SPLENDA.... and other artificial sweeteners Im sure



  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I hope I don't step on any toes by asking this, but has anyone heard anything negative about Truvia? It's another sugar substitute that's new out there... :tongue:
  • We vaccinate to prevent pandemics like the Flu in 1918 that killed 550,000 Americans in 10 months.

    one last kick at the cat here... I believe "we" vaccinate because we have been programmed for centuries to believe that it's the only way. We are afraid to let our immune systems adapt to new things and in turn we fuel yet another multi million dollar business which clouds the facts and keeps us in the dark. And just for your knowledge, the MMR vaccine contains (among other disgusting things) aborted monkey fetus tissue. Dont expect to learn any of this in school though. If you decide to put that crap into your body by all means go ahead... kind of defeats the purpose of eating clean though doesn't it?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    We vaccinate to prevent pandemics like the Flu in 1918 that killed 550,000 Americans in 10 months.

    one last kick at the cat here... I believe "we" vaccinate because we have been programmed for centuries to believe that it's the only way. We are afraid to let our immune systems adapt to new things and in turn we fuel yet another multi million dollar business which clouds the facts and keeps us in the dark. And just for your knowledge, the MMR vaccine contains (among other disgusting things) aborted monkey fetus tissue. Dont expect to learn any of this in school though. If you decide to put that crap into your body by all means go ahead... kind of defeats the purpose of eating clean though doesn't it?

    There's a little problem with 'letting immune systems adapt'--it doesn't happen. The only reason the flu pandemic didn't wipe out the entire population was that a very few people were naturally immune, and it killed so many people so fast that it ran out of hosts. But not after killing those Americans plus 30 million Europeans. If you're not immune, you won't adapt. You'll die. The offspring of the naturally immune will live on, but they won't be your offspring. Alternately, you and your offspring will survive and procreate and produce more immune offspring, which is good, but still not for the naturally non-immune. I don't want MMR, and I don't want to pass that to anyone else, regardless of whether it contains 'aborted monkey fetus', although I'm sure that's just a bastardization of saying it contains antibodies cultured from monkey tissue. It's not about being afraid of letting our immune systems adapt, it's about not having evolved an immunity. It's not like the flu where you're sick for 3 days and you suppress the virus (which lives on in your body for as long as you do).

    What you're talking about is natural selection, and while that's a good concept--only the strongest survive--it's not so great in practice when you and your children perish when you're not the strongest. Now that's defeating the purpose of clean eating.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    one last kick at the cat here... I believe "we" vaccinate because we have been programmed for centuries to believe that it's the only way.

    well...I have neve kicked a cat and I openly discourage the practice...sarcasm aside and I really don't kick cats....opinions are a good thing but spouting hogwash will get you a foul smelling backspray
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I definitely understand the necessity of vaccinations... And I make sure to get a flu shot for myself and my kids every year. My husband went on multiple deployments, and although they scare me, he also got anthrax and smallpox vaccinations before he went overseas. I guess that for me and my family, we will pick getting vaccinations before getting sick because we've gone without... But it's a person's prerogative, right?

    MattySparky... Did you get your kids vaccinated? I'm just curious how that works out with school and all. Do they allow kids to attend public school without having all their shots? In AK where I live, we are required to have all their shots in order before they are allowed to attend.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    You guys ever hear of Truvia? Totally natural sweeter, no calories, comes from a plant :happy:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I posted the same earlier... But no one seems to have an opinion on Truvia...:bigsmile:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    My sister grew the plant in her garden last year, tastes just like sugar, no aftertaste. They should try it, would eliminate the controversy:laugh:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I haven't tried Truvia but Stevia does have an after taste as processed. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is less sweet than sugar. You can get pure erythritol on Emerald Forest site in packets or by the pound. They also sell xylitol. Neither of which have an after taste. Xylitol can be baked with no problem but not erythritol or stevia. They do not keep their sweetness when baked.

    Matty I can see your point about the natural medicines. I think if more people were given the choice by their insurance companies to use naturopathic or homeopathic remedies and medical professionals they would but as it stands most are not covered by medical plans and herbal remedies as well as alternative medicine can be quite costly even though very effective. I have a very comprehensive plan here but only accupuncture, chiropractors, and visits to nutritionists are covered by my plan in the way of natural treatments. I spend a lot of money each year to get the alternative whole food remedies I use and often do not have the money to replenish so I have to go for the cheap fix which I know in the long run like ibuprofen is not the best. I can get an all natural anti-inflammant from my chiro for $20.00 but it only has 15 day supply when IB is only $7.99 for the bottle of 500. I wish more plans would start to cover the natural remedies. I would gladly try them instead of traditional medicine. I watched my mom die of cancer and before that I saw how every medication they gave her warranted a new medication to combat the side effects of the last one. It was a horrible cycle and she was taking over 10 meds a day before she got cancer. No wonder her pancreas couldn't function and her amonia levels rose to unbelieveable levels. It really opened my eyes and I can't wait for the day our health care system opens it's eyes and gives us better choices. On the other hand I am definitely a believer in vaccinations.

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  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I do like Truvia, and I use it to make my iced tea... And I don't think it has an aftertaste like some of the *gasp* sugar substitutes that I have used:laugh: . I think everything needs to be used in moderation.

    AmyNVegas... I am so sorry about your mom. I lost an Aunt to cancer about 5 years ago... Now that's a disease that I wish would just go away... But losing her to cancer made me quit smoking-pretty stupid to do something like that to yourself, and be concerned about artificial sweeteners, right?:ohwell:
  • :happy:
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