LIFE HAS CAKE!!! We have to all stop beating ourselves up for having a chocolate or two or a piece of cake on a special occasion... I said on another thread where one of us was crying because she emotionally ate 7 chocolates that it's not a few chocolates on one day that will make us fat (or keep us fat), it's a few chocolates EVERY day that will! Knowing that there will be a little 'sumthin sumthin' at a gathering or that it's Vday or Easter or a Birthday party or whatever allows you to make the choices before and after to BALANCE out those indulgences. Life is all about balance isn't it? Good for you for recognizing that you don't have to deprive yourself of what everyone else is enjoying - that's like a punishment or something and we all love ourselves so much (that's why we're here). It's ridiculous to think we'd punish ourselves for the rest of our lives.

    abullock, I'm sorry you're going through a depression right now. I've never had my own babies (:cry: ) so I can't relate, but I have had the blues and have them a bit right now (winter blahs mixed in with really bad homesickness). I hope you will continue to check in with us and know that we all care about you. Do your best with your weight loss, but more importantly take care of your heart and mind! Hugs to you!:flowerforyou:

    Pepamint! I was wondering where you were! Good for you for keeping up with your walks! I think you have the right idea about going low and slow with the 30 day. Once your body is ready for more, you'll know, and knowing you, you will be raring to go hardcore! :laugh: You go girl!

    Happy Sunday to everyone! I think my eliptical is arriving today! Yay!
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