Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant and wouldn't mind some support! I haven't even told my husband yet! Just not wanting this one to be like my last (I had gained 65lbs with my first) any adivce on how to stay healthy and fit would be amazing!! :)

    Welcome, Char. I found out I'm carrying #2 (boy is that weird to type) Wednesday.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome Char2009! Congrats on your exciting news. If you go the first page of this forum, you'll find a lot of discussion about your calorie intake and exercise. Its a good thread to find support and advice. Wecome! :smile:
    edited to say congrats to Kel_be too! Yay!

    Ladies, I don't get insomnia (yet!), but I'm so gaseous it's painful in the evenings and at bedtime. It keeps me up at night because it's sometimes very painful. I didn't eat dinner last night in fear that all the gas it produced would keep me up again. I slept really well, but my empty stomach made me feel nauseous. I actually prefer that instead of gas. I can burp and pass gas for hours and it still hurts. :blushing: Anyone else ever had this problem. I'm at 12 weeks now and I'm hoping this leaves by 14. Here's hoping!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Ladies, I don't get insomnia (yet!), but I'm so gaseous it's painful in the evenings and at bedtime. It keeps me up at night because it's sometimes very painful. I didn't eat dinner last night in fear that all the gas it produced would keep me up again. I slept really well, but my empty stomach made me feel nauseous. I actually prefer that instead of gas. I can burp and pass gas for hours and it still hurts. :blushing: Anyone else ever had this problem. I'm at 12 weeks now and I'm hoping this leaves by 14. Here's hoping!

    I took Gas-X as needed with DD and it helped a lot.
  • Demwitted
    This may be a silly question, but could someone explain some of the abbreviations used on this thread? I have figured some of them out from context, but some I have no clue.

    ex: DD? IF? DH?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning and welcome new ladies!

    Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only with insomnia. Although last night I woke at 5:30 and I was sure I would be awake untill I have to get upa round 7:15-7:30, but apparently I fell right back to sleep! Of course it was almost midnight before I went to sleep, so I think I was really tired. Denise - my Mom does the same thing with a notepad in case she needs to make a list in the middle of the night. Of course she's not pregnant, just nurotic. Guess I am my mother's daughter! :smile:

    Jalyner - that sucks about the gas. I have my days where I am totally gassy and days where I am not at all. I haven't had that much pain, but you don't want to be within 20' of me. :blushing: I think it must depend on how the baby is positioned. I hope yours gets better.

    Rosanna - Thanks for the update! I was wondering about you.

    Nichole - I hope Hannah is making progress.

    AFM - no yoga last night as planned. I worked till 6, got home about 6:15, friends showed up at 6:30 for dinner out at 7 and they didn't leave till around 11:30. My husband was still watching his nephew and I went to bed. Long day indeed. Tonight we have friends stopping through en route to WV from STL so I'm leaving a little early and having dinner with them tonight and they'll leave in the morning. Then my husband's BFF that just moved to AZ is coming and spending a week with us over the holidays! Luckily it's no big deal to have him around. He can be self sufficient so we don't have to "entertain" him. Plus he can help with the nursery assembly. Eric already warned him. :smile:

    I gained 2 pounds last week and thought it was b/c of some salty food from the night before. Unfortunatly I ate a ton last night too and was up another 2 pounds, so 4 pounds in 2 weeks bringing my grand total to 26.5 at 35 weeks. I hit 160 today! I weigh as much as my husband now. :ohwell: I was trying to stay under 160, but oh well. I know it's all baby and fluids and stuff so I'm not sweating it too much. I'm just going to keep trying to get as much activity in as possible and try to make good food choices which I have for the most part. There has just been a TON of eating out. Not that I am gorging; just eating more salt, fat and quantity than I typically would.

    OK, got a ton to do before i leave at 3:30. I'll be out through Monday so may check in briefly. If not, I hope you all have great Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, etc. etc. etc.! Enjoy the holiday with your spouse, family, etc. Next year will be totally different! :heart:

    35 weeks
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I found this from the first page, here's my proper introduction:

    Name: Kelly
    Hubby/Partner: Bret (rebelbrew)
    How many kids do you have: One
    Due Date: August 26, 2012
    How far along are you: 5 wks
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name: Odin for a Boy, Girl ???
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Modesto, CA
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Spin, Cardio + Weight training classes, Turbo Kick, Yoga
    Fun Fact about yourself: This pg. was a complete surprise. It took 3 years & 6 losses before we had DD. I"m hoping that being 50-60 lbs. lighter this time helps ease my m/c nerves (and so far it has).
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    This may be a silly question, but could someone explain some of the abbreviations used on this thread? I have figured some of them out from context, but some I have no clue.

    ex: DD? IF? DH?

    DD = Due Date
    IF= not sure??
    DH= Darling Husband

    Hope this helps!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    This may be a silly question, but could someone explain some of the abbreviations used on this thread? I have figured some of them out from context, but some I have no clue.

    ex: DD? IF? DH?

    DD = Due Date
    IF= not sure??
    DH= Darling Husband

    Hope this helps!

    I think DD/DS can also mean dear or darling daughter/son.
    Here is a link to the bump glossary -- and it has a lot of them on there :)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    This may be a silly question, but could someone explain some of the abbreviations used on this thread? I have figured some of them out from context, but some I have no clue.

    ex: DD? IF? DH?

    DD = Due Date
    IF= not sure??
    DH= Darling Husband

    Hope this helps!

    IF - Infertility
    DD can also mean darling or dearest daughter
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi all! 4 day weekend for me, I hope everyone enjoys the holidays with their loved ones however you may celebrate it. :drinker:

    So birthday was good, we stayed at the M Casino, played slots and I won $500 yeah lucky night!!! Baby brings me tons of blessings! :love:

    We used half the money to pay the guy that made the decals/stickers for her room (pics to come later) ,and the rest we bought the Christmas dinner groceries. I can't stop TG for that extra $$$, I also managed to buy some gifts I was missing for some lil kiddos.

    My parents should be on there way anytime soon from Cali & the SIL is in Vegas already doing some shopping. I will be very busy!

    I think I will probably gain the 20lbs in these two weeks from so much holiday food not that I overeat all day, but I have eaten heavy for lunch & don't care about eating dinner, so I just drink some milk. So I am looking forward for it to be over and get back to walking, and finally putting the dresser in place with all the clothes I have so far.

    Ashley here with you on the salt intake.

    Denise-Thanks some much for your comments, I am warming up to the new "Mom Van Like" hahaha.

    Rosanna I was wondering about you too, best wishes for your lil one to arrive when it's time. Take it easy!

    Sorry I am missing commenting on everyone, but I will catch up when I can.

    ~Brenda~30 wks 3 days
    SW 200.4 PP
    1st tri gain : 0lbs
    2nd tri gain: 4 lbs
    3rd tri gain so far: 9lbs

    Max Preg goal gain: 20-25lbs
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey there, pretty mamas :flowerforyou:

    Brenda -- yay for long weekends !!!

    Kelly -- positive vibes your way! I totally understand your nervousness. We had a loss in April, and I have been trying to not be a wreck about this baby -- even after 3 great u/s and hearing the heartbeat twice! My last visit was on 12/07, and I feel like it will be for ever until the 28th! Every little thing can make you worry, right? Too many symptoms, or symptoms going away, or weird feelings, or spotting....everything! I guess the only thing that really helped me was to realize that it was out of my control -- I am doing my best, ya know? This board is super supportive, and it sounds like you did a lot to get your body ready for this baby :) Good job!

    Well, I just looked back at my food logs this last week, and on a few days I just stopped logging after lunch. My goal for the rest of this week and next is to log everything! AND to be insistent with my fruit/veg intake. Yesterday's lunch veggie was spinach and tomato on the pizza :) I am still not gaining a whole lot -- wavering between the 1.5 and 2.5 lbs, so I am cutting myself some slack and allowing some treats. I have not done any formal working out since Tuesday, but have been active with shopping and cleaning. Also, I should not be allowed to go to the Publix alone. I grabbed a frozen pizza, these cheese waffle chips, and some ham because I needed a ham, cheese, and pickle sandwich...on top of the stuff for the holiday meal! The grocery was a mad house today! I got everything (almost!) for the meal on Sunday...and will make some cookies to give as gifts tomorrow. I am going to make chocolate biscotti, capuccino shortbread, and chocolate covered cherry cookies.

    Well, it is off to watch some Netflix for eat ice cream or not while doing so -- that is the question!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Brenda - Have a great visit with your family. Just watch your portion sizes and you will do well.

    MrsJax - Thanks for the kind words. We feel really confident about this pregnancy because I'm healthier now and I know that helps out a lot. And as you said, it's out of my hands/control.
    I have a lot of homemade smoothies with frozen berries, whey protein powder and fat free milk. I then get my fruit, protein and calcium so it works for me. I also look for recipes that incorporate fruit & veg into the main dishes.

    As for me, I'm hitting the road for Christmas with the in laws then with my family (I can that place the insane asylum), both tomorrow. We were thinking of announcing the pregnancy tomorrow but I want to hold off. We are 5 wks and all of my previous m/c took place in the 4th week. Regardless I'm not ready, let me see an ultrasound then we will.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Seriously annoyed right now. I specifically tell my parents not to come until we call them. I get a message this morning that they are already half way here (8.5 hour drive). I don't want any visitors until we have the baby. I specifically told them this. I have no idea when she will arrive so yes it is a little inconvenient but oh well. Well I guess what I want does not matter. Grrrr. As if waiting has not taken an emotional toll on me as it is. I know everyone is just excited but I feel like what I want is being totally ignored. I guess I'll just have to make the best of it.

    Hope you all have a Happy Holiday and don't forget to do something nice for yourself.

  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    well first of all i want to congratulate all of you expectant mommies. i have been reading this thread for a while but haven't replied or just been in a little denial i guess.
    well here is my story, or a peek at it any way . i just found out on Wednesday that i am pregnant. i took a home test i haven't went to the dr. yet. i haven't even told any of my family besides my husband. so my other children don't even know.
    my name: sonja
    hubby: abdullah
    age: 38
    how far along i am: i guess about 5 or 6 wks according to the first day of last menstrual.
    due date: according to the info above, i say around mid to late Aug. 2012.
    gender: based on previous experience, i am really thinking this is a boy. i don't have much of any nausea, and i can still work out, not to extent as i was in the beginning, which is one of the signs i knew i must be pregnant. when i am carrying girls i am very sick and i can't stand in one position for no more than maybe 2 min. literally, without feeling like i will pass out. but with the boys i can still be pretty active.
    no.# of children: well this will be no.# 6.
    workout i am doing while pregnant: some insanity kind hard to keep up lately, and 30day shred.
    fun fact about myself: you know i am stumped on that one.
  • Now0rNever
    Now0rNever Posts: 69 Member
    Congrats to all!!! I have 2 little boys ages 2 and 9 months, just found out on thursday (dec 22) that I am due again!!! August 18, 2011!!! I'm 5 weeks! Since my weightloss journey I went from 195 to 155 and my goal is 135 so before finding out i was preg for the 3rd time, I had 20 more pounds till my goal weight of 135! I'm currently doing walking and Denise Austin's Fit and Firm Pregnancy Workout! Add me !!! and congrats to all preggo fitness pals!! :)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Welcome, new mommas!

    Nichole - I am sorry that your parents are ignoring your wishes! It stinks to be stressed out and busy and have to entertain (even if it is family, it adds to the load) AND be waiting for your baby girl to come...I am sending thoughts of a smooth, happy delivery and a stress free as possible visit from your family!

    Well, I added lemon drop cookies and butter cookies into the baking, so that makes five to choose from for little Baby Jax, who surprisingly loves cookies :) I am sure I will send a lot home with the family tomorrow, and mail some more to my mom on Monday. I made up the blue cheese sauce for the prime rib, and everything else will be pretty easy -- just cut and season veggies for roasting, and put the ham and rib roast in the oven, steam the green beans. I am thinking of opting out of candied sweet potatoes and mixing sweets in with the reds and brussel sprouts....yum! The mushroom brie cups are to die for, too! I got the recipe from the lady at the Publix when she gave out samples. Absolutely delish!
    I am so grateful for Mr. J who did a lot of cleaning today -- swept and mopped the house (we have all tile) and sanitized the bathroom thoroughly...what a great guy!

    I hope everyone has a merry Holiday filled with love and cheer!!
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    hi all, just needed to express feelings i am having. although this is baby no.# 6, i am finding my 5th baby , Aishah, who is 16 mths, is being so clingy right now. OOOMMMGGG it's annoying. i love her little tiny self to death, but i am used to her going off and playing with her brother and sister who is 6 and 3. lately she has been under me like a flea on dog. i'm not a real clingy type of person i like my space to chill out or just get up and go when i please. maybe it's just genetic, her father is also quite clingy, i have let him know that too, give me some room. well that's it. just needed to share that. Don't get me wrong i am blessed to have a great family and i love them all very much, but i still like my space at times. just sayin'.
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Hi everyone, i would like to join this group. I joined MFP to loose weight and was doing great. (was about 15 lbs from my goal) Then i started having days where i hardly had energy to get out of bed, also felt hungry all the time. I thought it was from being on a diet, and tried to keep going until the nausia started, and i decided to take a home test...found out i was pregnant. I really want to stay motivated to eat great while pregnant and not gain as much weight as with my other two daughters.
    Name: Inna
    Hubby: Vlad
    How many kids do you have: This will be our 3rd.
    How far along are you: 11 weeks DD: July 16th, 2012
    Do you know the gender: no
    Babies Name: dont know yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): SC
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, but i want to get a DVD for exercises while pregnant.
    Fun Fact about yourself: Every time i loose a little weight, i get
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Good morning ladies! Welcome to all the new mommies that have joined over the last week.
    I have to say that though I love Christmas I am rather happy that it is done with. With being on bed rest I never totally got into the Christmas spirit. Plus our agreement has always been that we would start working on the baby room after Christmas. So needless to say I am super excited to take down our tree because our desk from the office will be put in its place.

    This Thursday I have my doctors appointment. That will greatly effect my goals for next week. This week I will stick to my same boring goals this week.
    Stretch daily for atleast 10 mins
    Drink 100 oz of water 4+ days this week
    Try to increase fruit and veggie intake

    Oh and my other excitement is that we have actually found a couple more names that we like!
    16 weeks 4 days - 2.8 pounds gained