Still fit and fabulous after baby--December 2011 (Cont from



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    "Step away from the cookies and confections!" I feel like the police need to be telling me that after the past week. Like everyone else, I indulged while staying at my parents' house. To be honest, it felt a little liberating to just not care for a week! The good news is that even with all the sugar I poured into my body (and truly it was an enormous amount) and having a glass or two of wine each evening, I only gained half a pound. I am sure that fact that I continued to run although I only got in three runs, not four last week ;-( and ate clean for real meals helped a lot. Got home Wednesday afternoon and was gone to a memorial service out of town all day yesterday so finally getting back to normal around our house. Have done three runs so far this week so just need to do one this weekend to keep myself on track for my running goals, it's been nice to be back outside after running on a treadmill (too icy to be safe at my parents.) Just returned from walking my four leg babies, which is the first time we've done that in a week. (my parents live on fully-fenced acreage so we just walk the fence line to exercise the dogs while there, they love the freedom!!)

    Glad to hear everyone had a nice holiday. Heather, don't really have an answer for you on weight loss while breastfeeding. I know all my pregnancy weight fell off in the first few weeks. I was about five pounds heavier than I would have liked to be when I conceived and that is the weight I am still holding on to. I honestly haven't tried all that hard to lose it, but now with Christmas behind us, I am going to make an effort. I also want to start some of the toning...need to try Tracy Anderson and also might join you with Lindsay Brin. Are you enjoying it so far?

    Amy, happy to hear you took a day off. You definitely deserve it girl!! Love the photo of you and Tyler.

    Melissa, they grow so fast don't they? It's been so much fun to watch all the development too. Ellie is so alert and interested in her surroundings these days, she's also getting closer to being able to sit up by herself. I am in shock that she hit 16 weeks this past Wednesday! Good luck with getting back on the exercise wagon - you can do this!

    Hi Kristy, hope you are feeling good ;-)

    Rayna, hmmm.....not sure if I can come up with ten items for you. 1. warm slippers 2. comfy nursing bra 3. boppy or nursing pillow (if you plan to use) 4. sleeper for Mason to go home in (we did the whole outfit, socks, pants, top etc. really not so practical!) 5. breast cream in case you need it I'll keep thinking.....hope you are feeling good too!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Just wanted to update everyone. Hannah was born at 12:53am December 26 weighing 8lbs 5oz and 20.5 inches tall. We are doing great and are just adjusting to our new life. Updates to come soon if this baby ever stops eating. I feel like a milk factory.

    Hannah’s Birth Story

    Hannah’s original estimated due date was December 19, 2011. She ended up being born on December 26, 2011 at 12:53pm.

    My water broke at ~3:30am Christmas morning. I was sleeping in bed when all of a sudden I felt a gush of water. My midwife Tanya did say that I had probably around 2 liters of amniotic fluid and that once it broke it would be like Niagara Falls. She was not kidding. We then texted Tanya to let her know and she said to let her know when my contractions were 5-6 minutes apart. So we decided to try to go back to bed but I started getting pretty strong contractions right away. It took a while to figure out the best way to cope with them and for some reason I found the toilet to be the best place. I also really liked for Jeremy to be there holding my hand and helping me breathe through them.

    Around 9am we decided to go to the hospital. My contractions were 4-5 minutes apart since 6:30am. I was set up on the stress test to see how the baby was doing and to see how my contractions were progressing. At that point I was about 2 cm dilated and my cervix was only about 90% effaced. My contractions were still between 4 and 6 minutes apart. I also had a second rush of my broken water when I was checked. Hannah’s head was acting a bit like a cork. I cannot believe all that amniotic fluid was in there.

    We were then let into our labor room. I stated in my birthing plan that I did not want any medical interventions, including pain medication and induction methods. By 2:14pm I had dilated to 7cm. I have to tell you it was one of the craziest and most unbelievable things that I have ever done. Hannah was positioned posterior which means that her face was directed towards my front and the back of her head was facing my back. This resulted in really bad back labor. Every contraction would ram her head into my tailbone pushing on my back. I used hypnobirthing to cope with the pain. I did really well. Jeremy said I was amazing and that he could never endure what I was going through. My midwife and nurses (I ended up having two nurses since one shift ended and another one began) were very impressed with my coping and breathing techniques. They said I was doing an amazing job.

    At around 6pm I had made it to 8cm, but part of my cervix under the front of my pelvis was still not melting away like it should. We had a period of time where we thought I was getting close and I was rocking back and forth on my hands and knees for over an hour trying to get her to turn around and help melt the cervix. We were hoping that she would use my pelvis as a pivot point during the contractions and turn herself around. The back labor was excruciating. I then started feeling constant pressure which was an indicator that Hannah might be ready to come out. With every contraction I had the urge to push and with every push I had the worst back pain I have ever felt in my life. This went on for quite a while. I was on my hands and knees in the bed facing Jeremy and holding his hands. [Note from Jeremy: This was the most amazing display of will power and determination that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I still get choked up trying to talk about it and sometimes even thinking about it. Nobody could have asked Nichole for anything more. At one point during one of the most intense parts of her labor, I said to Nichole, “you can do this”, and she exclaimed with all the power within her “I CAN!”. I have never been more proud of her and truly amazed with her inner strength.] I had felt like I was really close and gave it everything that I had saving nothing for later. When nothing changed, I felt very defeated and I was having a hard time managing the pain at this point. Hannah’s head was hitting the small part of my cervix that was being stubborn and was causing that part to swell. By that time I was getting very exhausted. In between contractions I was falling asleep and the contractions started slowing down. After feeling that I had gotten so close and then finding out that there was still a lot of work to be done with little energy left I started to crack. At that point Tanya said we may try to introduce some pitocin to help keep the contractions coming. My uterus was getting really tired and I had opted out of any IV’s and had been trying to keep hydrated myself which I had done a really good job about. I told Tanya I wanted to wait and try again myself for a while. So I took a small break trying to recover a bit and then really tried for round 2. I just had nothing left for round 2. My body hurt so bad in every place possible. I was absolutely exhausted. I had finally got to my breaking point and had agreed to try a mild pain medicine to help take the edge off. It didn’t really help. So around 9:00 pm I finally agreed to pitocin and an epidural.

    The epidural was the most amazing thing in the world after going through 18 hours of natural labor. We kept trying up until around 11pm. I had finally reached around 10 cm but the remainder of my cervix would not budge. There was only a small amount left under Hannah’s head but every time I tried to push my cervix kept swelling up instead of melting away. This coupled with the fact that the contractions were again slowing down prevented any permanent progress. Hannah would move down some during the contraction, my cervix would swell and then push Hannah back up during the break between the contractions. Tanya said we could keep trying if I wanted but that Hannah was still posterior and she kept moving out of position. She said I may want to consider a c-section. The words I did not want to hear. At this point I was starting to run a fever and Hannah’s heart rate was starting to lower. Jeremy and I had talked about it and had determined that I had given my all for a natural birth and unfortunately things just did not work out. At this point we cared most that Hannah came out healthy and that my body was just too tired. I had literally given everything I had. So we decided to go ahead and get the c-section. Luckily I had had the epidural so I was able to be awake for it.

    At 12:53 am on December 26, 2011 Hannah Marie Scuteri was born. She came out screaming. It was the most amazing sound I had ever heard in my life. They brought her over to us and she was absolutely the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Jeremy left with her while they finished sewing me back up.

    A part of me is really sad that I did not have the natural labor I wanted, but I know that I gave it my all. Jeremy was absolutely an amazing birth partner and I could not ask more from him. He was with me every step of the way. I have never felt so close to him. He told me I was the strongest person he had ever known and that he was proud of me. I love him so much and can’t believe we brought this beautiful baby girl into the world. The most important thing of all is that Hannah was born completely healthy at 8 lbs 5 oz and 20.5 inches tall. After recovery they brought Hannah to me and I was able to breastfeed her with no problems. We are still working on our technique but we are doing really well and I feel like my bond to her has not suffered from getting the c-section.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Nichole, congratulations again. Hannah is adorable!

    Thank you for sharing your story. I too, had to give into the c-section as Ellie had the cord wrapped up, over and around her shoulder, which led her to have three late decelerations and had my doctor worried about her safety. I felt very defeated, but got all I really wanted and that was a perfect and healthy baby. I am so happy to hear that you are both doing well and you sound like a true hero for all the natural labor you endured. That alone is something to be really proud of! Your husband also was a pillar of strength for you - hugs across the miles to all three of you! The c-section will slow you down a little bit with getting back to your sweat inducing workouts, but it's worth the wait to have a healthy recovery.

    I find it interesting that Hannah, Charlee and Ellie were all at least a week late.....guess that theory is holding true for late first babies...

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    (I posted this on the FFP board but wanted to make sure you read it Nichole) :)

    Nichole I am beyond happy for you! At the end of the day all that matters is that mommy and baby are alive and healthy! You got the end result of a beautiful baby girl and that is truly the most important thing. We all have an idea and a plan of how we want things to go...but at the end of the day things will happen how they happen. Sounds like you gave it an amazing try and I applaud you for being so strong and to know what your body needed and what you needed to do for your baby!

    Also, isn't it amazing how much you can tell the true bond you have with somebody when things are in a "crisis"? I felt so close to Al and still do because of what we went through together when Charlee was born. I couldn't have done it without him and I'm so happy that you had so much support from your husband. We are lucky girls :)

    Holly I don't know why they don't make 1st time babies due date be 41wks1day...which is the average for first time babies? They stick to 40wks and when us first time moms see that date come and go we get discouraged. I too ate WAY WAYYYY too much junk over the holidays and am feeling so much better now that I'm eating clean and working out on a regular basis. I can tell that not only the dairy but the sugar really upset Charlee's belly. She is doing so much better.

    So the night before last we had our worst night ever...up off and on ALL night long. Charlee was grunting and tossing and turning and just didn't sleep good at all. I was exhausted and worried maybe my milk supply was drying up since this week I'm eating less and working out...or maybe it was something I ate...or maybe just maybe we will never have a good night of sleep! Well that was all laid to rest when last night we had the best night we've ever had! I think Charlee just had a belly ache (possibly the pizza sauce/pepperoni I ate)... But last night she slept from 1045 until 4a to nurse and then I had to wake her at 7a to nurse cause my boob felt like it was going to explode then I laid her down with Al and pumped out 4oz (so no drying up here thank goodness) and she is still fast asleep with him! I feel awesome today! It is warmer outside and the sun is shining (going to be a high of 58*F!!!) so we are going to go for a long walk with Charlee! I'm so excited to get out. I really have a bad case of cabin fever and can't wait until Spring!

    Well I finished the first week of Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slimdown and I can honestly tell you that I've not felt so out of shape since I was a fattie (Yes at one time in my life I weighed over 200lbs...and that is when my love of fitness began). Doing burpees is like torture! I have to stop and breathe...But I guess the important thing is that I'm doing it and it will get easier! I'm wearing two sportsbras but it is still a bit painful during the higher impact stuff. All in all I'm hoping to see good results. Amy did you rest on your rest days or still do something else? Also, did you have a "cheat day"? Just trying to figure out how I wanna do the 60 days with cheat days/resting.

    I hope you all have an amazing weekend and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you all NEXT year! Here's to another awesome year of setting and attaining goals, feeding our bodies full of food to fuel us, and to getting sweaty! :)
  • BCobey
    BCobey Posts: 2 Member
    This looks like a very encouraging ans fabulous support group!!!

    Happy that I found it.
  • ritaslater
    ritaslater Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Rita
    Age: 30
    Partner: Husband Brad
    Career: Manager - International Transport Dealership
    Where you are from:Ontario
    All about baby: Rally Nov 30 2010
    Prepreg weight 145lbs
    Height: 5'5"
    Goal Weight: 145lbs
    lbs to lose as of now: 44lbs
    Game plan to reach goal: July-September 2012
    Fun Fact about yourself: I am a race car driver, but have been out of it for a bit to start a family. I want to get back into shape and get behind the wheel again!

    MFP is amazing, it has made my wieght loss much easier. What a great message board!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Btw Kristy so glad you are doing well! You look fabulous!

    Rayna you are doing great! The list of "must haves" is gonna be a little different for everyone. The things that really helped me and were "must haves" were:

    for me- Soothies, tennis ball (for massaging my lower back), camera/computer/cell phone charger, black comfy sleep pants (so if you bleed on them it is okay), several changes of pants/underwear, a few healthy snacks for you and hubby (I loved pb crackers, lara bars, etc), lanolin cream for when you shower (this helps if you have sore nipples), a comfy nursing bra (I prefer my regular nursing bra as opposed to the sleep ones), and chapstick (even though I was so in the zone I couldn't ask for someone to get it for just set it out when you get there, your lips will get so dry!) and for me I needed lozenges for after delivery cause I had a sore throat from moaning/groaning. I think that is about it.

    for baby- baby book (don't forget to have them do his footprints in it), a comfy footed jammie/hat for when you go home (I packed several outfits and just kept her in the onesie the hospital provided until the day I took her home). a blanket for cuddling, gas drops (Charlee was born with really bad gas and to get a prescription for gas drops was near impossible so I just gave her some OTC simethecone/gas drops and it helped immensely).

    The rest is just obvious stuff like music if you wanna listen to it, carseat, clothes for hubby, toiletries, etc..
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Happy New Year Hot Mamas!

    Hope you're all having a nice evening - pretty low key with new babies, I'd imagine? Hubby's cooking me a steak and lobster feast. Putting toddler to bed shortly and we'll enjoy (with Annie).

    Heather, to answer your question - I did rest on my rest days. Except once when I knew I ate too much the night before so I did a Brazil Butt Lift workout. On my workout days I'd still do hilly stroller walks at a good clip when the weather permitted (maybe 10 times in 60 days). Also, I did do the optional cardio workouts that come in Phase 2. I had cheat meals 4 times. Not entire days, but a good meal (or multiple snacks and drinks) were I went over my calories by about 1,500 for the day. Surprisingly these were the weeks I lost most of my weight.

    Rayna, in my hospital bag I was happy to have enough stuff for me to get through 3 days of hospital stay (undies, clothing - and clothing for baby). Had an emergency (unexpcected) c-section after #1 so it was nice to be able to stay comfortably in the hospital and feel decent enough when visitors came. Dry shampoo was also a good one! Could keep that blowout fresh after #2. Haha!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!
    I am going to start back hard today. My family went to St. Augustine, FL. for a week and I did really bad. After our vacation trip, I am up 5 lbs from Christmas Eve:sad: . I have set myself a goal for Easter. My weigh in yesterday was 158, my goal for Easter is 145.
    Starting today I am going to do this!!
    Nichole, sorry that you didn't get the natural birth you wanted, but so happy the Hannah is here!!!
    Heather keep up the great work! You are amazing, sticking with nursing like you are. I nursed my first 3 babies and it is difficult at times.
    You guys have a great week!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Happy New Year!

    So far so good on the Lindsay Brin 60 day got a little easier to do today versus that last time I did it, so that is promising! lol On my off day on Saturday it was 63*F and sunny and Al and I took Charlee on a long (not so easy) walk where I burned a whopping 600+ calories in the 50 minutes. It felt so good to get some sunshine and to get outside with my loves. I've had a serious case of cabin fever lately. There are pros and cons of having a baby during the winter....I can wear sweats until the rest of the weight comes off--total pro, but being inside with midwest cold and dreary weather is a definite con... Next baby is gonna be a May baby! lol Anyways, after the walk my body was SO sore! Between the Lindsay Brin workouts and the walk my body was dead.

    I'm also dealing with some issues with a possible clogged duct and fighting getting mastitis. New Years eve I got cold sweats in the middle of the night and my body ached and I had a headache and I really thought I had the mastitis...but then I woke up that morning and felt halfway okay. I have a pink patch on my breast and so I keep nursing on that side first and am massaging it in the hot shower but it is still a bit tender. So I'm not sure exactly what is going on.

    Kalee my last weigh in I am also 158 so we can keep each other on track and yes we both can do this! My ultimate goal is 138-142lbs by short season :)

    Amy I think I will do a cheat meal once a week. I will be miserable if I don't. If I'm not seeing the changes I'd like, I will cut those but for now I need those meals to look forward to! I will also do the optional cardio. I'm really liking the program so far!

    Hope you ladies had a safe and happy new years. This is going to be an awesome year and I'm ready to tackle my goals in 2012!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy New Year Gals!

    I'm still hanging at 151 and would really like to see 144 give or take. I've been doing well with getting in my four runs a week, but need to step up the strength and toning exercises. You'd think that would be the easier part with an infant, but I seem to struggle to get it in some days. We just returned from a very wet walk with the dogs and I think the rain is predicted for the rest of the week, boo hoo. We managed to leave all the extra sweets at my parents house and then my neighbors brought over a homemade apple pie - jeez, just can't seem to get away from the sugar!

    Heather, oh, I hope you aren't getting mastitis! I've had a few times where I think I've had a clogged duct too, the couple times I was tender it seemed to be in the same area on my right side. I find lots of massage, especially when they are nursing helped me. Sending good thoughts your way. I always love being a bit sore from working out...let's me know I am working hard :-)

    Kalee, try to be kind to yourself. Today is a new day and you are on your way to meeting your goals. Try to fill your body with nutritious food and you'll have great energy to keep up with all your little ones. We are here to root for you!!

    Amy, sounds like you had a nice dinner for new years eve. My night was super quiet as my husband worked. I thought I might last until midnight, but ended up in bed around 11. I tend to lose more weight on the weeks where I have a really good splurge day too. Always seems strange, but I think the shock to the body is what does it.

    Wishing everyone a successful 2012 :-)
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Nichole: All I have to say is Congratulations!!!! And I had to seriously choke back the tears! Your birth story is amazing.
    Doing well, feeling great! No baby yet. Finally starting to feel some Braxton Hicks, so hopefully soon. Getting anxious to the point that I'm not sleeping at night because I am hoping to feel a contraction. Yeah, I know...kinda crazy. Love reading everyone's updates. Can't wait to join you.

    39 weeks today!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Rosanna I'm super excited for you too! Soon enough you'll be joining this board! YAY! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending happy labor/delivery vibes your way! :)

    Holly I too love a good sore! I miss it when it doesn't silly is that?! I didn't end up getting mastitis. I made sure to massage in the shower and put heat on it and massage before and while nursing and the pink area and tenderness went away! Thank goodness! I know it knocks you down when you get it and that is the last thing I need since Al is working so much. I'm so glad my neighbor didn't do her usual homemade goody bag she brings over after New Years...I've thrown it away every year (cause after the holidays I do a sugar detox and why oh why couldn't she bring it before New Years!?! lol) Evidently she was too busy this year...thank goodness! lol

    I finished day 9 of 60 and even though I had a fussy baby and I had to jump off the treadmill 20 times in 30 minutes...I did it! I really took for granted being able to workout whenever I wanted prebaby. It sure does make things interesting when you have a baby that just isn't having it. After being around a few other babies the past few weeks I realized my little Charlee is feisty and isn't one to usually just lay around and be content...she needs some kind of stimulation. She was fussing today and I needed to get housework done so I put her in the sling and she absolutely loved it! And boy was I sweating bullets cleaning the floors! lol I don't log housework as exercise, but if I did I'm sure I burned a good 500 calories!

    Amy I've been contemplating trying for another baby sooner rather than later. I had always said I'd wait to try until after Charlee was at least 18 months, but preferably when she is potty trained....But I hear so many people who have babies close together say it is so hard in the beginning, but after the baby turns 1 it is awesome having the two so close. I'm still not sure what I want to do...just wanted your point of view on it.

    Hope you are doing well Nichole with your beautiful little Hannah. The next few weeks will fly by so quickly so take it all in and take lots of pictures! Hugs!

    Lexi hope you and little man are doing well. I'm sure school is starting up here soon and you will back at it and all the craziness that comes along with it! Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon!

    Take care and keep sweating!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all you fit and fabulous moms!

    Wow this new baby stuff really changes your life, haha. I can't believe how well I am functioning with such little sleep. My poor husband is having a harder time. Good thing he's not the one that has to breastfeed her every 2 hours around the clock. I didn't realize breastfeeding was so demanding. I feel like that's all I do. Hannah has a super appetite. I had a private lactation session today at my house to help make sure that I am doing everything right and to get pointers on positions and such. It went really well and I feel even more comfortable. Also Hannah weighed 8 lbs 4 oz at birth and lost the standard 7% and I am proud to say when they weighed her today she weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. I can't say that I am surprised though because all that girl wants to do is eat. She is definitely not a sleepy baby. When she does sleep for a long stretch it is usually during the day. She is definitely a night owl.

    We also had her pictures taken today. The photographer came to our house which was awesome. Hopefully the pictures turned out good. Hannah was really cranky in the beginning. I had feed her right before he showed up but then she got upset and decided she needed to eat more. Thank goodness he was really understanding and said it happens all the time. So I nursed her again and it seemed to help. She stayed awake the whole time even though we were trying to get some sleep posses. I can't wait to see the pictures though. I've learned you just have to with the flow.

    Also Hannah is super strong. It is hard to move her legs and arms and she already likes to lift her head. It's pretty crazy. She also has a temper if I don't feed her right when she wants it. I have 3 hickeys on my neck from her trying to feed there, haha. She also like to head butt me when she is hungry and sucks on her hands. It is really funny. Her latch killed me until we finally taught her to open her mouth more. I call her my barracuda.

    I'll try to keep up more now that things are starting to some what settle. My recovery from my c-section is going really well. I've even gone on some walks. I'm also loving the pounds dropping off from the scale and seeing my stomach shrink more and more each day. That is the best part of breastfeeding:0)I've lost 23 pounds so far. I'm at 156 right now and want to get back to 135 which was my prepregnancy weight.

    Heather do you have problems leaking milk? I am starting to and wondering what working out will be like, haha.

    Rosanna hope you are doing well. Can't wait for you to join.

    Kalee love the picture of your little one. So cute!

    Holly I hate when you are trying to eat well and people keep giving you yummy tempting food. Especially after the New Year and the holidays.

    Well have a nice night all.

    Are we moving to a January Board? Just don't want to miss it:0)

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Nichole I have a fussy, feisty baby (who thinks she needs to eat RIGHT NOWWWW!!! lol) so this will be short...but if you are leaking a lot I highly recommend ordering Milkies! Also I still leak a lot even though it has slowed down a bit now that my supply has stabalized but I just wear breast pads with 2 sports bras when I workout. I'm a good DD if not bigger and this has seemed to work!

    And OMG I can't believe we are still in the December board! haha! Oy...mommy brain! I will make a Jan board tomorrow! :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hey ladies I sent out invites for the group so lets start back up there! :)