Do you ever get tired of food??



  • sm423
    sm423 Posts: 210 Member
    I totally feel you. Some days I do so well with my food intake while others days it feels like anything in sight is free game. My weight is slowly creeping up or not moving at all and that is with me killing myself through cardio. I do have the feeling of still being hungry after a nicely prepared healthy meal. I hate drinking water and am slowly increasing my intake. It does seem like things seemed to have just clicked in some people and they had a smooth journey from there on out. But I'm sure that isn't the case. Everyone has had some struggle (or struggles) at one point or another. I think the key really is to just take it slow and make small changes here in there. You won't get the results you want right away, but in the end, you will see the drastic change that your journey has brought you to. We just gotta stay strong and keep pushing forward. Good luck, you are not alone.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    No, I love food. I love preparing food, looking at recipes and pictures of food and I love to shop for food. Now I even love knowing about the benefits of the food I choose to eat and feed my family and friends.
  • phlpsfamily01
    phlpsfamily01 Posts: 8 Member
    eat healthy every 2 hours and you shouldn't go hungry.
  • Annecv
    Annecv Posts: 3 Member
    Yes. Sometimes I do really tired of it. Tired of logging, tired of counting, sometimes tired of eating. I know, I know... we are supposed to look at all the good we've done and that we're making progress. Positive reinforcement... blah blah blah.

    It is true we need positive reinforcement. Don't get me wrong. I love it when I weigh in and the "has lost 0.5 lbs" pops up on my home page. But the reality is - the next day, or week, I might have a 0.6 lb gain. It doesn't pop up. All it shows is the loss. That's not the reality. The reality is our weight fluxuates. Our hunger fluxuates. Our tastes, our motivation and our attitude fluxuates. That's the human condition.

    What counts is that we just keep stepping forward until we come out the otherside. The days that we feel better will be more and more often and the ups and downs will become more ups and less downs. Until then - let it be known that you are NOT alone!
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    You are just going through the transition period of starting a different way of eating...Once your body gets used to the change you will be fine. Try not to go more than about 3 hours without eating something (an apple, some yogurt etc.) to help with feeling hungry. Also try to find foods that have high protein and fiber...They will help you feel full longer...:flowerforyou:
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    ^^This. As a true foodie, I have never been tired of food... even at my biggest. My friends think I'm abnormal because of the amount of food I eat. Not only do I love to eat, I love cooking. I'm losing weight... still the same massive foodie.

    This 4/sure!!!
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Luv it and you are not alone! Yes, I also feel that way some times as well! I get so sick of those same things at times! Feeling like I wish I didn't even have to eat or go thru the tireless concerns of choosing the right thing! U can vent here with no judgement from me cuz I feel you. Those days I may eat some cereal to take the hunger away and try again for a better attitude the next day. Its a journey with its ups and downs. Again - since I think I'm normal and I feel this way - so are you :)
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on auto-pilot. I know what foods to eat, when to eat, how to prepare it, portion it, etc. Eating 5-6x a day every 2-3hours, cardio and lifting weights have gotten my metabolism in high gear. I am so focused on getting down to 125-130 lbs with muscle definition. Don't get me wrong, I still indulged some but in moderation. Some family and friends think I'm skinny but I still feel big. I haven't been this low since freshman year of high school but the difference between now and then is that I'm wearing size 8 pants and size 10 dresses compared to size 13/14s!
  • gumigal82
    Hmm--I love food. It rocks;)

    My issue is the fact I always have wanted to be thin, and have a distorted view of myself in the mirror. So as much as I love food, from my teen years it has been a battle to eat enough of it.

    I had to develop a "healthy relationship" with food...ha ha love therapist speak. Now I eat most of what I like, but in moderation, or smaller portions-plus I add a lot more healthy items. (Lean protein, whole grains, veggies) I also don't beat myself for having a bad few days (not eating right or not exercising enough)
  • IsleOfThanet
    I enjoy food ... shopping for it, cooking it, and eating it. At home, at restaurants and at peoples houses.

    I've been known to read a cook book as though it where a novel.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Love food....Hello I didn't get this way not loving it, lol! BUT Now that I've been on this diet and working out and counting my cals and such I am getting sick of the food I eat! majority on the time I pretty much eat the same thing every day (especially during the work week) I really need to change things up but I'm kinda of a picky eater... I have changed alot of things like from the processed foods to fresh, with HBP I had to! And noticed a BIG diff! But now I still feel like I need a change but worried I'm not going to find things that work well with my budget and time in the day!

    Add me! I need and give support!!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I love food - this is how I got into the situation where I needed MFP. I loved food so much, I ate too much of it and got fat. Now, I have a relationship with food where I am learning to understand it. I'm learning what I really should be eating and the portions I should be eating. I'm not in love with food anymore - but I don't hate it either. I acknowledge that I need it to survive, and I eat the things that satisfy me, but I keep it at arms length.

    I don't fear food - I fear my appetite for it.
  • Tea1672
    You might want to take a look at the Eat to Live info by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. He talks about some of the very things you mentioned. Do you get the PBS stations in your area? They're currently running a show by him called "3 Steps to Incredible Health". It's one of their fund raisers, but in the show he gives a basic overview of his philosophy on food and it makes sense. I'm using it sort of halfway...... just adding lots of veggies and fruits and other nutrient dense foods that satisfy so you don't get those awful cravings. So far I'm not having any problems sticking with a 1200 cal intake (and this from a confirmed chocoholic who ate chocolate EVERY day!). Let me know if you can't find the show and would like to watch it. I recorded it onto a DVD and will be happy to share with you.
  • dasskinny
    I really is a sience on what to eat and keeps you full, try different things! I Love Food! :drinker:
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Hang in there! It gets easier! We all have bad days, but hang in there...we are all a work in progress.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I am so with ya on this. I tired of eating, tired of logging, tired of gaining cuz I'm not logging, I'm just plan tired.
  • tinydancer24
    I'm totally with you. I am so tired of trying to figure out what to eat, what to buy at the grocery store and what to make for dinner that my picky husband will also eat. I have seen progress and love the way I feel and look but some nights I just want to give up and pop a bag of popcorn instead!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Nope love food! We have found what is working for us is to not eliminate anything, but we are learning to moderate our intake with a few bumps here and there. Here's the thing,... we have been conditioned to crave foods that are laden with high fat, high sugar and high processed carbs. So when we just jump ship and start eating completely away from that formula we get cranky and depressed (much like anyone does when we take away their dependent chemicals). We've found that substituting healthy fats, natural sugars and slowly backing away from proccessed foods worked for us. We still have a ways to go, but our habits are getting healthier and we are confident we live this way for life. For us we still have ice cream, bottled salad dressing, cheese and yogurt and buy crackers for snacking, but that is about the extent of heavy processed food and with careful mixing of fats and sugars we get our cravings met.
    Hope things get better and you find a balance. Don't give up and there are tons of great food sites that will give you great ideas.
    I love turkey and we love broccolli. Try a little parmesan and garlic herb seasoning on the broccolli and mix a little greek dressing and feta cheese into your ground turkey burger. It will add a few calories, but it will be more satisfying.

    There are days when I want to blow it and have done that, but the after effects never seem to be worth it and the food is not as enjoyable as it used to be.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    No. I LOVE food. :)

    I get tired of bad or repetitive food though, make a point to keep exciting stuff in the house.
  • geekzoid
    I love food but there are times I can be tired of it. What I intend to do is make me some fruit smoothies any kind of fruits and I add some flax seed and some oatmeal. It's hard to be honest then again in the end it will be well worth it. I have a notebook journal this is the second one I have in my hand and MFP is my third journal which contains the calories I eat which I love. I've been on here this is my third day and loving it. Trust me it sucks logging in and all that but in the end it's well worth it. Hang in there!