Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning Mamas! Welcome to all of our new members. I would say hello individually but man our board is growing fast I can't keep up! Maybe next month we can have another intro series of questions for everyone to respond to keep us all straight and see who is still following along! It's almost 2012!

    I feel much better today than I have this week. I've gotten back onto a normal schedule with work, exercise, bedtime, water consumption (14 glasses yesterday), and food and it has made all the difference. Yesterday I took a (very slow) walk to the bank at lunch and turned around half way there because i was having so much lower abdominal pressure. It got better so I finished out my walk but had a lot of pressure the rest of the day. I did some prenatal yoga and it made me feel a lot better - less pressure, less tired, just generally better. Later last night I had mild cramps for a hour or so before bedtime. I don't know what BH contractions feel like other than extended cramping, but maybe it was that? There was really no rhythym to the pain, just dull and constant. I fell asleep with mild cramping and woke at 5am to pee and felt fine. No cramping, no pressure. Then I laid awake for an hour and a half until about 30 minutes before the alarm starting going off. So things really are back to normal. :smile: I'm going to shoot for some treadmill time tonight and maybe some more yoga. I may end up walking my fur baby if it's nice enough.

    I've got tomorrow off so hope you all have a great weekend and happy new years! Enjoy being the DD; I know I will be. :drinker: If I don't check back in, see you ladies in 2012! I'll make a real attempt to start the new board on Sunday. See you there.

    35 weeks, 6 days
  • MrsLME
    Hi ladies, pleased I have found this thread as you all seem to be in the right frame of mind for healthy happy pregnancies! :-)

    I'm English, 28yrs old and a newly wed. I previously lost 36lbs for my wedding (191lbs Jan 2009 - 155lbs Oct 2011, so slow pace) which didnt see me at my goal weight, however I then gained 10lbs after the wedding and am now pregnant. I therefore don't want to put too much weight on as I am classed as technically overweight still on our nhs bmi scale.

    I've done lots of research into first trimester workouts - I am a home fitness dvd obessive and usually do Davina McCall workouts (not sure if you americans will know who she is?) and I also have 2 jillian michaels dvds. There is mixed advice out there about HIIT workouts which is pretty much what these dvds are based around, therefore i'm asking should I adapt and do them at low impact? Would that keep me and bump safe?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Dawg Gone It!! I had everything typed out and then said "locked out" LOL....

    Okay so it's official. I've hit my 3rd trimester wall. I went home, made some dinner, did 1 load of laundry, a bit of ironing and then BOOM I was out like a light...Hubby woke me up and I think I lasted maybe for another hour.

    Baby has been up since about 3ish...until I finally had a little conversation with him and he seemed to settle down. Maybe it was more me just passing out :laugh:

    Don't know that any workouts will get done between now and end of year. I'm on the extended late shift through the weekend.

    Goal through end of year: Water intake & vitamin C
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi ladies, pleased I have found this thread as you all seem to be in the right frame of mind for healthy happy pregnancies! :-)

    I'm English, 28yrs old and a newly wed. I previously lost 36lbs for my wedding (191lbs Jan 2009 - 155lbs Oct 2011, so slow pace) which didnt see me at my goal weight, however I then gained 10lbs after the wedding and am now pregnant. I therefore don't want to put too much weight on as I am classed as technically overweight still on our nhs bmi scale.

    I've done lots of research into first trimester workouts - I am a home fitness dvd obessive and usually do Davina McCall workouts (not sure if you americans will know who she is?) and I also have 2 jillian michaels dvds. There is mixed advice out there about HIIT workouts which is pretty much what these dvds are based around, therefore i'm asking should I adapt and do them at low impact? Would that keep me and bump safe?

    I would say if you haven't been to the doctor then start there they are going to be your first resource. After you talk to your doctor they can give you a pretty good idea of what you can and can't do.

    I did JM DVD's before I got pregnant and then had to stop due to my doctors request (I'm a high risk prego). So I walked around the block instead. Another thing to keep in mind is that alot of home DVD's are high impact. Your first trimester your so tired & nauseaus thats really the last thing you want....but you're body should be able to guide you as far as what you can do and can't do. We're all a little different have have different thresholds. You may also want to read the beginning of this thread for some additional info-
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Dawg Gone It!! I had everything typed out and then said "locked out" LOL....

    Okay so it's official. I've hit my 3rd trimester wall. I went home, made some dinner, did 1 load of laundry, a bit of ironing and then BOOM I was out like a light...Hubby woke me up and I think I lasted maybe for another hour.

    Baby has been up since about 3ish...until I finally had a little conversation with him and he seemed to settle down. Maybe it was more me just passing out :laugh:

    Don't know that any workouts will get done between now and end of year. I'm on the extended late shift through the weekend.

    Goal through end of year: Water intake & vitamin C

    LOL! Same thing happened to me! I had a long response typed out, hit "reply" and then was informed the topic was locked. BOO!! I don't feel like retyping all that now. lol

    Funny you say that about the fatigue because I've been sleeping so deeply lately. Eric actually posted on Facebook yesterday, "Kristy normally wakes up to gripe at me if she hears me blink, but I just elbowed her in the face and she didn't even twitch. Pregnancy rules!!" HAHA!!! He said he was moving his arm and when his elbow hit me he was like, "uh oh" and just stared at me for a few seconds and I didn't even move a muscle or grimace.

    27 weeks 6 days
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful Fit and Fabulous day! :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Dawg Gone It!! I had everything typed out and then said "locked out" LOL....

    Okay so it's official. I've hit my 3rd trimester wall. I went home, made some dinner, did 1 load of laundry, a bit of ironing and then BOOM I was out like a light...Hubby woke me up and I think I lasted maybe for another hour.

    Baby has been up since about 3ish...until I finally had a little conversation with him and he seemed to settle down. Maybe it was more me just passing out :laugh:

    Don't know that any workouts will get done between now and end of year. I'm on the extended late shift through the weekend.

    Goal through end of year: Water intake & vitamin C

    LOL! Same thing happened to me! I had a long response typed out, hit "reply" and then was informed the topic was locked. BOO!! I don't feel like retyping all that now. lol

    Funny you say that about the fatigue because I've been sleeping so deeply lately. Eric actually posted on Facebook yesterday, "Kristy normally wakes up to gripe at me if she hears me blink, but I just elbowed her in the face and she didn't even twitch. Pregnancy rules!!" HAHA!!! He said he was moving his arm and when his elbow hit me he was like, "uh oh" and just stared at me for a few seconds and I didn't even move a muscle or grimace.

    27 weeks 6 days


    THAT is absoultely hilarious!! :laugh: Our poor guys, they put us with so much when we're pregnant...Nice to know they can find the silver lining, LOL!!

    I can pretty much sleep through anything right now...I'm at the stage where if I sit on the sofa you can pretty much rest assured that I'll be out in a few- the thing is that I don't even realize it!!

    Happy Pregnancy! :happy:

    29 wks
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I was apparently snoring the other night and Eric nudged me, I rolled over and stopped. I told him to just roll me over from now on.

    Onto another page! I was wondering why the board was so quiet today.
  • Demwitted
    Glad to hear sound sleeping is coming. When does the insomnia clear up?? It's no fun!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Of course get the go ahead from your doctor first but from my experience ...

    ... whatever you were used to doing pre-pregnancy, you can pretty much do during pregnancy. You just have to watch yourself getting oxygen deprived. If you are huffing and puffing, so is the baby.

    I've had 3 babies and I ran a 10k 8 lbs pregnant (running throughout my entire pregnancy) in fact, I was on the treadmill a few hours before I went to the hospital to have the baby.

    So the key here is to NOT start up a new excercise program that has any, um, "vigor" to it. If you do start things up, you'll want them to be super low impact where your HRM stays below the cardio threshold.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    :Kristy & Denise- Too funny, thanks for sharing those stories. lol

    Demwitted- that's a hard one, I am going through restless nights right now. BOOOOOO

    Heather thanks for th good thoughts.

    Misti & everyone else: Thanks for the comments on the babies room, it's still a work in process & time is just creeping up.

    Like I mentioned above, last night I was restless again. :grumble:

    I have my next appt tomorrow in the PM.

    ~Brenda~31 wks 2dys
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Glad to hear sound sleeping is coming. When does the insomnia clear up?? It's no fun!

    I know that feeling- I am exactly the same way! I'm so tired- but I just can't sleep! Any cures you know of?? I usually try to take a hot shower and sometimes that helps!
  • Demwitted
    Glad to hear sound sleeping is coming. When does the insomnia clear up?? It's no fun!

    I know that feeling- I am exactly the same way! I'm so tired- but I just can't sleep! Any cures you know of?? I usually try to take a hot shower and sometimes that helps!

    I find that I'm laying on my left side more, so I switched sides of the bed with hubby so I don't have to roll over constantly to get at my lotion (dry skin), tissues (stuffy nose), and water (dry throat). Warm milk with a spoonful of honey helps make me sleepy. My problem is staying asleep.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Most nights I fall asleep easily and sleep pretty hard until I have to get up to pee around 4am-5am. If I am tired enough to go back to sleep without starting to think of all the crap I need to do, I am good. Otherwise my mind will keep me awake between an hour and hour and a half. I feel like nights I do some sort of activity I sleep better. I think I have been extrememly lucky with my sleeping so far. I can get comfortable pretty easily. I contribute most of this to my Tempurpedic mattress and amazing I Love My Pillow pillow. :smile:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Glad to hear sound sleeping is coming. When does the insomnia clear up?? It's no fun!

    I know that feeling- I am exactly the same way! I'm so tired- but I just can't sleep! Any cures you know of?? I usually try to take a hot shower and sometimes that helps!

    I find that I'm laying on my left side more, so I switched sides of the bed with hubby so I don't have to roll over constantly to get at my lotion (dry skin), tissues (stuffy nose), and water (dry throat). Warm milk with a spoonful of honey helps make me sleepy. My problem is staying asleep.

    I agree, that's a hard one...I found a few heavy night sleeps accompained by horrible dreams in my second trimester. Now I'm into my 3rd trimester and I'm back to not sleeping a full night. So I try to sleep when I can. Can nap here, snooze there, a few hours here and a few hours there....just make the most of it. I ususally end up working on my to do list or reading for hours before my alarm goes off.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    A new thread! Wow...this board is so busy! many new ladies too! I can't keep up! I'm just glad I found this new thread before I typed out my post...that happened to me last time! I can't believe it's almost 2012 ladies!! :noway: time is just flying!

    Sooo this morning I totally slept in - kept pressing snooze because I woke up again at 3ish and around 4 something to pee (seems to be my pattern lately) and had a really hard time getting back to sleep and then I get back to sleep right when I'm supposed to get up! lol SNAP :tongue: Last night was really amazing, I spent the night alone! I relaxed and watched a Lady Gaga special interview with Paul Gautier :tongue: then I had a long warm bath with a minty bath bomb from Lush and listened to music and tried to use my lush massage bar on myself :blushing: didn't work so well :tongue: then I got in my jammies and propped myself up with a million pillows in bed and played on my laptop for awhile - Mason was a crazy man last night, my WHOLE belly was moving - it seriously looked like he was trying to punch his way out! lol So crazy watching him move like went on for 15-20 mins straight and then he settled down a bit and then it was just random movements until I fell asleep. My hands keep falling asleep all throughout the night and they ache/hurt all the time so that's frustrating.

    This morning there was freezing rain and snow and it was pretty awful outside. My husband and I had to take my mini in to the dealership for service to get some last minute stuff done before we can put it up for sale - I'm so excited I think I should be able to post the ads for it this weekend!! :bigsmile: I hope it sells fast!
    Then we headed over to my obgyn appointment. My appt was for 9am, we got there and the receptionist said he wasn't even in yet. He got in around 9:45am and we got in around 10am. We found out he had a delivery and a c-section already that morning and that's why he was crazy. Everything was great. BEST NEWS EVER...I didn't gain ANY weight in the last 3 weeks! Which is amazing to me because of the holidays and I've been feeling like I am SO huge lately. I am so relieved because I had a huge gain the time before. I have gained a lot more than I would have liked. I have gained 40 lbs in total and I'm hoping I can making it to the end without gaining any more. I really only wanted to gain max 35 lbs...but I'm trying my best and I'm just going to be really diligent until Mason comes and hopefully I can keep my weight gain to 40 lbs. My blood pressure was good and my belly is measuring 33 at 32 weeks. Mason's heart rate was 132 and he is head down still (we found out he was when I was 30 weeks at the 3D ultrasound) the doctor said there is a chance he could flip around still but I really hope he just stays down!
    My doctor also said I may have to stop work soon because my hands are giving me so much trouble....we'll see what he says at my next appt. I have to figure out what that would mean...would I go on short term disability until the baby is born then maternity leave...I don't know...I think I will do some research today. I don't want to waste my maternity leave at home before the baby comes. I was planning on working up to the Friday before my due date...but it really is getting tougher and tougher to make it through the days and my hands just KILL

    Now my appt's are every 2 weeks so another one Jan 12th and the dr said it's time for my strep B test at that one....I've heard it's not so fun :tongue: lol...oh well, gotta do what we gotta do.

    I made a "to-do" list yesterday of everything we need to accomplish before we go to the hospital and it is still quite a bit but it makes me feel better to have everything written down in a list - makes me feel less overwhelmed and scattered if that makes sense? I also made a list of everything that we need to pack in our hospital bag.

    I'm pretty tired today hoping I get a second wind least the day is half over!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic Thursday! :flowerforyou:

    32 weeks today!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Most nights I fall asleep easily and sleep pretty hard until I have to get up to pee around 4am-5am. If I am tired enough to go back to sleep without starting to think of all the crap I need to do, I am good. Otherwise my mind will keep me awake between an hour and hour and a half. I feel like nights I do some sort of activity I sleep better. I think I have been extrememly lucky with my sleeping so far. I can get comfortable pretty easily. I contribute most of this to my Tempurpedic mattress and amazing I Love My Pillow pillow. :smile:

    I have a tempurpedic mattress too! Man I just love that bed. And we got the tempurpedic pillows too...they are amazing! :smile:
    Over Christmas we had to sleep at Jay's parents house with a super soft/squishy mattress and awful pillows and it just made me appreciate my bed SO much more...I seriously can't sleep on anything else.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I was apparently snoring the other night and Eric nudged me, I rolled over and stopped. I told him to just roll me over from now on.

    Onto another page! I was wondering why the board was so quiet today.

    Jay told me I was snoring last night's been happening more and more lately. I feel bad because I'm waking him up. I told him the same, just to roll me over whenever that happens...what's a girl to do? I wonder if those breath-rite strips work?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Quick check in....I had my 16 week appointment today. Happy to find out that I am cleared from all my bed rest and limited activity. I am so happy that I can start slowly getting back to a normal life. I am ready to hit the gym on Tuesday when my son returns to school.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. So many new people makes it hard to keep up with what all is going on. I think at the start of the month we def need to do the intro thing all over again saying due dates and what not. I can't seem to remember who all is due around the same time as me.

    Belinda - 16 weeks 6 days - Due June 9th - 4 pounds gained
  • freefalling83
    freefalling83 Posts: 31 Member
    May I join in? I found out I'm pg with baby #2 (Due Aug 31st 2012). Just recently lost 45 lbs before I got pregnant so I'm really hoping not to gain it all back. I gained almost 50 with my first (and i was overweight to start with!)