Things to do before you die...serious & silly!



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    7. Go to Rome, Italy
    travel to Rome, Paris, Ireland
    Rome is awesome. I lived there for 7 months and it's absolutely fascinating and amazing thinking that you're walking in the footsteps of so many incredible people. Being able to touch the ruins is one of the most exhilarating experiences ever.
    3. visit my friends overseas, Netherlands, Germany, Scotland and Australia

    Be sure when you visit Germany you go to the Bavarian Alps, and especially visit Neuschwanstein!!!

    And if you do get to Neuschwanstein in the winter, even if the signs say to not go on the Marienbrucke, still do it (just BE CAREFUL). The view is... well... I'll let my picture do the talking...

  • Johnny_Castle
    get laid (im joking)

    I need to become at least moderately successful and influential
    I need to get married have kids at some point (preferably NOT in the next 15-20 years)
    I want to travel around the world regularly
    Write and publish a best selling book
    Most importantly reach my maximum potential in all areas
  • VinVenture
    Hm, I have a bucket list at, in case anyone else have a special need for tracking these things.

    I have:
    Seen the northern lights. Several times. I live in way northern Europe, so I've seen them every winter since I moved. :D
    Swimmed with Sea turtles (wild ones, in the ocean, by chance. They were HUGE)

    I want to:
    Drink a whiskey older than myself (I know they make them up to 40 year old, but the price is thereafter..)
    Have a library of random, awesome and matching books. (I can do that, I just need materials, books, money and a library.)

    And a whole lot longer lists somewhere on the internet.
  • jzancola
    jzancola Posts: 17 Member
    Like many there are a few places I would love to travel to like Australis,Italy, etc.
    I would love to learn to swim. I have taken lessons as a child , a young adios, and a middle aged adult. I guess I have one more option and that is to take lessons as an old adult! .... LoL.
  • carolynmittens
    I have been extremely lucky enough to complete everything on my "things to do before I die".
    As of late I have renewed it and added a few places I want to really visit. Some of these include:

    1.- Visit Patagonia, Argentina

    HOLY F-CK. that's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. now i'm even more inspired to travel to argentina. i only wanted to go hit up iguazu falls or something but i must climb that mountain!!!