Senior Golden Sneakers............December



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sandy, you and your siblings look terrific.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy your sister looks lovely. So bright eyes . Her wig is so chic looking. glad you three had this time together.

    I has rain allday yesterday and still rainy tis morning. So we are getting a good soaking
    which we really needed.

    good news this morning lost a lb. But still have a way to get back to my posting weight But is heading into the right directions. I think that posting woke me up that Sandy posted yesterday. I change it up some If I don't eat Healthy I will not be around to eat bad never again. Thanks Sandy.

    Woke up to a big pot of pinto beans cooking in my crock pot this morning. Smell so good.

    Alice was coming out today but since it is so bad out and the Cowboys play at 3PM today She will wait till next Sunday to come out. The Cowboys don't play till 7 PM then. My list is growing longer of things I need her help with.

    We are Having christmas at kathy house this year.

    I have decided to try the south beach diet again. I have never really stuck with it too long at a time. But this is a good time for those fresh berries are not in seasons yet. I did get me a catalog of gardens seeds in the mail yesterday and all of their fruits and veggies look so good. Can't believe it will soon be time to thinking about them next Year. Sure hoping for some nice blackberries then . this is the second year and the are surpose to I ran across this blogg about SBD as I was looking up to the recipe for beans in the crock pot and she had this lovely picture of Egg miffin that is on Stage 1 and that made up my mind. So I need to get my book out once again and read up on it. I know Buzz was on it once.. And I like the ideal to be able to eat my beans. So I will keep you posted on it.

    Good morning all of youSee you later:drinker: Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, SBD has a lot of protein and sodium, so keep a watch on that part of it.

    Sandy, your sister looks great, not tired. And the wig, well we wouldnt know it was one! I love the hairstyle! Thx for sharing your photos.

    Its coool here in socal, (southern california) and my hands are cold,so I'll be back later (bbl)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: Rainy day here, good day to try and do cards again before going to Phil and Chery's for dinner. I am still trying to do some online shopping but thinking of gifts for adult children is not easy. :noway: Lunch was wonderful and seeing my sister feel so good is just so great. She was happy to go to lunch while the food tastes good before Thursday when she has another chemo treatment and then the food tastes metallic. :grumble: I haven't seen my brother for a while and he is my "big" brother who always watched out for me. :tongue: I had one other brother but he died young at 23. When I hear about families who don't talk to each other over some small disagreement it breaks my heart, family is so important and life is so short. Making amends is easy just pick up the phone, write a card or email, don't waste years because of stubbornness. Sorry, just feeling very blessed that my siblings and I have never been that angry with each other to stop our relationship. :heart:

    Phoebe, there was so much wind in Southern California trucks were being blown over so please be careful. Thanks for reminding everyone on face book to remember the kids at Christmas, those fighting for their lives, those who have no one, any child will smile just for a small gift. You are such a great person and I am so happy you are in my life. :heart:

    Marie, good luck on your next adventure, may I ask what happened to the one that was controlling your blood sugar so well?
    Eating healthy portioned controlled meals is important and maybe just walking around the house a little to keep those muscles moving would help a lot. Good luck in what ever you do, at least you are trying and that is all the counts. :heart:

    Barbie, thanks for old people we are not too shabby. :laugh: I loved your explanation on how you got to your long walks, it made so much sense and now I understand how you walk so long. When I did walk Daisy the other day my knees were acting up so I think I will try the bike today. I go for an MRI on my back Tuesday to see if they can cure this sciatica once and for all.:explode:

    Buzz, I lost my pedometer and will buy a new one after I see if anyone paid attention to my wish list on Amazon. :laugh: I like walking outside but until I can walk without pain I am going back to my bike, which seems to be the best for my knees and back.
    Pool exercise is one of the best they say, but I really don't have access to a pool so that is not in my plans. :tongue:

    Jeri, your daughter and her family are beautiful. I got tired just thinking about taking care of 7 kids although Becky knows how to do that since she had 8. What is harder than being a mom??:love: So happy your recovery is on the positive side and you are getting stronger every day, just don't over do it for the holidays. :noway:

    Chris, sorry to hear about your ex dil trying to get everything from your son, how do your grandsons feel about that? It seems to me since she left them and he has been the main caretaker that he really shouldn't have a problem, what state does he live in?
    Prayers will be sent his way to help him go through this nasty time and for things to work out in his favor. :happy:

    Connie, loved your pictures of your dogs on face book, what beautiful dogs they are. I love when Daisy runs in circles in my yard with her fur flying just like yours did, it is just the coolest sight..

    Hope I have not missed anyone but if I did I apologize, you are all important to me. I really need to get myself back on track since I have gained another pound. :explode: I know what I have to do, I know what I have to eat and if I don't want to gain back everything I lost I better get to it now. Sometimes it is so hard to follow this new life style but the alternative is just not acceptable. I can do this and I will do this, today is the first day of the rest of my life.

  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning all. Looks bright outside but it's probably cold. I haven't been out yet so I don't know for sure.

    Last night I went out for drinks and appetizers with a friend. Great night, long deep conversations, red wine, great food - what more could you ask for.

    Connie, I am waiting for my fitbit to arrive and perhaps that will be enough. I like to do intervals - tabata actually but I can't even do it on this bike because the tension is so high that I'm dripping sweat just pedalling slowly. That's anaerobic rather than aerobic so I want to fix it but not sure how.

    anyone ever tried Theresa Tapps workout? t-tapp?

    Chris, I have unlocked my diary. I am only at 6 pounds off in the past week now but I'm okay with that. LOL I am not drinking enough water and I'm feeling dehydrated. Today I'm trying to drink more water and I"m sure I'll suddenly have a whoosh. Last night I was fairly thoughtful in the choice of appetizers and we shared them but still I went over my goal but that's okay on my free day.

    I am puttering around the house and this afternoon I have to go to a friends place for a Body by Vi party. I don't intend to buy any of the Body by Vi stuff. I'm just going to support her. I do have to set some time aside today to get some heavy duty work done before a meeting tomorrow. I'm an instructional designer and I have to get a Change Management - scenario planning workshop developed - or at least the plan for it. I'm very interested i nthat stuff so I don't know why it's taking me so long to get into it. Maybe because I really just want to start sewing a new dress.

    I must have some lunch now.

    Jackie 2
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    I found you guys!!! Hope all is well. I'll be back now that I've found you!!!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Rainy, overcast day here in the Ozarks. So far it hasn't dropped below 41° (was in the 60s overnight) but they're telling us to expect freezing temps later today and tonight which means ice. Sometimes I think snow is preferable.

    We watched a most exciting football game last night full of drama, angst, moans and cheers but in the end, my Alma Mater, Wisconsin, was victorious and is headed for the Rose Bowl. It was especially exciting because one of the stars of the game was a young running back from Missouri named Montee Ball. He hails from Wentzville which is suburban St. Louis.

    I'm doing my best to get back on track, logging my calories and exercise and trying not to night nosh. It is the hardest thing for me. It's almost like I think it doesn't count if eaten after dark. I know better. I am down three pounds from the number that put me into shock mode last week but when I think of the months it took to loose the weight (and the weeks it took for it to come back) it is discouraging. The latest "addiction" is humus. I'd never eaten it before our son came to visit. He brought it into the house and I love it. It is a very healthy food, not high in calories or fat BUT it can't really be eaten without chips or crackers. I suppose I could dip carrot sticks or celery in it rather than the honey wheat pretzels I've been using. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Our older dog, Will,, who was diagnosed with thyroid problems last June has now lost a total of 34 pounds, going from a very unhealthy 114 to 80 pounds. That's about 10 pounds over the weight he was at the height of his show ring career when he was 18-months old. Since he'll soon be 7-years old, it's an acceptable weight for a senior dog.

    Some of you have commented on my profile picture. It was taken at our youngest son's wedding and the happiness on my face is simply a reflection of his joy. He's 41-years old and had almost given up hope of finding the right person with whom to share the rest of his life when he met Kimberly last April. They, along with her 4-year old daughter, became a family on November 11. He is over the moon and we are too.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm having a head ache right now and it just won't go away! OUCH!:cry::cry: :cry: I came home from school in pain and thought dinner would take it away but it didn't. I have the tree up with lights but that is as far as it goes. Maybe tomorrow I'll add the decorations.:happy:

    Booked our flights to go to ABU DABHI for Christmas to visit my daughter and her husband there. I have never been so that will be a fun place to see. we will go to Dubai too for a day. She is very excited!:happy: :wink: :smile:

    I am going to bed now :yawn: and hope when I wake up in the morning I'll be head ache free! Phyllis:tongue:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Lots of snow overnight. Our snow family looks happy though.

    From Jeri in Calgary, Alberta

    Photo Share by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Its been a pretty day here in Calif. And the wind has not been blowing!

    Sandy, you are so right about your family, and your smiles in your photo show your love for one another. Ive a feeling the changing of the seasons throws a lot of people into 'eat mor mode'. Your are in a tough place when your exercise feels like it hurts more than it helps. I know you are postponing your surgery for a while, but it sounds like it will be pretty rough days ahead. You have put everyone ahead of your own needs, which is not a bad thing, except when your needs are so important to.

    Barbie, youd think we would all know so much about you by now that we know your path to weight loss. We are forgetful so thanks for the reminder of how you built up to your weight loss and exercise goals. I needed that!

    Phyllis, so sorry you are troubled by these headaches. Most of mine are fairly easy to get rid of. I hope you will find the cause soon.

    Jeri, good angle on the photo of your house and snow people. You have a lovely house! Hope your are having a great Sunday evening.
    welcome back, momtozmc!
    jackie 2, it all went thru or over my head, whatever your work project is. I did get the part about sewing a new dress, do you make all of your own clothes? That takes talent, I can only do straight lines and thats if they dont have to be too very straight.

    Marie, how did your cowboys do today? Sorry you didnt get to see your personal assistant this weekend, lol, but your list will be ready next week!

    Hi to everyone I missed, Buzz, Shirley, Becky, Gayla.....

    We plan to go home for a couple of days then one more trip before time off for Christmas. And we are looking forward to it.

    Oh my, dh is trying to help Bruce Springsteen sing Santa Claus is coming to town, heaven help us!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie - You said "I have joked that the hardest part of exercise is getting out the door, or putting on your shoes, or getting down on the mat, but it’s true." Thank you. That really motivated me to go down and walk on my treadmill. I have been feeling so fatigued that I haven't been exercising, but those words sent me down to the treadmill. I feel great. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

    Sandy - I love the pictures of you and your sister. Phoebe is right, you can see the love.

    Phyllis, I am plagued at time by headaches as well. I think it is from a tooth that is bothering me. I just need to get it fixed. I was bothered by headaches for years and years but after I stopped eating gluten, eggs and dairy for the most part they went away. Perhaps it is a food intolerance. Mine was.

    Phoebe - Thank you for your comments on my snow people. We put them up every year and I just love them. Last year we found a nice card in a door from a little girl down the street. Her Mom or Dad wrote it and she drew a picture for it. She told us how much she enjoyed them. It made us feel so good. We met them at Hallowe'en this year. What a nice family. As for your dh helping Bruce, LOL

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Jeri in Calgary
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    CONNIE, I love hummus, too, especially the ones made by Sabra! Pine pepper, garlic, al kinds flavors, but when you figure how much they tell you a serving comprises, and I think abour the number of spoonsful I gobble, it's not exactly low cal! I used to stuff celery with it, but too much sodium. It's really healthy, as is any bean, and maybe I'll buy some again. I recall getting a very thin corn chip at Costco, but it's like eating peanuts: I can't stop!
    Since I've been gwtting to bed so late the past week (or early in the morning?) I haven't been eating lunch. Actually find I'm not hungry! I'll probably gain weight by not eating. We have plans to meet friends for Johnny G's, that famous French Toast restaurant in Manalapan, near Palm Beach. That's Tuesday breakfast. Wednesday night we've been invited to Morton's steak house, so I don't know that my calories will remain too low. And then a week from tomorrow, we sail for 11 nights! I hope I remember to take the stairs, and eat very small bites! I notice on the Cruise Critic Forums, everyone seems to be 20 to 50 years younger than DH and me, and they'll probably shun the old geezers sitting in their deck chairs reading! But most of the excursions are more strenuous than I can keep up with, and my friends DH is worse than I!Only he is depressed about getting older, and it exhilarates me!. By gosh, I didn't think I'd make it! :laugh:

    Sorry to read about those of you troubled by headaches. I had migraines years ago, and they just stopped suddenly, and I can't recall my last headache!

    JERI. what a fine example you set; and how great you folloed BARBIE's advice about just getting started. I need to read that over and over!

    My closets look so empty and th guest bed is loaded with clothes for the cruise. Tomorrow, I will decide on which colors stay, and which clothes go back into the closet. I say black, white, and maybe Promise, sort of a corally rose. Everything gets re-hung, so we each take only one suitcase. OK, enough, I'm sleepy. Have a great evening, and hi to everybody here!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    BUZZ - Thank you for the kind comment. Barbie's comment really hit home for me. I think everyone is motivated by different things but that sure helped me.

    Have fun on the cruise. My DH and I went on one last February. We really enjoyed it. We didn't take the assigned seating but chose to have new seat partners everynight. It was fun meeting new people and actually we sat with a number of younger people over the course of the 5 days What cruise line are you using. :smile: :smile: :smile

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Hello everyone. I just discovered a discussion that Barbie had started, and when I clicked on her page, I saw a link to this. I'm 65 and still kicking as hard as I can. It's encouraging to read all your posts and feel that there are many other seniors like me. I'm prediabetic, borderline slow thyroid, and have arthritic knees and back. I do about a half hour of "floor exercises" every morning for my core, I try to walk my dogs for an hour each morning and each afternoon, I ride a stationary bike in my house for 30 to 45 minutes each day, and I'm still working (from home) as a bookkeeper for my husband. Last year I caught my granddaughter's cold at Christmas and it turned into pneumonia and knocked me out for three months. That was a wake up call for me, and I'm staying fitter and healthier now. Oh, and I have started a group for people who are prediabetic and diabetic if anyone is interested - we seem to mostly talk about carbs :-)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeri, That is a beautiful picture of your daughter and her family. What an amazing woman she is to raise so many children.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, you have a huge challenge finding the right exercise……I can’t even imagine going for 11 days with only one suitcase. Will you be able to do laundry on your cruise? Do you need a lot of dress-up fancy clothing on the trip?

    :flowerforyou: Marie, whatever happened to the diet that lowered your blood sugar. I thought you liked the food and liked the health results.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I agree with you about making peace with your family……my grandmother held a grudge against her in-laws for years after my grandfather died and we weren’t allowed to see them. After she died, I got in touch with them and renewed my relationship. My grandmother was not a happy woman…….my friend who had trouble with her knees, rode her bike a lot when it hurt too much to walk.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie 2, thanks for unlocking your diary. I love reading what other people eat.

    :bigsmile: Connie, I love hummus. I used to eat it with strips of bell pepper. Now hummus is on my list of food I don’t keep in the house because I don’t know how to be moderate with it……glad to hear that Will has been successful in his weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, I hope you feel better in the morning. Your Christmas trip sounds great.

    :flowerforyou: Pheobe, glad to hear that you’ll be home for Christmas.

    :bigsmile: JipsyJudy, your exercise plan sounds inspirational……I’ll bet your dogs love their walks. Where do you walk them? What are their names? There are lots of dog lovers on this thread.

    :bigsmile: I went to an event yesterday and made the decision to eat what was served (in moderation). Snacks in the morning were doughnuts and yogurt so I had yogurt. Lunch was chili---I ate some chili and didn’t find out until later that they had cornbread. The last time I ate cornbread, I ate about six pieces so this time I refused to get near it.

    Jake has taken an interest in planning meals so today our big meal was different from anything I’ve planned
    artichokes, black eye peas and brown rice.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Celebrity Equinox. I just realized it's 11 NIGHTS, which means we return the 23rd! It also means 3 formal dinners, and I think you understand how I feel about that! I am as informal as can be, which doesn't make me a bad person:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I guess I'll go put back the dressy outfit i removed!
    Falling asleep at the keyboard so I'd better hit the sack!
    But first, to JIPSYJUDY.....

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you delraybuzz!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbie, the black and white poodle is my two year old boy, Plato. The white poodle is my three year old girl, Sasha. We live on San Francisco Bay, north of tyhe Golden Gate Bridge. We walk along the shoreline, in the hills, on the bike paths, and sometime just along the streets. When the rain is nasty and the mud is everywhere, we walk in malls. They love to promende and get as much attention as possible from people. We raised Plato from puppyhoid. Sasha is a rescue.

    I've hard a bad back since I was 37. I started a program of exercise for it when I was 40. Exercise has been a way of life for me. Dieting has been more of an off-and-on regimen. But being old that I was prediabetic nine months ago was a wake up call, and hen I re eived a shock after spending 6 months on he South Beach Diet and losing 16 pounds only to discover thatmy fasting blood sugar had gotten worse. Since then, I count everything!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from chilly Saskatchewan! I should be in bed but I am not!! I am trying to get some things ready for my trip to Quebec City Wednesday (with the girls). Our flight leaves at 5:50 am, not sure what we were thinking about with that! Dave asked if I was going to bother going to bed -- I def. will and will do my best to get between the sheets earlier than tonight!

    Marie -- You asked about the Mexico trip. We flew to Puerto Vallarta and then spent the week in the resort. We spent most of our time at the pool, either in it or sitting in the sun beside it. Dave spent a lot of time in the ocean but I found the sand difficult with my broken bone in my foot so only went in the ocean once. The swim-up bar at the pool was very nice. Even though I am not a big drinker I did enjoy the Marguerita's! Yum!! We went on one tour that went up into the mountains and was lovely. Neil didn't call me when we were away. I guess he refused to go to work the first 2 days we were gone, sad I think but came around after for the most part (waited till we got home to let me have it) Ha! His brother picked him up on the weekend and took him to their house for a football party. He loved that. All in all it was mostly ok for him. He doesn't seem too distressed that I am going away this week. Of course, Dave will be here which makes him feel better I guess.

    Sandy and Jeri -- Enjoyed your pictures.

    I was going to say more but I have lost it which tells me I better get to bed. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    . I haven't been back since, but we are talking about traveling with our trailer up that way again now that
    we are both retired. There are places to see that we never got to because we had a newborn and were just getting by
    like so many young people. Calgary is a very special place to me.

    Thanks. The Calgary Stampede is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Come on home!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!

    Jeri in Calgary, Canada