
  • I had a great 1st day. Even though I had a very busy day, I made time for myself to go for a run. I hope everyone else had a great first day. If you didn't......forgive's not the end of the world...move one, and have a great day tomorrow!
  • Starting weight: 154lbs
  • sherrylwilson
    sherrylwilson Posts: 31 Member
    starting weight: 212
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Right now my biggest obstacle is that I can't seem to get back into exercising or eating right this last month. I do good for a week then I take a week off. So disgusted with this mindset. I fully plan on exercising when I get home tonight. I am starting a Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid. I had great results with it over the summer. I think if I can stick with it this time I will reach my goal weight. My last round I lost 24 pounds and 25" doing it. Hope my results are that good this time. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    12/11/11- Starting weight is 141 lbs...
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Is it too late to join? I said I wasn't going to join a December challenge but if I don't I won't work out.
    Starting weight is 179.6 on 12/11 and I would really like to lose some face fat for the Christmas pictures.

    My biggest challenge is all the holiday food around right now. Candy and cookies delivered to the office, no telling what my mother will send us. She send a Juniors cheesecake last year, can you imagine?
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    Right now my biggest obstacle is that I can't seem to get back into exercising or eating right this last month. I do good for a week then I take a week off. So disgusted with this mindset. I fully plan on exercising when I get home tonight. I am starting a Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid. I had great results with it over the summer. I think if I can stick with it this time I will reach my goal weight. My last round I lost 24 pounds and 25" doing it. Hope my results are that good this time. Hope you all have a wonderful day!


    I am doing the hybrid too! Actually I am doing one I found online that is a bit more intense but I love it!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Echo - If you don't mind could you post a link for me. I have not completely decided on what to do. All I know is that I was planning on doing CX 3 days and get in 5 cardio workouts a week. Right now I was thinking something like this:

    Monday - CX, HIIT 15
    Tuesday - TF
    Wednesday - CX
    Thursday - TF
    Friday - CX, HIIT 20
    Saturday - TF

    Let me know what you think!

  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    Echo - If you don't mind could you post a link for me. I have not completely decided on what to do. All I know is that I was planning on doing CX 3 days and get in 5 cardio workouts a week. Right now I was thinking something like this:

    Monday - CX, HIIT 15
    Tuesday - TF
    Wednesday - CX
    Thursday - TF
    Friday - CX, HIIT 20
    Saturday - TF

    Let me know what you think!


    Am I allowed to post outside links here? It was on the beachbody message boards. I can look up the girls name who posted it and the name of the post so you can find it.
    The thread is called: "CE/TurboFire Hybrid Spreadsheet attached - this is what i came up with" by damaranicole. It mixes up the HIIT and the cardio over the weeks so you still have different months of each. You aren't supposed to do the hiits for too long cause then you get used to them. But her sister Jenelle also posted a turbo/clx hybrid that she follows and it seems like she does a hiit at least once a week. I had that bookmarked but the girl made her blog private I guess so I can't give you the link for that one. I googled around for it before and found it though.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    DAY 2...... I am IMPRESSED with many of you & what an AWESOME day1 & day2 you are having!!!!! I'm definately going to have to kick it up a notch to compete with the lots of you all!! :laugh: Can't wait to see some of your weigh ins!!!

    Here's an update on starting weights.....

    sherrywilson ---212#
    mrscanmore --175#
    jakeschafer ----210#
    sarahkatura ----153#
    beachdiva2010 ---144#
    oboeadam ---189#
    hannahluu96 --154#
    tracylee---- 160#

    Whenever you weigh yourself in & have a loss to report-POST IT- whenever & however often you'd like!!! I don't know about you but seeing others succeed will only add fuel to my fire! :P

    I did not have the best day today.... ate fine but felt VERY tired & run down & just DID NOT want to workout! I got groceries & cleaned house so I certainly had some "activity" but was not feeling up to a strong workout. I did finally hit the weights & logged my grocery getting as slow pace walking. (I'm set as sedentary so I feel I can get away with this-LOL) So much of this battle takes place in the mind! Yesterdays WALK should not have tired me out so much. To me it's just another sign of how out of shape I have become in about 1 years time. You see, a year ago I weighed 150 lbs & could run 5 miles 2-3 times a week! Weight train or elliptical on my days off from running. I'm SOOOOOO disappointed in myself that I let myself get out of shape!!!!! Long story but job related stress with hubby that involved us potentially having to move.... Anyways today's motivational quote/image sure hits home with me!!

    252034_10150634594610287_677240286_19046548_1583073_n[1] by JodieC74, on Flickr
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    JLC -original poster

    Is it too late for me to join?! Conveniently I start my absolute dedication to weight loss this past saturday.
    I would love to be a part of this and wouldn't feel left behind at all!

    My starting weight is: 191lbs

    -as well as: your side profile picture reminds me alot of Princess Diana. Very elegant.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I had a good day today. We went for an early morning run, which I hadn't done for a long time. We've been trying to do some cross training, and I think it is definately helping because I was able to run a lot further than I thought I'd be able to do.

    My biggest fear is to give in to all the junk food. I know that once I start, I find it hard to stop. So far, I'm doing really well with my food, and I just want it to continue!!
  • autumnbottom8
    autumnbottom8 Posts: 74 Member
    is it too late to join??
    Starting weight 255

    I'm so excited, I can't wait to finish 2011 the right way!!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I think the biggest road blocks this month will be the weather and knitting. It is so hard to get outside when it is so cold out, 14 this morning. I plan to over come that by praying for snow so that I can cross country ski. I still have Christmas presents to knit and I don't think I can knit on the treadmill. Maybe I could on the bike though .......
  • So my day 2 wasn't the best. I started great....went for a run in the morning. But there was SO much Christmas goodies and junk food in the staff room today, I couldn't resist. I ate some, then more and more, then figured I blew my whole day, so I ate a bit more.
    Not the best at all....but at least I went for a run. New day tomorrow.
  • kady11
    kady11 Posts: 82 Member
    I am in!
    starting weight 200
    GW 190

    we can do this!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    I had an incredible gym and swim day today. Burned over 2000 calories. Great workout day.!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Last night was Fire 30 for me and the food end of things even went well. Tonight will be Burn Circuit 1 and HIIT 15 before my older kid's chorus concert. Will be a crazy hectic evening but it will all be worth it. Have a great day. Seems like everyone is already burning it up.

    On an up note I was down to 156.2 this morning. (probably water retention from the food over the weekend :blushing: )

  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Last couple of days have not been very good lately, but I was 190.8 this morning. I will take that. Thank-you Skatterdragon for the inspiration and challenge.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm down 2lbs. Going for Chinese tonight, so hopefully I can show some self control!