soo tattoos or no tattoos??



  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I think I always wanted one, but will never get one.
    I've seen many tattoos on many people, and have only ever liked one. haha, I'll stick with temporary ones XD
  • I hate my tattoos wish I never got them other than my kids names and the stars on my foot, the rest I regret. But my fiance has a lot, I mean A LOT and they look damn sexy on him:love:
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    I have one. Six cat paw prints going up my left hip. I love it and I won't regret it. I have always loved cats, so it has meaning to me.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    No when you get old you will regret it........just my opinion tho :-)
    My mom has a bunch and is always getting more! Some might regret it, but many won't!
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I have four. I desigined 3 of them myself... a chest piece, one that goes from my left hip on my side up to my left shoulder and one on my right side. Then I have a sweet Zelda triforce on my wrist. Because I'm a super nerd. :P
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    They have become much more socially accepted which I think is awesome!!!

    My arm is all I have but there is a good 90+ hours in it, so not cheap! But soooo worth it... People are always asking me questions about it, no matter where I walk people want to have a closer look! The great thing about it is, I work in an office so I can just wear a long sleeve shirt :) But my boss loves it! So my shirt is usually rolled up ;)

    But yea they have become much more accepted in society
  • Maryjaneshoes
    Maryjaneshoes Posts: 169 Member
    I have 9 tattoos and want more, love favorite is the blue hummingbird on my inner forearm, with the long tail feathers, absolutely gorgeous!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    I have4, planning on 3-4 more, maybe more lol kinda addictive!!! But now I've lost a lot of weight really want a whole side of my body done!
  • I have 10 right now and am looking to get at least 5-6 more in the next year. All mine mean something to me personally.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I have one, which everyone is so shocked to learn. Its on my back in the middle, just under my bra. Its a beautiful artistic wolf and mustang, which are for my ever faithful dog, and my beloved horse. It hurt like hell! I don't want any more, except maybe my sons initials, but my husband hates tattoos, and doesn't want me to get one. So no more.
    Its interesting that I have a tattoo, but don't really like them. O think they should be able to be covered, especially on women, and should be meaningful, not just some silly thing.
    the one thing I DON'T think is appropriate is a tat on your face. My husband me a guy who had half his face covered in a tattoo. I guess his parents owned a parlor. He said he was very nice, but first impressions and all........
    I think he should have thought about that one a little longer.
  • ssbarfarkle
    ssbarfarkle Posts: 150 Member
    I don't have any tattoos but would love one!! Or two...
    About 25 years ago I was going to get lizards head to tail around my ankle. Then I saw a sterling silver ring with the exact design. My mom said she'd buy me that ring if I promised to never get a tattoo. I was young, wanted that ring & yeah, right, like I'm going to keep that promise so I agreed. But to this day, I can't break that stinking' promise to my mom!! I'd feel way guilty! She probably doesn't even remember it.
    But I love tattoos!! I think they are sexy!
  • I love them! I have one on my upper back. I'd like to get one more, but I'm not even considering it until I hit my goal weight and know exactly what I want.

    BTW, how do you add photos or your progress to threads when you're responding. Is that a setting in your preferences?
  • I have three: A bow with hanging ribbons on my left forearm/wrist; a tribal star on my right wrist and a Phantom of the Opera mask and rose on my right shoulder blade. :) The Phantom one is my favourite.
  • I've only got 2you right now, but I def. want more. I'd get a full sleeve but I work in engineering and that's not exactly favored in that field.