for those people who MFP have their net calories @ 1200...



  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member

    I try not to eat back all of my exercise calories because I don't have a HRM and I don't trust MFP's "estimates", but I do eat at least some of it back. (But if I'm not hungry or tired/cranky, I "save" those extra calories for a day when I feel like I need it.) The more I exercise, the more I can eat, and it's a healthier way to do it in the

    I am losing. The weight is coming of slowly, but the inches are coming off much faster. 1200 isn't much of a deficit for me, though. And don't worry if you end up eating 1169 instead of's all estimates, and that's close enough.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    Ok, so from reading half of the replies I get that it works differently for different people, so what is a healthy deficit then? I follow the 1200 cal a day thing which is a 393 cal deficit for me (my MRP is 1593), what is a healthy calorie deficit to lose weight?
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    @projecttae.... I would say start at a number you are comfortable with like for example 1350 and aim to lose a lb a week... When you check the scale and your losing more than a lb, raise it up by 50 a day til you get te numbers right. Same if you ain't seeing a lb off, drop it 50-100 a day and see if it helps.
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    MFP WAYYY over estimates calories burned, so if I eat back all my exercise calories, I GAIN. Maybe for being 5'1" it's okay to eat a little less? That's what I tell myself, at least. I have mine set to 1250, and I've experimented a bit, and found that I straight up GAIN if I eat 1400 a day. Slow metabolism or what? I'm a full time student, and I have yet to find time for exercise. Freshman year is killing me!
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
  • Sweetrayray80
    I absolutely eat my 1200. Now as to eating all the calories I burn from excercise...No. I work out at night mostly. So eating that many calories back is impossible. I would have to go to bed with tons of food in my stomach. I anticipate how many calories I plan to burn & half that. Then I spread them out through the day. So I start with 1200. Then if I plan on burning 500, I add 250 to my day. Has me eating around 1450 a day. On the days I know I'm not going to the gym, only 1200. I tried not to add my excercixe calories for a month & felt like crap. So be careful how low you go. It takes your body 1200 calories just for basic function..breathing, heart beat, brain, etc. Also I have to have a muti vitamin. Just not enough calories to get everything you need.
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    Lately (past 2 weeks) I have been averaging 1100 calories or so and my goal calorie intake a day is 1200. Sometimes I am really hungry and go over 1200 by 2-300 calories, sometimes I am under by 200 or so... I have lost 5 lbs since I started dec 1st and I have wondered this same question! I got a lot of ****ty answers however I just think do what works for you and if what your doing doesn't work switch it up til it does!
  • Cindy_Fit4Life
    Cindy_Fit4Life Posts: 147 Member
    I started eating back my exercise calories because I wasn't loosing weight. I even added "Burned calorie refuel" to my food journal! If I burn 900 calories and eat my 1200 then I only have 300 calories/units of energy. This is not good for the body. If I burn too much whereas it's almost impossible to refuel all my burned calories, I'll eat half.

    Hope this helps!