

  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    For the first time in my life I'm smaller than my brother. He's 6'4" and 200ish pounds. I am 5'10" and started at 210. Now he tells me "I can lose the extra weight, I just do the South Beach diet and it comes right off". And then, he chooses not to notice, that it comes right back because he doesn't permanently change his eating habits. And he doesn't really excercise, so he's not changing anything. He's used to having the fast metabolism and eating whatever he wants, and it's finally catching up to him in our 40's.

    I am finally the healthiest I have ever been (even though I weight 150 pounds in high school, it wasn't a lean, muscular 150 pounds). And other than my brother being a bone head, all my coworkers tell me often that I look great (and dont' really need to lose that other 20 pounds), and are just impressed with my dedication. Same with all my friends.

    And my husband finally started acknowledging I'm looking awesome. Course, he thought I was awesome before, so I guess his delay is because he always thinks I'm beautiful <blush>
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It drives me nuts when my peers make a comment like.."oh he's not eating, he's on a diet"  or any other comment that's related to eating less.

    Diet doesn't even mean eating less, but it's always naturally the first thing that comes to mind.

    Let me decide if i'm going to eat or not and how!   I Hate it when someone trys to decide for me, and with my particular group they're not trying to be supportive.  These comments always come out in a wiseguy tone.  

    Recently I've needed to push around 3,000 calories a day on lean meats and complex carbs whenever possible.  I have to eat around the clock without junk food, and they have the nerve to suggest I don't eat. 

    You look great! Screw what anyone else says. They have no idea where you are mentally. I never explain myself to anyone. I do what makes me feel good. :)
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    In the office I am apparently the fat one who eats all the crap... so because I know ever so often refuse, I get rubbish comments and if I for some reason do eat a biscuit, I get comments as well.... it annoys me, but I keep telling myself, what do they know?
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I have to say that it sounds like they just don't get it. A lot of people who are uneducated about fitness and proper eating react that way, especially if you've been getting kick butt results from all your hard work. They're still living by the common misconception that men should be eating whatever they want and drinking whatever they want and never see health or weight problems. Hopefully once they're out of their twenties (it sounds like they're in that age bracket, or possibly younger?) they'll be singing a different tune. Beer gut isn't attractive and good for you for working hard to look the way you want to look.

    Bottom line, I don't give a flying f*** what anybody has to say about my lifestyle. After all, they won't see me getting into their business pushing them to go to the gym when all they do is sit on the couch. Live and let live, that's my motto.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Funny. I was just ranting about this the other day in one of my statuses. I was busy making a burger for dinner when my brother comes in, gasps dramatically and says, 'She's...She's EATING...?!" (Mind you, I always eat---but only when I'm hungry!)... and the other night on my way back from the gym, my dad asks with this Full House-esque concern whether I've been depriving myself and if I'm just not eating because I want to be thin. Then it's followed by some, 'You don't have to stop eating. You don't have to give up tacos and sweets and Chinese food altogether just to lose' speech...

    =___=; Ehhhhh.All that was missing was us hugging followed promptly by a studio audience going, 'Awwwwwww'.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    I have a certain coworker who actually feels guilty about eating stuff around me. I never say anything to her about what she eats. Her guilt is her own fault. She asks me questions about eating healthy and working out but has put little effort into doing anything different. I just wish she would shut up about it. She tends to explain to me or out loud why she is eating something or downplay what she ate. I really don't care! Ergh!
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    I can't stand it when people say "Oh come on, live a little!" I've recently been following that comment up with "No, for me it's die a little sooner, and I don't care to partake."
    So many people equate 'diet' with vanity, like everyone just does it to look good (or better than them!)
    I am tired of hearing it, it seems like people think you have put yourself on a pedestal because you are trying to get in better shape.
    Well, what the hell is wrong with that?
    I always gear my responses toward the health issue now. "Sure, I'll have a piece if you can guarantee the results of my lipid panel due next month comes back with excellent results, keeping in mind my last cholesterol check was over 320. And let's put ten grand on it to make it fair."
    Healthy is where it's at. Aesthetics are just a wonderful, beautiful side effect, and it's there for anyone who has the determination to go for it. Don't ride me for good choices, and I won't ride you for your bad ones.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    Options mom made the comment yesterday "why are you still don't have anything left to lose!" I just smiled and didn't even know what to say. I didn't let it derail me, and I know my goals are healthy so I dropped it. But I wanted to say "none of your business...just focus on your OWN weight not mine" ...but of course I didn't say that :)

    i hate those comments. It seems like because I'm skinny people expect me to eat garbage. I love eating healthy. There are too many benefits, I'm not just doing this to be thin!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    This is why I try to keep things diet and fitness related to myself. I'll answer direct questions as briefly as I can, and I never offer advice unless asked for it.

    I can't think of one fitness related conversation I've ever had IRL that was ever productive.
    Yup. I have a few reasons for it.
    1. I feel once I've told everyone "I'm TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT" I feel like I've done enough - does that make sense? Like announcing it means it'll happen..
    2. It bores the pants off most people, I'm sure.
    3. I hate the relentless criticism of what I am eating or doing... people all think they're experts and think that diet means shakes and deprivation..

    One of my favourite lines in the staff room is ... "No i'm not!" as in "Nikki can't have that, SHE'S on a diet.." "No I'm not!" *yoinks a piece of chocolate*
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I have a cure for that, and it's rude yet effective.

    Turn it around.
    "No thanks; look what that stuff does to you"
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    I have a cure for that, and it's rude yet effective.

    Turn it around.
    "No thanks; look what that stuff does to you"

    ^^Love this!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I genuinely don't care what other people think about me or what I do. So while I get these comments once in a while, I can't be bothered to care. Consider the source.
  • lwright05
    that's the worst. Or when people say to me... "so what do you eat? carrots and celer,y right?"

    i mean, come on.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Sometimes I think people just don't know what to say, others are jealous. Went out to dinner with friends the other night, it was late and I had already eaten dinner with my family, so I only ordered a margarita and ate a few chips. One person commented "I knew you didn't eat", I corrected them saying I eat but I've learned to do it in moderation, this was after they pressured me to come along. Another very close friend has taken to calling me anorexic, which has totally gotten under my skin, enough that I posted a thread about it.
  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    I'm living with my wife's parents at the moment and constantly struggle with explanations about why I'm eating what I eat.

    They're of a different generation / background and have the expectation that
    (a) you eat what you're served
    (b) you finish what's on your plate
    (c) what they've always eaten hasn't hurt them

    Trying to explain to them that I don't want to eat what they're eating, but have no problem with them eating it, is a real struggle - it's incredibly easy for me to come across as offensive / preachy.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    It drives me crazy when people comment on what I do and don't eat. It drove me crazy when I was young and thin, and it drives me crazy now. Eating is a very personal activity. What and how much I eat is none of their business. I don't make my diary public here because I don't choose to defend my choices. But some possible comebacks:

    "I'm not on a diet. It's just the way I eat now."

    "I can't eat the way I used to when I was a kid."

    "I can't lose weight and keep it off as easily as you." (If I were feeling snarky!)

    "De gustibus non est disputandum." (A Latin phrase that basically means everyone has their own tastes and you can't argue about whether they should like what they like, useful when you're choosing the food you choose because you actually prefer it to greasy crap. It's pronounced pretty much like Spanish.)
  • JamiroJunior
    I use to get that at my old office job. I was on a diet and already thinner than most people there.... I picked up a lollipop and someone passed my cubicle and said very nasty "'WATCH OUT JESSICA, THERE'S 35 CALORIES IN THAT LOLLIPOP!"
    That's awful, I probably would've ripped open the wrapper and munched it all in their face. :happy:
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    oh my god, that happens to me all the time at work. and the same people, too! It's so effin' annoying. I'm like 'oh my f*cking god ; I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm under my calories and fat intake. gahhh makes me so mad.
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    Seriously, people are ridiculous sometimes. I get that a lot but my own mother is the worst! I HATE eating at home because she's always on my *kitten* about it.

    "What is that?"
    "Are you in the kitchen AGAIN?"
    "I thought you were on a diet."
    "You don't need to lose anymore weight!"
    "You're going to get sick running" (lol)
    "Here, eat this/have some" (she serves lumberjack portions) and if I say no:
    "Why not!? Have some!!" (affectedly offended)

    on and on and on:angry:

    She has weight issues of her own, so I keep my mouth shut, but ever since she realized I fit loosely in her jeans she's just gotten insufferable.