Ladies: Younger men?



  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Bumming replies thus far...I've always been attracted to older women. ;[
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    My husband is 3 and a half years younger than me. Since I'm married, I haven't dated any younger men, but since losing weight I've been hit on by MUCH younger men. The first time, I was waiting in one of the casinos for my husband to get the car. Some kid about 23 or 24 came up and asked me what time it was, then sat down and proceeded to chat. I talked with him for a few minutes then said, " It's been really nice talking to you, but I've got to go. My husband is probably waiting out front." He stood up with me and said, "That makes me really sad. I was trying to pick you up. " He hugged me and said, "Tell your husband I said he's a lucky man, and you've still got it." I kissed him on the cheek and said he had totally made my year. I was a good 20 years older than he was. Since then, its happened a few more times and before I thought i probably wouldn't, but now I think I totally would, if I was single.
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Oh yes! My boyfriend is 15 years younger than me. I'm 47, he's 32. Been together 5 years. I guess you could say I've always felt young at heart. Even most of my best friends are 10 years younger than me.
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    Have never dated a younger man, but I see nothing wrong with it...I'd say go for it!!!
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I've dated up to 10 years younger and 7 older (I'm 33). In general age doesn't matter, but maturity level does. I've been told I look younger than my age. The younger ones were fun at the start, but tended to act like kids and I didn't want to be their babysitter. The oldest was in the middle of a divorce and that brought a ton of drama of it's own.
    My current boyfriend is 4 years younger, but is very well educated and usually acts older than I do:smile: ... except *sometimes* with relationships. I'm his first *serious* relationship, and we've been together 10 months. :blushing:
  • SabrinaG1986
    SabrinaG1986 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm only 25, so no younger men for me lol.

    My husband is 12 years older then me though.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    id totally bang him as often as he wanted - which would be a lot since he's 10 years younger than you - moral of the story; next time, go for it :)
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    will go as much as 5 years younger and 8 years older.. that is my comfort zone...
    but go with what you feel in the end :)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Nope. I've only dated dudes older than me. My bf now is six years my senior. Not that I'd be totally averse to dating a younger guy. I just never have.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I never understood the entire younger men thing. I was very uncomfortable with the idea. One guy I met online on a singles site was 7 years younger than me...we "talked" online for 6 months as friends. I never sent him a picture of me. One weekend I was bored and said yes to meeting him for dinner. We bought a house and moved in together a year after we started dating. We are still together 6 years later! None of his family know my age...everyone guesses I am 8-10 years younger than I really am. It all depends on the people involved. He is 41, I am 48.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I like younger men because I'm pretty immature.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Never have; never will. I enjoy too much being the young one in the relationship. That may change when I get older though. You should totally go for it though!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I always date younger men. First I get hit on by younger men more than older guys.
    Second I love anime and video games. Nuff said lol

    I married someone 13 years younger than me. In the end he did turn out to be extremely immature - so I only have myself to blame for that. I just like 'young and pretty'...I can't help myself :)
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    My current boyfriend is 7years younger than I and we've been together for 4 years. We've experienced normal relationship issues, nothing specific to our age difference I mean. I have dated younger than that and there were issues. Ultimately though, I think that it depends upon the man.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've gone 13 years younger and 16 years older... Age really is just a number.
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    My boyfriend is 14 years younger than me and I have been extremely happy with him so my advice obviously is to stay open for new horizons! Age doesn't always correlate with level of mature and chemistry is much more important than numbers.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've gone so far as 10 years older, which was a growing experience for me, but not ideal, and my current BF is 3 years younger than I am. I think that, as a woman, once you hit a certain age, it doesn't bother you so much that the guy is long as he's not within 5 years of my kids because that would be awkward. I also get the comment that I look at least 10 years younger than I am, so the issue is always within me and not with him.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My first only only ex-bf...I am four months older than him...But have always been attracted to older guys....I was with him because we were in high school together when we got together. But as a 21 year old now.. I definitely prefer older men...23 and up I suppose :)
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Nope. I do get the "MILF" thing a lot and I've been hit on by guys as young as 21 (I'm 46). :wink:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    My husband is 3 1/2 months younger than me and he loves those 3 1/2 months when I am seemingly older then him, like when I was 40 and he was still 39. Moral of the story it should not and does not really mater unless the dude has mean streak in him, like my husband.