If you could give only piece of advice



  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    View food as fuel, and feed yourself accordingly. At least once a month, eat for pleasure!

    Love this!!!

    Me too! Think more about ADDING nutrition to your everyday eating rather than eliminating food groups. Plan every meal, stick to the plan, re-evaluate, repeat.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    You need to do it for you and no one else, or it won't stick. There will always be birthday cakes, holiday sweets, and some sort of celebration to throw you off track. Choose your occassions wisely and limit portions. Exercise should be a way of life like brushing your teeth. Form habits that last a lifetime. Believe in yourself!
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels (although I dont know what this feels like anymore, But i am sure this is still true)
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm gonna cheat. I have two.

    First: "Diet" is a NOUN. Not a verb. It is what you eat to fuel your body, not something you do for a while and then quit doing. Once you get that through your head, things look different.

    Second: beware giving up your mental health in favor of thinness or exercise. It is possible to overdo anything. Strive for balance!
  • jlchow
    jlchow Posts: 40
    Brush your teeth. Seriously, it's a big part of your health too.
  • VinVenture
    Lift weights. Women don't get bulky and it prevents flabby skin, especially inner thighs and arms. Seriously. It also is great for burning calories.
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    Take the same time to "workout your inside" as well. Many of the obstacles you need to overcome are inside of your head.

    I would concur with this ^^^ earlier post. The mechanics of changing a body are pretty simple. It's the human elements that create the biggest obstacles. Work on your inside first and regularly, and the outside will change almost automatically!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Plan. Record your day's calories BEFORE you eat them!! And adjust accordingly.

    big one
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    If you're a woman, don't be afraid of strength training! You are not going to bulk up unless you spend a LONG time lifting while upping your calories (protein). Strength training is good for us!

  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    "Let your haters be your motivators." Funny saying but its kinda true. If I have a day where I feel like giving up, I think of anyone whos ever made a comment about my weight... And I keep going :)
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Take your measurments once a month~
    when the scales not moving you can always look & see you are accomplishing something =)

    Be honest / true with what you log ~
    this is how we learn & if you don't you will only be hurting yourself in the long run
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    My realist and best advise is: DO BETTER.

    You don't have to be perfect. You CAN'T be perfect, so don't goal it and set yourself up for failure. Be better than you were yesterday, you CAN do it!

    (If I can say one more thing, it's worry about measurements and how your clothes fit instead of worshipping the scale!)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Mine would be to set small goals, and think about the next 5 lbs to lose...instead of obsessing over the "big picture". I used to think "I can't lose 35 or 40 lbs", so I just tried to lose 5...then 5 more. Now I'm just 5 away from my original goal weight...and it hasn't been all that painful!
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    Push yourself!!!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    to those of us just starting our weight loss/fitness journey, what would it be? Feel free to chime in whether you've already met your goal or just began!

    Mine would be don't give up on yourself. No matter how many times you fail, keep trying. You deserve this!

    EDIT- I meant "If you could give only ONE piece of advice."
    same thing. Fail 10 times , stand up eleven:)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    great thread
  • bizchic
    bizchic Posts: 30 Member
    My Advice:Believe in yourself because if you don't no one else will!

    Great topic!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Every choice you make about what you will put in your body and how you will move your body will either put you one step closer to good health or one step further away.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Remember this is a journey, not a quick fix.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If you're working out as part of your routine, listen to your body. If it works better and longer on hamburger and milk than on beans and juice, feed it hamburger and milk.