I don't care ENOUGH.



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    There's nothing wrong with loving yourself the way you are. And seriously, 5'10 and 250? I'm 5'2" and 260 and there would be absolutely nothing wrong with it if I chose to stay at this weight. Health isn't a moral obligation, and so if he doesn't care about his weight.. good for him. People don't need to spend their lives obsessing over their weight and dieting.
    I'm sorry that you think that you have the right to judge people based on their weight and perceived health. God forbid someone enjoy their snack and/or video game.

    ^ interesting view to take. my sister was obese most of her life, at times excepting herself as that is the way she was meant to be, at other times frustrated with her inability to manage her weight. she passed away january 1, 2011 of heart failure at the young age of 59. she left behind many many broken hearts - husband, children, grandchildren, mother , brother, and one very broken hearted sister. i wish i would have encouraged her more to take care of her health. in the end it's up to that individual to help themselves and no one can make it the decision for them...but it is so beneficial to have a strong support system and know others care. it may not be a moral obligation.....but taking control of your healthy and well being for yourself and the ones you love can enrich your live and everyone around you. best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Umeboshi- this has nothing to do with the game or the cheetos i was simply saying what he was doing at the moment. He can't even stand on his feet for 10 mins without them turning red/purple cause he lays on his *kitten* ALL day long. He gets out of breath doing the dishes..this is about his HEALTH. NOT his game or snack! So sorry that i want my brother to care ENOUGH so he doesn't die to soon.

    Cool story bro.
    Maybe you should read this link and kindly stop with your health trolling.

    This is from your profile:
    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to be able to live longer, feel healthier, and be able to be more physically active!
  • Pancake86
    He needs to want to change for himself, all you can do is be there for him when he needs the support. I rem ppl trying to help me etc it never sunk in. When I decided it was time then i opened my arms wide for all the help i could get!! HE will have a wake up call we all do!!!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Lol! No!!! Leave World of Warcraft out of this!.... :laugh:

    You cannot blame anything for his way of life. It's his body. The most powerful influence on a person is by living by example. Once he sees that your way of life will benefit him more then sitting around doing nothing he will want to change. Until then, he probably thinks you are missing out. Or that where he is at is ultimately his happiest place. Unless he is harming someone, there is not much you can do except be a good role model. Good on you for caring about him! But don't judge him as you were once in his place.

    And World of Warcraft can be a fun game that doesn't have to be considered addicted. Most players only play a couple hours a day at the most. It's just those few crazies that play hours and hours that make the game look bad. Nobody forces them to play.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    There's nothing wrong with loving yourself the way you are. And seriously, 5'10 and 250? I'm 5'2" and 260 and there would be absolutely nothing wrong with it if I chose to stay at this weight. Health isn't a moral obligation, and so if he doesn't care about his weight.. good for him. People don't need to spend their lives obsessing over their weight and dieting.
    I'm sorry that you think that you have the right to judge people based on their weight and perceived health. God forbid someone enjoy their snack and/or video game.

    I know this thread isn't about you Umeboshi, but I can't help but say something. Yes, I did read that article and at the least it's shortsighted.

    Personally, I do think that good health is a moral obligation. I may be 20 lbs over my 'ideal weight', but I know I'm still healthy. I believe my life, and therefore my body, are a gift and I'd better take care of it if I want to keep it. What's even more of a moral obligation is to care for others.

    Can you imagine a society where no one felt the need or obligation to speak up against destructive things? Maybe they feel the need, but can't because of laws or fear of retribution? We could sit here all day and name such societies and start counting the death toll. Of course that's a little more extreme than what we're discussing here, but the idea is the same.

    I believe she has an obligation to at least say something to her brother. Her concern stems from love. Love is nothing if it doesn't have action behind it. She's fulfilled that obligation. Whether or not he listens is up to him. No one can force him to do anything.

    Anyone who says they don't love someone 'because they're fat' is kidding themselves. They don't love that person because they don't have the capacity to love. It has nothing to do with the fat person.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If you blood/urine work is fine, joints are healthy, and if you are in reasonable shape, you can weigh what you want.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Umeboshi- this has nothing to do with the game or the cheetos i was simply saying what he was doing at the moment. He can't even stand on his feet for 10 mins without them turning red/purple cause he lays on his *kitten* ALL day long. He gets out of breath doing the dishes..this is about his HEALTH. NOT his game or snack! So sorry that i want my brother to care ENOUGH so he doesn't die to soon.

    Cool story bro.
    Maybe you should read this link and kindly stop with your health trolling.

    This is from your profile:
    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to be able to live longer, feel healthier, and be able to be more physically active!

    Fun fact: My goal weight is right on the border between overweight and obese.

    "[A] fit man carrying 50 pounds of body fat had a death rate less than one-half that of an unfit man with only 25 pounds of body fat."
    -Harvard Health Policy Review, 2003

    I suggest you check out the whole website.

    "Scientists found that non-obese heart failure patients – including overweight, normal and underweight patients – had a 76 percent increase in risk of sudden cardiac death compared to obese heart failure patients. Normal and underweight patients showed a startling 99 percent increase in risk for sudden cardiac death compared to obese patients."


    As for 'feeling healthier', I have severe clinical depression, and physical activity has been proven to improve mood (mental health) in depression patients. Eating better portion sizes and improved nutrition from getting more vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins in my diet also greatly improves my health and feeling of health. These things happen to contribute to my weight loss.
    That doesn't mean anyone has the right to complain on a forum about my (or anyone else's) health and weight.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    There's nothing wrong with loving yourself the way you are. And seriously, 5'10 and 250? I'm 5'2" and 260 and there would be absolutely nothing wrong with it if I chose to stay at this weight. Health isn't a moral obligation, and so if he doesn't care about his weight.. good for him. People don't need to spend their lives obsessing over their weight and dieting.
    I'm sorry that you think that you have the right to judge people based on their weight and perceived health. God forbid someone enjoy their snack and/or video game.

    I know this thread isn't about you Umeboshi, but I can't help but say something. Yes, I did read that article and at the least it's shortsighted.

    Personally, I do think that good health is a moral obligation. I may be 20 lbs over my 'ideal weight', but I know I'm still healthy. I believe my life, and therefore my body, are a gift and I'd better take care of it if I want to keep it. What's even more of a moral obligation is to care for others.

    Can you imagine a society where no one felt the need or obligation to speak up against destructive things? Maybe they feel the need, but can't because of laws or fear of retribution? We could sit here all day and name such societies and start counting the death toll. Of course that's a little more extreme than what we're discussing here, but the idea is the same.

    I believe she has an obligation to at least say something to her brother. Her concern stems from love. Love is nothing if it doesn't have action behind it. She's fulfilled that obligation. Whether or not he listens is up to him. No one can force him to do anything.

    Anyone who says they don't love someone 'because they're fat' is kidding themselves. They don't love that person because they don't have the capacity to love. It has nothing to do with the fat person.

    Every thread is about me. I'm just that awesome.
    There is a difference between mentioning health to someone you care about, and making a forum post about how appalled you are by their obese lifestyle.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Quote all the stats you want. Until you comment on our OWN blood/urine work, you don't have much to say. I've gotten my blood/urine work done last year or so.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Quote all the stats you want. Until you comment on our OWN blood/urine work, you don't have much to say. I've gotten my blood/urine work done last year or so.

    Congrats on your fancy urine.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Quote all the stats you want. Until you comment on our OWN blood/urine work, you don't have much to say. I've gotten my blood/urine work done last year or so.

    Congrats on your fancy urine.

    Congrats on completely ignoring the point and ending what what litle chance a honest discourse there was. You're snarky remarks doesn't invalidate the content of my post or content. You need to READ what I post. If you are fat but healthy, so be it. If you are fat/skinny and unhealthy, then you are unhealghty and need to do something about it. If you dont't know if you are unhealthy, then you don't have much to say on the matter, right?
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    As for 'feeling healthier', I have severe clinical depression.

    Don't you think there might be a link between your weight and your depression? Call me crazy, but I bet your depression would vanish if you got to your goal weight.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Quote all the stats you want. Until you comment on our OWN blood/urine work, you don't have much to say. I've gotten my blood/urine work done last year or so.

    Congrats on your fancy urine.

    Congrats on completely ignoring the point and ending what what litle chance a honest discourse there was. You're snarky remarks doesn't invalidate the content of my post or content. You need to READ what I post. If you are fat but healthy, so be it. If you are fat/skinny and unhealthy, then you are unhealghty and need to do something about it. If you dont't know if you are unhealthy, then you don't have much to say on the matter, right?

    If you are unhealthy, you don't NEED to do anything about it. It is a personal choice.

    FYI I'm incredibly unhealthy, which has nothing to do with anything. Especially because my main health issue is a MENTAL illness, and as far as I know my mental illnesses are not caused by my neurotransmitters eating too many cheetos.

    My point is that health isn't anyone else's business. Which you don't seem to get because you're too worried about my urine.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    As for 'feeling healthier', I have severe clinical depression.

    Don't you think there might be a link between your weight and your depression? Call me crazy, but I bet your depression would vanish if you got to your goal weight.

    I had severe depression when I was at my goal weight.
    Neurotransmitters are not affected by weight.
    I also have generalized anxiety and PTSD. When I get to my goal weight, will that make time travel possible so I can go back and change the severe abuse I went through, too?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Quote all the stats you want. Until you comment on our OWN blood/urine work, you don't have much to say. I've gotten my blood/urine work done last year or so.

    Congrats on your fancy urine.

    Congrats on completely ignoring the point and ending what what litle chance a honest discourse there was. You're snarky remarks doesn't invalidate the content of my post or content. You need to READ what I post. If you are fat but healthy, so be it. If you are fat/skinny and unhealthy, then you are unhealghty and need to do something about it. If you dont't know if you are unhealthy, then you don't have much to say on the matter, right?

    If you are unhealthy, you don't NEED to do anything about it. It is a personal choice.

    FYI I'm incredibly unhealthy, which has nothing to do with anything. Especially because my main health issue is a MENTAL illness, and as far as I know my mental illnesses are not caused by my neurotransmitters eating too many cheetos.

    My point is that health isn't anyone else's business. Which you don't seem to get because you're too worried about my urine.

    How do you know your bad health is only mental and not physical also? You haven't gotten your blood/urine work done. My health is my family's business. You aren't on an island by yourself. (as pointed out).
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Done with this thread, because in the words of OP's brother who is now my new spirit animal... "I don't care enough"
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Done with this thread, because in the words of OP's brother who is now my new spirit animal... "I don't care enough"

    No one knows how much/little you "care" about yoruself. At least you are HERE on this site.

    If broad generalized leaps of assumption were an Olympic event, you'd place 1st.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Trust me, there's absolutely notthing to hate on in regards to you or your opinion. You fatter yourself.

    Keep hiding behind that false sense of victimization in THIS thread.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Trust me, there's absolutely notthing to hate on in regards to you or your opinion. You fatter yourself.

    Keep hiding behind that false sense of victimization in THIS thread.
