for those people who MFP have their net calories @ 1200...



  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member
    For those of us who MFP calculates should be netting 1200 calories a day (including me):

    Are you consuming ALL of your exercise calories? This is such a debatable topic as I have searched these message boards---- BUT most peoples responses come from people who have a lot more calories to work with. We have so little calories to work with---so what is working best for you?

    I want to know from those people who have a net calorie goal of 1200...Are you losing, stalling, gaining? I am fairly new to this site so I am just trying to understand since we have such a low caloric intake do we HAVE to eat all our calories back in order for us to lose weight healthily? As sometimes WITH exercise I am under, around 1169, etc.

    With only 8lbs to go you are eating way below what you should.
    MFP is actually killing you slowly.
    If you were obese at 35%+ bodyfat then running below BMR is okay till you stall.
    With only 8lbs to go?
    Figure out those stats before you jump into the diet.
    Hell you could probably eat upwards of 1600 calories a day and drop weight.

    She doesn't have 8# to go, she's lost 8#. The "killing you slowly" bit isn't accurate & was pretty harsh.

    I have 8# to go (5'2" 34y female) & MFP has had me at 1200 from day 1. If I'm hungry, I eat back my exercise "bonus". If I'm not hungry, I don't. Many times, I'm under the 1200 even on days I don't exercise. In fact, b/c of some physical limitations early in the year, the vast majority of my weight loss has been from this calorie deficit alone!

    Unless you're where you need/want to be (maintenance), 1200 might be about right for you to lose weight at calorie deficit without depending on exercise, too, depending on the variables you entered on your goals. Remember, MFP also takes your height, age, gender, & daily activity level into account, not including logged exercise.
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    My experience is if I eat 1200 for 4 days, I can lose weight, but then my body is starving and the next day is a binge day. Its better it start a little higher and lose the weight a little slower than reversing all progress by starving.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    She doesn't have 8# to go, she's lost 8#. The "killing you slowly" bit isn't accurate & was pretty harsh.

    I have 8# to go (5'2" 34y female) & MFP has had me at 1200 from day 1. If I'm hungry, I eat back my exercise "bonus". If I'm not hungry, I don't. Many times, I'm under the 1200 even on days I don't exercise. In fact, b/c of some physical limitations early in the year, the vast majority of my weight loss has been from this calorie deficit alone!

    Unless you're where you need/want to be (maintenance), 1200 might be about right for you to lose weight at calorie deficit without depending on exercise, too, depending on the variables you entered on your goals. Remember, MFP also takes your height, age, gender, & daily activity level into account, not including logged exercise.

    LOL! Doh! Most of my friends have the "To Go" on their bar! Sry!

    Okay so Beth, I ran your numbers through my handy dandy calculator and came up with your stats for dieting.
    Your BMR is 1350
    TDEE if sedentary 1620
    I dont know your BF% so I took a shot at 22%
    This gives you a LEAN Mass of 99lbs
    Fat Mass of 28lbs.
    Your perfect weight is 120lbs so Kudos for shooting for that!
    You can drop pounds easy at 1500 calories
    Protein 30% 113g 452calories <---Lift weights and youll keep lean mass while dieting!
    Fat 30% 50g 452calories <----Used as fuel and helps regulate hormones!
    Carbs 40% 150g 602calories <---Premium Fuel! Never skimp on Complex carbs!

    So depending on how long you have been eating below your BMR you are actually robbing nutrients from your Vital Organs!
    Um...vital organs in the dictionary refers to the organs you need to live.
    This is why you see so many posts on this website about "Why arent I dropping?" "Is 1200 too much???" "Whats wrong with me? I'm not losing any weight!!!" "I'm starving!"

    Thats because its a proven fact that if you eat too little, your body will bring your metabolism to a grinding halt!
    Also if you are female you can harm your vital organs by screwing up your hormones!
    So go for it!
    Eat your 1200 or less with your BMR of 1350.
    I'll be over here helping folks lose weight eating closer to 2k calories and full bellies when they go to sleep!
    It's better to burn the fat off doing aerobic activity and weight lifting than starving it away and harming your LeanMass.

    Look, I'm a pretty blunt guy when it comes to this website because I call it when I see it!
    If you are dieting incorrectly because MFP is a flawed program then I think its up to all of us to say something when we see it!
    I love to see success and i'm the best cheerleader when my friends are winning.

    Harsh? Yes! Truthful? Absolutely!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    When I started MFP it gave me a 1200 calorie goal, which I tried to stick to for a while - and was miserable and starving all the time. And I ate every single exercise calorie back, but still was hungry all the time - and to make things even more depressing, I wasn't losing ANY weight at all. I upped my calories to 1400, 1600, and now I'm NETTING 1600, usually grossing around 1900-2000 calories per day - and am losing around a pound per week. Eating more is not going to hinder your progress if you're eating the right foods - you're body needs fuel!!! Don't be afraid to EAT!!
  • red_hatorade
    That whole thing confuses me too. i am just starting out with diet, eating between 1200 - 1500 calories a day. I have been doing this for a couple weeks, with a couple days where I "cheat" so to say but so far I have lost 6 lbs in around 2 weeks. Then again this is according to my scale, where I try to weigh in every Monday morning. Scale could be totally lying, but I do know that before I was often coming in at 260 or above and for the last week, it has never hit or gone over 260. So I guess what I am doing is working.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    1200 calories is starvation mode and does not result in permanent weight loss, so definitely eat your exercise calories back
  • bbkohn
    bbkohn Posts: 29
    I started out at 1,200 cals a day and lost 48 lbs that way. When I would work out I'd never eat all of my calories back, but if the work out was vigorous and the burn was really high for that day, I'd increase to 1,300-1,350. Now I'm about 4lbs away from my all time goal weight and I've increased my calories to 1,275 and I almost always stick to that exercise or no exercise.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    mine is set at 1260....i am 46 years old 5'3" and 133lbs. at first i was not eating back my calories and working out hard. a MFP friend suggested that i was not eating enough so i have increased the last 2-3 weeks and continued to exercise hard and have not gained any weight. i have not lost either but i have changed my workouts dramatically over the past few weeks and feel like i am gaining muscle so i am good with that! i look at lots of diaries that are very deficient in calories and don't know how people can function without chewing off their own arms!
  • Sam_Hain
    Sam_Hain Posts: 68 Member
    My suggestions to everyone on the low end of calories... talk to your physician. Especially for guys logging that low. If what I've read on the net is true (and everything on the world wide web is true), then guys shouldn't go below 1500 calories (generally).
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I have mine set at 1200, sometimes I eat exercise calories..sometimes I don't..depends on how hungry I am that day..but I hardly ever go over. I am able to eat a lot with 1200 though, because I mainly eat healthy foods. I have been losing roughly about a pound every 4 days..
  • sinobaako82
    sinobaako82 Posts: 43 Member
    This is really interesting - my goal is 1250 net per day and I do eat back my exercise calories. I'm 166lbs and aiming to lose 26lbs maybe more (if I can be bothered lol!) but I am really struggling to lose anything at all. I tend to go by my average net calories - somedays i'm over and somedays i am under. This week I was about 1000 over my net cal goal for the week (oops!) but that should still be enough to lose a bit less than 1lb even - but no!!! nothing, nada, everyweek - frustrating is an understatement!

    this is my third week, i am on 1200 calorie goal too. and i notice this week, tomorrow is my weigh in and i don't think i have lost a pound. i do eat back my calories. my diary tells me i should be weighing this or that in 5 weeks but i don't see how i will get there if i am not losing. could it be we are not logging the right calories? i feel so hungry all the time.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    O.k. ...this is the sound of me opening a can of worms,
    I had a professional hook me up to a machine that they use in hospitals.
    The print out says my BMR is 1136 cals.
    My target when I've gained 2.2kg of lean weight is 1201 cals.
    I trust this to be true.
    I tried to up my caloric intake as per most of the suggestions from well meaning friends on MFP.
    I felt uncomfortably full throughout the day, and actually nauseous through out the night. It woke me up.
    I went back to how I feel the best.....I have abundant energy ( i've just been for a run) and feel great.
    I eat a very clean Paleo style diet. I run on healthy fats - simple carbs and protein.
    Even with daily exercise, running /weights/ballet /boxing/abs class. I'm eating around the 1200cals, and I've put on 1.3 kgs this week. I'm assuming it's muscle - but am unsure if it could be possible to gain that much muscle in a week....
    I'm built like a pixi - short and fine boned....
    So while I'm feeling good and energetic, I'm not going to eat more, unless I want to.
    Interested in opinions............
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    For those of us who MFP calculates should be netting 1200 calories a day (including me):

    Are you consuming ALL of your exercise calories? This is such a debatable topic as I have searched these message boards---- BUT most peoples responses come from people who have a lot more calories to work with. We have so little calories to work with---so what is working best for you?

    I want to know from those people who have a net calorie goal of 1200...Are you losing, stalling, gaining? I am fairly new to this site so I am just trying to understand since we have such a low caloric intake do we HAVE to eat all our calories back in order for us to lose weight healthily? As sometimes WITH exercise I am under, around 1169, etc.

    With only 8lbs to go you are eating way below what you should.
    MFP is actually killing you slowly.
    If you were obese at 35%+ bodyfat then running below BMR is okay till you stall.
    With only 8lbs to go?
    Figure out those stats before you jump into the diet.
    Hell you could probably eat upwards of 1600 calories a day and drop weight.

    hes right..contrary to popular belief, your metabolism is higher when you are overweight because it has more energy to work with. as you lose weight you need to eat more in order to keep the "metabolism" going. Metabolism is the summation of your chemical reactions in your body. Not to get too scientific but every cell in your body required ATP. When ATP is low, you go into anaerobic and break down fat and muscle. AT first your body breaks down fat if you are overweight. Its easily accessible to the body. As "fat" decreases and you have less calories, then it goes to muscles. Since you lost weight and ATP is required for cells to thrive, you need to give your body what it needs. Energy, through food. More food than before since you lost most of your weight. HOpe this makes sense. Im not a doctor and Im giving you just the basics. Im sure theres a whole lot more to the process
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    For those of us who MFP calculates should be netting 1200 calories a day (including me):

    Are you consuming ALL of your exercise calories? This is such a debatable topic as I have searched these message boards---- BUT most peoples responses come from people who have a lot more calories to work with. We have so little calories to work with---so what is working best for you?

    I want to know from those people who have a net calorie goal of 1200...Are you losing, stalling, gaining? I am fairly new to this site so I am just trying to understand since we have such a low caloric intake do we HAVE to eat all our calories back in order for us to lose weight healthily? As sometimes WITH exercise I am under, around 1169, etc.

    With only 8lbs to go you are eating way below what you should.
    MFP is actually killing you slowly.
    If you were obese at 35%+ bodyfat then running below BMR is okay till you stall.
    With only 8lbs to go?
    Figure out those stats before you jump into the diet.
    Hell you could probably eat upwards of 1600 calories a day and drop weight.

    Listen to this man! he helped me decide to up my calories when I hit a plateau and I instantly started losing again. I have lost exactly 12kg in exactly 60 days! :D
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    i can barely eat my 1200 calories, let alone eating BACK my exercise calories, unless i eat a mcdonalds hamburger or something, which i dont particularly wanna do. but i tend to graze a lot, 3 grapes here, cauliflower there, a small handfull of nuts, which i usually forget about logging, cause its such a little amount, but i guess it adds up?
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Im at 1200, I lose. I can still lose if I eat 1400 a day too though.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I am on 1200 cals. I usually burn 400-600 cals/day and have about 200-300 remaining left to eat. I don't typically net the 1200. However, I look at this as a guide because the exercise cals are NOT exact and I also do not have the absolute portion sizes.

    I am losing. I think what is causing me to lose is that I am currently avoiding sugary foods. It's working well for me. I have 35lbs to lose and I have lost 71 total.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Calorie dense food is key.
    And please do the math instead of accepting 1200.
    The thing about the hormones and stuff.
    I've heard of women who are unable to have kids because they dieted wrong.
    Be careful ladies!
  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member

    She doesn't have 8# to go, she's lost 8#. The "killing you slowly" bit isn't accurate & was pretty harsh.

    I have 8# to go (5'2" 34y female) & MFP has had me at 1200 from day 1. If I'm hungry, I eat back my exercise "bonus". If I'm not hungry, I don't. Many times, I'm under the 1200 even on days I don't exercise. In fact, b/c of some physical limitations early in the year, the vast majority of my weight loss has been from this calorie deficit alone!

    Unless you're where you need/want to be (maintenance), 1200 might be about right for you to lose weight at calorie deficit without depending on exercise, too, depending on the variables you entered on your goals. Remember, MFP also takes your height, age, gender, & daily activity level into account, not including logged exercise.

    LOL! Doh! Most of my friends have the "To Go" on their bar! Sry!

    Okay so Beth, I ran your numbers through my handy dandy calculator and came up with your stats for dieting.
    Your BMR is 1350
    TDEE if sedentary 1620
    I dont know your BF% so I took a shot at 22%
    This gives you a LEAN Mass of 99lbs
    Fat Mass of 28lbs.
    Your perfect weight is 120lbs so Kudos for shooting for that!
    You can drop pounds easy at 1500 calories
    Protein 30% 113g 452calories <---Lift weights and youll keep lean mass while dieting!
    Fat 30% 50g 452calories <----Used as fuel and helps regulate hormones!
    Carbs 40% 150g 602calories <---Premium Fuel! Never skimp on Complex carbs!

    So depending on how long you have been eating below your BMR you are actually robbing nutrients from your Vital Organs!
    Um...vital organs in the dictionary refers to the organs you need to live.
    This is why you see so many posts on this website about "Why arent I dropping?" "Is 1200 too much???" "Whats wrong with me? I'm not losing any weight!!!" "I'm starving!"

    Thats because its a proven fact that if you eat too little, your body will bring your metabolism to a grinding halt!
    Also if you are female you can harm your vital organs by screwing up your hormones!
    So go for it!
    Eat your 1200 or less with your BMR of 1350.
    I'll be over here helping folks lose weight eating closer to 2k calories and full bellies when they go to sleep!
    It's better to burn the fat off doing aerobic activity and weight lifting than starving it away and harming your LeanMass.

    Look, I'm a pretty blunt guy when it comes to this website because I call it when I see it!
    If you are dieting incorrectly because MFP is a flawed program then I think its up to all of us to say something when we see it!
    I love to see success and i'm the best cheerleader when my friends are winning.

    Harsh? Yes! Truthful? Absolutely!

    This lady asked for the experiences of those of us who do 1200 calories a day. That's where *I* fall & give her feedback I did. Where your numbers for her correct, since your calculations & conjecture were based on 8# to go instead of 8# lost? No, I didn't get my initial quote of 1200 from MFP. That number came from my female MD & I do hope everyone else consulted their own MD as well. I started losing weight in March but didn't even join MFP until August. By that time, I was already halfway to my goal. As I wrote the first time, early in the year I had severe physical limitations, so I couldn't exercise at all for months. Where else would weight loss come from, except for calorie deficit. I said "many times" I don't eat over 1200 calories a day. I didn't say "most times". Most of the time, I am either around 100 under or around 100 over whether I exercise or not. Yes, I should've clarified that. I'm pretty satisfied with my current weight loss, except that I know I could've already been where I want to be before now.

    Please don't "run" *my* numbers again without my asking for them, that's creepy. (Harsh, yes. Truthful, absolutely!) It makes me very uncomfortable.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    Just my two cents on the subject and i'm not qualified in anyway so this is just from personal experience. I've been sticking to the 1200 calorie a day and so far it's been working great. I've lost a total of 3 lbs in the past 2 weeks and my energy level feels exactly the same, granted i dont do any cardio at all, but I lift weights 4-5 times a week. I never eat my calories back since i never felt I needed to. People might say eating this low will send your body into starvation mode and eat up your muscles as well, but I haven't seen it happening. I push as much, if not more weights eating this low, and my body fat percentage is dropping quick. I guess whatever works for you guys, you should stick to it. Oh yeah, and the skinny fat thing, i'm eating this low 1200 a day and i dont see it happening at all.