Senior Golden Sneakers............December



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Its snowing outside right now and wil be in the 20's by tonight. :ohwell:

    Driving in winter is not my favorite thing. I am off to do my exercising.

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Swissmiss and others, what kind of HRM do you recommend?
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks Sandy for the link for December!!
    I have been missing in action for the past week or so.
    My son got engaged last week end and we were busy putting on an engagement party for her family and all of my husbands family.
    It was great fun.
    The following day as a real sad one though because my little niece gave birth to their first baby and it died.
    So we had to bury the little girl and all our happy feelings turned sad.
    This week we have been plugging along and accepting the death even though it is sad to wait for 9 months for a little baby and then have to walk away from the whole experience with out a baby. I never had that happen to me personally so I just can't imagine the pain that she must feel.
    anyway on a happier note, my team at school that was competing in a challenge for November, ( seeing who would walk the most steps ) WON. We, the four of us all get to have a Thai massage! so that is worth all the steps we took.
    I had a night mare last night that I had gained 10 pounds but when I weighed in this morning I was still 145, just like last week so that was a relief!! ( After Thanksgiving and the Engagement party I was worried I had gained some.

    Bye for now. Phyllis in Egypt. I should send some pics of the cute little gal that my son is engaged to. But I am not sure how you all post those pics. I need a lesson
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, I am so sorry about the baby. I also have never experienced that. Praise God that I had all healthy babies.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I have a Polas F6. It wasn't cheap...about $85 but I love it. If I wanted to, I could even have it send my information to an website.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy friday everyone. Hope you are warm. We have had a busy ive days and are still very busy. We are not complaing. We plan to take off ten days from Dec. 17 so we want to work as much as possible. Cant reply to anyyone but, welcome and welcome back to all.
    becky what is spinning class?
    Phyllis, so sorry about your baby niece.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Got to bed after 4 this morning, and since we have to go out this evening, I might try a quick nap before I fall asleep standing up! I could not figure out something I wanted to do on,, which is a great website, I guess. For me, much of it is a mystery, just like Photobucket! Also, since I had breakfast around 11 this morning, my meals will be shot agin for today! I wish I had the impetus to get to our community gym and get on a bike! I'm not moving about as I used to! :grumble:
    PHYLLIS, so devastating to lose an infant or child of any age. Our sympathy and hearts go out to you and the unfortunate parents:cry: ...
    BECKY, what the heck is a Polas F6? I'm getting disgusted with all these new-fangled techie things. My computer stopped reading the SanDisk card from my camera, and I spent hours trying to figure out how to download the orchids to my PhotoGallery. Even now, when I click "browse", they are not in the usual folder!
    Anyway, gotta run and my day is so short having gotten up late, so I'llcheck back when I'm able. Have a fun day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz what a lovely flower What is it? Jeri and Sandy both used flicker to post their pictures. and you don't have to use IMG Maybe Sandy will give us a leson on it. Also Connie use another host for her picture or did. I was going to get Alice to show me how for I am not satisfy with photo bucket now. Since they posted such a big picture of mine,
    When do you leave on your trip?

    Just wanted to say Hello to all of new members. let me see if I can name some of them: Dottie. Bobbie Jackie #2 See it is hard for us Senior to remember Names I know there are more but can't think right off the bat. I will have to go back and read some of the post over again. Will do. just that.

    :heart: Marie [ caliecat]

    From the Dallas area
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from cloudy Saskatchewan. Our temperatures continue just below freezing but very little snow. I was happy to have a lazy day at home today. I have leftovers to heat for dinner so the lazy day continues. Tomorrow is Dave's birthday and he wants chocolate cake, as usual! I think I can summon the energy to make a cake. The family will likely come for dinner Sunday, roast beef is always dave's request. Our youngest son plays hockey Saturday so Sunday will be fine. Neil is coming home tomorrow. He had a meltdown yesterday which really raises the stress. He is still a bit cranky today but more in control. I guess he refused to go to work for a couple of days while we were away. Crazy life sometimes.

    Marie -- how is your diet going. I hope the blood sugars are still so well controlled. I have never done too much photo poring. The last time I went to photobucket it just wouldn't work for me. I think I should try something new.

    Buzz -- I have found cruise critic very helpful but haven't been there for awhile. I hope you have a fantastic cruise.

    Phoebe -- so glad you will get a nice break over the holidays.

    Phyllis -- i really like your new picture. So sad
    about the baby. It is such a sad loss at a time when you expect to experience such joy. :heart: :cry:

    Jeri -- I hope your recovery is continuing to go well.

    I better get some dinner heating up or I will start looking for unwise choices. Take care. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: Late is posting today, I did the laundry, paid the bills and I am still trying to do some Christmas cards. It just seems like there is never enough time in the day. :noway: Tomorrow I am picking up my sister and we will meet my brother and his wife, daughter and son in law for lunch., We don't see each other enough even though we are not that far away from each other. :cry: My sister went to the oncologist yesterday and he was very positive, so that makes us happy. :bigsmile:

    Gayla I am so happy you had a good time on your trip, no one deserves it more than you do. Sorry Neil had another melt down but at least he is in more control today. Again, I have to compliment you on being such a good mom, things are not always easy for you. :noway:

    Marie, are you kidding me, you do so great on the computer never doubt yourself. I have switched to because when you post a picture you don't have to change anything and you can post the size you want. Just open an account, upload the picture from your computer and then hit the share button making sure you use the medium size picture. Let me know if you need more help.

    Buzz, what were you doing until 4am? I am a night owl but that is early morning not night time. :laugh: You too should try, it seems to be working better than photo bucket. Polar F6 is a brand of a heart rate monitor, I use Polar FT4, but as long as it records your heart rate and calories that is all that is important. Depending on the machines that record is not really accurate as they are set for generic weights and calories. My heart rate monitor is always lower than my bike and I believe my heart rate monitor.

    Phoebe, you and hubby are working so darn hard, I hope you get some time off to just rest and relax. At least it sounds like you will be home for Christmas, where I hope you get to spend some time with family and/or friends. How are our kitties??

    Becky, you are doing so good with spinning class I know that is very hard so I give you lots of credit. You only have 8 pounds to go and with your determination you will be there soon.:heart:

    Phyllis, great picture of you and your hubby, you look so happy. I am so very sorry about your great niece and can't imagine how heart broken you niece and her husband must be. What is worse than burying any child before you? My prayers and sympathy go to you and your niece. :brokenheart:

    Shirley, no snow for us yet, but it will be coming soon. I do not like to drive in snow either even with the four wheel drive. You are doing so good on your exercise, keep up the good work.

    Jackie#2, I am like you, don't work on my teeth without novocaine and laughing gas, I am a big baby. I do let them clean my teeth without any type of drug, but there is no way the dentist can do any procedure without my nitrous. :laugh: 7 pounds in one week?
    Amazing!! I do hope you are eating and being sensible, but big congratulations on your loss. :flowerforyou:

    Couch or writing cards? I think the couch might win, tomorrow is another day.

    One Day at a Time
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening seniors,

    Jackie, I looked for your food diary but it's not open to the public. I wanted to see one of your menu's for the week you lost 7 lbs. I am at a plateau again. I need some encouragement to get motivated again. Any one have suggestions to get over this plateau? It has taken me years to lose 50 lbs, but I have kept it off and now I want the last 25-30 lbs to go. Thanks, congratulations on your 7 lbs.

    Phyliss, sorry about your lose.

    My day today:
    Got up about 4am, I couldn't sleep. We had cereal and banana for breakfast. We then met our son and had a nice visit. Then I went to my old place of work (Community Hospital), and I sold raffle tickets for my quilt guild at the craft show. So far I have sold over $200.00 of tickets. On Monday we are have a Christmas party and potluck at our quilt guild. We will just visit and have fun. The quilt we are raffleing is beautiful.

    On that note I should finish my quilt this week end and take it to the quilters. I plan to finish projects I have started, like about 20 of them, tablecloths, quilt hangings, pot holders, napkins, etc.

    This evening we made coffee with our Kueig coffee machine and we got 2 cups out of one packet. I like my coffee strong and dh likes his weak so it works for us.

    The craft show was a success and everyone had a good time.

    Ladies and Gents, have a great week end............see ya.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    But I've lost 7 pounds in a week with MFP - 1.3 since yesterday so I guess the struggle to push down on those pedals is of benefit. I'll have to get a HRM though because the reason I got it so cheap was that the HRM on the bike doesn't work. Off to the scary dentist. It's just for a consultaiton so at least I don't need laughing guas. Yes I am a big chicken.


    If it is calories burned that you're after you really don't need a heart rate monitor. If you figure between 5 and 7 calories a minute you'll be close enough. 5 if you're not really pushing it - and 7 if you're working up a sweat. I do intervals - a count of 120 at a lower effort, a count of 60 at extreme effort, then back to the count of 120 and repeat. That's 10 minutes and enough for me since I precede that with a mile on the treadmill.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I HAVE DECIDED ON MY GOAL FOR THIS MONTH. To get back on my plan. I have gain 4 lbs since I last posted. my weight. Thats bad. But I doing better/ will be I thinking of The cabbage patch diet. for seven days to get a head start, Or till I get bore with it. I will have to make another trip to the store first tho.And look the recipe up too.Ifinally got on the scales this morning.. I figure it would be worst than that.

    Phylis I am so sorry to hear about your niece baby. So sad. for the whole family.

    Buzz You post some of the niceest post. Enjoying readin them. you are a regular hoot owl. When you get back from your trip Get in touch with MfP and tell them you was on vacation and they will restore your time. I see If I can find out who you need to get intouch with.if youneed me too.

    Jackie #1 What wonderful pictures you share with us. Love seeing 'em

    Sandy I tried the Flicker but I didn't make it I am a member there and Alice show me long time a go but I forgot how. The story of my life.

    gayla, Sorry to hear Neil had another meltdown. But glad he is better. What all did you do on your trip. Was it a cruise or did you fly down there. Did Neil make any calls to you? While you were gone.

    Better close before I lose this post.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    ATT000026 by Sandydur, on Flickr
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :flowerforyou: Hey Sandy that said it all.
    But where are all the people..:glasses: :glasses: :glasses: can't see you..............................................We are waiting on the rain to come and it is here/ They are saying it may be a winter mix tomorrow. Anyway you look at it it will be a good day to stay home with a big pot of soup. Loaded with veggies. and a big pot of coffee. And watch the Cowboys game. See you later and have a wonderful day.:heart: ..Marie

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon friends.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. It's cold here about 29 degrees.

    My day today
    For some reason I woke up at 5:45 am today, I felt good and full of energy today. We went to have coffee with some friends and then my hubby needed something from Home Depot and I found some new Christmas bulbs for the tree.

    We came home and cleaned house as we are meeting friends for dinner and a nice restrauant and come here for dessert. I really have to watch my eating habits again as I have been going over my 1200 calories. Tomorrow!

    So far I haven't exercised today, maybe I will do stairs for 10 minutes and something else.

    Tomorrow after church I want to put up the tree and deorate it, I want to finish wrapping presents too.

    Prayers please for my son going through a divorce and his ex is being really mean. He has 2 teenage boys and here lies the battle, after leaving my son and the boys for a year and ahalf she wants everything. Say a little prayer for them. Thanks
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am doing pretty good. My breast is definitely improving and I am not as tired as I was. Thank goodness. Christmas is just around the corner and I need all the energy I can muster.

    Tomorrow if the weather isn't too bad we hope to have our kids and grandkids over to help decorate the tree. We aren't planning supper, just snacks, as it is too hard to cook and play at the same time. We can't do it until later in the afternoon as everyone is so busy. I can't wait to see the little ones put decorations on the tree. ooooooo it will be so fun. I love my grandbabies.

    My dh and I were out for a bit shopping this afternoon too. Wow was it busy. Well, Christmas Season, Saturday and a winter storm warning in the forecast. What can you expect. I went to the bookstore to return something and the line was way, way back. I said to myself -- come back later!! I've posted a picture of my daughter and her family.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    I'll be back soon.

    Oh BTW, CONNIE - I really like your profile picture.

    Jeri in Calgary

    My DD and her Family by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Wow Jeri, thats a beautiful family. Im guessing you dont get your shopping done in one day? Lol!
    Marie, yes that soup sounds like perfect cool weather food. Cornbread too!
    Chris, surely the courts will see right thru your soon to be ex dil. The kids should have a say in it too. A prayer is said for all of you.
    Sandy that photo says it all, like Marie already told you. Ive just about decided to cancel my membership to anytime fitness and go back to walking. We have great places to walk at home, and sometimes safe enough places on the road. Besides I dont like anything except the bicycle and sometimes the treadmill.

    We have been in bad weather and roads since late last night. Dh drove thru all of it, mostly coz he doesnt want me doing it, but also coz, right after he started to drive, the bad weather arrived! Lol! Now we are in southern cal and it is just windy and a bit cooler than normal.we are still busy, dont really know whats next, so I'll talk to ya later!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I’m reading “What Shamu Taught me about Life, Love, and Marriage” Here is a the link to an article taken from the book.

    :bigsmile: I learned that a good way to reach a goal is by “successive approximations” which means that you take baby steps toward the goal.

    :bigsmile: Many people have commented on all the exercise I do every day, but I didn’t get up one day and walk the dogs for 90 minutes, go to a two hour line dance class, meet a friend for a four mile walk, and do yoga. I started with a one hour line dance class once a week, walking the dogs one at a time for 10 minutes in the morning and little by little added more and more until now, year later, I’m doing a ton of exercise.

    :bigsmile: The same is true for the way I eat. When I started MFP I planned my meals for the day and stuck to the plan. I didn’t worry about calories or nutrition, just sticking with the plan. Bit by bit I’ve improved nutrition and gotten calories under control.

    :bigsmile: When I got my first pedometer, I was impressed with 5000 steps a day. The numbers have gone up gradually over about 10 years to the big numbers I have now.

    :bigsmile: I have joked that the hardest part of exercise is getting out the door, or putting on your shoes, or getting down on the mat, but it’s true. Until you can do those things, you can’t do the exercise. Until you have warm clothes, you can’t take a walk in nasty weather. Until you walk for 5 minutes you can’t walk for an hour.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lots of news in the last page of posts, and wish I had the time to comment on each one. So glad JERI is feeling better again, and evryone seems OK right now. MARIE thanks for the information about vacations and MFP, and I hope when I get back we can learn about flicker together. Oh, and the gorgeous flower is my red/orange/purple/yellow (parrot, anyone?) ORCHID! SANDY ...I was puzzled about the Polis, but I had the first Polar moniter many years ago while living on Long Island and race walking every morning. I swtill own the watch part, but it's useless now that I'm on BP medication, which artificially slows my heart rate, so any measurement is pretty meaningless. The pedometer is the one I should start using, but since I barely can walk, between the spur on the side of my foot and the hip replacement residual problems, I try to count my blessings and enjoy all your accomplishments vicariously. I go to my Fitness Center, too, but nothing is as it was. When I return from our tropical sojourn, I will attempt to get back into pool walking, as it's better than nothing, I'm sure. As long as I remember to slather on the lotion, which I never used to use. However, now that my tan is all but gone, I don't dare go out without the titanium and zinc protection! Started packing, and washing, and hunting this why I hate thinking about travelling? 11 days is a lot of clothes to think about packing, and I promised I'd only take one suitcase, so I'll be busy culling this week!
    Have a lovely Sunday
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    002 by Sandydur, on Flickr

    006 by Sandydur, on Flickr

    Went to lunch with my sister my brother his wife and daughter. Doesn't my sister look great with her new wig? She ate so good and we had such a good time. Thank you God for this special day and my wonderful family.
