Do you ever get tired of food??

(mini vent) Sometimes I get so sick of food, trying to figure out what to eat and how much to eat, whats the right way to eat.. It gets so frustrating and tiring.. I alternate between wanting to give up and just eat everything in sight and give up and just try to not eat anymore.. (yeah good luck with that one huh)

It makes me angry when some days I am so hungry i just want to eat and eat but can't because it says my calories are gone so I sit and starve wanting to cry.. wracking my brain over what I can eat on a day that nothing fills me up... but the next day struggling to even get in more than 1000 calories because I have no apetite.. I hate when I eat a nice healthy balanced meal.. turkey burgers (no bread), broccoli and a nice healthy rice i'm still left starving, even after eating seconds if i needed too.. im not satisfied... but i can go to the local pizza shop and have 2 slices (and a bajillion calories) and a cup of watermelon and feel full and satisfied.. I feel defeated when ive gone to the gym 4-5 times a week and worked myself to the bone and watch calories and do all the right things but still seem to gain, or yo yo or just not lose at all...

I hate that no one else seems to have these issues or feelings.. all I ever see is happy happy joy joy.. diets going great stuff.. not that I want to dwell on the negative but sometimes it helps to know your not the only one struggling with a certain thing.. A good WITH the bad.. I'm going through or I had this problem BUT this is what helped me.. sn:// water does NOT feel everyone up, all it does to me is make me feel vaguely ill and all sloshy inside and even hungrier...

sigh.. ok mini vent done..

Thank you.. just needed to get it out and I don't think my co worker who's 100 lbs. if shes an ounce would appreciate me screaming all that then dissolving into a puddle of tears... *secret* sometimes I go and stand in front of the vending machine and just look... I don't even like most of the stuff in there but it's comforting to look at it.. smh.. I hate food!!!


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am so tired of food. So darned tired. I am not hungry for food, let alone 'healthy' food. I can live on a few cookies a day (or so I fool myself).

    Eating healthy and eating enough have been the hardest and the most rewarding things in the past few years. This is tough. And it is so worth it.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    No, I love food (probably a tad bit more than normal). Only thing that makes me mad is that my appetite is so big. I'm gaining right now, and still hungry all the time.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think a lot of people deal with the exact same thing. You've just gotten started, don't be so hard on yourself. This is a major transition for your body and you have to take it slow. Don't expect to be able to change everything overnight. Just pick one area to focus on (getting to the gym, increasing the healthy foods in your diet, drinking more water, etc.) for a week or two. Once you've got that down as part of your routine pick another thing to focus on. Slowly add in the good changes and it will be easier.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is flushing my money down the toilet.
    But, I really do love food.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Wouldn't it just be easier if food was taken as a pill?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    No, I love food (probably a tad bit more than normal). Only thing that makes me mad is that my appetite is so big. I'm gaining right now, and still hungry all the time.

    Dude, tell me about it! I'm pregnant and have never loved food more! I feel like eating constantly, and most days I do. Thankfully, I haven't had to work too hard at watching what I eat, I haven't been gaining much weight this time around. But, it's still scary to know how much I eat and how much "bad" stuff I eat. I am not really looking forward to the day when I come back here to lose.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    For me, eating well has never been about dieting, it's been about lifestyle change. That is to say, if I'm not going to eat that way for the rest of my life, I'm not going to eat that way while I try to lose weight. I don't cut things out of my diet that I like because they're "bad for you" or they "ruin diets," I just find healthier versions or I eat them sparingly. I cook a lot of my own "unhealthy" foods these days. I make pizza, baked french fries, burgers, pasta, etc, but I try to lighten them up. I never feel restricted or like something is off limits, and that makes me a happy camper.

    Also, if my body is hungry, I feed it. Sometimes vegetables don't fill me up either, so then I have something protein based that keeps me full a little longer. The only time I ever really ignore those feelings of hunger is when I know it's been triggered by something other than actual hunger, and I've learned what those are. Usually if I wait a bit, that feel will pass. If it doesn't I know I should eat something. Start learning what triggers your hunger and feelings towards food, because your brain has a lot of control over when we feel hungry.
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Yeah I do...But drinking food helps LOL. SOme times you just need the crunch. But yes, Im SICK of it!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I love food but I'm tired of food, does that make sense? I'm tired of not knowing what to cook because I'm trying to leave my old life behind and start a new style of life. So it's like relearning how to cook and I hate it. So yeah I'm tired of food but I love food.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    YES! I get so sick of food sometimes. Thinking of it. Cooking it. Figuring out what to make...if my family will eat it. If it's healthy, if it's too high is sodium or fat or calories....GAHHHHH :grumble:
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    No, I love food (probably a tad bit more than normal). Only thing that makes me mad is that my appetite is so big. I'm gaining right now, and still hungry all the time.

    ^^This. As a true foodie, I have never been tired of food... even at my biggest. My friends think I'm abnormal because of the amount of food I eat. Not only do I love to eat, I love cooking. I'm losing weight... still the same massive foodie.

  • AshCunn777
    I am right there with you. The best thing I have found to help me with these feelings is that I will eat a light breakfast and then for lunch, I will go to subway and get a foot long sandwich with the following: Oven roasted chicken breast, 9-grain whole wheat bread, NO cheese, lettuce, tomato, green peppers, onions, and cucumbers for right around 660 calories. I get so full that I find that I eat less for lunch and I don't end up going over my calorie allotment for the day. I get so stressed out when I see these tiny little nurses that I work with that can eat junk food all day long and not gain an ounce!

    I hate the stress of eating out with extended family members and being worried about being able to find healthy options where I would have otherwise gorged myself. Losing weight is a lifestyle change for sure. I hope and pray that I can stick with it so that my kids will learn a different lifestyle than what I grew up with. Keep your chin up, any progress is well worth it!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Wouldn't it just be easier if food was taken as a pill?

    I am with you, so please hold that thought.

    I am tired of cooking, washing, and thinking what to prepare next. So I would welcome a pill or a "cook" that prepares healthy meals and let me know all the ingredients so I only have to enter them in the database, and of course, does all the cleaning. :ohwell:
  • evil_rider
    I effing love food.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    To be honest I wouldn't be satisfied with turkey, broccoli, and rice if there weren't any fat in there as well. Was there a sauce, or was the broccoli sauteed in olive oil with a little garlic? There's more to satiation than the tummy, the mind has to be happy as well. I find I'm much more satisfied for a given calorie amount if I've truly enjoyed what I've eaten. And that doesn't have to mean cookies.

    Head to the library and check out some cookbooks that focus on whole food ingredients - lots of veggies, grains, legumes, etc. Or just look on the internet. Find some recipes that sound really good to you and cook some of them up. Make sure to use a nice place setting and be in a relaxed mood when eating.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    No, I really don't. But, since you are venting, I would like to say that I am sick of FOOD commercials and restaraunts jumping on each others band wagons to produce the same exact thing, ONLY different because it has "their special sauce" (usually ranch, ranch, or more ranch) or Asiago cheese or some kind of special bun that only THEY use. It cracks me up and makes me want to avoid them even more. I like to find a hole-n-the-wall joint and rediscover the joy of food!
  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    I saw a special on the Discovery channel last night about "Sun Gazing" might be what your looking for.... These folks seem to think staring at the sun takes away their desire for food as are bodies don't need it. LOL

    Sure wish that was true..... lol
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Can't say that I would ever tire of food ~ I LOVE food! Happy or sad - food is ALWAYS there.
  • mamadragon
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. Especially lately. What's really bad is when I watch everything I eat, counting everything and still gain weight!!!! I've given up (for the time being) on trying to count or even change my habits. Did that done it and it worked for a bit then it stopped.
    Now with that said, you will have your ups and downs but the great thing about here is that you have so many awesome people that can help you get through it. Take it one day at a time and you'll do great!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    No, I love food (probably a tad bit more than normal). Only thing that makes me mad is that my appetite is so big. I'm gaining right now, and still hungry all the time.

    ^^This. As a true foodie, I have never been tired of food... even at my biggest. My friends think I'm abnormal because of the amount of food I eat. Not only do I love to eat, I love cooking. I'm losing weight... still the same massive foodie.


    Yep. Making the healthy changes to my diet and exercise routines have actually helped me to enjoy food even more. (I'm sure 3 months of morning sickness helped too.) And now that we have a much smaller budget for food (about $400/month for a family of 4) and I have to make all our food I appreciate food even more. I love cooking, I love making delicious meals, I love eating my leftovers because they're so yummy. I appreciate all food so much more now, but I especially appreciate the full fat, full sugar indulgences. I will never sacrifice a "regular" version of a dessert or meal just because it has high calories/fat/sugar. I just have them less often. The stupidest thing I've ever heard is "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". Not only does that seem like a recipe for an eating disorder, it's simply not true. We need food to live, so why not enjoy it? Healthy meals at my house are far more delicious than any junk food or fast food. We love and savor the food we eat, we don't just eat it because we have to.