Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • sas6575
    Morning ladies,
    Well I've had a constant headache now for 3 weeks - I go to bed early with one and wake up with one. I hate to whinge and moan to my husband so I just take myself to bed and try not to bother him but it's beginning to drive me insane. I am taking non-asprin medication when it gets so bad but it hardly touches it.
    I have never suffered with headaches or migranes etc so I am putting it down to pregnancy hormones. To be honest I haven't been sick at all so I'll take the headaches over that any day but it's just so draining.
    Well I'm 9 weeks today, last day at work before Christmas and last day of trying to squeeze into my 'normal' trousers :)
    Have a wonderful Christmas ladies - I have 10 days off after tomorrow but I will keep posting.

    Sarah 9W xox
  • carmel282
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm so excited to find a forum of women that are pregnant and keeping up their fitness/nutrition! YAY!!

    I am having twins and I'll be 18 weeks gone this Saturday. It is such an exciting, tiring, and sometimes anxious time for both me and my partner. He is trying to relocate closer to me so we can live together. The next few months will be very busy. As well as all that I'm finding that each day is different. My body is so hard to read lately. All this new stuff happening, 2 beautiful babies growing every day and I'm just exhausted a lot of the time.

    I would love to find some new friends who are going through the same experiences as me. To be with a group that could encourage, relate and motivate each other would be such a bonus. It may even help keep me sane and moving forward to keeping myself and my babies healthy for now and the future.

    I would love to get to know you all better. :smile:

  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm going to butt in, I confirmed my suspicions yesterday that I am pregnant. I'm only a 4wks along and in the 'scarey' period as I call it when things can come to an abrupt end (long history of m/cs) but I feel really positive about this one mainly because I am over 50 lbs light compared to my IF struggles to get DD.

    Did anyone bump up their daily calorie intake when they found out they were pregnant? I went up to 400 plus I eat back 90% of my exercise calories so I think I'm ok. Plus I'm probably going to cut back on the intensity level of my workouts and listen to my body more.

    I won't be able to see a Dr for a few more weeks (insurance reasons) but like I said I'm very excited and some is my hubby.

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Welcome Carmel and Kelly!

    Melissa -- you are so lucky to be able to sneak peeks! If you have been able to hear the h/b on the doppler recently, I would tell the fam. The only reason we are waiting until New Year's Day is that we haven't had an u/s since week 8....I will absolutely tell as soon as I see the h/b and baby again next week! We will be 11 wks 3 days at that scan...and I think close enough :)

    Sarah -- I hear you on the head aches! I have been taking tylenol and drinking lots of water, but still get a head ache every night. Yours, however, sound really bad. Are you congested as well? Maybe call the doc and have him/her take a look -- you wouldn't want to have a mild sinus infection run rampant in your head :)

    AFM -- I am soooo thankful to be on break and be able to sleep in, and that my husband is very understanding...after a long day of fun I was too tired to clean or cook dinner for him and not a peep out of him :) 10 wks, 4 days today, and still I am a carb eating hound! I ended up being starving last night even after the huge lunch...had a two egg sandwich and then a small bowl of rice and beans...and woke up famished so indulged in PB &J. I really must clean house today....and am looking forward to the chiropractor. I am aiming for 3 or more short 10 minute walks today. I also wonder if my workout on Tuesday exacerbated the leg pain (which is subsiding but still present.)

    I lurk around on the bump, and found this site on a post -- really interesting and seemed to be full of fact based info:

    The writer is a scientist who researches the topics and then writes/explains in layman's terms.
    Well, I will be back around later :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I'm going to butt in, I confirmed my suspicions yesterday that I am pregnant. I'm only a 4wks along and in the 'scarey' period as I call it when things can come to an abrupt end (long history of m/cs) but I feel really positive about this one mainly because I am over 50 lbs light compared to my IF struggles to get DD.

    Did anyone bump up their daily calorie intake when they found out they were pregnant? I went up to 400 plus I eat back 90% of my exercise calories so I think I'm ok. Plus I'm probably going to cut back on the intensity level of my workouts and listen to my body more.

    I won't be able to see a Dr for a few more weeks (insurance reasons) but like I said I'm very excited and some is my hubby.


    Kelly congrats!! If you go to page 1 of this thread there are some great posts regarding calorie intake...
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies!!

    I have to tell you guys about our EARLY CHRISTMAS because I'm about to bust!!! Since hubby was unemployed about 6 months we decided early in the year that Christmas was just not going to happen for us. Not with the surprise we both recieved of me being pregnant. So, Hubby and I decided that same day, that we were going to sacrifice, penny pinch, save and struggle but our Christmas goal to each other was pay off as much credit card debit as possible- WHILE unemployed :indifferent:

    Ladies, it's December 22....and we have officially paid off 2 credit cards, the entire doctors fee AND were able to set aside the entire deductible $$ for 2012!!! I'm so happy I can help but cry!! :laugh: :cry: :laugh: :happy:

    I know that you ladies know what a constant (thought/panic) finances are and I wish you the very best!!!

    I'm off to do a little shopping - and then yoga tonight. Seems that pilates stirs this kid up way to much before bed!!

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Morning ladies!!

    I have to tell you guys about our EARLY CHRISTMAS because I'm about to bust!!! Since hubby was unemployed about 6 months we decided early in the year that Christmas was just not going to happen for us. Not with the surprise we both recieved of me being pregnant. So, Hubby and I decided that same day, that we were going to sacrifice, penny pinch, save and struggle but our Christmas goal to each other was pay off as much credit card debit as possible- WHILE unemployed :indifferent:

    Ladies, it's December 22....and we have officially paid off 2 credit cards, the entire doctors fee AND were able to set aside the entire deductible $$ for 2012!!! I'm so happy I can help but cry!! :laugh: :cry: :laugh: :happy:

    I know that you ladies know what a constant (thought/panic) finances are and I wish you the very best!!!

    I'm off to do a little shopping - and then yoga tonight. Seems that pilates stirs this kid up way to much before bed!!


    That is AWESOME!!!! Way to go!
  • carmel282
    That is fantastic news Kelly...congratulations!! :happy:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome new ladies and hello to everyone else! Sorry for those of you feeling bad - headaches, heartburn (I feel you), leg pains and the like. I hope they all subside. Nichole, I hope Hannah comes soon as well! Melissa, sounds like a tough predicament. It also sounds like things are progressing well though. Good luck with your decission.

    This week has been pretty good for me from the working out front. I have gotten 2 days on the mill, 1 strength session and I did my prenatal yoga last night. I plan on either yoga again or treadmill tonight depening on my back/hips/legs. I am starting to get pain that I typically do when running a lot - lower back gets out of whack, my upper hams/glutes get tight, and my hips get tight. The yoga helped quite a bit so maybe I'll do another round of that tonight. It is not that challenging but I think I'm getting to the point now where I'd rather be comfortable than be breaking a huge sweat everyday and ending up achey. We'll see how it goes.

    Anyone else having issues with insomnia? I fall asleep fine but it seems like almost every night after I get up to pee around 4 or 5am, I lay there for at least an hour. I can't stop my brain; I know that's the problem but it's starting to annoy me. Honestly I don't feel that sleepy, I just get bored. Once the baby comes and I'm having to get up every 2-3 hours, I sure hope I can fall right back to sleep. Any suggestions? It may just be a little anxiety as I am typically thinking about all of the tasks that need to be completed before she comes both at home and work. So speaking of, I should complete some of those tasks now! I hope next week is productive as many people will be out of the office so I can get some stuff checked off my list!

    My due date is less than 5 weeks away!

    34 weeks, 6 days
  • carmel282
    :happy: :happy: :frown:
    Morning ladies!!

    I have to tell you guys about our EARLY CHRISTMAS because I'm about to bust!!! Since hubby was unemployed about 6 months we decided early in the year that Christmas was just not going to happen for us. Not with the surprise we both recieved of me being pregnant. So, Hubby and I decided that same day, that we were going to sacrifice, penny pinch, save and struggle but our Christmas goal to each other was pay off as much credit card debit as possible- WHILE unemployed :indifferent:

    Ladies, it's December 22....and we have officially paid off 2 credit cards, the entire doctors fee AND were able to set aside the entire deductible $$ for 2012!!! I'm so happy I can help but cry!! :laugh: :cry: :laugh: :happy:

    I know that you ladies know what a constant (thought/panic) finances are and I wish you the very best!!!

    I'm off to do a little shopping - and then yoga tonight. Seems that pilates stirs this kid up way to much before bed!!


    That's fantastic news that you got 2 credit cards, doctors fees paid and some savings.....such a load off your mind I'd imagine!!! BRILLIANT!! I hope that I can get to the same place soon...BILLS BILLS BILLS. Terrible that it seems to make the world go around!

    I only started to feel the babies kick last night. It was madness. At first I txt my partner and told him that I think I felt them but it's been happening all day today. Little bubbles and tickles in my tummy. A fantastic experience!! I need to look into starting to exercise again now. I was jogging about 30 mins but I don't do that anymore and with it being Winter here it's more inviting to stay at home rather than go out in the cold!
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    I came across this great Blog yesterday thought my fellow fitness preggers would enjoy it too.

    Well the fatigue has officially set in, I was really hoping to make it another week or 2 so I could be awake during the holidays :( And the nausea is creeping in, its still subtle but the bad part about being a second time mom is that I KNOW what is around the corner. I may regret insisting on cooking Xmas dinner this year (good things its only for us plus my sister and brother in law).

    We'll be telling immediate family this weekend over skype, still trying to find a nice "Big Sister" T-shirt for DD - so far not much success.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    AFM - been having a bit more energy and trying to do something at least daily, but my stomach still gets into funks and all I want is carbs, which will make me big as a house. Between the Doppler and ultrasound sneaks baby seems fine and m so close to my NT ultrasound and the 2nd trimester I'm wondering if I shouldn't let my mom tell her side of the family at Xmas dinner since we only get together once or twice a year? It's hard with the miscarriage history. Any thoughts?
    I was up all night last night with nasty heartburn that kept going most of the day and messed up my appetite, but I more than made up for it with Thai food for dinner. Ah well. Going to meet a friend for Zumba tomorrow and will try to eat better.

    Melissa, 11wk 4 days

    If you want carbs, have carbs. That's all I've crave for in the 1st trimester. It's probably what your body needs, for you and the baby now. Just keep up with some exercises and you won't make you as big as a house. :-)

    I had one miscarriage before this, which is enough making me keeping it from telling family until 3 months later. I feel better this way. If you feel comfortable, then tell. Otherwise, you can let them know over the phone/email once you feel more comfortable doing so.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    It's birthday day, I turned 31! Whoa where has time flown by to?

    Anyways, I'll probably be MIA for a bit, with the birthday & holiday here.

    Denise -Congrats! You are inspiring, needless to say I need some budgeting mentoring from you. LOL & i am an accountant, but like they say the more income in the household the more you spend & not save. I am sure things are going to change since baby is going to arrive soon, so I will manage some sacrifices.

    Anyways, congrats on that debt free feeling!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Hi everyone! I've been so MIA, but quickly ready through the last several pages of posts.
    Everyone is still happy and healthy which is awesome. Sorry to hear that some are dealing with pain, migraines, sickness, but these will pass. Keep yourselves thinking about the miracle growing in your bellies. Makes it all worth it.

    Ashley: Happens to me about every night, and has been for weeks. I've accepted it as part of my day. Especially now that hubby is up at 4:00am for work, I just get up with him, and get my day started. I figure what is the point in laying in bed thinking about everything I have to do, may as well just get up and do it.

    Denise: Congratulations! Awesome that you were able to accomplish all that even with the several hardships you've faced these last several months. That's wonderful.

    Brenda: Congrats on the new car!

    AFM: All is well. Hiatus has everything and nothing to do with the pregnancy. Baby is fine and still in the belly. Had my doctor appointment beginning of this week and he told me I'm dilated to 2cm and cervix is thinning nicely. He also said that I may not make it to my due date. As excited as I am to meet baby, I need as much time as possible. I have so much to do at work still. I'm not so concerned anymore about the things I need to work on at home because there is nothing major left except waiting on the furniture (which I was given updated info, and have a delivery scheduled for the crib for Dec 30th. Yay! Dresser we still won't see til the end of Jan, but I can definitely live with that). Still feeling great, outside of some expected achy hips, and a bit of water retention. I'm still not doing great on the water intake, and it showed when I got on the scale at the doctor appointment this week. I could feel that I had gained, but six lbs in a week is definitely not all caloric. So now I'm working really hard at getting my water intake up and watching a bit closer how I am eating.
    I got a 3.5 mile walk in this weekend, but haven't done much outside of housework since. :grumble:
    Packed my hospital bag finally. I still need to throw a few more items in there, but if I had to run home and grab it in a flash, I would have the essentials covered. Quick question: Has anyone considered perennial massage? What are your thoughts?
    I have 7 family members in from Europe, so lots of entertaining going on. Several of them haven't been to Chicago before, so we have something planned almost every day/night they are here. So much fun. I get to do touristy things that I haven't done in years.
    Going with my SIL to her cancer doctor appointment today. Trying to get as much information as possible from him, as we are going to see the Chemo specialist next week and I want to make sure I am equipped to ask the correct questions. Hopefully it goes well.

    Eat out 2x
    Walk 3x
    Yoga 1x

    Just saw the time! Gotta run to an appointment!
    Great touching base with you ladies.
    37 weeks, 2 days

    Have a great day!!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Anyone else having issues with insomnia? I fall asleep fine but it seems like almost every night after I get up to pee around 4 or 5am, I lay there for at least an hour. I can't stop my brain; I know that's the problem but it's starting to annoy me.
    34 weeks, 6 days
    I don't get fatigue, I get insomnia. I've been up this morning since 2a and in a few hours that coffee pot is going to start to call my name! I tried to read, thought about having some tea, but I could not fall back asleep. I sometimes wish I had fatigue but after chasing after my 21m old all day, well it just wouldn't work.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I am SO glad I got adjusted! My lower back was pretty bad, and my leg started feeling better before I got home!

    Did some more shopping, and the kitchen got cleaned -- so I am a happy camper :)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm going to butt in, I confirmed my suspicions yesterday that I am pregnant. I'm only a 4wks along and in the 'scarey' period as I call it when things can come to an abrupt end (long history of m/cs) but I feel really positive about this one mainly because I am over 50 lbs light compared to my IF struggles to get DD.

    Did anyone bump up their daily calorie intake when they found out they were pregnant? I went up to 400 plus I eat back 90% of my exercise calories so I think I'm ok. Plus I'm probably going to cut back on the intensity level of my workouts and listen to my body more.

    I won't be able to see a Dr for a few more weeks (insurance reasons) but like I said I'm very excited and some is my hubby.


    Kelly congrats!! If you go to page 1 of this thread there are some great posts regarding calorie intake...

    Oops, I must have missed that part when I skimmed the first post.

    I switched to maintenance and it still looks like a lot to me, maybe it's because I'm going from 1200 to 1700, eek!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Denise -Congrats! You are inspiring, needless to say I need some budgeting mentoring from you. LOL & i am an accountant, but like they say the more income in the household the more you spend & not save. I am sure things are going to change since baby is going to arrive soon, so I will manage some sacrifices.

    Anyways, congrats on that debt free feeling!

    Luna- I think we have definitely learned what hardship is. Needs vs Wants and Luxury vs Neccessity. But at the end of the day, it's all about how bad do you really want it and what are you REALLY willing to give up.

    We give up an entire lifestyle!! In the process, we become stronger as a couple, stronger with our families and learned that friends and family are everything. Everything else is just that...."stuff"

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Anyone else having issues with insomnia? I fall asleep fine but it seems like almost every night after I get up to pee around 4 or 5am, I lay there for at least an hour. I can't stop my brain; I know that's the problem but it's starting to annoy me. Honestly I don't feel that sleepy, I just get bored. Once the baby comes and I'm having to get up every 2-3 hours, I sure hope I can fall right back to sleep. Any suggestions? It may just be a little anxiety as I am typically thinking about all of the tasks that need to be completed before she comes both at home and work. So speaking of, I should complete some of those tasks now! I hope next week is productive as many people will be out of the office so I can get some stuff checked off my list!

    34 weeks, 6 days

    Yeap Yeap!! Mmmmmmeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Except my time is right at about 3am ish....EVERY night....and then I'm awake till 530 and then doze for 30 minutes. Run around like a chicken with her head cut off and out the door I go...

    it's gotten quite old. Not sure how to change it....I've even stopped drinking liquids before bed, and it's STILL an issue!!

    ps. I now keep a notepad next on my night table because it's at 3am when I seem to come up with a list of things that I need to get done!

    28 weeks
  • char2009
    I just found out I'm pregnant and wouldn't mind some support! I haven't even told my husband yet! Just not wanting this one to be like my last (I had gained 65lbs with my first) any adivce on how to stay healthy and fit would be amazing!! :)