Healthy Eaters with Open Diaries



  • flstarlady65
    My diary is open. I believe that I am accountable for what I put in my mouth and if someone could offer suggestions on my eating habits even better. It's our bad choices that got us here to begin with. I have learned over them many years of being overweight that you must eat right and limit yourself when it come to carbs and bad eating habits. You can view my diary if you would like.

    good Luck.
  • drivermarshy
    hi i had a look. overall your doing well plenty of water and ur getting what mfp says u need in protein but id suggest u take their values with a pinch of salt. exchange some of your carbs for sommin higher in protein - eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogart, lean meats like chicken and finally salmon is god. hope this helps xx
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    Bump,I'm looking for friends with open diaries as well :)
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I PERSONALLY HAVE AN OPEN DIARY... i dont understand why EVERYONE's diary isn't open. whats the point of being here for "accountability" if your hiding what your eating... and really its all based on the honor system.

    I try to track every little thing i eat. Do i miss some sure, do eye ball servings sure from time to time.... but I also know i'm in control of my own fate and reaching my goals. its up to me!

    Feel free to friend and browse around my diaries... most weekends are blank but for the most part all week long i track everything.


    My food diary is for MY convenience, not anyone else's. I don't use this site for accountability. I use it for tracking my calories and to kill time browsing the fourms. Mine is public just because I really don't care who sees it.
  • LoveLivingHealthy
    i'm a healthy eater and have an open diary. If anyone wants to add me feel free to do so :)
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Feel free to add me, I've been looking for the same kind of people.
  • EmeriaDewes
    I am going to open my diary now
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I try to eat as healthy as possible but sometimes slip up. Friend me if you'd like :)
  • fcbryant75
    fcbryant75 Posts: 17 Member
    I PERSONALLY HAVE AN OPEN DIARY... i dont understand why EVERYONE's diary isn't open. whats the point of being here for "accountability" if your hiding what your eating... and really its all based on the honor system.

    I try to track every little thing i eat. Do i miss some sure, do eye ball servings sure from time to time.... but I also know i'm in control of my own fate and reaching my goals. its up to me!

    Feel free to friend and browse around my diaries... most weekends are blank but for the most part all week long i track everything.


    My food diary is for MY convenience, not anyone else's. I don't use this site for accountability. I use it for tracking my calories and to kill time browsing the fourms. Mine is public just because I really don't care who sees it.

    This! My diary is set to Friends Only. I am 100% honest in my diary. But just because I don't eat the way you do doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong, and a lot of people here don't get that. That's why it's not public.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    My diary is open and it's not very healthy.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I eat pretty damn clean so feel free to add me :) I am maintaining, I have been for about ten months now. But my metabolism has increased so significantly because my body is so efficient at burning fat due to my diet and workouts. So my diary is a bit jumbled sometimes as its hard to get the balance right sometimes and I find myself starving after iveeaten my usual food. But I always seem to do it very clean ! also sometimes I dont log as I dont need to but I enjoy it :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    You can add me! I have to have my sweets everyday, but otherwise my diet's pretty good.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    You may view my diary. Today is not a great example of how I normally eat. My older son (age 6) had Muffins with Mom's at his school today... It was not a great start to the day (food wise)... So I working hard to make up for it.
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    I have no idea how to open my food diary if anyone would like to be a friend to a total non tech person i would love some help. :embarassed:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I eat pretty damn clean so feel free to add me :) I am maintaining, I have been for about ten months now. But my metabolism has increased so significantly because my body is so efficient at burning fat due to my diet and workouts. So my diary is a bit jumbled sometimes as its hard to get the balance right sometimes and I find myself starving after iveeaten my usual food. But I always seem to do it very clean ! also sometimes I dont log as I dont need to but I enjoy it :)

    Add this girlie! Biggest motivation and inspiration I have had from this site :)
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I eat pretty damn clean so feel free to add me :) I am maintaining, I have been for about ten months now. But my metabolism has increased so significantly because my body is so efficient at burning fat due to my diet and workouts. So my diary is a bit jumbled sometimes as its hard to get the balance right sometimes and I find myself starving after iveeaten my usual food. But I always seem to do it very clean ! also sometimes I dont log as I dont need to but I enjoy it :)

    Add this girlie! Biggest motivation and inspiration I have had from this site :)

    Lol im gushing! Nawss
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    My diary is open and I eat healthy. Feel free to add me :)
  • hvpooly
    hvpooly Posts: 39
    I have an open diary and am doing my best to eat healthy.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    feel free to take a peek at mine! I eat mostly healthy! I eat mostly homemade foods from scratch. I don't eat grains for the most part, but I eat a ton of veggies, meat, and healthy fats.
  • valeriec1975
    valeriec1975 Posts: 10 Member
    i would be more than happy to share mine and look at yours add me