Ladies : 5'4 Goal Weight?



  • elianexox
    elianexox Posts: 177 Member
    between 125 and 135...I'm not sure yet...I'll just see how I feel when I reach 135. I don't want to be skinny, but I want NO flab ! Sexy toned body :)
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Im 5'4 and my goal weight 120.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm shooting for 135 and will reassess when I get there. I'm pretty large framed (6.25" wrist) I'm 145 and 25.6% body fat now so I think another 10 pounds will probably put me right about where I want to be.
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    i agree.. if i can be 125ish but toned i would be good :)
    i think i look my best at 120.. there was a point i was 115 and i looked super sick
  • bandie320
    bandie320 Posts: 8 Member
    I think I want to be somewhere between 110 - 120, this is roughly what I used to weigh. I'm doing a lot of strength training now though so I probably wont want to get my weight down that low. I'm 143 at the moment and will just keep reassessing my goals as I go, I don't want to lose my curves but do want build some muscle and lose a dress size.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I wonder does it depend on your stature????
    It is funny becasue if you go by BMI it says I believe 120-125 to 140-something.
    In my wt loss journey I got to 132 one time and everyone said I looked like I smoked crack. My doctor thought I had an eating disorder. So, I went up to 140-144 and then everyone said I looked normal. Yet, that is over the BMI. Go figure sometimes I get frustrated with the whole thing!!!!!!!!!

    I think stature must have a lot to do with it. I think someone mentioned wrist size; mine is about 5.5". I've never been up to 120 lbs in my life, and no one ever tells me I look unhealthy. I've never really cared much about what everyone else thinks about how I look though. I don't even put much stock in how *I* think I look. Instead I go by feel. My body feels best, performs best as far as strength and endurance, in a certain weight range, and that seems to be quite a bit under what most people on this thread are aiming for. Muscle tone also figures in, but again, people put on muscle differently. If I flex, you can see individual muscles very clearly, but I look thin. My muscle builds very lean, wiry, whereas some people bulk instead.
  • ruggedBear
    I am 5'2" with a large frame ("I'm a little teapot...." - you know the rest!) - At my healthiest, I weighed 155 and wore size 10 jeans (back when clothes seemed smaller and 4 was the smallest size you could buy). At the time my husband complained that my hip bones stuck out too much! I'm shooting for 158 as my major goal, but am more focused on the body fat (22%). I do strength/weight training 3X/week along with cardio and have since I started this process - so the muscle is building nicely already.
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    What a relief to read such a mix of opinions! It turns out that real ladies aren’t all 5’10” and 110lbs!

    I’m currently at 132lbs. My high was 139lbs and I’m aiming at 126lbs as I’ve been there before and felt/looked healthy.
  • l_r27
    l_r27 Posts: 7
    I'm 5'4 and aiming for 133lb (9st 7lb and hopefully a comfortable UK size 10) Currently I'm 156lb. At my highest I was 189lb so looking for an over all loss of around 56lb although it depends how I look/feel once I get down. I might not go as low depends on my **crosses fingers** muscle tone/body fat %
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently at 232 lbs after losing 34 lbs with MFP. I gained 100 lbs in a year because of an auto-immune disease, bad eating habits and not enough exercise. My goal weight is 150, I think at 150 even though I would still be considered over weight I would be comfortable in my own skin and healthy. I have a very large chest and did before the weight gain too so I don't think the recommended 120 is attainable.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Whoa. I'm five feet three and a quarter inches,and I weigh a muscular 122 lbs. I've been less but not since I got married and had babies !!!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Oooh, go team 5'4". I don't really know that I have an "ultimate" goal weight. I really just want to get into 'healthy' bracket as opposed to overweight. So, I'm shooting for around 145-50. If I lose more than that, awesome. If not? I just want my numbers to be in a good bracket. =)