THE Team - Week 2 - 2/13/09



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well, before I fell and I was just starting out I was doing 3 minutes of walking, 1 minute of joggin. I just used the clock on the treadmill.

    This week when I did it I actually made it longer than a minute for the jogging part. I started out jogging, reached my minute and realized I wasnt really tired and could keep going so I just ran until I knew I had gone a 1/4 mile and that was challenging enough for me, then walked until I felt like I could run again, which was about 6-7 minutes, then again ran until I had reached a 1/4 mile (which was harder the 2nd time!) Once I get through that I'll bump up the length of time I run so I can reach that 1.5 in less than 15 minutes. I gotta shave about 7 minutes off my time.. LOL

    I dont do it every time i use the treadmill. I wogged yesterday, but today I just kicked the pace up to 3.8 and fast tracked it with the walking. I cant run every day cuz I feel it in my low back and the last thing I wanna do is irritate that area.

    I dont have a HRM. I wish I did!!! Cant really afford one right now tho. I know when I first get one Im gonna wear it all day long so I can see just how many calories I actually burn in a day... :laugh: I truly am a lazy butt when Im not at the gym trying to work it off....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    oooooohhh. I thought you were running outside.....Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Ok, waaay off the topic of food. I am the most conservative, boring person you've ever met. I decided since I am going for a new look, what the heck? I went and pierced the cartilage in my ear. It didn't hurt much and it looks really pretty!

    And, noticing the water comments - I drank so much water today, God knows how I'll sleep through the night!

    Y'all have a good night!

    Top cartridge, lower outside or the inside cartridge? I did it 27 years ago when I was in college - before everyone used the piercing guns -- HURT like HE#@:sad: and it never would heal properly so I finally had to take it out:ohwell: Did you have fun with your son this weekend?

    Top of the ear. Really didn't hurt much. I am being really vigilant, though since they said it could easily get infected. I had a great time seeing my son. He's adjusting, but he really hates where he goes to school. Makes it hard as a momma. It's known to be a party school, and he's not a party boy. It was great to feed him and all 4 of us hang out as a family.

    Hey, Li4g, do you mess with the incline on the treadmill? Sometimes when I can't run much because of foot pain, I'll walk on it and put it really steep.

    Uh, CM, you are our fearless leader. No more being lazy. You had your break. Now it's over. :angry: Ok, that was as close to a Jillian Michaels impression as I can do online.

    Adamk, thanks for the reminder about buffalo. I made burgers with it last year and they were really good, but I kind of forget about it. It's a nice alternative to beef.

    Everyone have a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:
    kicks cm - hey, get moving girlie!! No more lazies for you. If I'm gonna spend all day drinking gallons of water, sloshin' around on the treadmill, then by golly I do NOT want to suffer alone. Hup to woman!!!:happy:
  • healthymom2009
    healthymom, when was your birthday this weeken? Mine was Sunday. Today, my aide at school brought me a cake she made me LOL. It was good. Yes I ate 2 pieces (one for supper and the other for lunch). I'm within my calorie limit so that's good.

    Day 1 with no fries has gone well LOL. I made chicken fajitas for supper. This time I put Rotel in with my peppers and the onions... they were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo good!

    My lunch of choice has become Special K LOL. It's easy, good for you, and low fat. It usally fills me up too. :)

    Gotta go do house work (ug!)

    February 16 (Monday). I will admit I turned 40. Now that its here its not so bad. I ate cake twice on the weekend and the scale stayed the same :smokin: But now its back to healthy food until the next big celebration (my daughter's birthday in April).
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    You know. Water is THAT important that I would recommend you find a way. I drink a minimum of 80 oz daily right now.

    There really is no room for any other liquids, although you can count herbal tea as water. (I don't....)

    Thing is - I am never hungry. I have healthy skin and hair, my skin is elastic and I feel so good when I do it. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks. All they do is mke you old before your time.

    Only downside is bathrooms. But I know where every bathroom is within 25 miles :laugh:

    I agree with you about the water.. I have noticed a big difference in my skin and hair.. In 96 I lost 80lb doing the low carb thing and a big thing with that clinic was drinking 84 ozs of water a day with the juice from 1 lemon.. I lost the weight in 6 months ( it came back over 6 yrs) but I honestly believe the water is the magic key to all of this. Yesterday I added lemon to my water.. I am drinking about 84 ozs a day on average. Some days a little less some days a little more. But it is really important....

    Today I did the wogging.. I did 1.65 mile in 21 mins.. Seriously my legs are so short I can't go fast lol. Its kind of funny... I am determined to learn to jog...... Any tips out there...

  • andersonchristineg
    Today I did the wogging.. I did 1.65 mile in 21 mins.. Seriously my legs are so short I can't go fast lol. Its kind of funny... I am determined to learn to jog...... Any tips out there...

    I have a few tips!
    When I started running (well when I started it was wogging) I couldn't make it 1/4 mile before stopping to walk. So I picked a goal. Mine was a 5k for cancer research, that means I had a set date to be able to run 3.1 miles and not embarrass myself.
    I found a 3 mile route and ran it every day except Sundays. Each day I would push to go further than the last day and walk one less time. Within 3 weeks I was finishing it without stopping to walk or for water.
    I finished my first 5k in 29 minutes.
    Then I picked a longer race, 8k. So I did the same thing and picked a 5 mile route and ran it until I could do it without stopping. Progress was a lot quicker this time and it got to where I was running 5 miles a day, 6 days a week for 6 weeks before my race came. I finished my 8k in 45 minutes. Then I signed up for a 10k and repeated it.
    Here's my next tip.... take days off! I got so obsessed about being able to run 6.2 miles daily so that the 10k race would "feel easy" that I never took a day off and my legs ached nonstop for weeks.
    So push, but don't push too hard.
    Oh and a high-energy music mix is a must. Or a radio show you like, I'd listen to Whole Living on the Martha Stewart channel while I ran.
    Persistence is key :)
  • lacijae
    Hello all! Wow I miss 2 days of logging on and I've got like 3 full pages to catch up on :laugh: .

    Well I THINK I might actually be over this food poisoning crap. I feel really weak but I haven't eaten in 2 days so that's probably why. I have never had anything so bad! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up on my workouts this week. I need to get me some new videos, I only have a couple of Denise Austin's workouts...can anyone suggest some good ones to buy?

    Congratulations on everyone that's been sticking to the challenges! As for me, well I think maybe I'll just start over with the water thing. So from now until sunday I'm challenging myself again to drink all that water :ohwell: UGH! I hate water lol! If I add Crystal Light does that still count as water??
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hello all! Wow I miss 2 days of logging on and I've got like 3 full pages to catch up on :laugh: .

    Well I THINK I might actually be over this food poisoning crap. I feel really weak but I haven't eaten in 2 days so that's probably why. I have never had anything so bad! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up on my workouts this week. I need to get me some new videos, I only have a couple of Denise Austin's workouts...can anyone suggest some good ones to buy?

    Congratulations on everyone that's been sticking to the challenges! As for me, well I think maybe I'll just start over with the water thing. So from now until sunday I'm challenging myself again to drink all that water :ohwell: UGH! I hate water lol! If I add Crystal Light does that still count as water??

    I think it does! Be careful using too much artificial sweeteners, though. I just don't think too much of that stuff can possibly be good for you.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    andersonchristine - Great advice - thanks for the post. I'm going to go this weekend and find a good route - I'm excited! My neighborhood is tiny - if I make the block four times it's a mile but it gets boring in just a mile so I sure don't want to wog it for 3 miles! BUT they just completed a beautiful 45 mile walking/running trail in our Parish (what most of you call a County), so I'm going to go there I think! So how long did it take you to get up to the 3.1 miles jogging??? I want a ballpart so I can look for a run to participate in. Thanks:bigsmile:

    Lacijae - Yikes:noway: !!! Did you go out to dinner with CM??? What is up with all the food poisoning? I am so glad you are feeling better! Take care of yourself - don't overdo it right off the bat.:flowerforyou:

    Healthymom - You will LOVE your 40's! I am 48 - and every year since 40 gets better and better - makes me look forward to my 50's and just how great they will be!!! Happy Birthday!

    getfit- yeah, take care of the ear! I'm glad you had a good time with your son - I just love spending time with my kiddos. My daughter lived in the dorm her first semester and HATED it - she's wasn't a partier either - but has done fine since she has had her apartment (with roommate) and will graduate this summer - my,my - the time goes by soooooo quickly!!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hello all! Wow I miss 2 days of logging on and I've got like 3 full pages to catch up on :laugh: .

    Well I THINK I might actually be over this food poisoning crap. I feel really weak but I haven't eaten in 2 days so that's probably why. I have never had anything so bad! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up on my workouts this week. I need to get me some new videos, I only have a couple of Denise Austin's workouts...can anyone suggest some good ones to buy?

    Congratulations on everyone that's been sticking to the challenges! As for me, well I think maybe I'll just start over with the water thing. So from now until sunday I'm challenging myself again to drink all that water :ohwell: UGH! I hate water lol! If I add Crystal Light does that still count as water??

    Glad your back Lacijae.. I missed reading your posts!! I hope you feel better soon.. I myself have never had food poising but I hear it's pretty bad...

    Laci, add lemon to your water.. I am drinking away with that.. Its a good flavor.. I was also told orange and tangerine are good slices and refreshing as well but I haven't tried them yet....

  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    Hey ALL. I feel like s*** today. I think my god son got me sick on valentine's day. I hope I feel better before work tomorrow night.:sick:

    Hope everyone's weight loss is going good this week. GOOD LUCK everyone.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Afternoon all,

    Hit the gym early this morning, got my tummy and lats exercised using the weights then headed for a very brisk walk on the treadmill for 50 minutes. Did run a 1/2 mile in the middle of that, then decided Id keep it at a walking pace until the last minute or so cuz I was just too darn tired.

    Im due a visit from AF next week and Im starting to feel it. More tired, bloaty.. ect. Havent seen the scale budge either direction yet, so this is a good thing! I usually gain about 2-3 pounds during that time so Im hoping that no change either way means when this is all over with I'll be down a a good few pounds. :bigsmile: We'll see. I have been very good with eating, so there really is no reason why I would pack any back on.

    Tested my BMI at the gym today. First time in 2 weeks. Im down to 31.1 which is a big improvement over the 34.6 I was about 3 weeks ago when I first took it. Body fat percentage was 34% which I was thrilled with since last time I was up in the 40's.

    Anywho.. off to get some stuff done today and look for a new job... ugh
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I am trying to find a part time job.. My hrs at work have been cut so badly that I need to get some extra income.. Ugg.. Husband isn't working yet.. Lack of winter work.. Hoping he starts in March...
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hey ALL. I feel like s*** today. I think my god son got me sick on valentine's day. I hope I feel better before work tomorrow night.:sick:

    Hope everyone's weight loss is going good this week. GOOD LUCK everyone.

    Created by - Free Food Diary

    Take care, there is a nasty flu bug going around where I live. Drink your fluids and get your rest!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I am trying to find a part time job.. My hrs at work have been cut so badly that I need to get some extra income.. Ugg.. Husband isn't working yet.. Lack of winter work.. Hoping he starts in March...

    Good luck with the job hunting. I'll say a little prayer that you and your hubby find work. :flowerforyou:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Afternoon all,

    Hit the gym early this morning, got my tummy and lats exercised using the weights then headed for a very brisk walk on the treadmill for 50 minutes. Did run a 1/2 mile in the middle of that, then decided Id keep it at a walking pace until the last minute or so cuz I was just too darn tired.

    Im due a visit from AF next week and Im starting to feel it. More tired, bloaty.. ect. Havent seen the scale budge either direction yet, so this is a good thing! I usually gain about 2-3 pounds during that time so Im hoping that no change either way means when this is all over with I'll be down a a good few pounds. :bigsmile: We'll see. I have been very good with eating, so there really is no reason why I would pack any back on.

    Tested my BMI at the gym today. First time in 2 weeks. Im down to 31.1 which is a big improvement over the 34.6 I was about 3 weeks ago when I first took it. Body fat percentage was 34% which I was thrilled with since last time I was up in the 40's.

    Anywho.. off to get some stuff done today and look for a new job... ugh

    Your numbers look fabulous! :smile: Ok, I will say a prayer for your job hunting, too!
  • healthymom2009
    Afternoon all,

    Hit the gym early this morning, got my tummy and lats exercised using the weights then headed for a very brisk walk on the treadmill for 50 minutes. Did run a 1/2 mile in the middle of that, then decided Id keep it at a walking pace until the last minute or so cuz I was just too darn tired.

    Im due a visit from AF next week and Im starting to feel it. More tired, bloaty.. ect. Havent seen the scale budge either direction yet, so this is a good thing! I usually gain about 2-3 pounds during that time so Im hoping that no change either way means when this is all over with I'll be down a a good few pounds. :bigsmile: We'll see. I have been very good with eating, so there really is no reason why I would pack any back on.

    Tested my BMI at the gym today. First time in 2 weeks. Im down to 31.1 which is a big improvement over the 34.6 I was about 3 weeks ago when I first took it. Body fat percentage was 34% which I was thrilled with since last time I was up in the 40's.

    Anywho.. off to get some stuff done today and look for a new job... ugh

    Losingit4good: Hey great stuff! I checked my BMI today too. Down to 31.9 from 33. Feels good doesn't it :noway:

    Went on the treadmill again. Managed to take 30 seconds off my time from yesterday. I am exhausted.
  • andersonchristineg
    andersonchristine - Great advice - thanks for the post. I'm going to go this weekend and find a good route - I'm excited! My neighborhood is tiny - if I make the block four times it's a mile but it gets boring in just a mile so I sure don't want to wog it for 3 miles! BUT they just completed a beautiful 45 mile walking/running trail in our Parish (what most of you call a County), so I'm going to go there I think! So how long did it take you to get up to the 3.1 miles jogging??? I want a ballpart so I can look for a run to participate in. Thanks:bigsmile:

    I was able to finish 3.1 miles without stopping in about 3 weeks. That was 6 times a week. The first week was horrible. That metallic taste in your mouth and the roughness in your throat. But your body gets used to it pretty quick. I'd give yourself about a month if you're starting from square one like I did. I wouldn't pick a date too far out though because I tend to procrastinate when I dont feel pressured.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Wah!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: I think my ear is already getting infected!!! I went into the bathroom after dinner and turned on the light and my ear is all red! Oh no! the earring is sooo cute! (Ok, how vain am I???) I put a bunch of the disinfectant plus alcohol plus peroxide on it, and I will give it until morning, but if it is still red - out comes the earring and off I go to the doc. I am sooooo bummed!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Markay - feel better sweets! Take care of yourself - drink lots of fluids, stay warm!:flowerforyou:

    Losingit and Healthymom - good job on the BMI decrease - yay both of you!:drinker:

    Anita and Losingit - good luck on the job hunt. I was able to pick up some transcription work to get me through the interim - but I am still job hunting too. I'll say a prayer for you too, please keep me in yours.

    Getfit - Just fyi - I was using peroxide on one of my son's infected knee scrapes (he was a skate boarder) a few years ago and finally had to take him to the doc - doc told me peroxide not only attacks the germs but can damage the good tissue in a wound. And I know E.M.T.s only use saline to clean wounds and never peroxide for the same reasons... Piercing places usually provide a witch hazel solution that is better than peroxide - but you should call your doc at the very least and see if there is something else to use before you give up the cuteness of the new pierce!! Hope it's better:smile:

    CM - I know they make a stop watch that can be set with interval times - my sister used them in swim training (she was a coach). I'll ask her about them and let you know what she says - may be just what you need for wogging outside!:bigsmile: