Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    Hi everyone, i would like to join this group. I joined MFP to loose weight and was doing great. (was about 15 lbs from my goal) Then i started having days where i hardly had energy to get out of bed, also felt hungry all the time. I thought it was from being on a diet, and tried to keep going until the nausia started, and i decided to take a home test...found out i was pregnant. I really want to stay motivated to eat great while pregnant and not gain as much weight as with my other two daughters.
    Name: Inna
    Hubby: Vlad
    How many kids do you have: This will be our 3rd.
    How far along are you: 11 weeks DD: July 16th, 2012
    Do you know the gender: no
    Babies Name: dont know yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): SC
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, but i want to get a DVD for exercises while pregnant.
    Fun Fact about yourself: Every time i loose a little weight, i get
    lol!!!! that's funny how that tends to happen.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello mommies,

    Checking in and hoping everyone is doing good. Null exercise but if it counts I took the family to walk at the casinos, and then today we did some Black Monday shopping.

    My parents have left now, and my SIL will leave tomorrow, lucky her she still has this whole week off.

    Welcome to all new mommies.

    ~Brenda~30 wks 5dys the last weeks of the 7th month, time is flying by.
  • Demwitted
    I skipped this purposely because we had not really gone public yet. It didn't seem right somehow. We have now told everyone despite our better judgement probably... it was just too difficult to hide it over the holidays. I have a very nosy family and family-in-law. We now live near almost all our extended family (recently moved back). Only a handful live out of the area.

    Name: Amanda
    Hubby/Partner: Kerry
    How many kids do you have: First one.
    Due Date: August??
    How far along are you: 6ish weeks (We haven't had our first appointment yet.)
    Do you know the gender: not yet.
    Babies Name: Karl Steven for a boy/ Esther June or Josephine Marie for a girl.
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Indiana
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: So far, I can barely get a good walk in without feeling totally wiped out. I hear I'll have more energy in another month.... really looking forward to that. I got a Wii fit for Christmas, so I'm hoping to put it to good use.
    Fun Fact about yourself: I can make myself stop hiccuping every time.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Wow...I am not even going to try to respond to all these posts! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well and hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, I sure did! I can't believe I have to go back to work already tomorrow....:grumble: totally sucks :p lol but at least I had a wonderful holiday and a really nice week off - I really needed it, although the last few days we had to stay at the inlaws and so many crazy things going on with family etc over Christmas...blah blah blah.

    Anyway - I got totally spoiled over Christmas and it was wonderful, unfortunately I didn't get any exercise in over my week off :blushing: not so good! but I didn't over indulge too much. I'm feeling pretty huge this days though, I'll be 32 weeks this 8 more weeks to go. I can't believe it, and I have so much to get done before Mason comes. I'm starting to feel the nesting urge taking over :wink:
    I have my 32 week appointment on Thursday this week and I think we're also going to put up my car for sale this weekend or early next week - then we have to start car shopping - hopefully we can get the car situation squared away before the baby comes.

    My goals for this week are as follows:
    Drink LOTS of water
    Avoid my food allergies (gluten, eggs, dairy)
    Eat more veggies
    Yoga and prenatal dvds 3-4 times this week

    As for how I'm feeling I said, I'm feeling pretty laaaaarge lately but I'm feeling pretty good. Mason is one active baby in there constantly twisting and turning and kick/punching and it's getting more and more uncomfortable as he runs out of room. My hips/pelvis are sore a lot more lately and I find I get out of breath SO easy now....also I literally have to pee every 5 seconds...but I guess that's expected at this point. I also wake up quite early, usually long before my alarm and have such a hard time getting back to sleep...but yeah, overall I am feeling pretty good. Just some somewhat annoying little things here and there ;)

    My husband and I are going to start focusing on getting the house ready and getting organized and ready to have this baby for this last two months - just getting rid of unnecessary clutter and cleaning etc etc, I'm really looking forward to it actually. And we have a breastfeeding class coming up that I am really looking forward to

    Anyway - back to work tomorrow...yuck only 7 more weeks of work ;)

    Have a great night ladies!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Seriously annoyed right now. I specifically tell my parents not to come until we call them. I get a message this morning that they are already half way here (8.5 hour drive). I don't want any visitors until we have the baby. I specifically told them this. I have no idea when she will arrive so yes it is a little inconvenient but oh well. Well I guess what I want does not matter. Grrrr. As if waiting has not taken an emotional toll on me as it is. I know everyone is just excited but I feel like what I want is being totally ignored. I guess I'll just have to make the best of it.

    Hope you all have a Happy Holiday and don't forget to do something nice for yourself.


    Nicole....are you still with us???

    Anyone heard from Nicole? I haven't been on in a few days...wondering if we had any Christmas babies or post Xmas babies?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning folks-

    Way way behind on the post so I'm sorry but I'm not responding to everyone....:drinker:

    Enjoyed my days off and enjoyed was able to enjoy the Christmas holidays with my hubby!! Way, way, wayyyyyy overindulged, but I didn't care. I had a great time with family!! Baby got gifts from both sides of the family and I couldn't help but tear up. He's so loved already :smooched: I also got my 3 lbs weights :laugh:

    Goal this week:
    Maintain low stress levels at work
    Must increase water INTAKE
    Yoga or Pilates
    Increase calcium/protien levels
    Finish writing my "dear baby" letters

    PS> found an article this weekend that listed things to stock up post baby. Some of the items included: diapers, wipes, paper towels, sanitary pads... anyone else have any additional suggestions that we might need to stock up on?? :huh:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Our stock up list might be a little large for others but we are adding breast pads if your going to nurse, laundry soap, dryer sheets, toilet paper, dish soap, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes or other cleaning products, tooth paste and bath stuff. We pretty much don't want to have to worry about going to the store for anything other than food needs.

    Any good suggestions on maternity workout videos?
  • ___MFP_SOLUTION___
    Hi All,
    This is my short story...
    Take a look result BEFORE and AFTER..!


    Just used -
  • ___MFP_SOLUTION___
    Hi All,
    This is my short story...
    Take a look result BEFORE and AFTER..!


    Just used -
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Our stock up list might be a little large for others but we are adding breast pads if your going to nurse, laundry soap, dryer sheets, toilet paper, dish soap, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes or other cleaning products, tooth paste and bath stuff. We pretty much don't want to have to worry about going to the store for anything other than food needs.

    Any good suggestions on maternity workout videos?

    Dryer Sheets - Check!
    Toilet Paper & Paper towls- Check!
    Dish soap - hadn't tought about that one...
    Clorox wipes- hadn't thought about this one either
    Tooth paste- Check!
    bath stuff- good idea...

    As for work out video's there should be a few good threads on that....we hit that subject quite often. I'm doing Elements Yoga and love it. I also have a 10 minute step to Pilates (for pregnant woman)

  • dasexiimommy
    Good Morning everyone!!!! Ive been on here 95 days so far and lost 21 pounds as of my last weigh in. About a week ago I found out I was pregnant with my 4th child. I had my 3rd child 8 months ago today (WOOOOW) Im still in shock but kids are a blessing so right now Im taking this all in. As of Christmas the whole family knows so I feel comfortable telling all my "pals" I look forward to meeting you all and making new friends.

    Name: Elisha
    Hubby/Partner: T.Houston
    How many kids do you have: 3
    Due Date: August 6th
    How far along are you: 8 weeks
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name: I have no clue lol I named the last one after he was born :o/ Im picky
    Where do you live: Florida
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Right now none I have NO ENERGY but when I reach my 2nd trimester I will be walking. Im not sure what else pregnant women can do but Im going to stay active!
    Fun Fact about yourself: I love to laugh :o)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you and those babies are doing great!

    Just checking in to say hello. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We did...having it be Charlee's first Christmas it was truly special.

    Has anyone heard from Nichole? I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers hoping you and Hannah are doing well.

    Keep up the great work everyone. I know during the holidays it is about impossible to stay on the "healthy train"...but I urge you to do your best and eat healthy when you can and get in some workouts throughout the week! You will truly appreciate yourself for doing it!

    Take care of yourself and those sweet babies!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi ladies!! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. Every week I work tues 12-4, fri,sat,sun 5am to 5pm so Christmas weekend I was off Saturday and Sunday. It was such a nice treat to have two straight days off of work with my husband to enjoy with our daughter and families. Little baby girl due January 4th still hasn't made her appearance. I have had plenty of braxton hicks contractions but nothing painful or consistent enough yet. Went to my dr yesterday for my 39 week appt. He said I am 3 cm dilated and about 60% effaced. Baby is still too high though so when I do have contractions they aren't helping with dilation. He told me to get walking. Which is easy for him to say he isn't as huge as a house and exhausted lol. I am going to work today so maybe that will help with things. He stripped my membranes but so far I feel no different. He mentioned I am measuring 41 weeks and I have lost 5 lbs in the last week which seemed to concern him. I'm not sure how I managed to lose weight over the holiday lol but I will take it. Hopefully we can make some progress this week. I know she can come anywhere from two weeks early to two weeks after my due date so I am trying to be patient.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    GM ladies :) Glad everyone seemed to have a decent X-mas weekend.

    Nicole, I'm sorry you're frustrated and that ppl aren't respecting your wishes. :(

    I have been a little overwhelmed at work. I'm supposed to be on half days and yet still interviewing for my replacent. So again, I will be here until 3 which wll put me at home after 4. I have been struggling really hard with this bed rest thing because I'm restless. However, I'm also at a point where its becoming extremely difficult to get around. I have really bad pressure and of course back pain that is just INSANE! I'm sorry, I've been MIA but I feel a little like I don't belong on this forum anymore since I'm really not active. Although, God knows I would trade that for anything in the world right now. Just to be able to move freely without pain. I am techinically released from bed rest on January 8th which of course is GREAT but I'm like geez, how am I going to even do anything since I'm in so much pain now?! So my small goals are to do 1.5 miles on a treadmill everyday once being released. Of course I'll be listening to my body as well.
    My X-mas was interesting. Got a lot of BS on my child's name. I mean seriously ppl are acting like I'm naming him this NEVER before heard name. Pretty frustrating. Then ppl ask me about diapers, blah blah blah, then knock my cloth diapers. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! Just plain annoying. I felt like telling everybody to just let me and Dallas be! A little on the emotional side, yes.
    My next appt is this Friday at 10:30.
    On a lighter note, my dreams have been about RUNNING!!! I'm either running in circles or running and trying to keep up with people!!! HA! HILARIOUS!! I know that means I'm FRUSTRATED and want my life to be back to whatever normal will be after baby.
    Elce 34W1D (+23lb)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    GM ladies :) Glad everyone seemed to have a decent X-mas weekend.

    Nicole, I'm sorry you're frustrated and that ppl aren't respecting your wishes. :(

    I have been a little overwhelmed at work. I'm supposed to be on half days and yet still interviewing for my replacent. So again, I will be here until 3 which wll put me at home after 4. I have been struggling really hard with this bed rest thing because I'm restless. However, I'm also at a point where its becoming extremely difficult to get around. I have really bad pressure and of course back pain that is just INSANE! I'm sorry, I've been MIA but I feel a little like I don't belong on this forum anymore since I'm really not active. Although, God knows I would trade that for anything in the world right now. Just to be able to move freely without pain. I am techinically released from bed rest on January 8th which of course is GREAT but I'm like geez, how am I going to even do anything since I'm in so much pain now?! So my small goals are to do 1.5 miles on a treadmill everyday once being released. Of course I'll be listening to my body as well.
    My X-mas was interesting. Got a lot of BS on my child's name. I mean seriously ppl are acting like I'm naming him this NEVER before heard name. Pretty frustrating. Then ppl ask me about diapers, blah blah blah, then knock my cloth diapers. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! Just plain annoying. I felt like telling everybody to just let me and Dallas be! A little on the emotional side, yes.
    My next appt is this Friday at 10:30.
    On a lighter note, my dreams have been about RUNNING!!! I'm either running in circles or running and trying to keep up with people!!! HA! HILARIOUS!! I know that means I'm FRUSTRATED and want my life to be back to whatever normal will be after baby.
    Elce 34W1D (+23lb)


    You are doing FANTASTIC being on bed rest. Restless and all...don't even give yourself a hard time about it. We all wish that we could continue our excersice routines as if nothing, but the truth is that we have much more precious cargo and we need to remember to put that before ourselves. Yes, it's very difficult but you're almost at the finish line honey!!! :drinker:

    As for the feedback your getting, don't let it detour you. Dallas is a beautiful name!! :smooched: As for diapers- just remember that EVERYONE is going to have an opinion :mad: but the only one that REALLY matters is yours. :happy: You and your husband are making the choice and you made it because it was the best decision for you and your growing family.

    keep posting even if your not active. Eating healthy in itself is a challenge and we're still here to support you- BED REST OR NOT!

    So hang in there, and if you need help with people just let me know...I'm only a 20 min freeway ride away :wink:
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    @babeed, THANKS!!!!!!! Yes, you are right, our opinion is the only one that matters!!!! I know you're not far at all from me. I will have to come and do play dates with you. ;)

    @ rosanna- OMG! How exciting!!!!!!! but I do know what you mean about NOT being ready! but wow you might just end up having a really really fast labor and delivery. :) I'm totally excited for you.

    I am also wondering if Nicole has her baby yet!!!!! I can't view her page so hopefully somebody will update us!

    Elce 34W1D (+23lb)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies and welcome to the newbies on the board! Just a quick catch up on me.

    We had a nice Christmas but I am exhausted. I have been up to or past midnight for the last 5 nights and was unable to sleep in today as I am back at work. We had friends in Friday night and now my husband's BFF is staying with us the whole week; he's in from AZ and I didn't think it would bother me, but it has. Well that in conjunction with everything else. I had a meltdown yesterday. I was doing laundry, taking tags off baby stuff to get ready for laundry, and generally being productive for a lot fo the day and then was finally relaxing reading my new Kindle while my husband was palying Wii with his friend all afternoon in the basement. I got him the Wii for Christmas and did not really mind that he was taking it easy until I started thinking that we only have about 4 more weeks just the 2 of us, and only 3 more weekends! This weekend his friend will still be here, Eric is going to a huge basketball rivalry game NYE afternoon out of town, and then we have a party to go to. On top of that we had dinner out with friends last night and then they came back and I just broke down with the whole, "things are getting ready to change; it's just been he and I for the last 11 years (minus a couple) and now there's this big change and I need time with just him, etc etc etc". Of course he said all the right things but I am just ready for it to be he and I again in these last few weeks. I've been a real trooper with being social, keeping up with my girls nights almost weekly, staying up late with friends in town, having people over, but I'm DONE with it. I just want to relax these last few weeks. So I am really ready for this week to be over. His friend talked about leaving early and honestly I love the guy, but I kind of hope he does. Eric ran this all by me, and in my mind, I was fine with it, but I'm just tired and overwhelmed.

    Christmas was nice, but again so many committments - family parties, late church service with family (OMG, pews are so uncomfortable!), dinners out, parties in..... I was able to relax quite a bit on Christmas day so that was nice. Yesterday I was able to do some nesting. This week Eric is getting lots done around the house since he's off work. He already sent me a pic message of the crib he and his friend put together this morning. He even put the bedding on even though it still needs to be washed, just so I could see what it looks like. Things are coming together; I'm just tired and stressed. I also did not work out at all and have been eating pretty poorly. I really just need to get back to my routine so I feel normal again.

    Well I will stop my ranting now. I hope you all had nice holidays and hope those with soon to be babies come soon! I am going to try to get to bed early this week, get a couple workouts in, and not eat out every night. I have a dr. appointment this afternoon - strep test and first pelvic exam since very early. I'll cehck back later.

    35 weeks, 4 days
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ashley - i hear you about the Christmas holiday with family committments etc...mine was the same! And I TOTALLY agree with you about those church pews! I had to go to a 10:00PM service Christmas Eve and we didn't get home until almost midnight. Most nights I was up past 12 as well, now today back at work and exhausted...not to mention overwhelmed with all the emails and requests and new tasks I have to tackle from being off for a week...gross.

    Elce - I'm with babeed on this one, don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing fantastic! You are getting so close to the end, hang in there :-) HUGS - I get some flack about Mason's name too, but my husband and I love it and really that's all that matters, everyone always has to share (or overshare) their opinions about everything when it comes to babies for some reason! lol...just let it roll off your back (even though that can seem 10x's harder when you're pregnant and pumped full of hormones lol)

    AFM...first day back at work...overwhelmed is the word of the I should probably get back to it and try to figure out where to start...I'm exhausted today but hoping to get a lot of this overflow from my week away cleaned up. It's kind of nice because our office is closed today but someone from HR has to be here so it's really quiet and I should take advantage to get some things done!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:
  • Demwitted
    GM ladies :) Glad everyone seemed to have a decent X-mas weekend.

    Nicole, I'm sorry you're frustrated and that ppl aren't respecting your wishes. :(

    I have been a little overwhelmed at work. I'm supposed to be on half days and yet still interviewing for my replacent. So again, I will be here until 3 which wll put me at home after 4. I have been struggling really hard with this bed rest thing because I'm restless. However, I'm also at a point where its becoming extremely difficult to get around. I have really bad pressure and of course back pain that is just INSANE! I'm sorry, I've been MIA but I feel a little like I don't belong on this forum anymore since I'm really not active. Although, God knows I would trade that for anything in the world right now. Just to be able to move freely without pain. I am techinically released from bed rest on January 8th which of course is GREAT but I'm like geez, how am I going to even do anything since I'm in so much pain now?! So my small goals are to do 1.5 miles on a treadmill everyday once being released. Of course I'll be listening to my body as well.
    My X-mas was interesting. Got a lot of BS on my child's name. I mean seriously ppl are acting like I'm naming him this NEVER before heard name. Pretty frustrating. Then ppl ask me about diapers, blah blah blah, then knock my cloth diapers. I mean, SERIOUSLY?! Just plain annoying. I felt like telling everybody to just let me and Dallas be! A little on the emotional side, yes.
    My next appt is this Friday at 10:30.
    On a lighter note, my dreams have been about RUNNING!!! I'm either running in circles or running and trying to keep up with people!!! HA! HILARIOUS!! I know that means I'm FRUSTRATED and want my life to be back to whatever normal will be after baby.
    Elce 34W1D (+23lb)

    I've read a lot of books over the past few weeks. They all say to be cautious of who you tell the name to for that reason. I'm so sorry that you got crap from people about it. Dallas is a great name. If it is meaningful to you and you like it, everyone else can deal or get lost.

    As far as cloth diapers go, I have a friend who swears by them. In fact, my friend's nanny preferred them. I'm seriously considering using them or at least using both. Saves money and the environment. Good for you!

    I'm getting really sick of people telling me how it's going to be and what I should do about it. Unsolicited advice and opinions seem to come with the territory of your first pregnancy. My brother and his wife have been the worst. My they go on about how motherhood makes you all crazy and stupid and absent minded. They keep telling me things I need to buy or do. They keep telling my husband how I'm going to be annoying and crazy for the next eight months or so. They are, in fact, the last people I would take parenting or pregnancy advice from. They are also trying to conceive their second child. They tell me they are just sure it's going to happen soon (they are going to fertility treatments). And won't that be fun for us to be pregnant at the same time??! No. No it won't. In fact, I'm going to be much busier if that happens. It really feels like they are just trying to steal some of my thunder about it. They asked me about names just so they could say what they planned to name their yet un-conceived daughter.... and so they could criticize: my SIL "just doesn't like the sound of single syllable middle names." I don't like them on a normal day. They have become unbearable since we went public.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Wow!!!! I am so far behind, last week was crazy and I had no time to post! First of all CONGRATS and Welcome to the new people!!!

    I had 3.5 days off and it was so nice. Today was the first time I left my house since Friday!! It felt so good to stay home, I NEVER get to do that!!! Friday was quite interesting...I had contractions for about an hour, every 4 to 6 minutes, nothing major but it freaked me out a lil', so I called the hospital and my doctor was on call so she had me eat and drink something and lay on my left side for an hour, I did that, she called me back and it was still the same, I was planning on getting ready to head to the hospital but by the three hour mark everything stopped! Hospital is 1.5hours away! So I went to bed, woke up feeling great, cleaned house made salads and desserts for X-mas dinner, wrapped more presents and all of a sudden....more contractions, diarreah, and a horrible backache, which I've had for 4 days I called the hospital back, she said drink lots of water, get off my feet and call back in an hour, I did that, things went back to normal, but my discharge was really dark yellow looking, my first thought was mucous plug, but after a half of gallon of water later, I felt ok. I have TONS of pressure, feel like she could fall out, if I stand for more than 20mins at a time it gets way worse!!!!! I really don't remember any of this with my son. Keeps me thinking I'm a still right about my due date being Jan. 17th, but I guess I could be wrong still. I have an appt. today so we'll see what she says.......kinda think my body is starting to prepare, and I don't think there is anyway I will go until Feb. 12th! My MIL says I dropped and she could see a huge difference in just two days time..and I feel like she's dropped too. Anyway, that was my craziness of the weekend! Other than that it was great, tons of food, a lot of healthy stuff and a few desserts, so that was good. Tons of family and gifts it was a great holiday! Hubby did all sorts of yard work, and cleaning downstairs, organized his man room and even rearranged the livingroom after I got the tree down! :) So sweet! I was glad he was helpful, because all that stuff really needed done. My son is feeling so much better, Thank God! Now if he will just stay that way!

    This week is super busy, time to get as much as possible caught up, next week I start training for when I'm gone! With the way things are going, I hope it's going to be enough time!

    Hope you all have a great day, I'll update after my appt. (actually in the morning, I'm going to end up getting home late!)