Senior Golden Sneakers............December



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bumpy bump

    I got envolve in a qui;ting blogg and just kept going back to a early entry tll I look up and seen it was almost 12: 30 and I must get to bed. But decided to make one more run to the Golden Sneakers and low and behold this is the beginning of a new month Thanks Sandy for getting us started on dec. Love you beginning. Very nice.Will sleep on my goal for Dec and post it tomorrow. But for now Good night

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Just back from a wonderful week in the sun. We had a great time in Puerto Vallarta, mostly just soaking up the sun. I am really tired and off to bed. I will try to catch up on everyone tomorrow. Enjoy Thursday. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thanks for the new thread !!:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, the sun always makes me tired. Have a wonderful rest.

    I guess that my goal for December is to lose at least 5 pounds. And, to do this by consistantly going to my Y classes.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning all. I was up nice and early this morning. I think partly because I am feeling better and sleeping better because I am eating better - less foot pain in the middle of the night. But also because I was having uncomfortable dreams. I am supposed to be in Toronto today for work but couldn't make it due to an appointment. However I did donate a painting I did to be raffled off for United Way. I was having dreams about it. It's scary putting it out there - suppose no one wants it or bids on it; suppose people don't like it and say nasty things. I do abstracts which for sure are not everyone's cup of tea. It's different when they are in a gallery because you have no idea what people think. so I'll be antsy till I find out if it sold later today.

    So I had a nice relaxing easy going start to my day for a change.

    Barbiecat, I admire you for walking your dogs so religiously no matter what the weather. I have a big husky cross and I don't walk him often enough. I take him to the dog park more. I have to use a prong collar on him because he pulls so badly. Perhaps I'll try to walk more. I want to get some really really good walking boots - any recommendations?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :heart: :heart: Happy December sneakers!

    Found you all again! Just going to upload a couple of photos on to photobucket for you to see and will then be back to catch up. It's that or housework and I know which I prefer!! :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: thank you, Sandy, for getting the new thread started for us.

    :bigsmile: Gayla, welcome back.......I'm glad your trip was good for you

    :bigsmile: Jackie 2, I use a "gentle leader" on my poodles to keep them under control. One day when I was walking my dogs back to the car from the dog park on a rainy day, Brandy pulled away from me and ran after some birds It scared me and I thought I'd never be able to walk the dogs again. That night a friend told me that she used gentle leaders to walk her three small dogs and it reminded me that we had bought gentle leaders and rarely used them. When I first started walking the dogs, I walked them for only about ten minutes. It took about two years to gradually build up to the 90 minutes in the morning that I'm doing now.. When I was taking the dogs to the dog park, I'd walk laps around the fenced area while the dogs played so I got a good walk myself. The boots I'm looking at are Columbia Bugaboot. They haven't come in to the store in my size yet so I haven't tried them on. Up north where you are there are probably lots of choices in sporting goods stores. There are probably even more choices in Toronto.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: breakfast is finished---time for dog walking. When they hear me scrape the last of my shake out of the glass, they come to get me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Barbiecat, it's very scary when you can't control the dog. I have two knee replacements and really can't kneel. Putting weight on my knees hurts a lot so when I fall, first of all it hurts and it's scary because I don't want to injure myself and second, it's hard to get up because I can't get to my knees first. One day when I first got him from the pound, I was walking Charley on a busy street not far from my house and he started barking and lunging at cars as they went by. He pulled me down and dragged me along the street. I couldn't even start to get up because I was afraid he'd start again and pull me down again. So eventually I wrestled him to the ground and then struggled up. I was right in front of a Tim Hortons' - so embarrassing. I was soooo mad that all the way home I held that leash up so tight that he was walking on tiptoe. Shortly after that I got the prong collar and he was so excited as soon as he saw it. H e had obviously been trained on one and he walked perfectly on that.

    Now he's starting to behave like a bit of a jerk at the dog park. He always was the 'fun police' and broke up fights but now, if an unneutered maile comes to the park, he is kind of aggressive.

    He's exhausting. I wish I had gotten a smaller anti-allergenic dog or a beagle but he was abused and so terried and pathetic that I was sucked in. I think it was an act because even though they had to carry him to my car because he was so scared, he was absolutely fine when we got home.

    In fact, the other day I was remembering how when I brought him home he jumped on my bed and jumped around like a two year old with a satanic grin on his face and I thought 'oh oh'. LOL

    But everyone loves him because he's beautiful and sucky - when he wants to be.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Now my visiting is done for a while and the weather is gradually turning towards late autumn I will find more time to chat to you all and catch up. I've spent a bit of time reading through the last couple of pages of the November thread so know there are new faces here which is wonderful. I'll just say a warm welcome to you all and I will hopefully get to know you individually as time goes on.

    Connie ~ Amazing pictures and a lovely smile!

    Marie ~ Your comment about my accent made me larf (there's a bit of accent for you!!:laugh: ) And there was me thinking it was my American friends that had the accent!!

    Sandy ~ I was so pleased to read that your sister is doing well. If she has an appetite for pizza that has to be a good sign compared to how she was feeling a few weeks ago. So much else going on in your life but still you find time to decorate your home so beautifully! I love your photo.

    Barbie ~ I'm quite jealous of you with your poodles encouraging you to get out for a daily walk. I wonder if I could persuade my cats to step out on a lead??:bigsmile:

    Buzz ~ Love your peacock and as for Mike taking up remote control planes rather than tennis well, boys and their toys eh!!:bigsmile:

    I had a lovely time away with a good friend in a part of England called the Cotswalds. It covers several counties and is a beautiful area. We walked around a few delightful villages with our cameras and spent a sunny day in an arboretum where the trees were still holding on to their autumn colour so late in the year.

    Here are a couple of photos from my little break away. The first is of my friend looking into the window of a sweet shop (candy to most of you) in a town called Ledbury.


    Then we have a small town called Broadway getting ready for Christmas with a few twinkling lights in a tree


    and lastly a stunning home called Batsford House that the arboretum surrounds. We weren't allowed to get close as it's private but just look at all those chimneys and imagine the housework needed to deal with the dust and soot!:laugh:


    I can't put off the housework any longer but promise to get back to you all more regularly. Oh yes, and as an aside, my weight has stuck now for nearly 2 months but I'm not getting disheartened and continue to behave. This morning I bought a big bag of bones from the local butcher and intend to make stock for homemade soups this afternoon although I have to admit while I was there I spotted fresh meat pasties in the deli section and had one all to myself for lunch. Perhaps not behaving after all!!!:blushing:

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Be back later. Thanks for sharing Jackie

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    Sandy: Thanks for starting us up again. :bigsmile:

    I see we have some new people as I was reading all the posts. WELCOME !!

    I started wrapping Christmas gifts last night so I can get see where I am and if I have to buy more. :ohwell:
    I hope to be done soon.
    Going to visit my daughter (older one) on Saturday,and take in a movie
    and dinner with her. She lives in Toronto and I have to pay $13.00 for a parking permit just to park overnight
    on the street. Geesh !! I am looking forward to seeing her, she is getting over having the Shingles. :sick:I think she got in time because she doesn't have the pain with it.

    Tomorrow is going to be a serious exercise day and try to get off this plateau I am on. :angry:

    <<<<Be brave, take risks, Nothing can substitute experience.>>>>
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy December all! I'm still here tracking everyday and exercising, just not much time for posting! Sending hugs to all!!!!

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors

    FancyLady, your picture of your dh and grd is so nice.

    Swiss Miss thanks for the encouragement.

    To everyone else happy Thursday.

    My day today:
    Got up at 6am today and felt so rested. I made egg beaters and toast for breakfast. I read the paper and sale ads and glad I did, because when we went to town we walked at the mall and I got one of my grandsons and nice jacket he wanted and there was a coupon for 20 % off today so I saved a lot.
    After we walked and shopped we went for coffee and went to Costco and my husband bought me a Kerig coffee make for my Christmas present. It had an extra basket to make your regular coffee in it too and came with 60 coffee things. We are going to love this as we only drink 1 cup of coffee at night or 2 cups of green tea and these are made individually. Nice.
    Then we stopped at Subway and picked up a 6" subway each for lunch as they were only $2.00 each for the month of December. I also bought a gift card and got a free 6" subway too.
    Now I am going to wrap some Christmas presents and then sew a little. I sewed last night and I am almost finished with this large quilt, only the last border to put on.:happy:
    The weather here in Montana is beautiful, Sunny, and Sunny in th 40"s. No snow yet. I think I may do another walk soon.

    Have a wonderful Thursday.
    Chris from Frenchtown, Montana
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Sandy, Thanks for starting the board,you are great.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I updated my ticker to reflect my real weight. It's at the top of the "acceptable range" for me so I am back to basics again
    1200 calories plus exercise. This month does not have as many "events" with food as last month and I have surrendered to the fact that I cannot have cashews, cereal, bread, peanut butter, or cheese in the house.

    :flowerforyou: I didn't set it as a goal but I remembered that last year my goal was to "putter" in the yard a few days a week so I'm trying to do that. We don't have the yard work that we had in the other house but there are areas of rocks that need to be dug in and the rocks distributed to more suitable places. It can be done a little at a time and doesn't matter how much I get done. It's in the dog yard so I can bring Brandy and Sasha outside with me if I want company.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie 2, I wouldn't walk my dogs if I had the concerns you have about your knees and your dog's behavior. When I started walking mine it was for only a few minutes and if there had been control problems, I never would have gotten to the walking I'm doing now.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie 1, your pictures are great and your holiday sounds like it was a lot of fun.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all
    Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone! Just back from a wonderful week in the sun. We had a great time in Puerto Vallarta, mostly just soaking up the sun. I am really tired and off to bed. I will try to catch up on everyone tomorrow. Enjoy Thursday. Gayla :heart:

    No wonder our Words with Friends game has been sitting for eight days.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to all you new folks, nice to meet you. Also, welcome back, Jeffrey. I have missed your posts.

    We had to do a city run for a few groceries so I could make some dinner. Back to reality. In a few days I am off to Quebec City. I haven't been since I was a school girl. It is for a skating event which should be great. My foot seems to be gradually improving and I am hoping it will be back to normal in the next week.

    Connie-- great new picture. You know how to get the weight off so I know you will have success. I plan to play my words games tonight. I have several waiting for me to play my turn.

    Take care everyone, thinking of you all. Gayla :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What's my excuse tonight? Actually, I always work along with my household help, and I'm getting too "mature" to keep this up! Also last minut Doctors appointments, etc, so we stay reasonably well on our cruise. Coming up shortly. I feel bad because I finally am approaching 100 days here on MFP, and I'll have to get back to scratch (a big fat 0!) when I return!
    JACKIE, glad yo're back with a bith of time to re-connect! Your visit to Cotswold sound dreamy. I loved it when we wandered through; looks like it's out of a fairytale book!
    JACKIE 2, the worth of your abstracts is unrelated to sales or prices. It's in the concentration and joy you have when you put your medium down and are satisfied with what you've just finished! Interesting story: as many of you know, my DS just moved from Framingham, MA to Ft Collins CO. She had a huge number of paintings to either give away or pack up; she's a graphic artist who excels at oil paintings, still, while everyone is working in acrylics! (Gouache, anybody?) Her salesady suggested she leave them with her as she does estate sales, and "one never knows"! Well, checks are pouring in, all of a sudden, and her nudes are falling off the shelves, so to speak. Her 50 year old DD cannot understand why anyone would want to buy a nude (Thanks for the encouragement, sweetheart). We have one of her paste nudes in our bedroom, and it's just lovely! But without lifting a finger, her work is finally selling! So gratifying after a life of galleries pushing the big and famous, eh? By the way, in what medium do you work? And if I haven't already said so...
    GAYLA.. hooray for you and the sun. I always loved it and looked like a native American my 1st 17 years in Florida! I'm a real sun-worshiper. However, I'm now white as a sheet, as my dermatologist finally read the riot act to himself AND me! Now I wear SPF40, lotion, large brimmed hats (makes swimming difficult:laugh: ) and i need some blusher now...ugh! And I'm envious of you, and thrilled you actually went away! Hope you feel more relaxed.
    CONNIE: that smile is worth every bit of tough effort you put into losing the extra weight. You look fantastic!
    BARBIE, I doubt you'll remain at "the upper end" for long; not with your schedule! Sounds like the new abode was an excellent choice for ALL of you!
    SANDY, bless yer heart for our new monthly forum. I almost panicked until I saw your link!
    CHRIS,, I always wondered about the necessity of a Keurig, but what you explained makes sense for the first time! And Montana sounds just beautiful.
    BIRDIE, hugs right backatcha! I, too, am having trouble posting often! Or doing anything often :wink:
    SHIRLEY, good for you getting started early with gifts! As for parking fees, Manhattan charges $34 parking to attend Carnegie Hall!
    MARIE, love that you're "sleeping on it" before deciding on your goal :bigsmile: . At least you'll find a goal...somehow!:bigsmile:
    JEFFREY, I must comment on how lucky you've been with your knee! I've seen and heard so many stories; try not to push too far!
    JERI, aside from bumping,'re ya doin"? Hope the news is good???
    I'll try downloading the most gorgeous orchids I thought would never come through their 1st year. Somehow, my digital card is not communicating with my computer, and I can't find folders! Oh for the "good old days" before cyberspace, when things were where we put them! Oh, I found them, so here it is as my main, picture. Can someone give me instructions on how to put it into the main post?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :grumble: Still fighting that last pound I gain last week.:sad:
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Just a quick note before I run off to the dentist before work.

    Chris, you will love your Keurig. If mine broke down I would go get another one the same day. When you are just one person it's so easyt compared to making a pot of coffee.

    Delraybuzz, how wonderful for your sister! This morning in the team meeting I will hear whether my painting sold. I am so nervious that it didn't or didn't meet the reserve price.

    Yesterday I got my new stationary bike for an incredible price - even at Sears you can bargain! I find the tension is high and I worked up a major sweat in 5 minutes but tyhat could have also been that I'm way out of shape and that I didn't read the complicated instructions for operating it.

    But I've lost 7 pounds in a week with MFP - 1.3 since yesterday so I guess the struggle to push down on those pedals is of benefit. I'll have to get a HRM though because the reason I got it so cheap was that the HRM on the bike doesn't work. Off to the scary dentist. It's just for a consultaiton so at least I don't need laughing guas. Yes I am a big chicken.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I am in a spinning class on Saturday mornings. To be honest...I hate it, but, I burn so many calories. More than any other exercising I have done. So, keep up the bike. Congratulations on losing 7 pounds. I am sure that you will be losing a lot more with your bike. Yes, a HRM is wonderful. I love mine.