What's your non-scale goal?



  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Not dying.

    Well, not dying because of my unhealthy lifestyle. That means healthy lifestyle.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I want to comfortably run a good distance - at least 10 miles, but preferably a half marathon. In my big dream fantasies, I want to run a full marathon. Being lighter supports running a decent distance, so I want to be lighter.
  • stonergrlily
    1) Be able to wear short shorts without my thighs spilling out and squishing together. No chaffing would be nice, but my legs have always touched, even at my thinnest.
    2) Be able to wear shirts that show my tummy a bit and not feel like a whale.
    3) Be as thin as my bf (he is a foot taller than me and super skinny, so his thickness at my height would be normal).
    4) Fit into my mothers old cowboy boots (I have giant calves).
    5) Ride my single speed bike all the way up the steep hills in my neighborhood!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    1 - get back into my wedding dress (will try it on again on my anniversary in two weeks)
    2 - make and wear this dress (http://www.simplicity.com/p-5910-misses-amazing-fit-dresses.aspx?VariantID=13564) for Easter
    3 - run a 10 K in early May

    Very cute dress! Short or long sleaves? Colour???
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At first it was "run a 5k" then it was "run a 5k in under 28 minutes" then it was "win a medal in a 5k."

    I'm at 24:59 and won medals, a 1st in age group in a 5k and a 2nd in age group in a 10k.

    Now I want a trophy, and/or to run a 5k in under 22 minutes. (If it's a small enough race, I might win for females at that pace.) That's my goal for the spring. :smile:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I have these two dresses I want to wear again. I want to be able to close those buttons that go down the front (under the bra/midsection). When those buttons can close and I can wear those dresses without fear of popping buttons... IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! One is leopard print patter... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  • Sammi11710
    1.to not feel "fat" when my boyfriend holds my waist
    2. fit back into my skinny butt jeans
    3.wear a bikini for the first time
  • Metamorphasis555
    1) Actually enjoy clothes shopping again.
    2) Not feel self conscious about having my pictures taken and/or posted on Facebook.
    3) Get back into a size 6 again.
  • cherrikim
    cherrikim Posts: 57 Member
    Non-scale victories for me would be:

    1. Immediate goal to climb steps without getting out of breath or knees hurting.
    2. Enjoy our R & B Line Dancing parties from 8pm to 1am without giving in to the pain.
    3. Get back into size 20.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I would like my belly to be a pooch or smaller. I think a waist that is less than 30 inches would be superb! I also would like to wear a size 8 pants again, but I know sizes vary from one manufacturer to the next. I actually saved one pair of pants that I think will look good once the weight is gone.

    Overall though, my main goal for all of this is to avoid diabetes. We won't be able to tell if I achieve that or not until I'm a senior citizen. My family history indicates that being overweight WILL give me diabetes, so I can't be large and in charge my whole life. I have to be small and in charge. :)
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    My two non-scale goals for now are

    1) Be solid size 6
    2) Run 5k

    But as I progress I am hoping to change my goals as well:
  • jkmurphy06
    jkmurphy06 Posts: 28 Member
    I want to see my abs! I would love to see the results of all my months hard work. I also would love to be able to do a toe touch; sounds sillly, but I'm the least flexible person ever and I would consider it a huge milestone if I could sit would by feet out straight (not slightly bent like usual) and grab my toes. I'm working on flexing my hamstrings everyday, hopefully it will help. Good luck everyone with their goals! I think it's healthy to have goals that don't involve a "magic number" because there are a lot of factors that contribute to weight fluxuations.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I would love to do a few things!

    1.) Fit into a roller coaster. I haven't been able to ride the coasters for a few years now, because I am too big for the safety buckle to fasten. It's heartwrenching to go to Disney or Busch Gardens with my friends only to have to sit out on the bench while they do the rides.

    2.) Go into nearly any store and try something on. I don't even care if it's the biggest size they have. I hate having to shop at only plus-size shops.

    3.) Wear tight jeans without a muffin top!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    My main goal now is to make my cosplaying more believable and make it easier/cheaper to find/make stuff for said cosplaying. When I started out, my goal was to feel/get sick less often, which I've succeeded in doing. I also want to get back some of the strength, endurance, and flexibility that I had when I was younger.
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    -Complete a "Tough Mudder" Challenge
    -Feel better about myself
    - Have someone who hasn't seen me in a while say (holy s***!)
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Single digit trouser size :)
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    Mine is for my husband. I want to be able to get him a kidney so I need to lose weight in order for that to happen. After that its all about being my old skinny self.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'd like to be completely lean and toned.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I want to wear all my old clothes that stopped fitting again.
    And i want to go swimming and not feel really self conscious
    And I want to be able to comfortably fit into my derren brown t-shirt by the time I go see his show live in may. (:
    Also, I've been putting off buying really nice clothes for AGES thinking 'oh I'll lose weight soon so I'll buy nice clothes then so they fit" and I need to finally lose the weight so I can buy nice clothes again. (: