What are/were your guilty pleasure eating habits?



  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    -White bread toasted with butter and icing sugar...haven't done this in a LONG time since I don't buy white bread anymore only sourdough for my husband
    -Decaf Caramel Macciatos. I've now switched to Decaf Skinny Vanilla Lattes

    I buy the reduced fat kind but still, I could eat so much of it. Another reason I stopped buying bread.
    You reminded me of another one of mine, Caffe Mochas with whipped cream! I used to pick up one a few times a week whenever I'm on campus! More than 300 calories per drink...now I stick to making my coffee at home, it's cheaper too!
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Buffalo Wild Wings, had a 12 (sometimes 16) 4 boneless asian zing/4 wild/4 carribean jerk once, sometimes 2 times a week when I was pregnant (it was bad when I was pregnant) But I love wings period and could eat them for every meal with blu cheese dressing.
  • Hamburger helper! Or any of the rest of the helper brand. They were cheap and easy and filling and I thought since I wasn't adding meat it was ok. And blue box Mac and cheese. A box a sitting, easily.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Not just any ice cream for me; it was Butterfinger ice cream. For a while, I at a big bowl almost every night, while sitting on the sofa watching movies. I haven't had any in over two months. In fact, I have had exactly one serving of ice cream in that time, and it was a small dish of vanilla soft-serve when someone bought it for the whole office.
    Ice cream seems to be popping up a lot! Fortunately, I'm not a big fan of sweets. I like them occasionally, but I don't crave them. I'd rather eat regular food lol
  • slbeutler
    Totino's Party Pizza's. Yes, the frozen ones. I could eat 2 in one sitting.
  • DesertSunsetRain
    I would eat a whole frozen pizza in a couple of hours or so. I'd eat some, try and sit awhile and then continue to go back for more. I haven't bought a frozen pizza in awhile because I know I won't be able to portion it out in any way.

    I used to have a big bowl of pasta with pasta sauce and some kind of meat added in, a slice of garlic bread, and then for dessert I'd have a big bowl of ice cream or a few chocolates or cookies. I did that a few times a week. Spaghetti is pretty cheap so I would eat it a lot... and a lot of it.

    Something I used to do, but not that often- just as a treat. I would dip oreos into crunchy peanut butter. Delicious.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Cant believe I used to order a 5 pack KFC and large fries!!
    Or some days 2 GPK (Gourmet Pizza Kitchen) pizza's - and finish about 2 thirds of it in one session!!
    A large Pork Roast with all the fried potatos and vegetables, and a bread and butter pudding (now I order the medium, without potatoes - and then it is 2 meals....)

    Man - just thinking about it no wonder I weighed 150kg's!!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Buffalo Wild Wings, had a 12 (sometimes 16) 4 boneless asian zing/4 wild/4 carribean jerk once, sometimes 2 times a week when I was pregnant (it was bad when I was pregnant) But I love wings period and could eat them for every meal with blu cheese dressing.
    Oooh I love wings. My favorite place has gold bbq wings, so good! I've never been able to eat more than 5 at a time, I usually eat about 4.... but I also order chili cheese fries and cherry coke, so not exactly healthy either!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Red Baron frozen pizza...I'd have the whole thing by myself, but not before dumping on about half a bag of shredded cheese. Cause you know, they *never* put enough cheese on a frozen pizza, lol.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Hot links wrapped in puff pastry dressed with butter and cheese. Pigs in a blanket evolved to what I called "quilted hottie links."
  • nrimas
    nrimas Posts: 83 Member
    everythin overeatter here people who lost weight and kept it off help me!
    You just have to realize you have a big appetite, like people who worry or shop or whatever. Understand you have this "thing" and you are the only one who can address it and say it is not going to run your life. Just like a claustrophobic who refuses to be afraid. It is part of you and you are going to learn how to deal the cards. I did it, you can do it. I can eat 6 pieces of cheesecake in one sitting. SERIOUSLY. You have to believe there is an answer and then go toward that answer. Good luck! I believe in you!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Red Baron frozen pizza...I'd have the whole thing by myself, but not before dumping on about half a bag of shredded cheese. Cause you know, they *never* put enough cheese on a frozen pizza, lol.
    lol, that made me laugh. I love cheese!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    cookie dough!!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have so many as a guy who travels and eats on a per diem allotment that I couldn't fit them all on this post without putting people to sleep. Let's just say that I ate a lot of crap I shouldn't have and ALWAYS felt physically sick and kept coming back for more...I am SO happy I changed my lifestyle for the better.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I would eat at least a 1 lb ribeye with potatoes and veggies, then a big bag of tortilla chips with salsa, then a whole Phish Food, Cherry Garcia or Chocolate chip cookie dough pint of Ben & Jerry's. That was pretty normal for me. Now I have diabetes and do not eat a lot of carbs, I miss the potatoes very badly. I still have the steak (but less) and veggies but no chips or ice cream.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Entire Chipotle burrito with a serving of chips and guacamole. For dessert, Baskin Robbins ice cream (I worked at Baskin, Chipotle was right next door). This used to be my daily lunch!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Mine is/was Betty Crocker chocolate or vanilla frosting. Yes, I can eat an entire can of the stuff, and it is so very good. I don't bring it in the house (I can't as it won't survive, and then I won't fit into my clothes)!

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    cookie dough!!!!
    that's another one for me too!
  • mollydevine007
    Sweets in general! I talk myself into thinking, "I excercise enough... I'll be fine". I don't eat it everyday, but I have days when I give in once and then the rest of the day is shot.
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  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    I drink Bacardi most nights of the week. It's only 62 cals per glass when mixed with Sprite Zero.
    I love multigrain waffles with lemon curd
    OMG and I just discovered Puff Pastry Margherita Pizza from Trader Joe's today... I think it will replace my waffles with lemon curd addiction for a while!