Coworkers who bring in junk food (donuts, chocolate, candy,



  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I don't understand the coworkers who give a hard time at the word "no".

    When I say no, they say ok and walk away. No questions, no weird looks.

    I have been abstaining so long that I can easily say no and not be pressured.

    And if someone leaves a goodie on my desk while I am away....I don't throw it away...I give it away to my other coworkers who appreciate the extra treat.

    I don't see what makes the decision to say no so hard.

    Then again...all my coworkers KNOW I am on a diet plan and they are 'nice' to offer but know I will decline. I guess if you don't tell anyone what you're doing, they may be pushy. I can see that.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    hahaha on Halloween my friend and I brought in apple and grapes prepackaged (Walmart I think) haha needless to say they were gone and with only 40 cals a bag...I may have eaten' one or two... hey beats candy and it makes you feel like your participating!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    how forceful, exactly, are they? Unless theres a gun to your neck YOU ate the junk,nobody forced you to. Weight loss is great, but i dont expect my family or friends to quit indulging because i decided to get healthy. If you eat junk it's because you wanted to. I doubt anyone would hold you down and shove a cupcake down your neck.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    I think one of the difficulties here is for people not dieting, but maintaining, no one knows because you are already there at your goal.

    Second thing we do at work is set the food on the table, send an email to the coworkers to come and pick up a treat, it works very well
  • nukebhs83
    i have been trying to lose weight as well BUT we have 5 birthdays within 6 weeks of each other so that means 6 birthday cakes---i did not have one bite of any of them so you do not have to eat it just because its there. every once in a while it doesnt hurt to have a bite or two of something sweet. you havent blown your diet and can work that into your allowed calories for your day. just do a few jumping jacks and pushups to help burn some of it off. good luck and hang in there.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Maybe not everyone has the same experience, but some co-workers are relentless. It isn't always as easy as saying no thanks. The other night a co-worker brought in a box of Ferrero Rocher. He offered them to me several times, each time I was polite but firm. I said "thanks but no thanks" "I'm good" "I am eating my lunch, but thanks". Another co-worker walked in and he offered them some. Then he proceeded to offer me again, when I politely refused again, he told the other co-worker that am being a b1tch, I won't eat his candy. He was joking, but seriously, that is a lot of unwarranted pressure to eat it, even alienated because I won't eat it.
    Yes, I could have given in, but I didn't want it. Its not about blowing my diet, its about my choice. If I was going to eat something not on my diet, I would choose something else.
    He did the same thing to another guy on my shift who was dieting/training for a bodybuilding competition when he wouldn't go in on pizza.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Eating one doughnut isn't throwing anything out the window. Work it into your calories, exercise to give yourself more calories, or let it go for one day. However, I think the larger issue here is why anyone should feel embarrassed that they choose to eat healthfully or at least at their calorie goal. Either just be polite and say "no thanks," work it into your daily calories, or be honest and tell them that you are watching what you eat (whether that be calories and/or ingredients). If people want to think you're weird for trying to improve your health, so be it.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Can't believe people throw food away that has been made or bought by others - that is just plain rude. It is not that difficult to say no thanks!

    I didn't read through all the other responses, but I saw a few of these, and I totally agree! Say no thanks! Why should you lie? Of course, being vegan, I have a tough skin with this kind of stuff. I have no problem politely refusing. Most people don't bat an eye, but if they ask, I tell the truth. Then they know I'm not being rude in the future when I choose not to eat something they have made.
  • rly123
    rly123 Posts: 63 Member
    yesss! I'm not the only one with crazy coworkers who look at you like some kind of maniac when you turn down their goodies (and by goodies I mean junk food) :laugh:
    I just take the smallest whatever they have. take a little bite so I won't be craving it for the rest of the workday (I become obsessive with these flippin treats. UGGGGHHH!)
    and then i throw away the rest before I eat the whole entire thing. then I drink a lot of water... lol
  • alaliberte
    This post is interesting because I like seeing the junk food in the break room and then turning it ya! hehe. I know, glutton for punishment, right? I don't have a lot of junk at home so it's nice to see it at work once in a while.

    What I really like and find harder to resist is baked goods! Oh baby! Pumpkin bread, muffins, cake....uh.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't touch it. It's an automatic no. If I get asked, I say "great, thanks! I will grab one after lunch for dessert!" I am not being stalked all day. For all they know, I did get I after lunch, or all the other people ate them by then.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Can't believe people throw food away that has been made or bought by others - that is just plain rude. It is not that difficult to say no thanks!

    Oh then I'm crazy rude. Not always on purpose..... I never finish anything on my plate. I have put a treat on my plate, took a bite, and chucked it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member

    Nah just a regular sized glazed donut. I don't care that I ate it (well I do a little :P ), it's more that I get irritated that people I work with it bring it in and force it on others to make their fatass eating habits seem more normal.

    I don't think thats why people bring treats into the office. If you really think that, I'd say your perception is warped. People are just enjoying the holidays and sharing their good cheer...

    I'm glad someone finally mentioned this. I mean with as much snark as he's expressed in his OP and subsequent replies, I'm surprised he's not as blunt in his refusal to the treats at work. If he was half as "opinionated" to his co-workers as he is on here, I have no doubt they'd never offer him another donut as long as he works there.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OP, I know its tough when there is peer pressure, and the workplace can be just as bad as highschool that way.

    Ultimately it is your choice, but I think a lot of people are missing the fact that sometimes it is a choice about the relationships in the workplace vs your diet for the day. I think there are lots of good suggestions on this thread, give some of them a try, but if you really don't want to eat that stuff, then just keep saying no. Hopefully they will get used to it after a while.

    Or choose to have a small piece or half a donut and count those cals, they are unlikely to ruin your day or diet but might be worth it in the interests of workplace harmony. I don't agree that it is rude to throw away food - if someone has pushed you to take something you don't really want, then eating a bit and tossing the rest is a great strategy. Better not to take it in the first place, but you still have a choice. And they do too - if they don't want you to toss it, they shouldn't push it on you!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    Nah just a regular sized glazed donut. I don't care that I ate it (well I do a little :P ), it's more that I get irritated that people I work with it bring it in and force it on others to make their fatass eating habits seem more normal.

    I don't think thats why people bring treats into the office. If you really think that, I'd say your perception is warped. People are just enjoying the holidays and sharing their good cheer...

    I agree with this^
    many people socialize through food...just because their eating habits are not as healthy as yours does not mean you should judge them as "fat a$$es." Why is it OK to say that about people whose eating choices are not the same as yours? You are not responsible for what they put into their a bit :)

    I work in an office where people occasionally bring in treats, both healthy and "not so healthy." I have the choice to eat it and fit it in to my daily plan, eat more than I planned for the day, work out a little more, or just smile and say "no thank you." Nobody gives me a hard time for my choices.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Honestly I think you're acting childish. Eating one donut isn't going to ruin your day. Seriously, it doesnt. This is your body, your choice, your life. If you don't want to eat something just say "no". If they insist, just continue to say "no". No one's going ot think you're a weirdo. It's common courtesy that if you have some sweet treats that you share. They're probably thinking "ooo more for me!" when you say no not "WTF is wrong with this guy?".

    I'm honestly somewhat shocked at the insecurity I see seeping out of this thread "oh they're trying to make there fatasses seem normal" Wow really? Just because YOU have chosen to eat differently please spare the world from your holier than thou attitude. You make the choice every day into what you put into your body. YOU, no one else. Take some responsibility here.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I totally understand the frustration. It's really REALLY hard for me to say "no" but I do. I pass by the cookie tray and don't take one. When someone comes to me, I don't take one.. But then on like the third or fourth time I'm asked to have one it just wears down my will power. It's not about not hurting feelings, it's because I WANT THE DANGED COOKIE and someone is dangling it in front of my face until finally I scarf it down!

    Right now I'm have a really hard time with my mother in law. I'm staying at our house in lebanon where she lives and every day she is constantly offering me sweets and food. If she sees that I didn't take any, she puts them in my room on my dresser! UGH! The thing is, she honestly does not think she is doing anything wrong.... to her food=love.
  • chatdude

    Already ate a donut today so the diet is out the window for today :P

    I'm sorry I'm one of those folks who brings in donuts. I luv donuts.

    Did you know that God blessed all donuts?

    Not only that, but if the person is wavering, I'll be like "oh cmon donuts are good for you! These are sugar free donuts." I'm evil at work yep. But its either that or I eat the whole dozen myself which would definitely be bad.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    Already ate a donut today so the diet is out the window for today :P

    I'm sorry I'm one of those folks who brings in donuts. I luv donuts.

    Did you know that God blessed all donuts?

    Not only that, but if the person is wavering, I'll be like "oh cmon donuts are good for you! These are sugar free donuts." I'm evil at work yep. But its either that or I eat the whole dozen myself which would definitely be bad.

    God blessed donuts with his own hands.

    Brought down powdery angels from the promised land

    Gave 'em a place where they could dance

    If you wanna see heaven, brother here's your chance.

    I've been sent to spread the message


    God. Blessed. Donuts.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Keel zem!

    heheh JK. I think I would just try to avoid the food as much as possible and always have gum on hand (particularly the strong kind like the cinnamon that way if you are tempted to eat something it will taste funky lol).