First Loves



  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i dont know...i mean i like the kid. we're FB "friends" and im glad he's happy...altho if only my dad could see him now and how successful the kid is, he probably wouldnt have banned me from seeing him cause we had sex...*face palm* but regardless, i dont pine over him. i think about how stupid i was back then thinking that this was OHMYGOD love...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    Not mine. It was a long relationship (to me) and I wish the worst on the person now.

    Lol geez.

    Sounds like some hard feelings

    Considering the emotional, physical and sexual abuse I dealt with the last 2 years of the 5 year relatioship and the fact that he abandoned his son, I'd say they are justified. First years were good until I found out he was cheating. :angry:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Nope. It went on far too long and ended badly. I look back at the time spent with him and think I was a fool.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    aaaaahhh The first Love..the first everything...YES he still holds a very dear place in my heart and the funny thing is I see him all of the time and everytime do, I still get butterflies !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the crazy thing is our sons both go to the same school and are NOW best friends so yea I see him alot not to mention one might my son comes home and says MOM...I DIDNT KNOW YOU DATED VAUGHN !!!!!!!!! in a pissy tone..I said Yes not only did I date him I was in love iwth him....I said how did you know, His response : HIS WIFE TOLD ME !!! hahahahahahahaha yes Zack its true..then he said well did you do anything with response : ASK HIS WIFE !!!!
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    aaaaahhh The first Love..the first everything...YES he still holds a very dear place in my heart and the funny thing is I see him all of the time and everytime do, I still get butterflies !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the crazy thing is our sons both go to the same school and are NOW best friends so yea I see him alot not to mention one might my son comes home and says MOM...I DIDNT KNOW YOU DATED VAUGHN !!!!!!!!! in a pissy tone..I said Yes not only did I date him I was in love iwth him....I said how did you know, His response : HIS WIFE TOLD ME !!! hahahahahahahaha yes Zack its true..then he said well did you do anything with response : ASK HIS WIFE !!!!

    haha, funny you say that because hubby and I are looking for houses in the school district I know he lives in.. our two kids would end up at the same school together.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    aaaaahhh The first Love..the first everything...YES he still holds a very dear place in my heart and the funny thing is I see him all of the time and everytime do, I still get butterflies !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the crazy thing is our sons both go to the same school and are NOW best friends so yea I see him alot not to mention one might my son comes home and says MOM...I DIDNT KNOW YOU DATED VAUGHN !!!!!!!!! in a pissy tone..I said Yes not only did I date him I was in love iwth him....I said how did you know, His response : HIS WIFE TOLD ME !!! hahahahahahahaha yes Zack its true..then he said well did you do anything with response : ASK HIS WIFE !!!!

    Why is his wife telling the boys that?! LoL
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)

    awww!! :heart: this!!!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)

    AWWWW friggen adorable! :heart:
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    aaaaahhh The first Love..the first everything...YES he still holds a very dear place in my heart and the funny thing is I see him all of the time and everytime do, I still get butterflies !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now the crazy thing is our sons both go to the same school and are NOW best friends so yea I see him alot not to mention one might my son comes home and says MOM...I DIDNT KNOW YOU DATED VAUGHN !!!!!!!!! in a pissy tone..I said Yes not only did I date him I was in love iwth him....I said how did you know, His response : HIS WIFE TOLD ME !!! hahahahahahahaha yes Zack its true..then he said well did you do anything with response : ASK HIS WIFE !!!!

    Why is his wife telling the boys that?! LoL

    I said the same thing !!!!! Why did she feel compelled to tell them ..too funny ! now he teases me all the time..when ever his on Riley comes over , I cant believe how much he looks like him and I say DAMN YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR DAD...MY son says OH GOD...HURRY RILEY RUN !
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    my first lust, oops I mean love will always hold a special place i guess, but I also agree that my definition of love now is truely different from what it was then and I never even wonder what would have happened if we stayed together, now that my daughter is having "boyfriends" I remember back to the "butterflies in my stomach" first kisses and stuff, but other than those happy feelings, I don't hold love for him, just good memories
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Depends with me. I have 2 first loves if that makes sense. My first one was 4 years older than me and in the Navy the entire time we were together so I never got to see him. The one time I saw him after we started dating was the best night of my life. But when his grandma died he dropped off the face of the earth and it took me 6 years to find him. The second I met while dating the first (on a break up) and he is the father of my son and my soon to be ex husband. I fell in love with him once I realized that my first first love was never to be found. Ironically they are both named David. The first David C. has a special chunk of my life, but he is married now :( and the second David H is a *kitten* but unfortunantly has a place in my heart because he gave me my son. I have never stopped thinking about David C though and a part of me wishes he would leave his wife so we could live the life we always talked about.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Years later we connected and are now married and have a beautiful little girl... yeah, I'd say he's pretty special! :D
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)

    AWWWW friggen adorable! :heart:
    This is the cutest damn story every :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    i would say im sorry if i ever saw her again...i was pretty much a **** back then. now i make a point to teach my boys the right way to treat someone.

    I love this response!

    My first "love" was a doll. He was such a sweet boy and grew up to become a really great guy. We were each other's firsts and I was the horrible one that broke HIS heart.
    I actually cried when I tracked him down after my daughter was born and found out he was married. I even sent him an email apologizing for being sucha lil b!tch back then and congratulating him on his marriage. He emailed me back and thanked me for my apology even.
    They recently just had their first child and a small part of me was sad, again....he was the one that got away for me
    that is similar to me and mine. he was in the navy and i was so jealous of the girls he would meet and couldnt handle the constant "we are going dark dont know when we can talk next" situations. i found him 6 years after we ended our 4yr relationship and he is married now. he still talked to me like he did when we were dating, but i told him if he isnt going to leave his wife I cant handle him talking to me like that. I am still in love with him and compare guys to him. :(
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I married my first love. We were together for 10 years, married for almost 5. We aren't together now, but we are close.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    The person that I thought I loved, really loved, broke my heart... So if anything he is placed in the broken part of my heart :( .. When my heart officially heals, I'm hoping for whoever my future love will be, will only have a special place in my heart.

    One day, one day.... :/
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    my first bf was a *kitten*, so no, there is no place in my heart for him.
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I say no on my part. My very first bf/love call it whatever doesn't have a special place in my heart and I am glad about it ;)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)

    You just restored my faith in love a little bit there ;)