Gym/Locker Room Etiquette

Adrenalinejunky34's status prompted this for me.

Some people just don't have ANY common courtesy, especially in the gym and/or locker room. What are some of the things you would list on a gym/locker room etiquette list, if your gym had one?

A couple of mine would be:

1) Only 2 people per group at a machine. I see groups of guys with sometimes 5 guys, hogging a machine for what seems like an hour. It's ridiculous.
2) The locker room is a changing room - not a nudist colony. Yes, change your clothes and get naked if you have to, but don't linger - and please block me from getting to my locker by sitting in front of it, naked and gross, talking on the phone.


  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    *please DON'T block me* oops lol
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    You can bring phones in the locker room? I thought that will be illegal since most phones will have camera on it.

    I'm with you on #2.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    It's 5.30 in the morning. I don't -want- to hear you dropping the weights.. no one's impressed, they just think you're an idiot who can't lift that much.
    Also -pick up- the exercise ball to put it away, don't be a wanker and kick it hard at the wall so it bounces back so you can catch it. Right beside my head. Again, you're not impressing anyone, you're just looking like a tool.

    Also I appreciate you want to run fast on the treadmill, but if you have to have the speed going so fast that you're having to raise yourself off it using the hand-rails you're going too fast... and making sore puppy noises while you're doing it really isn't making the experience any better for the gym goers.

    I'm all for pushing yourself... but work within your limits.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I can't stand when people are talking or texting on their cell phones while on the machines. I will see people running on the tread mill and answer their phone!!! Or one guy literally sent and received like 30 texts and his phone wasn't on silent, his notification sound kept dinging every 10 seconds driving me nuts!
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Locker room:

    A quick glance shows me your mirin', and,entirely heterosexual....A prolonged stare shows me your Sandusky'ing, and by contrast, entirely unacceptable.

    Gym/Free-Weight Area:

    Conversation should be kept to a minimum as this setting is a place of business...Furthermore, we should all have ties on for an illustration of that point.
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    haha - great topic. Hate deliberate dropping of weights - if you were strong enough to be lifting with them to start with you're strong enough to put them down softly - it's not impressive.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Locker room:

    A quick glance shows me your mirin', and,entirely heterosexual....A prolonged stare shows me your Sandusky'ing, and by contrast, entirely unacceptable.

    Gym/Free-Weight Area:

    Conversation should be kept to a minimum as this setting is a place of business...Furthermore, we should all have ties on for an illustration of that point.

    LOL Sandusky'ing?!?! too funny :laugh:
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    Locker room:

    A quick glance shows me your mirin', and,entirely heterosexual....A prolonged stare shows me your Sandusky'ing, and by contrast, entirely unacceptable.

  • jheath123
    They always tell me to stop starring and to get out of there before they call security, but what else am I going to do when I sneak into the women's locker room lol. I agree with the 5 dudes standing around one machine or the ones that just stare at themselves in the mirrors and also the grunters, it's hard to concentrate when someone sounds like they are 3/4's the way through intercourse.
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Oh, and not wearing proper work out clothes. Guys coming in jeans and street shoes and girls in full makeup, hair not tied back and no proper sports bra are just there to look good. That's what the mall is for. The rest of us are here to get sweaty and grimace, not look cute.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    haha - great topic. Hate deliberate dropping of weights - if you were strong enough to be lifting with them to start with you're strong enough to put them down softly - it's not impressive.

    I often lift the 75lb dumbells for sets of 8 or so. sorry but I'm pretty gassed out to be courteous about your feelings. Plus trying to set them down of the floor gently can cause an shoulder injury. I try to drop them on their ends so they don't gain too much speed but they are going to fall.

    And same thing about my deads. at 315lbs for a set of 4, my left hand is loosing it's grip fast. If it fall, it falls. I ain't risking a back injury trying to set it down gently for you.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Big no to hones in the gym - you are there to work out - the only reason to have a phone glued to your bum is because you are on call
    Put those bloody free weights where they belong - if you can take them out, you can put them back, see it as part of your work out routine.
    Stop dropping the weight's - makes you look like an idiot - if you cannot handle it - do not use it
    Put your pants on when you are drying your hair - it's the locker room not a bloody spa where you should have half of your stuff hanging out and strut around pantyless... urgh
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    just wipe the machine down after youre done.
    quit chatting like its a club
    dont ask me to work in.. i rest for 20-30 seconds, and only do 3 sets.
    dont use 4 different workout machines when there is 100 people working out.. have some damn common sense
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    haha - great topic. Hate deliberate dropping of weights - if you were strong enough to be lifting with them to start with you're strong enough to put them down softly - it's not impressive.

    I often lift the 75lb dumbells for sets of 8 or so. sorry but I'm pretty gassed out to be courteous about your feelings. Plus trying to set them down of the floor gently can cause an shoulder injury. I try to drop them on their ends so they don't gain too much speed but they are going to fall.

    And same thing about my deads. at 315lbs for a set of 4, my left hand is loosing it's grip fast. If it fall, it falls. I ain't risking a back injury trying to set it down gently for you.

    I did say DELIBERATE dropping of weights - people understand sometimes they fall if you push it too far. But that's it - if you have to drop them - you're almost certainly doing too many reps. Try dropping a couple of reps, and do another set. Less likely to risk and injury, and tick people off. (yeah dropping weights is annoying - it doesn't hurt my feelings -just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm over-emotional)

    You know sometimes when people do things differently, it might be because they have something useful.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    people reading magazines or books while on the cardio equipment. I'm so focused when I'm working out, my mind is in the zone, I can't imagine trying to read at the same time. For some people it works and if they're fit looking it's obviously working for them. But when someone out of shape has the treadmill on 2.0 and is browsing a magazine it just bugs the crap out of me! Sorry :ohwell:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Oh, and not wearing proper work out clothes. Guys coming in jeans and street shoes and girls in full makeup, hair not tied back and no proper sports bra are just there to look good. That's what the mall is for. The rest of us are here to get sweaty and grimace, not look cute.

    I'm totally there to look cute AND be hardcore. LOL
  • jheath123
    I am guilty of the texting while on a machine, but I also use my phone to listen to music and have headphones in so it doesn't disturb anyone else. If you gotta drop the weights to avoid an injury, you're already close enough to hurting yourself to begin with. One thing I hate is when people do not wipe off a machine after they use it and just walk away, there's a couple at my gym that get a F- on etiquette always walk away from a machine with it dirty will just sit on another after they have finished their workout and talk.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    haha - great topic. Hate deliberate dropping of weights - if you were strong enough to be lifting with them to start with you're strong enough to put them down softly - it's not impressive.

    I often lift the 75lb dumbells for sets of 8 or so. sorry but I'm pretty gassed out to be courteous about your feelings. Plus trying to set them down of the floor gently can cause an shoulder injury. I try to drop them on their ends so they don't gain too much speed but they are going to fall.

    And same thing about my deads. at 315lbs for a set of 4, my left hand is loosing it's grip fast. If it fall, it falls. I ain't risking a back injury trying to set it down gently for you.

    I did say DELIBERATE dropping of weights - people understand sometimes they fall if you push it too far. But that's it - if you have to drop them - you're almost certainly doing too many reps. Try dropping a couple of reps, and do another set. Less likely to risk and injury, and tick people off. (yeah dropping weights is annoying - it doesn't hurt my feelings -just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm over-emotional)

    You know sometimes when people do things differently, it might be because they have something useful.

    Dropping reps? I can do the reps fine. Just gassed out at the end to drop them softly. Tell you what, you flat bench 2 75lb dumbells and try to drop them softly. Not going to happen. I there to work out and push myself. Not to be PC. I'm not there screaming and grunting but the weights I use are heavy sometimes. People have to understand that.

    What's sort of annoying to me is seeing people that are annoyed that I have to drop the dumbells sometimes. Just because my weights drop with a THUD vs your 10lb "tink", doesnt' make me some arrogant muscle head.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Locker room -
    For some reason, people don't seem to want to flush the toilet. The other day I had to rush in and grab a piece of toilet paper for my nose, which required me to bend a bit, coming face to face with someone's unflushed toilet. Gross. The toilets are a little weak, so you have to hold it for a second longer, but please, make sure it flushes.

    Gym -
    Twice in the past week I have had to deal with girls (one of which who works at the gym) taking free weights, then standing and talking for 15 minutes (I am not exaggerating the time). One girl (the worker) held them the entire time, so it wasn't even like I could grab them for a set. At least in the other case, I asked her if I could use them. Finished all 4 sets and moved on before she went back to using them. The gym is small and they only have one set of free weights. No need to hog.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    just wipe the machine down after youre done.
    quit chatting like its a club
    dont ask me to work in.. i rest for 20-30 seconds, and only do 3 sets.
    dont use 4 different workout machines when there is 100 people working out.. have some damn common sense

    Yeah, but in those 30 LONG seconds someone can do their ONE set that you might've jumped on the machine while they were supersetting/circuiting anyway... Aaaagh... Don't be an equipment hog. If they have the courtesy to ask is because they know what they're doing.