Turbo Jammers 2/16-2/22



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Drevans mom...WTG! That is an awesome loss:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thanks Kelly. I'm so excited about it.

    I haven't got my workout in yet. A friend of mine called to say she had to cancell movie night at her house cuz her hubs in sick and what should have been a 2 min phone call turned into 45 minutes!!! So now I'm getting the kids ready for the bus and then I will get my workout in!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Drevans mom...It is for that reason I turn off my cell phone at nap time (no kidding):tongue: I have a hard time working out at the end of the day (something short or pilates...calming is okay). Enjoy your workout when you get it in:drinker:

    I just did 20 min workout (again for the day) and TS.

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Finally Finally Finally I got my HRM!!

    It's an F11 and I am dying to set it up and get going.

    I plan on using it first thing in the mornign with PK&J w/ weighted gloves!!

    I'll finally know what cals I'm burning..

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Sorry forgot to add CONGRATULATIONS drevonsmon :laugh: :laugh:

    Well done on the 2lbs that is brilliant!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Deedun-YEAH!!!! I'm so happy you got your HRM. Don't be suprised if you have to tone it down a little during your workouts to keep your heart rate in the zone.....it took me a couple workouts before I figured out how much I could and couldn't do.

    Kelly-I really should turn my phone off....I don't know why I don't. Silly me. BTW I don't think I know what kinda camera that is....guess I'll have to look it up.

    I did finally get my workout in. Kids went to school and baby went down for a nap and I did FB and TS. Now it's time to get stuff together so that I can walk over to the school to pick up the kids and take them to the park. LOVIN the sunshine we are gettin this week!!
  • megan0313
    WTG drevans_mom!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Great workouts today gottaluvboyz! :flowerforyou:

    deedun, I'm sure you'll love your HRM, sometimes I wonder how I lived w/o mine :tongue:

    Busy weekend ahead, so I'll see you ladies Sunday evening...Have a great weekend!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    deedun...that's awesome about the HRM!

    drevans mom...WTG on the workout! Hope you guys had fun at the park. I cannot wait for Spring weather to arrive here:smile: I am having LOADS of fun w/ my new camera. Well worth the $$$$:blushing:

    megan...have a great weekend:flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Just a quick question for all you jammers..

    When I first started this site I was allocated 1200 calories per day plus any extra cals I get from exercising. Now I find that I a lot hungerier and that the basic 1200 is not enough for me so I have changed my goals and now I am on 1310 cals per day.

    Because I was on 1200 for a while I feel 1310 is probably too much for me!

    What is everyone else on???
  • megan0313
    deedun, I think if you feel better having 1310 cals/day then you should. It's not very much more. I'm not sure what your goals are (lose 2 lbs/weeks, 1.5, 1...) but it might lower that value slightly if you're not working out, however I think in the long run it would be much healthier for you because if you aren't starving you aren't as likely to binge.

    As for me, I'm maintating right now but when I was losing I had my base at 1200, but I worked out everyday mostly because I like to eat! :laugh: I didn't eat all of my exercise calories, but I came very close. It seemed to work best that way. If I didn't eat enough I started to feel really run down and shaky and didn't seem to lose weight. Most people on these boards say the same thing. That's why your HRM is so helpful...I felt much more comfortable eating my exercise cals when I new exactly what they were!

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Just finished P,K,&J and Ab Jam. I'm hoping my mom will bring back my (favorite) pilates DVD today so I can do some pilates later on.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    deedun, I think if you feel better having 1310 cals/day then you should. It's not very much more. I'm not sure what your goals are (lose 2 lbs/weeks, 1.5, 1...) but it might lower that value slightly if you're not working out, however I think in the long run it would be much healthier for you because if you aren't starving you aren't as likely to binge.

    Thanks Megan,

    My original goal was to loose 2lbs per week @ 1200 cals. Mostly I am fine on this but lately I have found that I am ravenous no matter what! I eat my exercise cals and I still could eat more. It's not me being greedy or gluttonly, my body is physically wanting more.

    I think I will stay on the 1310 cals for the next couple of weeks now that I have my HRM and really keep an eye on what I am eating. I know I could subsitute some of my WW food for more wholesome and nutritious food which I will start doing and see how it goes!

    Congrats to you for getting to your goal :flowerforyou:

    I just compelted PK&J with the gloves and I burned 551 cals! I am delighted that I have it I just have to figure out how to use it properly and somehow change my HR limits! It goes off once I reach 153 but I thought the limit would be higher than that.. It was beeping for the majority of the workout!!

    How are you all getting on today?? I wonder how dragonfly is getting on at her retreat!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I did CP3 today...mostly just to burn off the lovely pastries I had for breakfast :laugh:

    Deedun-the HRM are already set for a specific zone, and it's probably in your best interest to leave it for now. I was really annoyed with mine for beeping all the time at first too, so I did a bunch of research to figure out where my zone should be and wouldn't you know....it was the same as what the HRM said. As far as what you are eating...I'm not an expert in the nutrition category (I still can't seem to get in all my fruits and veggies) make sure you are eating foods with a lot of fiber. It will help keep you full longer. Drink your water as well. Make sure you are gettin AT LEAST 64 oz. Eat a big breakfast, studies show it helps ward off afternoon munchies. By "big" breakfast they mean anywhere from 400-600 calories. Now that you have your HRM you will know exactly how many you are burning so you will know exactly what you can eat. Also eat small meals (after your big breakfast of course) throughout the day. Now that you have your metabolism up you need to feed it....all the time, so that it will continue to burn calories. I remember feeling the way you do, it kicked in about a month after I had started. Just take it as a sign that you are doing the right thing and your body is responding!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    You all have really "sparked" my interest in getting a HRM. Hopefully w/in the next month.

    WTG on working off those pasteries, Drevans mom! OMGoodness ...delicious doughnuts have been calling my name for quite some time:wink:

    I just finished 20 min workout and did ab jam again today. Combine that w/ my P, K, & J and previous ab jam and it was a pretty good day:smile:

    Have a great night (or day) all!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    WTG on working off those pasteries, Drevans mom! OMGoodness ...delicious doughnuts have been calling my name for quite some time:wink:

    My son has been beggin for doughnuts for a month or so now, so hubs went to the store and got some this morning. My FAV are maple bars, and this morning they didn't taste as good as I remember....I was so sad.

    I'm having a "eating away my hangover" kinda day. I guess I needed a good reminder of how old I am and how much I don't like the bar scene :grumble: I think I'm gonna buy a karaoke machine and just have get togethers at my house, cuz I love the fun of going out....just don't like the after effects. Okay it's almost 2:30, I guess I really should shower sometime today :happy:
  • annette02
    hello ladies ~ well, I have finally recieved my turbo jam. I only got to try the learn & burn. My dad was up visiting us for the weekend, so it kind of messed up getting to try it out --a little bummed :cry: I also ate way too much this weekend.....so, I am getting excited for a fresh start!!
    So far, I liked what I did! Can't wait for tomorrow, I'll check in tomorrow.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member