Binge eating ...... people don't understand.



  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Yup, yup, yup, I get it. (I have a blog post here about bingeing if you want to read it...) I think getting yourself down to ONE day instead of EVERY day is huge and you are to be commended for it.. And maybe that one day will someday lessen in frequency as well to one day every other week/month/whatever.

    Focus on the good days. Make sure you give yourself a gold star for each day you don't binge or need to. It's not that you're a Horrible Rotten Person for that one bad day, but make sure the sun shines where it should, if that makes sense.

  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    i understand too!!

    I binge eat. I am actually a recovering bulimic, but i haven't always purged. People around me don't believe i still have a promblem if i don't vomit, but binging is still very distressing and damaging to my body and my mind!

    REcently i've been allowing myself 2 days a week to binge, it does feel like i'm getting somewhere, just slowly. It does feel like i'm trying to re-teach myself to eat. It is an addiction which is realy hard to get out off!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    PLEASE NOTE THAT I"M NOT CONDONING BINGING. And the above suggestion may be worth looking into. But:

    When I was bulimic, I had specific foods I would binge on. I made specific trips to the store for those foods. It was part of the "ritual" that is binging. Dunno if popcorn would have cut it. I appreciate the thought and your wanting to help, though. Truly.
  • ashreneeknutson
    :smile: Personal opinion...You've lost 88 lbs and THAT IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! This thing is working for you. Just don't go overboard and I know you'll get to your goal in no time.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Yeah, to me, I thought at some point, you get too full. So I thought if you could fill 1/2 of it with something decent, you could still binge and not worry about it.

    I've eaten an entire bag of Costco sized potato chips before. Was so salty that my legs cramped while sleeping that night. Chips are bad because you don't really get / feel full.

    I don't think I grasp the eating way past the full mark. But your original binge description wasn't that bad. That's 1 micky meal beyoond normal for me.
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    :smile: Personal opinion...You've lost 88 lbs and THAT IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! This thing is working for you. Just don't go overboard and I know you'll get to your goal in no time.

    aww thanks I know I will question in my's just the journey
  • AcidTrip
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    For me eating even something healthy makes me feel bad. Typically the only time I feel happy about my diet is when I don't eat. And when I feel worse, I eat more, when I eat more, I feel worse. Its a tough cycle to break. Though keeping my mind busy and sometimes out of the house helps a lot. Because binge eating is a psychological problem. So going for a walk/drive helps a lot to keep my mind off of food and my body away from the kitchen.
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Yeah, to me, I thought at some point, you get too full. So I thought if you could fill 1/2 of it with something decent, you could still binge and not worry about it.

    I've eaten an entire bag of Costco sized potato chips before. Was so salty that my legs cramped while sleeping that night. Chips are bad because you don't really get / feel full.

    I don't think I grasp the eating way past the full mark. But your original binge description wasn't that bad. That's 1 micky meal beyoond normal for me.

    oh no it's like enough fast food for like 4 people then like 2 or 3 big bags of chips then glasses of milk then chocolate bars then apples then toast then cerel...then then
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    PLEASE NOTE THAT I"M NOT CONDONING BINGING. And the above suggestion may be worth looking into. But:

    When I was bulimic, I had specific foods I would binge on. I made specific trips to the store for those foods. It was part of the "ritual" that is binging. Dunno if popcorn would have cut it. I appreciate the thought and your wanting to help, though. Truly.

    Yeah, it wasn't so much as a cure but to control the eating. I can see how bingers would want a very specific food though. ie... ice cream... but there's a few low fat/calorie ice creams out there.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Yeah, to me, I thought at some point, you get too full. So I thought if you could fill 1/2 of it with something decent, you could still binge and not worry about it.

    I've eaten an entire bag of Costco sized potato chips before. Was so salty that my legs cramped while sleeping that night. Chips are bad because you don't really get / feel full.

    I don't think I grasp the eating way past the full mark. But your original binge description wasn't that bad. That's 1 micky meal beyoond normal for me.

    oh no it's like enough fast food for like 4 people then like 2 or 3 big bags of chips then glasses of milk then chocolate bars then apples then toast then cerel...then then

    Is that in additional to eating normally before hand? I read that one person would not eat much for 2-3 days and then go on a binge.
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Yeah, to me, I thought at some point, you get too full. So I thought if you could fill 1/2 of it with something decent, you could still binge and not worry about it.

    I've eaten an entire bag of Costco sized potato chips before. Was so salty that my legs cramped while sleeping that night. Chips are bad because you don't really get / feel full.

    I don't think I grasp the eating way past the full mark. But your original binge description wasn't that bad. That's 1 micky meal beyoond normal for me.

    oh no it's like enough fast food for like 4 people then like 2 or 3 big bags of chips then glasses of milk then chocolate bars then apples then toast then cerel...then then

    Is that in additional to eating normally before hand? I read that one person would not eat much for 2-3 days and then go on a binge.

    it's differant for everyone....I can't speak for everyone....but yeah sometimes I wouldn't eat much for days then binge then go back to not eating much ect ect.....but now I eat really well and trying not to binge as much....that's all I'm trying
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Yeah, to me, I thought at some point, you get too full. So I thought if you could fill 1/2 of it with something decent, you could still binge and not worry about it.

    I've eaten an entire bag of Costco sized potato chips before. Was so salty that my legs cramped while sleeping that night. Chips are bad because you don't really get / feel full.

    I don't think I grasp the eating way past the full mark. But your original binge description wasn't that bad. That's 1 micky meal beyoond normal for me.

    oh no it's like enough fast food for like 4 people then like 2 or 3 big bags of chips then glasses of milk then chocolate bars then apples then toast then cerel...then then

    Is that in additional to eating normally before hand? I read that one person would not eat much for 2-3 days and then go on a binge.

    it's differant for everyone....I can't speak for everyone....but yeah sometimes I wouldn't eat much for days then binge then go back to not eating much ect ect.....but now I eat really well and trying not to binge as much....that's all I'm trying

    Hey, good for you. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Try different things and see what works. If you want to bing, then bing a little. WE all do to some degree right?
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I totally get it and have been there done that!!! I feel for you because overeating and binging is really no different than other overindulgent addictions.

    May I recommend an amazing book that has helped me immensely on this journey........Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.

    Addresses this as well as how to change our cravings from food to God. It is religiously based and I don't know if that is something you would be open to but it has made a world of difference in my journey and feels like she is talking directly to me most of the time. Since it's helped me I recommend it to everyone.

    Good luck on figuring out your journey and balance. Feel free to friend me for support if you want.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    yep, i'm a binger as well... sometimes i don't actually even like the food i binge on, i just eat it anyway, knowing i'll feel disgusting anyway...

    pringles are a big one for me in the past (i don't buy them anymore unless i have some people to share them with) because i'll open the packet and will feel ridiculously full after half a tube, but won't stop until it's empty.

    i have been using "treat days" on this weight loss journey, on the weekends i allow myself to eat something (we usually make home made pizza on saturday nights and have chocolate) but i make it a small bar of chocolate instead of a big block of chocolate to share, because we just can't stop ourselves.

    i still allow myself to eat when i go out and have desert / cake at a party, but i try to limit the quantity, but i never make myself wait longer than 10 days to eat some chocolate or a treat food. in order to curb the massive "i haven't eaten anything yummy in months and i'm going to eat everything i can lay my hands on binge".
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    I get it too. I'm a binge eater but I'm the oposite to you. I wish that I could have enough self control to just allocate one day a month and go for it but for me, abstinance is the only cure. I binge on sugar so if I start my body wants more and it can take me weeks of trying to get my binging back under control before I'm on track again.

    I have the upmost admiration for you managing to find a method that works for you. I hope that as you get stronger you'll be able to leave it longer between binges before you stop altogether. That would be amazing x
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Something I learned is that people who are anxious often have two habits: stomach sleeping and overeating. Both stimulate a nerve just over your belly that promotes feelings of calm and safety. I do both. I understand completely. It doesn't matter what it is. You need to have more, more, more and you feel safe as long as you go to reach for a fry and know you've got another sleeve of fries in the bag. You start to panic when you run out and then you hate yourself. But before the binge all that matters in the entire world is that food. I feel your pain :'(

    The biggest thing we need to be focusing on are other ways to bring about that feeling of peace and safety. I wish I had advice for you because I still don't know. When I lost my first 30 I did it by allowing myself whatever I wanted once a week and eating low the rest of the time. I couldn't have done it otherwise... but eventually I aim to eliminate the binging overall. I wish you the best and feel free to add me if you want some support :) you're not alone!
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Binger eaters. Ever try saying to yourself "Okay, I'll eat anything I want AFTER eating this big huge salad/apples/oatmeal etc..."????

    Maybe you'd cut the bad bing food by 1/2 or something. Or binge on something not so bad. Popcorm perhaps

    oh Ive tried actually doesn't matter how full my stomach is from a healthy item.....for me it's just grabbing whatever I can get my hands on when I'm binging it can be popcorn, apples, banannas doesn't matter what it's the's a complicated thing to understand I get it.

    Your right is complicated, and it doesnt work that way. I binge eat and if there is something (say ice cream, cookies, cake etc) that I want but I am trying to not eat it because its Bad, then I end up eating everything else in sight and I always end up eating said bad item anyways. So not only did I consume the bad food I was trying to avoid but also tons of other food too. It gets ugly