Cutting dairy from diet? Your thoughts...

I have changed my diet quite a bit since starting this big change in my life, and I am always researching new ways to improve and get better results. A friend of mine who I respect recommended I cut out dairy all together. I have cut out cheese, but I still continue with non-fat milk. She suggested I try almond milk, because I really like my milk and don't want to give it up. She said if I cut out all dairy I should see a big drop in my weight. I was curious on your thoughts and experiences....


  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    bump...I am curious about this too.
  • MsWhiteParks
    MsWhiteParks Posts: 116 Member
    I have had to cut out dairy as I am breastfeeding and my daughter has an intolerance to animal protiens! I can't say that I have noticed a change in my weight loss unfortunately! I just crave cheese and milk! :-( lol x
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    i just recently decided to cut out cheese and milk myself, and i only are fat free cheese and skim milk. i did make the switch to almond milk and i am glad i did,i love it!!!!. but it is still too early to notice any change in weight due to that though.
  • kissoffools
    Man, I'm not sure I could cut out dairy completely. I eat the low/nonfat stuff, but I don't think I could make the switch to non-dairy substitutes. I *know* I would never be able to sustain that lifestyle, but kudos to those that can and have found it helpful!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    A nutritionist told me to consider cheese a condiment (instead of a protein) in terms of weight loss. Use it but don't abuse it because it's calorie dense.

    I also use Almond Milk and like it. But I still eat dairy just more aware of calories from cheese as I lose.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    losing weight requires a caloric deficit. whether your calories are from dairy products or not does not matter. If cutting dairy from your diet results in a new caloric deficit, you wil lose weight. If you take in other type calories to replace the dairy, you wont see a change. Your body gets benefits from the fat., so switching to nonfat dairy isnt always a benefit.
  • Ashley06118
    This is strictly my opinion, so don't take it too seriously. In my experience, trying to deprive myself of too much triggers a binge. I love milk and it's a good source of essential vitamins so I chose to switch to 1% or skim instead. The numbers are still dropping due to the switch and I still feel as though I am not being cheated out of normal foods or drinks. If you can do it great, but I'll be sticking to my low fat milk and cheese.
  • sineadangele1
    sineadangele1 Posts: 97 Member
    chocolate almond milk tastes disgusting. just sayin lol but seriously, i eat a lot of dairy and have eaten a lot of dairy during my whole weight loss journey and it hasn't hindered me in any way. i crave dairy all the time. it has always been my favorite food group lol.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Cutting out a few calories will cause a drop in weight. Cutting out dairy wont really do anything other than remove a healthy source of fats and protein.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Your friend is spot on. I cut dairy and weight started dropping off fast. I use Almond milk, unsweetened. The vanilla unsweetened helps with cereals that you would ordinarily add a sweetener to. Lisanatti and Galaxy Nutrition make decent cheese substitutes from soy, rice and almond. Almond is my preference. It was a transition for sure. Like flipping from regular to diet soda. But I don't miss dairy at all. I miss the fat even less. =)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    losing weight requires a caloric deficit. whether your calories are from dairy products or not does not matter. If cutting dairy from your diet results in a new caloric deficit, you wil lose weight. If you take in other type calories to replace the dairy, you wont see a change. Your body gets benefits from the fat., so switching to nonfat dairy isnt always a benefit.

    I agree with this. The deficit is what matters - I don't agree with cutting entire food groups out as a way to lose weight. As long as you keep your eye on input vs output and eating a balanced nutrient rich diet you will lose weight. I can see why people might say cut dairy, as a lot of it is high calorie, but if you're calorie counting it shouldn't be an issue.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Those cows need jobs!
  • AdeanaClaire
    I've became vegan and I don't think you would see a huge difference in terms of weightloss but personally I feel a lot better inside. Dairy always made me feel really sluggish. The only dairy I ever ate was greek yogurt and skim milk, I changed to almong milk (which is really good in smoothies) and it dosen't weigh me down as much. Plus you can expirament with different types of DF milk for whatever purpose you want, some a creamier etc. I think most dairy and non dairy products are pretty much the same calorie wise. I think its more about the effects on your body and how you feel :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I love my dairy. Plenty of calcium and protein.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Unless you are lactose intolerant, do NOT, for the love of all that is good cut dairy from your diet. You NEED the calcium and the fat. Milk is the best workout recovery drink there is.

    I'm going to be very blunt with this - it's STUPID to not drink milk. Your bones and your body need it. Plus the protein is awesome.
  • AdeanaClaire
    You can get protien and calcium from nuts, legumes etc. But its definitely a personal choice, do whatever you think is best for your body :) And I think almond milk has the same calcium as dairy milk but not as much protien....... I think.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Those cows need jobs!

    They already serve tables at my restaurant.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    i use, and like, almond milk for my shakes. coconut milk is okay, too.
    but i will never give up full fat, animal-milk based, totally delicious cheese.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Those cows need jobs!

    They already serve tables at my restaurant.

  • JustinOliver77
    JustinOliver77 Posts: 13 Member
    Well, the reason it was recommended to cut dairy wasn't necessarily for the calories. It was more for the fact of what it does to our body. She says that our bodies are not made to handle dairy, and that the majority of the world can not digest lactose well and don't even know it (I actually did read about that fact in college). So by consuming milk that is from a cow, our body has to work in ways its not suppose to in order to digest the dairy, and that takes away from other functions of our body. It also causes us to bog down. She says that just by cutting dairy you will feel a hell of a lot better.