Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Well...I've slowly been starting to feel crummy all day (really since lunchtime) and now my head is throbbing and a feel a little queasy! Don't know what's going on! Hoping I'm not coming down with something! Still hoping to get in my cardio/strength workout tonight, but if I feel like this all evening it may be a yoga night. We shall see... such a bummer when I actually have the motivation for a good workout!

    Hope you all have a good night!

    Kistin- I say you skip the work out and got home and straight to bed!! If you body is trying to fight off somethign the best thing you can do is rest and let your body do the healing. Tomoorow will be another day, and hopefully you feel better!
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    MrsJax11 - I would see the doc ASAP about your leg, likely just a varicose vein, but chance it could be a blood clot. See you clinic or urgent care to confirm.

    AFM - Played hockey last night (fully aware that 90% of the people that just read that shook their head in disapproval). It was a late game, we got off the ice at 11:45pm. Well that meant by the time i got changed, home, snacked, unwound, showered and to bed it was 2am. I have officially hit the 3pm wall, which seems worse then it used be be pre-pregnancy. My team doesn't know, and at least once a month the topic of who's going to end up pregnant before the season is over comes up. Last time I didn't even make the list, this time I think I came in 3rd or 4th (beaten out mostly by childless newlyweds). It takes an incredible amount of self control to play along as I sit there 5 weeks pregnant :)

    So tonight is a go home and get some sleep night, I will lift and run tomorrow night and Friday night. Going to be a busy weekend, not sure the gym is even open! We'll be skiing on Monday (more head shaking) and possibly Tuesday, which means I get to eat whatever the heck I want because its like a 3000 calorie day with maintenance and exercise calories!!

    EngiAli - 5 weeks - Enjoying the last few week of baby tucked safely away inside my pelvis :0
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    MrsJax - I would definitely see your doctor
    Babeed & Heather - thanks for the tips, I have done the blind grooming but I am sure my hubs would be more than happy to help. But like babeed854 I am so used to doing it myself and it's a little of me time...I don't think I want to give it up.

    EngiAli - I think that you know best what will work for you and your baby...there will come a point when you can't do any of those things for a while so I totally understand you getting a a few more occasions before that time especially if you are taking steps to protect you and the baby.

    AFM- my little man has been sick since I haven't gotten in a workout in since then. Which sucks because I so need to workout...but he has been up and restless the last few nights and needs to be held and soothe in order to stay asleep needless to say it as left us all a little sleepy...finally took him to the doc today and he has a cold which I knew and an mild ear infection which I guessed...hopefully tonight will be a bit better. Otherwise things are just busy with all the cleaning that needs to be done so that we can have 20-30 people over our house this weekend for much to do and so little time. Also, haven't been eating as well...someone else mentioned but I just haven't been as hungry lately and by the time I realize I am hungry it's been hours since I have eaten and I am starving...odd really...just been so busy I guess...really trying to stay away from too much fast food although i had chinese tonite...but just have to monitor food intake since I am not sure about workouts for the rest of the week...would love to go for a jog tomorrow and then weight on Thurs and then BC on I at least get 3 days in this week but we shall see...
    in other news I think I found the treadmill I want for xmas---going to see if I can get everyone to pitch-in and help me buy...hears praying I can...
    alright ladies...I am off to bed...

    Kelley - 14 weeks 1 day
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Any ideas for some easy light exercises? I currently have a week left of limited activity and am going stir crazy without being active. The doctor gave me the ok to do very limited light activity. I have tried to get in walking daily and start off most days with stretching.
    Oh and heather the pee on the hands made me laugh so hard
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! headache got so bad last night it was making me nauseous, so no...I did not workout. I spent the evening laying on the couch. Bummer...but I do feel better this morning. We shall see how the day progresses.

    We are meeting my brother-in-law and neice for dinner at this nice pizza place this evening, so I may go a little over on calories today...but I am planning to get some yoga in this evening. And tomorrow I hope to get back to my strength/cario workout. you have any light yoga videos? I like to do those when I'm feeling tired or want something lighter. You can use them more for the breathing and stretching...or you can put in more effort and get a better strength workout...they're pretty versitile.'ll get a workout in soon...I know it's hard when the little one is sick. That's usually when I try and get a quick workout in after they're in bed. And good luck with the treadmill! I love mine...even though it is buried in our basement now (we are in the process of refinishing) so I haven't gotten to use it for a while. It's a great investment!

    Engiali...yes, enjoy the bit of time you have left before you start getting big! It will come quicker than you think!!

    Everyone else...good morning!!!

    Well...I hope you all have a great day and I'll check back when I can!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Heather - nice to see you and Charlee are doing well. Cute pic!

    Kristin - I hope you are feeling better. Sometimes taking a night easy is just what is needed.

    Bmfrazie - If you have access to a pool, light swimming may be nice. I agree wtih gentle yoga too.

    Engiali - have fun skiing. I have never been skiing in my life and every winter I say I will. Maybe next year.

    Kelley - Hope your guy feels better soon.

    AFM - I am starting to feel maybe a little uncomfortable at almost 35 weeks. I have been very blessed with no sickness, not a lot of pain (other than my lower back), and general comfort and energy. It is getting harder to move around when in the horizontal position and I feel like today my underwire bra and rib cage are not getting along. I still feel pretty good though and desptie my post from yesterday, I was able to do a little running last night. I walked for about 30 and decided to finish up with a couple SLOW (I'm talking like 4.7-5.0 mph) "running" intervals. It was enough to get my heart rate up and some sweat going which felt nice. My lower back did pay the price as it was hurting me last night and when I woke up at 5am and didn't get back to sleep till 630 am. I need to learn how to fall back asleep quickly in the middle of the night. I think tonight I am going to do some yoga though. My hips and back are hurting a bit. I've been doing a lot of treadmill work and think I could use some nice stretching.

    So all the talk about grooming I had to share my husband's comment from this morning. He looked at me as I was getting out of the shower and said, "you've got a pube-hawk." :laugh: Guess its time for a trim.

    Alright, I'm off to work Christmas breakfast. I plan on eating quite a bit. I had such a big lunch yesterday (1200 calories of Cuban food!) that I had a small dinner last night so woke up starving. Hope you all have a good day!

    34 weeks, 5 days
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    So all the talk about grooming I had to share my husband's comment from this morning. He looked at me as I was getting out of the shower and said, "you've got a pube-hawk." :laugh: Guess its time for a trim.
    AHHHHAAAAHAAAAA!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! You gave me a good laugh for the morning!!! Teeheehee! Sounds like something my husband would say lol!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    So all the talk about grooming I had to share my husband's comment from this morning. He looked at me as I was getting out of the shower and said, "you've got a pube-hawk." :laugh: Guess its time for a trim.
    AHHHHAAAAHAAAAA!!!! That is AWESOME!!!! You gave me a good laugh for the morning!!! Teeheehee! Sounds like something my husband would say lol!

    ROOTTFFLLMMAAOOO!! I agree, definitely a good morning laugh!!

    ASF: quite night on the home front. Finding this baby keeps moving so I skipped the pilates and did some Yoga. Didn't do much else. Just felt "needy" last night. Got to bed early. I have definitely entered the ** DREAM ** stage. Seems that I'm dreaming every single night and some of the dreams are throwing me off and I'm waking up a bit disturbed. Good thing I have a good listner who knows exactly how to calm my fears :smooched:

    Working late tonight and I'm planning for some light yoga.
    Water intake is not working out how I'd like either!!
    Todays goal: 4 bottled waters within my 9 hour work day!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good morning ladies! all the grooming talk is hysterical!!! oh the joys of pregnancy and our growing bellies!!

    so i just hit 31 weeks today and am feeling great. i got in a good cardio/strength workout on monday and 30 minutes of cardio last night (had to cut it short because of much needed shopping!!) but i am planning to hit the gym again at lunch time today and get in both cardio and strength. then tonight we're going to a benefit for a friends father who actually passed away last night. the benefit was planned long before he passed...he was diagnosed with brain cancer last year and there are some major medical bills that have racked up within the past year. the whole situation is so sad...there are 5 kids in the family and his wife is the loveliest woman i have ever met. and the kicker...they are the epitome of health. i just do not understand why this happens to such wonderful healthy people!?!?! it really does put reality into perspective for me...its not about the things in life at all...just the family, friends and love that you have. so i am looking forward to the benefit...not sure if the family will be there...but the wake is tomorrow followed by the funeral on friday. sorry to be a bit down...the whole thing just really stinks
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Ashley - your husband's comment give me quite the chuckle...
    Babeed854 - the dream stage...humm...haven't hit that yet although I do have some pretty odd dreams as it is...and in the beginning I had quite a few sexual dreams...good to know you have the support you need. :)

    Kristinbee - glad you got to rest and your headache has gone away...hopefully it stays at bay...enjoy your pizza...we love pizza in our house.

    jchecca - sorry to hear about your friend's sucks when bad things happen to great people. I will definitely keep them in prayer.

    AFM: Thanks for all the well wishes for my little guy... Little man slept fairly well last night... a little restless but not like previously...the humidifier worked wonders for his conjestion...oh I forgot last night he got his first haircut...I was so sad to see his hair go.. I will make it my profile pic...he look so cute but I missed his hair he looked like a little Einstein before...Anyway... this morning I was awake and jogging...won't even call it running but I got a jog in and I felt great afterwards....yippy...ok back to finish my deadline...have a great day all..
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Ive been out of the loop here for a bit. Trying to ties up loose ends here at work and get ready for our family vacay to Phoenix! Ya no snow! Pretty excited. So its been a rush this week. Also had to write a essay for my employment law course that I wanted to get done before the holidays, not my best work by far but its done! Chritsmas stuff is pretty much done also. I missed my last aquasize class last night but start again in Jan and it will take me right close to my due date. Last night I started getting terrible pains in my belly right in the middle, I was thinking abs separating? A little tough to sleep but it has gone away this am. Ran 5kms this past weekend and doing a bit of jogging and walking onmy lunch breaks here. Im just having a terrible time with my self control over food. The lbs just keep coming on but again they are supposed too right? right?

    Anyways just a quick check in to say hey.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    HI FFP mommies!

    :laugh: Great topic ladies!

    I have had the hubby help me out, in the grooming before preggo & now. He really doesn't mind.

    I've been extremely busy at work, and getting home late so I haven't had time to comment.

    Last night we made a life changing decision-we traded in our Land Rover 5 seater for a 7 seater Armada. Sad to let go, but necessary as the baby arrives. Seems like we got a good deal, it's just hard to start paying all over. It left our payments within budget & same amount as the old one with 0 down, because we had equity on the LR.

    Well all for the growing little family. hubby, me, jason, baby & the 2 dogs lol

    Anyways, miss ya ladies. i'll try to catch up later.

    oh, Big 31 Birthday tomorrow 12/22.

    ~Brenda~30wks 1 dy.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    It's hard to keep up with everyone when I don't get on everyday. I'm glad to see everyone is doing well and best wishes for our mommies that are due this month.

    Just a quick check in for me:
    Monday: 593 kcals burned doing aerobics and a walk/jog
    Tuesday: rest
    Wednesday: 298kcals burned Walk/jog
    Thursday: I plan on walking again, and doing more aerobics
    Friday: Crossfit WOD
    Satruday: rest (travel)

    I'm officially on Christmas break and it has been so peaceful so far. I'm loving waking up without the aid of an alarm clock. DH and I will be going to his sister's house for Christmas, and I'm not really looking forward to that, but I keep telling myself it'll be fun. I've been cranky today for some reason. Anyway, best wishes mommies to be!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey mommas :)

    Busy day here...mailed out the Christmas cards, and then drove into town (well, actually about an hour) to have lunch to celebrate one of my oldest, dearest friends b-day...mmm...we went to our fave bistro and I had goat cheese crostini, pasta with chicken, spinach and tomato, and creme brulee for dessert. He knew right away that we are pregnant -- before I even said anything! He noticed to pudge-pop and that my boobs grew..and said I was glowing! Too, a fun afternoon.

    We are hosting the holiday meal, and I am stoked! I love to cook :) We will have a spiral ham and a beef tenderloin with blue cheese sauce and the sides will be roasted brussel sprouts and potatoes, puff pastry cups with mushrooms and brie, a tossed greens salad and probably candied sweets. The guests will bring the apps and looks like between 7 and 9 of us, so a festive group! We will be at the in-laws for New Year's day, and plan on the big reveal then when everyone in the fam can be there :)

    I called the doc about my leg this morning, he said to keep an eye on it and try to elevate it every now and then. It wasn't hurting at all this morning, and the visible veins had subsided....I was very descriptive, though, and told him I was worried. He said if it was bothering me a lot to come in...thankfully, it has been better...only a little sore after the long day. I did trip last week on Monday, and then had a sore hip on Tuesday and through the end of the week...I am going for an adjustment tomorrow and I think that I may be out of alignment, and being put back in line will help the leg.

    Well, that is all for now...I think I am going to relax for a bit:)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey guys I really need to catch up and I'm sorry that I haven't but I just wanted to give you all an update.

    I am currently 40W2D so I had to go in for my NST and U/S. The non stress test (NST) is were they check her heart beat, movements and my contractions for 20 minutes. Which I actually found very interesting. I had to push a button every time I felt her kick. Then they did an ultrasound(U/S) to measure the amniotic fluid. My midwife says I have about 2 liters of amniotic fluid which is fantastic and she said if my water breaks it will be Niagara falls, haha. They guesstimate Hannah to be about 8lbs but my midwife said probably closer to 7lbs. She is definitely head down and is sitting very low. I'm having contractions about every 10 minutes but they are not consistent or strong enough yet. Plus I am still only dilated 0.5cm so its hard to say when. So all I can do is sit back and wait. I did 3 miles on the treadmill today to try and get the weight of her head to help get me dilated. We will see. I'll keep you all updated.

    Again I'm sorry for not catching up with everyone individually. Hope you all are doing well.

  • SarahR1984
    Hope it's not too late to jump in here! I am new to the whole fit pregnancy concept, but ready to make the change. I'm looking for support with others who are going through the same challenges as I am. I am very concerned with gaining too much (as I have been) and ready to take back control. I know I can't lose weight but I would like to get back in shape and feel healthy again. Hopefully I can do it with some help! Nice to meet all of you!!!

    Name: Sarah
    Hubby/Partner: Billy
    How many kids do you have: This will be our 3rd and probably final baby
    How far along are you: 22weeks
    Do you know the gender: Boy
    Babies Name: Ashten...something!
    Where do you live (if you want to share): MI
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: So far none! But I'm ready to gradually start doing the elliptical again
    Fun Fact about yourself: Lost 33lbs, got down to 148/5'7" and surprise pregnancy! Kinda went off the wagon for a while and have already gained at least 22lbs. Ready to get back in the fitness game!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey guys I really need to catch up and I'm sorry that I haven't but I just wanted to give you all an update.

    I am currently 40W2D so I had to go in for my NST and U/S. The non stress test (NST) is were they check her heart beat, movements and my contractions for 20 minutes. Which I actually found very interesting. I had to push a button every time I felt her kick. Then they did an ultrasound(U/S) to measure the amniotic fluid. My midwife says I have about 2 liters of amniotic fluid which is fantastic and she said if my water breaks it will be Niagara falls, haha. They guesstimate Hannah to be about 8lbs but my midwife said probably closer to 7lbs. She is definitely head down and is sitting very low. I'm having contractions about every 10 minutes but they are not consistent or strong enough yet. Plus I am still only dilated 0.5cm so its hard to say when. So all I can do is sit back and wait. I did 3 miles on the treadmill today to try and get the weight of her head to help get me dilated. We will see. I'll keep you all updated.

    Again I'm sorry for not catching up with everyone individually. Hope you all are doing well.


    still in my prayers...hang in there!!
  • Demwitted
    About to tell the parents about my pregnancy. Any spare thoughts for me would be very much appreciated. Hubby's parents will react well, but I'm not sure about my parents. My brother's wife had a pretty traumatic pregnancy 2 years ago and it was very hard on my parents. I expect mom to use words like "horrific" or "scary" or "painful". I hope she'll surprise me. We are telling both sets at the same time, so I'm hoping for strength in numbers...
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Demwitted - Hoping that the big reveal went well and that your parents are overjoyed for a awesome little baby.

    Nichole - Here'e hoping that walking got the the baby to drop some more...keep hanging in there...

    MrsJax - glad the leg is feeling a little better... run...
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hmmm I read daily but don't post daily. Maybe this needs to change?

    Batgirlrox - how exciting you might be feeling the baby move!

    Sas/Sarah - your binges sound lovely! It is hard to control the eating, especially with DH egging you on

    Elizabeth - thinking happy baby thoughts for you!

    Nicole - hoping your little one comes out soon!

    BB/Ashley - you are doing great staying active and great goals!

    Emrogers - so sorry about the bed rest. Your little babe will be worth it though I'm sure!

    Babeed - great job on keeping the weight gain down!

    Rayna - I was so touched by your post, so exciting to hear about your ultrasound! I definitely want to do it too!

    Mistiberman - you are getting a lot done! I still hope you and DH can agree on a name. Avery sounds good.  Keep in mind that babies don't always have their permanent color right away

    Lunaroka - glad you are doing so well, congrats on the new car

    Kristin - sorry to hear about your weight gain, but I'm  sure it will level out or end up being mostly water since you are doing so well on your calories. Hope that nasty headache doesn't come back

    Jchecca - how fun to feel the baby move more! Don't worry about the nursery, the baby is so tiny, just needs a crib and diapers. Very sadvabout your friend's dad 

    MrsJax- hope your leg continues to improve. Your holiday  dinner sounds delish!

    EngiAli - wow, you are having tons of fun! I guess now is the time to do it, before fatigue, nausea, and restrictions set in

    Kelley - sorry to hear your little cutie is sick! Best of luck getting your Xmas party together!

    Bmfrazie - what comes to mind is walking, light weights, and pilates

    Taldie-glad you are doing well. The eating is soooo hard to control, we just have to be sensible and hope our body knows what it's doing. 

    Welcome SarahR - start off slow but definitely jump on the elliptical

    Dimwitted - good luck with the parents. I'm sure things will be fine!

    AFM - been having a bit more energy and trying to do something at least daily, but my stomach still gets into funks and all I want is carbs, which will make me big as a house. Between the Doppler and ultrasound sneaks baby seems fine and m so close to my NT ultrasound and the 2nd trimester I'm wondering if I shouldn't let my mom tell her side of the family at Xmas dinner since we only get together once or twice a year? It's hard with the miscarriage history. Any thoughts?
    I was up all night last night with nasty heartburn that kept going most of the day and messed up my appetite, but I more than made up for it with Thai food for dinner. Ah well. Going to meet a friend for Zumba tomorrow and will try to eat better.

    Melissa, 11wk 4 days