Bring it!



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    This topic has generated some controversy, and I've received a few messages about it. I've thought about it for a while, and wanted to share my thoughts with all of you.

    In my opinion, different people are motivated in different ways. Some people need to have small goals, and find reward in seeing their progress. Others need to go to extremes - completely cutting out sweets or whatever their weakness is. Some need a lot of positive reinforcement and encouragement, some need a kick in the pants, and most of us probably need a little of both. For me, the latter is definitely the case - I need both the stick and the carrot for me to make major changes in my life, and I'm sure a lot of you do as well.

    In my vision for MyFitnessPal, I would like it to be a place where people can find whatever they need in order to help them reach their goals. So if they need some warm, friendly words, they could find it here. And if they needed some tough love and straight talk, they could find that here as well. I'm not talking about personal attacks, insults, etc. I'm talking about honest talk that is meant to be constructive and helpful, not hurtful. And I truly believe that this topic was started with that intention - to be helpful, not hurtful.

    In that spirit, I would like to find a way to make topics like this one work within the MyFitnessPal community. Maybe some of the posts here could have been said in a different way that would have offended fewer people. For example, I suggested changing the name of the topic to remove the implication that people who didn't follow exactly this advice were not serious, dedicated, etc. I think the topic title only meant that the road being followed in this topic isn't an easy one, so only people truly wanting and willing to make a major change should participate. But clearly some people have not taken it that way.

    But whether the wording could have been better or not, I think an opportunity for people to be pushed, and not just praised, isn't a terrible thing to have on the site. And overall, I would like to find a way to accomodate that on MyFitnessPal, but at the same time, not alienate those who prefer another way.

    One solution that I think might work is adding the ability to create groups on the site. Groups would allow members to gather together in an area with a private forum in which they could discuss their goals in whatever manner they wished. So a "tough love" group could form and people who want that kind of program could participate, while other people would simply pass it over and join a different group they prefer.

    The issue for now is that building the groups functionality is a big project, so it'll be a while before it's ready. Until then, I would like to allow this topic, and am strongly inclined to do so. I am open to feedback on this, so if you disagree and would like to share your thoughts with me, feel free to do so in a private message if that's what you prefer. But in general, I want to try to make this work. I think this type of topic could help a lot of people, so any suggestions on how we can make it fit within MFP are definitely welcome.

    But please, let's discuss this in a respectful manner. Starting sarcastic protest threads isn't productive. Let's work together to try to figure out how we can make this work.

    Thanks for listening, and hope you're all enjoying the site.

    Having groups would be great!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member

    We've made the decision to change the title of the thread to "Bring IT!"

    This implies that we are pushing ourselves as hard as possible. At the end of every day, you should ask yourself, "Did I BRING IT today?"
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    We've made the decision to change the title of the thread to "Bring IT!"

    This implies that we are pushing ourselves as hard as possible. At the end of every day, you should ask yourself, "Did I BRING IT today?"

    oh righty then !...I just used that phrase in Bank's thread today...GREAT
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    We've made the decision to change the title of the thread to "Bring IT!"

    This implies that we are pushing ourselves as hard as possible. At the end of every day, you should ask yourself, "Did I BRING IT today?"

    where do we order the T Shirts?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Bring IT T-shirts for team members? No Excuses? Sure...we can probably do that!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ha that would definately be a motivator......:drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm glad that there is a niche for everyone on this website... To each his(or her) own, and I hope the best for everyone on this thread... :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Bring IT T-shirts for team members? No Excuses? Sure...we can probably do that!
    Love it Michelle:wink::happy:

  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I commit to making no excuses this week regarding exercise and will bring it each workout!
    I really like this new thread title cuz I'm a P90Xer. :happy:

    I eat clean but sorry I do need a 100 calorie Cadbury dark chocolate every few days or else i go off my rocker. At least it isn't everyday anymore, eventually it'll be once per week then maybe never. I heard dark chocolate is good for us but this stuff is still processed and junky. Is there a chocolate brand meeting clean criteria or am I wishing for the impossible here?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member

    Glad you like the new thread title. Hmm, I won't like and tell you that Cadbury Eggs are 5 star nutrition, but if you're doing P90X, I'm sure you're burning it off. Did you see the articles that I posted by Mike French? Those will usually get you going. I think the issue is that there are many, many people who are just probably not burning 400-600+ calories per day on their workouts or activity, so what exercise you do determines if you can afford an (infrequent) cheat every now and then. As you know, the nutrition maximizes your results.

    But you've read the nutrition guide, and you know it's more about losing weight alone. It's about digging deep and seeing what you're made of! :smile:

    Congrats on doing P90X. Bring IT!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    What's P90X?
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    P90X is an intense workout program with 12 different workouts that you rotate weekly. The program takes 90 days to complete one round. There is actually a thread somewhere here for P90Xers too.
    Do some research on it and perhaps hop over to beachbody's website to find out more.

    Word of caution though: If you haven't been training intensely over the past few months, or are severely overweight, P90X is NOT for you. If you do try it, you'll end up hurting yourself.

    The focus of P90X is to take you to your highest fitness level possible, not just lose weight. We're talking defined abs, biceps, strength, and low% body fat:smile: Definitely not the approach for everyone!

    Hope you like what you find though!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    What's P90X?

    It's a fitness program with DVDs to follow the exercise program and a nutrition guide comes with it. I like it because it covers everything and is perfect for someone who wants to get fit without worrying about designing your own workouts. It's all there, cardio and weights with a schedule that changes it up over 3 months, divided into 3 different phases. The nutrition guide has 3 phases as well to support each workout phase.
    The website has a lot of information (and other products if this one isn't the right one for you) with success stories from a lot of real people with awesome results.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    P90X is an intense workout program with 12 different workouts that you rotate weekly. The program takes 90 days to complete one round. There is actually a thread somewhere here for P90Xers too.
    Do some research on it and perhaps hop over to beachbody's website to find out more.

    Word of caution though: If you haven't been training intensely over the past few months, or are severely overweight, P90X is NOT for you. If you do try it, you'll end up hurting yourself.

    The focus of P90X is to take you to your highest fitness level possible, not just lose weight. We're talking defined abs, biceps, strength, and low% body fat:smile: Definitely not the approach for everyone!

    Hope you like what you find though!
    I type slow! didn't see this there yet. :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My dad also had a quadruple bypass back in February of '08. It was scary because it was emergency surgery. No one knew that he had clogged arteries until he went to get a check for a hernia. My dad made rapid improvements after his surgery, including quitting smoking. He'd been a lifelong 2+ pack a day smoker, and he hasn't had one since his surgery.

    However, my family has YET to make an improvement in their eating habits, and I fear that they never will. I thought that the surgery would be inspiration enough to motivate my family to change their lifestyles for the better so they didn't end up with a similar fate. It hurts to see my father take so many medications, including those for his type II diabetes that could be controlled with proper nutrition and exercise. He still prefers all fried foods (a product of growing up in the south) and makes up his mind about disliking something healthy before he even tries it. My mom uses her mother's death as an excuse to overeat and not exercise. She is the queen of excuses. I am in no way trying to downplay my grandmother's passing, but part of the reason she suffered in her later years was because of inactivity in HER life, and I don't want to see my mother suffer the same way.


    Wow, what a coincidence Michelle!!! My dad's situation was very similiar to your dad's. And yes, the puertorrican diet has played a big part in all his medical conditions. He too has Type II diabetes that was not under control and has now circulation problems. That is one of my reasons, and truly the most important one, to take care of myself and my family. Yeah, it is great to look fabulous but my main goal is be as healthy as I can be. You are such a bright young woman!!! Kudos to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I commit to making no excuses this week regarding exercise and will bring it each workout!
    I really like this new thread title cuz I'm a P90Xer. :happy:

    I eat clean but sorry I do need a 100 calorie Cadbury dark chocolate every few days or else i go off my rocker. At least it isn't everyday anymore, eventually it'll be once per week then maybe never. I heard dark chocolate is good for us but this stuff is still processed and junky. Is there a chocolate brand meeting clean criteria or am I wishing for the impossible here?

    Hiya!! Sapporo:drinker: Im luvin the new title as well!! I just wanted to ask your opinion on P90x I have the set here but I havent started it yet for fear of it being more for someone at a smaller weight than myself ..does it have levels? Or is it something I should hold off on until I feel strong enough?

    Whats everyone doing for Cardio today? If anything....I am going to do some kickbox cardio and then jump into a 3mile WATP.
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member

    There is a fit test for P90X that should come in the instruction manual. If you don't meet the requirements, I wouldn't try it yet because you could seriously injure yourself. There are some other starter programs that would help you build up to p90X though if you want to do it. Just let us know, and I'm sure others could help you choose one that's right for you.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I commit to making no excuses this week regarding exercise and will bring it each workout!
    I really like this new thread title cuz I'm a P90Xer. :happy:

    I eat clean but sorry I do need a 100 calorie Cadbury dark chocolate every few days or else i go off my rocker. At least it isn't everyday anymore, eventually it'll be once per week then maybe never. I heard dark chocolate is good for us but this stuff is still processed and junky. Is there a chocolate brand meeting clean criteria or am I wishing for the impossible here?

    Hiya!! Sapporo:drinker: Im luvin the new title as well!! I just wanted to ask your opinion on P90x I have the set here but I havent started it yet for fear of it being more for someone at a smaller weight than myself ..does it have levels? Or is it something I should hold off on until I feel strong enough?

    Whats everyone doing for Cardio today? If anything....I am going to do some kickbox cardio and then jump into a 3mile WATP.

    I passed the fit test even though I had 100lbs to lose. I was a cross country runner in high school, had a personal trainer in the early 2000's, and have always been more active (my vice is food, no lack of exercise for my weight problem). I don't know if the fit test is available on their site, it should be something accessible before someone buys the program. I can add it here later when I'm home from work if needed.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Oh sorry, I see you have the set already. Check out the fitness test and go for it. :)
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Sometimes (most of the time:smile: ) life gets really busy with family, work, school, and keeping up with everything else you enjoy. It's easy to get caught up in the cycle of life, going through the motions but not really living. Occasionally, we need to take a moment to reflect, and it's all we need to get us back on top of our game.

    Every morning, you should take a moment to look in the mirror and ask, "How can I help YOU today?" Whenever you are faced with temptation, bring this back to the front of your mind.

    Also, going with the new title of our thread, at the end of every day, you should ask yourself, "How did I Bring IT today?" Even if it was just overcoming a small temptation or knocking out one more rep, 30 more seconds on the treadmill, or going deeper into warrior two, you should feel proud of your accomplishment.

    Finally, we should ask ourselves, "What can we do to make tomorrow even better?" Hopefully you'll wake up in the morning feeling invigorated and ready to tackle your day.

    Feel free to post how you plan to "Bring IT!" today, or let us know how you did at the end of every day.

    Have an awesome day everyone!