Why almond milk

Sorry for all the posts and questions, I am just trying to figure things out. I see many people talking about drinking almond milk and cutting out cows milk. Why?


  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I use it because it's much lower in calories than cow's milk. I don't just drink it, I put it on my cereal and can't taste any difference at all :smile:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I have kind of wondered this too. I love cows milk :D MOAR protein!! :D
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Almond milk would be great for people have a lactose and soy issues because it is free of both of those things. Flavored almond milk helps to make a great smoothie. That's the only time I use it. Otherwise, I'm all about cow's milk.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I will use it because I am lactose intolerent. Same with soy milk, but Almond milk is the closest to tasting like "real milk"
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    They're two different things for me. I like almond milk to drink, because it's more refreshing, but I put cow's milk in my coffee. I like them both.

    I think some people use almond milk if they cannot have dairy, though, and it's nicer than soy milk. Soy milk is nasty.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Iactose intoIerant in my case, but I prefer Iactaid miIk
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I will use it because I am lactose intolerent. Same with soy milk, but Almond milk is the closest to tasting like "real milk"

    I was wondering what it tasted like, so thanks! It is quite a bit more expensive, though..
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant, and I don't particularly like the taste of soy milk.

    I know a couple people talk about the hormones in cow's milk. I don't really pay too much attention to that, but there is that one point.
  • nitnole711
    It's amazing!!! I feel like I'm having something I shouldn't!! Esp Silk brand Almond, it's delish!!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Iactose intoIerant in my case, but I prefer Iactaid miIk

    Me too- it's what I use most often. Better to cook with as well.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Almond Vanilla/and Chocolate SILK are delicious. You're still getting your calcium. I started drinking this stuff after finding out about the horrible mistreatment of cows, infected udders with pus, the antibiotics to treat that, and of course rBGH... Only way I'll drink dairy milk is if it's organic or straight from the cow's hand squeezed udders. I just want the cows to be happy.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I'm allergic to dairy and almond milk is much yummier than soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Almond Vanilla/and Chocolate SILK are delicious. You're still getting your calcium. I started drinking this stuff after finding out about the horrible mistreatment of cows, infected udders with pus, the antibiotics to treat that, and of course rBGH... Only way I'll drink dairy milk is if it's organic or straight from the cow's hand squeezed udders. I just want the cows to be happy.

    I get that on campus :] yay Iowa and happy cows! xD
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I started using it in my coffee because it has less calories and I fell in love with the flavor. Word of warning, while it is tasty, it doesn't taste like milk.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    almond milk is much yummier than soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk.
    I'm lactose intolerant, and I don't particularly like the taste of soy milk.

  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I like almond milk first and foremost because it is lower in calories and since we have two little girls there is no point in buying low fat milk for myself since they need the vitamin D milk. Cow's milk also has ALOT of sugar. I get the unsweetened almond milk and although I haven't even looked at the sugar contact I would assume it's less (and even if it isn't I'm just taking the lesser of two evils).
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Guess I'm a lonely soy milk fan. :wink: Almond milk is much lower in calories....but it's also lower in protein than soy. Of course there's only one brand of soy I will drink (So Nice) because it *doesn't* taste nasty! :smile: I like the taste of it far better than almond, but I've also been drinking it for close to 20 years so I'm accustomed to it.

    Just an FYI for Canadians, growth hormones and antibiotics are not allowed in our milk, so you don't have to worry about that.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Only way I'll drink dairy milk is if it's organic or straight from the cow's hand squeezed udders. .

    Straight from the udders? yucky, we made my friends do that on a dare but we would never do it preferably. I like it better when its milked and taken straight from the sterilization tank :) or at least put into a fridge where its not gross and warm....

    I'm a fan of both (though I don't drink milk regularly anyway). We keep both in the house, personally I prefer almond milk with hot chocolate mix. DELICIOUS, even my little sister who thinks almond milk is "disgusting" prefers hot chocolate with almond milk, so yummy :heart:
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Almond Vanilla/and Chocolate SILK are delicious. You're still getting your calcium. I started drinking this stuff after finding out about the horrible mistreatment of cows, infected udders with pus, the antibiotics to treat that, and of course rBGH... Only way I'll drink dairy milk is if it's organic or straight from the cow's hand squeezed udders. I just want the cows to be happy.


    I drink all three: Organic cow's milk in coffee, soy or almond, depending on my mood. I find soy helps me 'deal' with TOM issues such as irritability, cramps and bloating as of almond milk, well, I drink it when I feel like having something decadent! LOL
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Almond milk mocha = heaven.

    I start my morning with it every day.

    Heat up a cup of original almond milk, add a scoop of instant coffee and a scoop of unsweetened cocoa powder, add a little stevia (or other sweetener) and use a whisk to combine.
    The whisk makes it all foamy/frothy and it is SOOOOO creamy and delicious!