I give up. Gained 3 more pounds.



  • Goddess111682
    Goddess111682 Posts: 32 Member
    If your not exercising, eat no more than 1300 cal a day-
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    When you want to make it work, you'll find a way. Enjoy your cheeseburger.
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Sister I feel the same way! Last week I didnt gain nor did I lose! This week (today) I get on the scale and I gained 1 pound! I have got to figure what I am doing wrong! I workout at least 5 days a week...everyone says you are gaining muscle! Well I want the scale to go down...LOL
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Don't give up!!! I keep gaining & losing the same 3 lbs. You may have some medical/metabolism issue. Talk to your doctor.
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    Listen to what the others have told you on this message board. Check with your doctor. If it's motivation you need, please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • haileymiller1025
    im right there with you with the busy schedual. i have 3kids 7yr 20 months and 6 months old a house full of animals and a hetic schedual. i started this after my youngest was born weighing in at 179 i managed to get down to 163 with cutting calories got frustrated and took a month break.now i re starting at 168 lbs (fyi im only 5ft so i dont hide the weight well) the way i get my exserzie in is when i go shopping i part half way down the parking lot and carry my two youngest well walking at a comfy speed also at bed time i do a dance with each of my kids with all three of them i usally wine up with 10 mins of dancing and goofing off. is it alot of calories no but i will take every little bit and i dont beat myself up if i miss a day of exserzing
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I say.. give up, be fat, be unhealthy. This is hard work and if you aren't up to it, then just quit. There are so many on here with busy lives that struggle to fit in time to exercise and they do it. Why? Because they make it a priority, they suck it up when it gets tough and they keep on going. The easy way out is to just whine and give yourself excuses why you can't exercise and eat right. I know this sounds hard but what did you expect when you posted what you did?

    I tell you what. I read all the responses to your post thus far and this one spoke to me. I have been a BIG whiner, an excuse maker and a procrastinator (about weight loss) for a trillion years. I would get frustrated at the drop of a hat. I would publicly and privately blame anything and everything as the reason my attempts were not successful. I even convinced myself that I was different than the rest of you. That I was doomed and the cards were somehow stacked against me and my metabolism and I would always be fat. The poster above hit the nail on the head...at least for what I need. If you are at all like me, you need too listen to the message that she is sending, albeit sarcastic, it is a damn good one.

    Here's my take now. Only I can do this and only I can determine when the time to do this is right. Only I can mess up, only I can succeed. I am in control and I am responsible for lack of control. I can sleep all day and do nothing or I can sleep 23 hours and spend an hour trying to make my body/heart stronger and healthier. All of these choices are mine. The key word is choice.

    By no means am I any type of success story yet. But I will be! With the tough love I get at this site, I am honest with myself and with my friends. You CAN do this!! All of us can and I bet that deep down you know that.

    Each piece of advice you got as a response is valuable. Some of my best friends and supports on this site responded to you and I can assure you that they are responding out of pure good will to see you succeed. You need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, take a look in the mirror and as yourself if you are ready. It is either now or later.....just remember, later you could be that much heavier and it will be that much harder.

    Best of luck and stay strong.

    All of these choices are mine. The key word is choice. The key word is mine!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    When you want to make it work, you'll find a way. Enjoy your cheeseburger.

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    What do you want from a post like this? We are a weight loss site. You saying, "Screw this," means you are no longer interested in pursuing the goal of the site. So then... why are you hear? What are you waiting to hear?

    If I can do this, anyone can do this, and that means you won't get any sympathy from me. If you want it bad enough it'll happen, and you won't ever give up.
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    As of this morning, I am within 5 pounds of the wieght I was at 9 months pregnant in 2007. I give up. No weight loss in a month. I started this at 173. This morning, I'm 177.8. Screw it. I'm getting a cheeseburger for lunch.

    Before anyone decides to look at my diary and tell me that I need to exercise, I already know that. I'm extremely busy. "But you have to *make* the time". I know that, too. Again, I'm trying but I'm very busy. I'm not going to cut my sleep by an hour to exercise. I'm not a morning person. At night, I do homework, make dinner, give my girl a bath and get things ready for the next day. After tomorrow, I should be able to find some time because it's the last day of class for the semester. I work full time, school part time and single mom to a 4 yr old.

    If you guys only knew how much I've changed my diet since I started this, you would understand my frustration. Going from eating anything and everything to 1100 - 1500 cals a day, I should've seen some results. Can I do better? Yes. But I've made big changes and haven't seen any results. I don't want criticism. I don't want anything but to vent about it. I give up.

    If you're not willing to put forth the effort, quit *****ing about gaining weight.

    I work 70-80 hrs a week and I still find time to run, eat right and go to the gym.

    THIS. The longer you keep looking for pity and excuses, the longer the weight will take to come off.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I say.. give up, be fat, be unhealthy. This is hard work and if you aren't up to it, then just quit. There are so many on here with busy lives that struggle to fit in time to exercise and they do it. Why? Because they make it a priority, they suck it up when it gets tough and they keep on going. The easy way out is to just whine and give yourself excuses why you can't exercise and eat right. I know this sounds hard but what did you expect when you posted what you did?

    Also... this poster rocks.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Might be medical. I agree you should see a doctor...

    But I have to say that judging by your post you'd probably use that as yet another excuse for why you "CAN'T" lose weight. Bottom line, you aren't ready to lose the weight. If this were easy everyone would be skinny. You have to put in the work in order to see results.

    When you are ready to commit without all the excuses come on back. I'm sure we'll all be glad to help where we can.

    Happy holidays!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I don't want criticism. I don't want anything but to vent about it. I give up.

  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Life can get in the way of alot of things we want to do or have to do. I think one of Jillian Michaels's quotes fits here, “I am doing the best I can given what I have today.”. Just do what you can each day and don't beat yourself up, it'll even out in the end.
  • marigold77
    Take a little break... sometimes MFP stresses me out. All the tracking of food / exercise can take its toll. While on your break try to incorporate some of the good habits you learned from MFP... and then return when it feels right to you. You'll know when you're ready to lose weight... you have to do it on your terms.

    All the best! XO, M.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    When you are ready to try again, try eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods. Increase your fibre and decrease your sodium. Eat more fruits and veggies, you barely have any. The fibre guidelines on this website are too low, healthy is 20-35g/day. There are some great suggestions here from people who are super busy and still fit in time to exercise. My younger sister is also a single mom, she has a toddler (full custody), goes to school full time, works part time, and still manages-she has lost 15lbs, her kid doesn't lack for anything, and she has an A+ average!!! I was also a person who made excuses, no time no time, no time for eating well, no time for exercising regularly, and then one day I said, enough of the excuses, I'm taking control of my life. It feels good when you get there. Good luck!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Okay, you vented. Feel a little better? Now Cowboy up and do what you need to do.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Well I'm not going to lecture you about exercise, because people CAN lose weight without exercising. I didn't start exercising myself until about 6 weeks after changing my diet.

    I quickly looked over the last several days of your food diary though, and on many days you're consuming a whole lot of sodium, which can really affect the number on the scale. On other days you were over your calorie limit. So those two things alone could be why you've gained, and those things you CAN control.

    You could have a greasy cheeseburger, or you can make your own healthier version with a turkey patty, reduced-fat cheese, and some whole wheat bread/hamburger bun.

    Best of luck.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Not to mention, You have your goal set to 1200, but it seems more days than not your go way over that. I even see a couple days you are over by more than 500 calories. Surely, you know you're not going to lose weight at that rate.

    Additionally, your sodium numbers are off the charts high. High sodium = extra water weight.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    "I'm really gonna do it this time!"

    That's from your profile. Make better choices, walk places instead of driving and stop making excuses. At some point, being healthy needs to be more important to you than being unhealthy. When you get to that point, this website will still be here.

    Good luck.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    This will probably not be popular, and may fall under Tough Love, but I wanna say "suck it up sista". Your current weight is my first big goal weight. I realize we all have different struggles and different starting points, but I for me I look at where you are now and I am dying to be THERE.